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20733117 No.20733117 [Reply] [Original]

Is reading a good way to meet women?

>> No.20733118

dios mio…

>> No.20733129

If you read Harry Potter and shit like that yes!

>> No.20733135

no. As soon as I bring up "a modest proposal" "1000 days of Sodom" or "Revolt against the modern world" they think I'm some kind of monster.

>> No.20733153

She's reading about cupcakes kek.

Very based.

This has been my experience. Talking to women about the books I read as a child and loved while they read them while in college. It's really weird but fuck it I guess.

>> No.20733171

Why do women seem to read only shit like harry potter? Does anyone know?

>> No.20733176

they have smaller brains

>> No.20733184

no but going to bookstores are

>> No.20733189

I went to Barnes and Noble to take advantage of the 50% off Criterion sale and saw quite a few cuties there. Granted they were looking at/buying Booktok schlop

>> No.20733195

Yep. Little introverted cutie pies. I have gotten laid from book store pickups.
All of them were left wingers however, so just be aware.

>> No.20733372

dat eyeliner
anon please tell it is a man? Is it a man? Is it a man.

>> No.20733571

It's very clear what's going on. It's very clear who is good and who is bad. The writing tends to be fantastical enough that you wish the world would be the way it is in the book, but at the same time it also feels vaguely achievable minus anything which is totally unrealistic such as magic and mythological creatures etc.

>> No.20733650

lol yeah

>> No.20733664

Knowing Borges and some random modernists is usually sufficient to connect with those sorts of chicks at parties in your 20s.

>> No.20733706

Yeah, ones that masturbate to cookbooks

>> No.20733758

Yeah, but /lit/ is gay and never does it.

>> No.20733949


>> No.20735013

If you are attractive, yes
If not, no

>> No.20735055

I love these threads because /lit/ always spergs out about how women only read Harry Potter and YA, basically just outing themselves as literally not knowing any women IRL. Not only have I dated multiple /lit/ women, I know and am friends with plenty of women who read (and have good taste). In fact, I know more /lit/ women than men, despite mostly being friends with men. A lot of my friends male friends who were /lit/ in college have thrown themselves into their careers and don't read anymore. If you think women only read Harry Potter or some shit your perception I assume is formed entirely from watching e-celeb "booktubers" and you don't have any female friends (probably because you are sexist as fuck in the first place).

>> No.20735064

dude sooooooo gay amirite XD

>> No.20735084

Nice larp, but we both know that on average women prefer YA because it's readable and adolescent (relationships at HS level because that's where they remain emotionally until ~55 and menopause hits). Most women don't read because most people don't read, and the reading level of the US adult population is about 4th-8th grade per state. So the women reading are typically the women reading at that level (which is why they prefer YA). It's very simple and not a sexism moment.

>> No.20735106

If you want to meet women, you should go out and do stuff. If you can't figure that out, it's probably for the best that you're kept out of the gene pool.

>> No.20735264

Yeah, it's because other women read Harry Potter

>> No.20735325

>Statistics show women buy more books than men
>Statistics show YA novels dominate the market
>Posts a quaint anecdote
I'm happy for you but the average woman reads schlock. Women are human too, they can be simpletons.

>> No.20735367

>a modest proposal
Most people read this one in high school and know that it's satire

>> No.20735375

>be me
>go to library
>read there for about 3hrs
>do this Mon/wed
>do this for a month
>start seeing this cute girl
>she reads for kids
>she comes up to me one day
>”excuse me anon, I see you here” we chat
>”would you read for children”
>”we should get a coffee I’ll explain everything”
>we go out
>she is a freak
>she is hot but fucking crazy
>her senpai puts her on a mental institute
Are all library girls like this?

>> No.20735411

She'll be eager to please if you stoop to fucking her. Just close your eyes and slam her from behind. That giant fat ass will feel like heaven.

>> No.20735420

Orcs goblins snake monster and ghost cloaks

Good take though the specifics are not there but the spirit is there

>> No.20735424


Most of the men here are equally as unattractive to women in general, including her (and primarily for their social awkwardness, not looks), as she is to them, to men in general. As long as I live, I will never understand how fat, ugly, low-status people manage to settle for each other, how they manage enough arousal to copulate. Solitude is preferable.

>> No.20735426

i met a girl who reads but she was like a book club type reader. she was just reading whatever they read. often times it was just like BS. idk what the fuck any of them were called. but still she read like one book a month and she wasn't really like /lit/. she was more interested in the booze and cheese than the reading of the club. the club was just a byproduct and one of the requirements was reading

>> No.20735516

I hear the cringiest horror stories from them. Social skills are for beautiful people only.

>> No.20735967

What did you get nigga?

I picked up “Ashes and Diamonds”

>> No.20736185

I would fuck that hambeast.

>> No.20736524


>> No.20736540

I don't see how reading books would help me meet anyone
Stuff I do related to books
>go to used book stores
>buy books
>order books online
>read books in my room
>read books on public transport with my kindle
I thought borges was a manly kind of author

>> No.20736571

Right wing women must be a meme

>> No.20736577

That reminds me of when I was in English lit and was supposed to do a book report on it, instead I wrote a 20 page tirade why satire isn't funny

>> No.20736579

I've dated three girls I've met at bookstores. If they aren't in the YA section they probably aren't complete retards so you can ask them what they're looking for and strike up a conversation pretty easily from there.

>> No.20736586

I would think the same if you tried to name drop such pseud trash

>> No.20736590

Yeah I guess that could work
I want a boyfriend though so I don't think it'd work for me personally

>> No.20736647

Should've slammed her, desu

>> No.20736665

Earlier in the month I did the same thing, except while I was browsing the extremely narrow Criterion section a qt girl walked over and stood behind me to browse too. If I wasn't way more anxious than usual that day I might have made small talk with her about the films, but unfortunately I just spaghettied there and manually walked away.
Worst part was we got the same movie, so that by itself would have been an in.

>> No.20736673

what? are you kidding me? reading is a solitary activity... how the fuck are you going to meet a woman while you're staring at the pages of a book?????

>> No.20736682

Underated way of meeting people is to go up to someone reading in public and ask them if they're enjoying/would recommend the book they're reading. Worked for me plenty of times. Granted, I'm a girl so anons might think I have an automatic advantage but if someone did that to me, I would find it pretty attractive. It shows that you are into reading and not painfully socially awkward which is a rare combo.

>> No.20736683

Stiff arm them like a football player breaking for the endzone, plow as many women over as you can and don't look back

>> No.20736688

Just do the same thing with fags then, I guess.

>> No.20736691

The biggest elephant in the room in regards to /lit/ is that most people that browse here are, in fact, women. The majority of them lurk for their own amusement, but some learned to post like men so they don't blow their cover. It's one of the most shocking secrets of this site.

>> No.20736693

>tfw so deep cover I get called an incel
>can tell the person calling me an incel is some reddit poindexter faggot

>> No.20736696
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>be me
>working on a book that I won't tell you about
>don't write in public because I'm not a fucking dickhead
>do read in public tho because it's cosy
>especially at this cafè my cousins own
>I get free chocky milk and pastries since I'm family (I don't drink coffee)
>sit in the cosy corner and read on my tablet or a physical book sometimes
>atmosphere is chill, there's live music sometimes cause one of my cousins is a guitarfag
>cuties come in and buy coffee and take pics for their orbiter followers on instagram
>don't approach any cause I'm not intrested in coffee chugging whores, just intrested in the New Sun (reading Wolfe rn)
>a regular starts coming in every so often. (I'm there a few times a week) qt3.14 with dark hair and glasses. Looks a little like a young vanessa hudgeons
>she reads at a table away from me but I catch her glancing up a couple times
>she was reading some young adult trash at first, but this one day she comes in with a copy of shadow and claw
>think she must have saw me reading it and wanted to make a move or something
>finally go talk to her after about two months of reading next to eachother every week
>she actually seems excited to talk to me
>talk about the book first, then other books, and other stuff
>turns into an improptu date
>get her number before she leaves and ask her on a date later in the week
>when she's gone I thank Severian for being my wingman

We're all gonna make it, bros

>> No.20736710

Very cute anon, plow her for all of us

>> No.20736737

The first half of this made you sound so autistic that I thought you were unsalvageable, but if the last part is true then dogspeed

>> No.20736739

Dude just make sure she's not in a cult man
If she asks you to go to a bible study group together don't do it

>> No.20736781

only fat ugly women like pic rel

>> No.20737247

go anon!

>> No.20737301


>> No.20737304

Mention that you've read 101 Hamburger Jokes and proceed to tell her a few of them. She will fall for you every time. That's the level women work at, anon

>> No.20737568
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>vanessa hudgeons
she sounds like she fucked three jocks every week while waiting for you to come talk to her, while saying that she's a virgin but was raped when she was little; she also dreams of publishing the rich (but superficial) notes of her exploits once she hits the wall... at least she's realistic!
either that or she's a virgin
good luck either way just don't feed your illusions without purpose... and if she's not a virgin, wear a condom (if she is, marry her and never wear a condom)

>> No.20737580

>he doesn't know
all hot people are crazy

>> No.20737595

Cute fatty

>> No.20737717
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you guys are getting me in the mood to visit book stores

>> No.20737932
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>> No.20737944

>could get free coffee

Hate your fucking guts. HATE.

>> No.20738521

>Granted, I'm a girl

>> No.20738678
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What would make a girl's panties drop faster than a piece of delicious cheese on a beautiful slice of white bread?
1. giving her a pamphlet of anonymous poetry that is implied it's yours
2. selling her a pamphlet of anonymous poetry that is implied it's yours, for $5

>> No.20738700

Shhh ... it's a secret.

>> No.20738846

>Is reading a good way to meet women?

>> No.20738985

No, social gatherings are. That may involve book clubs, book thrifting, book cafes or book lectures, but it simply doesn't involve sitting in your house, reading some book no one else cares about and posting on /lit/ all day. Go outside. Touch grass.

>> No.20738993

>be me
>at B&N
>in SFF section
>someone walks into the aisle
>move closer to shelf so that they can pass by without issue, but they still end up running into me, full-on
>turn with surprise
>it's a qt who was staring at a sticky note
>she looks up when i turn towards her
>our faces are only a few inches apart
>we both quickly take a step back and laugh and apologize
>she looks around for about ten seconds
>"sorry again, but i dont really know where anything is, im looking for this stuff for my little brother, do you know where they are?"
>she gives me the sticky note
>find the three books he wants while casually talking
>she is into lit stuff and poetry
>she says "i still cant believe i just ran into you like that im so sorry. its like some stupid hallmark movie" and then her voice gets really quiet and her face burns red
>give her the books and she scurries off
She was so cute bros. I wish I wasn't just as awkward or I would have gotten her number or something.

Also, one more
>at library
>standing in aisle scanning a shelf
>someone passes with a cart of books
>passes again
>on the third time, i turn to look at them
>cute girl, looks away once we meet eyes
>thirty seconds pass
>she starts coming into the aisle a fourth time
>I ask "can't find the book you're looking for?"
>"oh i uh, i just, these books need to go there and i didnt want to say anything but um"
>step out of the way
>she puts the books away
>"once this cart is empty i get to go home, but i dont like talking to people"
>"i know what you mean, im awkward too"
>idle chitchat leads to us talking about books
>she says "oh, i can send you a list of my favorites, whats your number?"
>exchange numbers
>she texts me before i even leave the library
>fast forward two days later
>turns out she's 15, im 22
>ghost her
felt bad

>> No.20739024

Yea that does sound like a hallmark movie opportunity. No need to feel regret but let this make you more proactive next time it happens. Sounds like she would be very open to your recommendations.

>> No.20739052

Picture, in your mind, the olfactory effluvescence emanating from this mammal.

>> No.20739073

I wonder what sections gays roam in.

>> No.20739111

YA and horror shelves. YA includes Gay romance (ofcourse) and horror manga. That's where my friend of the homosexual orientation always goes when we're downtown anyhow.

>> No.20739122
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>book clubs
>book lectures
these places have some very weird people who stand around there policing ideas... almost like sheep herders...
>book thrifting
you call that a "social gathering"? what next, is going shopping also a "social gathering"? it would indeed explain all those females visiting shops without buying anything, but I wouldn't call that activity superior to sitting in your house reading...
>book cafes
a real one (see XVIII. century) wouldn't be welcoming to women, and all the current ones are just superficial brands not having anything to do with literature

>> No.20739578


>> No.20740148

Nah. Going to church is better.

>> No.20740171

I would love to meet someone at church but I'm the only twenty something there. Feels bad.

>> No.20740347

Good for you anon!

>> No.20740391
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>finally go talk to her after about two months of reading next to eachother every week

>> No.20740405

>Touch grass
Can I get a etymological qrd on this meme? A podcast? Preddit? Tw*tter?

>> No.20740412

someone on tw*tter told people to go outside and touch some grass
others copied

>> No.20740454
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>Worked for me plenty of times
Hmm really makes me wonder just how many times. Anyway, a woman came up to me once while I was walking circles on a pathway in a park. I was reading a pop-philosophy book called Hiking With Nietzsche, she asked me if I liked hiking and I said no, I like camping. I asked her if she liked Nietzsche and she said no.
It was a mismatch but the kino "Meet-cute" was there. I bet she never asked another guy what he was reading again, she might get another Neetche freak.

>> No.20740472

>she asked me if I liked hiking and I said no, I like camping
I hope this didn't really happen anon, jesus christ.

>> No.20740531

It did happen but I abbreviated the dialogue. I did in fact say I prefer camping to hiking but I did it in two charmingly masculine sentences instead of one. My editor told me to make it snappier.
She was a little older than me and thirsty af. That park though is unironically a place for forever-alones to meet eachother.

>> No.20740883

Kill yourself faggot

>> No.20740898
File: 89 KB, 1000x871, F409BD53-2A68-44AB-9605-5AD6A8EAC8F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, there are real women here?

>> No.20740925

I have met four friends through this site over the years. Three ended up being female (only one admitted it from the start). All of them are quite facially ugly but have nice bodies.

>> No.20740954

not particularly

both actually publishing narrative, poetry, or being creatively involved in the film industry does seem to do the trick

>> No.20740972

You have to stop reading in order to meet them, so no.

>> No.20741022

butterface is win for big bag industries

>> No.20741247


>> No.20741270

This shit is so fake.

>> No.20741279

Fake as hell. At least you have autism and didn't realize she did all that shit on purpose, but then again you did because you made all this shit up.

>> No.20741300

So fake.

>> No.20741301

Even if you can find a woman who doesn't read YA, good luck finding one who has the tastes of the average /lit/ user: neoplatonist philosophy, right wing traditionalism, western canon, and so on. And if you do find one who shares your taste, good luck repressing your turboautism.

>> No.20741316

>tastes of the average /lit/ user
>neoplatonist philosophy, right wing traditionalism, western canon

>> No.20741321

those posts were written by women

>> No.20741338


>> No.20741341

How did you even meet them? /soc/?
Don't point the finger at me I'm proud of my cock and balls.

>> No.20741348

hello femanon :D

>> No.20741393

>How did you even meet them?
One was from /b/ back in the day. One was from a /vg/ general. One was from the ffffriday /v/ threads. One was through a/lit/ discord server.

>> No.20741492

Maybe not most people but a lot more than the average anon expects

>> No.20741515

Not if she looks like that
Most women have shit taste anyway

>> No.20741538

nice bait

>> No.20741615

Honestly how do people talk about their hobbies?
I just don’t talk about reading anything since I feel like I’d come off as either pretentious or dumb. If the other person doesn’t read much, then I’d come off as a pseud. If the other person does read, then I would not feel comfortable talking about anything since I feel like they would judge me for my opinions.

>> No.20741633

I expect femanons to mostly browse the camwhore boards and maybe the softer blue boards about niche interests like /co/, but not boards like /lit/, /his/, or /sci/. But then I see them or unconvincing female impersonators get caught up in misogynist bait on here.

>> No.20741928

Read some shit like Aesop's Fables, Gargantua and Pantagruel, and ribald story collections like The Decameron, The Heptameron, Cent Nouvelle Nouvelles, and other short story collections. You'll pick up a few good anecdotes to tell.
Gargantua and Pantagruel is full of them. There's like three good ones about womens' vaginas I can think of off the top of my head. Then there's also the story about the lumberjack losing his ax, and from Aesop you can tell the story about the farmer and his son taking their donkey to the market. Plus from The Decameron and Cent Nouvelle Nouvelles you'll get a repertoire of ribald stories. People enjoy them, especially if you practice telling them so you get good at it.

>> No.20741963

describe how she was crazy anon?

>> No.20742025

You're better off the way you are. All I know how to do is talk about genuine interests. I can talk for 16 straight hours avidly and spontaneously about anything that qualifies as an autistic hobby or intellectual passion, but this means absolutely fucking nothing in practical terms, because normies don't bond in this way. They bond by talking about shared affective states, like "I like looking at that wall," "Ohh, dope, me too! It's a great wall." The less abstract the better, the more ephemeral the better. For me bonding means going on a date with an artist, and asking her to explain art, or her art, or the art world, or the life of an artist, so I can understand what drives her. Then I reciprocate by sharing something that I care about in a similar way, and relate it to what she cares about, so that we discover interesting common ground. Or rather, that's the theory. Any time I do this, what actually happens is that it is barely tolerated, at best. Fifteen seconds into what I think is human conversation I can see my date begging for death behind her eyes because of how much of a dysfunctional, toy train-collecting, cat-mummifying psychopath I have revealed myself to be, by preferring to talk about her art or art in general instead of how she likes Mexican food.

I would give anything to be able to go "Ohh, dope, MEXICAN food? Nice, haha! Yeah I like some foods too! So what Netflix shows do you watch? Ohh, dope, the 7th season of a really embarrassing show I'm pretty sure even the producers would be surprised to find someone is watching? Niiice, haha! Yo I like food too! So what kind of food you like?" and just have a nice time. Instead, every date, every date I've ever been on, peels out and bursts into flames after the first thirty minutes. I can only be friends with other autistic men.

>since I feel like they would judge me for my opinions.
Why do you care about being judged for your opinions? Life is too short. The reason I hate trying to bond with women is that I know it's pointless, and I know that what I "am" is invisible to them, so all they can see is a sad little autistic freak with a rainbow propeller hat trying to impress them by talking about transistors. There's no dignified or graceful way to say "Well maybe knowing a lot of about transistors is actually cool in my world, and we're just from different worlds, did you ever think about that lady?" She will just go "Oh god now he's talking about worlds or something? Is this some kind of Star Wars reference?" and her disgust will increase even further. But the worst you or I can do to one another is be boring to one another. There are no stakes there, nothing is on the line. If I say your opinion about Edgar Allen Poe is gay, just walk away.

>> No.20742149

Women read more fiction in general. Men read more nf.

>> No.20742328

Blessed if true

>> No.20742427
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Don't LEAD (or at least, go full-bore) with your interests unless that's the sole basis of your connection. Break the ice, make some small talk, bring the conversation around to your mutual interest if you think the other person would be receptive.

>If the other person doesn’t read much, then I’d come off as a pseud.
Depends on presentation, and apart from that who cares? Autistic rambling isn't the most sociable thing ever, but there's a huge difference in talking about an interest because you're excited about it versus talking about an interest because you want to flex how much you know about it.

>If the other person does read, then I would not feel comfortable talking about anything since I feel like they would judge me for my opinions.
Oh, and you wouldn't? Protip: everyone judges everyone else all the time. Differences of opinion on the topic between people with shared interests generally do not lead to consequences more negative than an unvoiced "man, that guy has shit taste". At worst, they'll just walk away.

Pic rel

>> No.20742458

>not boards like /his/
>literally the shittiest, most amateurish retard board on the site

>> No.20742470


Lmao this is why you should have been successful. You have a lot less of that nigger normie peasant mindset if you are around ambitious and intelligent people. And you seem crazy, see a shrink

>> No.20742513
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This hits too close to home. But I am blessed to have a gf who, I think, cares about the historical novel I am writing.

>> No.20742535

Based turboautismo atleast youre self aware and understand why people don't unstand you. You gotta find an gal who's as autistic as you, anonkun

>> No.20743578

Anon, as a fellow hyperautist, I strongly resonate with your words and think we should be friends.

>> No.20743940

>because of how much of a dysfunctional, toy train-collecting, cat-mummifying psychopath I have revealed myself to be, by preferring to talk about her art or art in general instead of how she likes Mexican food.
this is just cope; you are not "different", you are missing a whole part of human experience (what you define as "shared affective states") not unlike that retard Galileo who threw a hissy fit because the Catholic Church didn't want to publish his heretical fanfic
>maybe knowing a lot of about transistors is actually cool in my world
if transistors were cool, electrical engineers wouldn't paid enough to hire luxury prostitutes

>> No.20743986

What's so fake about it? The part about reading a book in a park? Reading a dumb Neetcha book? The girl making the approach? The missed connection?
I bet you think its the girl making the approach.

>> No.20743999


>> No.20744843

I go to my neighborhood used book store almost daily, it's huge and sees lots of traffic. Women flirt with me but I'm married and the types at the store all fit into to undesirable categories in any case. Women swarm the ya section, selfhelp, psychology, and celebrity bio sections.
I would not meet women there

>> No.20744874

Yes i'm a girl btw

>> No.20744951

Is this thread finally a safe space for us women :clapping_emoji: :clapping_emoji: :clapping_emoji:

>> No.20745108

post ur discord

>> No.20745135
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Announcement to all women in this thread: my friend nigger hater doesn't have a gf. pls add him

>> No.20745144

>"1000 days of Sodom"

>> No.20745153

>Why do women seem to read only shit like harry potter?
The girl I like probably reads shit like Pushkin and Bhagavad Gita
She gave a me a "Works" from Hesse - couldn't even touch the book, it reminds me of her.

>> No.20745212

that friend being me btw

>> No.20745213

I'm probably not the average /lit/ user, but as long as she doesn't read "I love shopping" it's fine for me
I basically don't read poetry or buddhism, but if she does that's actually a bonus

>> No.20745220
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hey nigger hater, what are you doing on /lit?

>> No.20746044
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t. when going to buy books