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/lit/ - Literature

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20736897 No.20736897 [Reply] [Original]

is it actually a good book?

>> No.20736900

Huh no

>> No.20736902

Is what a good book?

>> No.20736905

you could read the whole bible instead of this demonic pulp, you know

>> No.20736911

but i dont want to read the bible

>> No.20736912

why? are you transitioning?

>> No.20736918

i am transitioning from judaism to islam. currently reading quran

>> No.20736923

You could, but why would you want to read either?

>> No.20736925

I'm transitioning from Christianity to Judaism. We're Eskimo brothers!

>> No.20736929

why didn't the movie include the child orgy in the book?

>> No.20736930


>> No.20736936

assalamualaikum! (shalom aleichem)

>> No.20737043


>> No.20737224

If read as a precursor to 'Information Technology' where Zuckerberg/Dorsey are the terrible evil-happy clowns who use your childhood fears (i.e, your twitter posts from last year, or reminds you of horrible memories of former friends bedecked in happy balloon windows) against you, to sap your life force, then yes. It was ahead of its time.

>> No.20737253


>> No.20737852

Even desert lore is good in comparison to Stephen King

>> No.20738139

Read it and find out.

>> No.20738177

I liked Dreamcatcher a lot.

>> No.20738187

It is an objectively bad book.
>way too fucking long
>the two act structure is a shitty idea and would have worked better without the adults at all
>it's a slog to actually get to the fucking clown part of the book
>really awful dialog
>the first few pages go on a spiel about assholes
>the second or third chapter is about a gay couple and how much they loved butt sex

>> No.20738197

The only truly terrifying Stephen king book I’ve read is Salem’s lot. That shit left me mentally scarred.

>> No.20738321

Literally better than the greeks

>> No.20738743

it's good. it's kinda like an R-rated goonies mixed with horror. yeah, some is cheese, but overall i thought it was lots of fun.

>> No.20738885

I read this when I was sent to take care of the hay on the field all by myself, I was 14 and the environment really helped me to get into it. I remember mom hating this book and asking me to read real stuff instead. It was one of the most entertaining books I've read when I was 14. Got weirded out by the child orgy part but didn't care that much. back then. Now I don't remember much about it except that part. Seriously, what the FUCK was wrong with stephen king? I also remember self-inserting as Richie.

>> No.20738940

>read real stuff instead.
What did she suggest?

>> No.20738948
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Here you go

>> No.20739113

>the two act structure is a shitty idea and would have worked better without the adults at all
t. who is going off of the movie. The narratives are interwoven in the book, retard.

>> No.20739120

I like it. Kind of like the Stephen King universe already. I get a lot of anons hate it because it's popular but I'm a fan.

>> No.20739395

i remember trying to get through it when i was 14. the very beginning of the book made it seem like it would be scary and interesting, but then i got to the part where the adults were at a chinese restaurant or something and there were like worms coming out of the dishes... something really really corny like out of Troll 2. completely took me out of the book so i dropped it

>> No.20739429

As weird as this might sound, I have nightmares about Chinese food. I used to work at a Chinese restaurant because I had a car and would run deliveries for the owner, besides being shorted almost every paycheck and having to argue my hours + fight to keep my tips, Chinese food prep (at least at this restaurant) was nasty. Mr Huong literally had a belt with a large container or suger, msg, and cooking oil. He would slather the food in the wok and then pour a massive amount of cheap s o y sauce on the food. That's not the nasty part though, I was just a teen so I didn't know you were not supposed to do this, but he used one sink for basically everything including defrosting meats. Meats were all incredibly cheap and would often have slime on them after Thursday. Didn't matter, the dude just whipped it all up with shit loads of msg, sugar, and oil and had me deliver it. Also, the dudes kitchen was loaded with roaches, silver fish, and I think there were rats. Something about my time there made me hate the smell of Chinese food. I get weird nightmares about being forced to eat Chinese food but there's rat shit in it.

>> No.20739436

Holy shit I don't remember it being this much detailed, this guy is a confirmed pedo
my usual books, entry level /lit/ stuff

>> No.20739455

I just wish they included the orgy in the movie, I saw it in theaters just because I wanted to see if they would indulge at least a little bit but they were such fucking cowards about it. The best part of the book too.

>> No.20739533
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>The best part of the book too

>> No.20741188
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>is it actually a good book?
Yes and no, the sections of the book that take place when the protagonists are still children are considerably better than when they become adults. A handful or so scenes in the book are very effective and scary (they all happen when the child characters are being terrorized) and I think the premise is solid but the ending really sucks and there is a lot of pointless filler along the way, this book is screaming for a talented editor to polish it up but I'm sure King would never allow it.


>> No.20742285

Yea. It’s basically like a really long F Gardner book

>> No.20742296

It's terrible. If you want positive opinions go to r/stephenking and don't come back.

>> No.20742349

It's one of his best full-length novels, IMO, which means that by any other standard it's "decent" and if you like horror novels it's "good". The better part of the book is the latter half or so (chronologically) of the part when they're kids, due mostly to the fact that that's when we get to explore the monster. Those dives into the history of the town when they cover the history of It are hands-down the best parts of the book and the other parts that focus on It/Pennywise aren't far behind - when It's present and preying on people the book is often downright gripping because King did an outstanding job of making the monster feel monstrous and has an excellent bead on childhood terror. You can definitely feel the cocaine coming through in a fair chunk of it for better and worse; some of the most interesting parts of the book feel very drug-fueled but so does a lot of stuff that an editor should have taken an axe to.

>> No.20742407

If you're actually stupid.

>> No.20742569

people actually like F Gardner? I thought he was just a meme.

>> No.20743236

Maybe I would have known that if I could actually get further than 50 pages into this dumpster fire of a novel. I can't tell you how desperately I wanted to get to the part of the story where Pennywise appears but there is so much boring bullshit about homos and brown assholes that I simply couldn't.

>> No.20743254 [SPOILER] 
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F Gardner’s books are pure kino.

>> No.20744199

>Lists a bunch of subjective opinions

>> No.20744338

Yes if you are a pedophile crackhead stephen is wild

>> No.20744671

its one of the best King imo. its a fun read, and impossible to take too seriously so just enjoy it.

the day-to-day (i.e not orgy) childhood stuff is good and feels accurate to most small town childhood life

>> No.20744770

How old were you?

>> No.20744972
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speaking of king, I just read the first dark tower book. I thought it was pretty good. What are your guys' thoughts on the series?

>> No.20744981

This is more autistic than any Stephen King book.

>> No.20745493
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I like a lot of Steven King's books but i've never read IT. Can recommend The Dark Half and The Dead Zone. King also has written a lot of fun short stories like all the stories in the Night Shift short story collection for example.
The Dark Tower saga is also very good.

>> No.20745532

6th and 7th are so bad I wouldn't bother. But if you make it that far you'll probably suffer through them. Sometimes I hope he got killed by the van

>> No.20745579

I've read the first 3 books and they were great.

>> No.20745908


>> No.20746352

Yes. Make some hot chocolate and grab a blankie cause it's cozy as fuck.

>> No.20746482

Yes. stop at 4 if you don't want to be disappointed.
If you haven't read the unrevised 1st, do it.

>> No.20747114
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>reading Something Wicked This Way Comes (1962)
>focused on kids
>adult in library figures everything out from old town records
>carnival of that shows up every October every certain number of years
>Dad, but why do they do it, what fuels the carnival?
> Fear and pain
Are both IT and this story both hinting at a folktale that I can't recall and I'm just retarded?

>> No.20747165

I might get shat on for this, but I recently read it for the first time and loved it. Despite its length I found it entertaining and easy to follow. I liked the historical sightings of Pennywise throughout Derry's history. I get arguments for it being too long, but I never found myself bored while reading it.

>> No.20747176

>I thought he was just a meme.
It is. Mostly Gardner spamming it too.

>> No.20747184

Up to 4 is legitimately good but then it drops off dramatically.

>> No.20747256

>unrevised 1st
What's the difference between revised and unrevised?

>> No.20747265

King was influenced by the novel.

>> No.20747353


>> No.20747412

Yea F Gardner’s a meme. But his books are pretty trippy. Call of the Crocodile has probably the weirdest twist you’ll ever come across in literature. Which isn’t surprising considering it’s a book that originated here on 4chan

>> No.20747428

>You can definitely feel the cocaine coming through in a fair chunk of it for better and worse
Agreed, It is excessive and sometimes very full of itself but also ambitious and clever in a macabre sort of way.

>> No.20748810

Neat, never knew that. Also Bradbury mentions when I was reading it that the myth the story seems familiar to is Mephistopheles, so basically Faust. In that way IT is Mephistopheles but he's got no bargain, only a trap but is satisfied in the same way.
Speaking of influence I noticed another thing, there's a scene where the two kids are hiding under a grate with Mr. Dark standing right over them talking to Will's Dad. After a while it made me think the scene where Pennywise is hiding in the sewer is like an inversion of that.