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20726193 No.20726193 [Reply] [Original]

Why are they so preoccupied with disgusting degeneracy?
>The Color Purple by Alice Walker
"Only fourteen, Celie is already pregnant with her second child—the result of rape and incest. Alphonso, Celie’s father, has turned to Celie for sexual gratification because Celie’s mother is ill and can no longer endure Alphonso’s sexual demands.

Celie’s mother dies. Celie writes that Alphonso stole Celie’s first baby while she was sleeping and killed it in the woods, and she believes he will kill her second baby as well. However, Alphonso does not kill the second baby, and Celie suspects that he instead sold the child to a married couple. Celie is left with her breasts filled with milk for no one."

>Lord of Dark Places by Hal Bennett
Book about a black man who pimps his own son to men all across the USA.

>Hogg by Samuel R. Delany
"The plot features a silent pre-adolescent boy (called only "cocksucker") sold into sexual slavery to a rapist named "Hogg" Hargus, who exposes him to the most extreme acts of deviancy imaginable. The novel involves graphic descriptions of murder, child molestation, incest, coprophilia, coprophagia, urolagnia, anal-oral contact, necrophilia and rape."

>> No.20726204

>The novel involves graphic descriptions of murder, child molestation, incest, coprophilia, coprophagia, urolagnia, anal-oral contact, necrophilia and rape."

>> No.20726210

You’re forgetting the girl who gets raped by her dad in The Bluest Eye.

Anyway, it’s a case of societal trauma. Say what you will about them, African Americans as a group have suffered far more than most other groups.

>> No.20726219

was there a lot of incest in cotton plantations? because that would explain a lot

>> No.20726230
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how does something like this succeed? 132 ratings. published by william morrow. on the amazon page it says that the author wrote her master's thesis on beyonce's song, "lemonade".

is this clown world? is this kali yuga? why do i feel such suicidal despair when i encounter something like this? sorry if i'm posting this in the wrong thread.

>> No.20726245
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They're unclean and low iq and smell like shit. Seeing as how they congregate with each other for most of their lives, the factors I listed earlier accumulate into a mental fog preventing them from decency. Better to kill them all, I say

>> No.20726255

Why do some leftists write about blacks as if they are retard animals? Father and daughter incest, really? You have to be deep in zoroatrianism to do this.

>> No.20726266

>Why do some leftists write about blacks as if they are retard animals?
these are examples of american blacks writing about their own group

>> No.20726271

if you think that's bad. you should check out my erotic horror novel collection.

>> No.20726274

post some titles in the list

>> No.20726283
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>African Americans as a group have suffered far more than most other groups.
Native Americans, Jews, Kurds, Slavs, and let's not forget the Africans that were enslaved by Arabs instead.

Blacks whine so fucking much but they don't usually do or say anything that makes me feel particularly bad for them. Other people face adversity and they do wonderful, amazing things in the face of it. Blacks just navel gaze and pat themselves on the back.

>> No.20726298

even Native Americans, for all their alcoholism and drug abuse have written and done things that would seem like they actually put in the effort.

>> No.20726305

kek. The calcined pot calling out the obviously black kettle: degeneracy is nationwide, and the losing battle being waged against it is a multi-racial affair. Read Frederick Douglas, Malcolm X, Ralph Ellison, ZNH, etc., for opposing takes.

>> No.20726319
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Afro-Americans have written and produced some of America's greatest plays. Just take a look at this total masterpiece titled "Slave Play" by Jeremy O. Harris:
>"The play begins with the song "Work" by Rihanna playing in the McGregor's overseer cottage.[11] Kaneisha, a slave, begins to twerk to the song when Jim, a white slave owner, walks in holding a whip. Jim is repeatedly uncomfortable when Kaneisha calls him "Master," but berates her for not cleaning the room better and throws a cantaloupe on the ground and tells Kaneisha to eat it. As Kaneisha eats the cantaloupe, she begins to dance again, which confuses and arouses Jim.[11] The overseer then initiates sex with Kaneisha.[12] When she asks to be called a "nasty, lazy negress," he instead proceeds to perform cunnilingus.[11]"
>>Kaneisha asks again to be called a "negress." Even as Kaneisha nears orgasm, Jim stops participating when Kaneisha calls him "Masta Jim". Jim then switches to speaking in a British accent and tells Kaneisha that he is not comfortable with the situation. Jim uses his safeword, "Starbucks," to end the encounter.


>> No.20726346

Ironically the one instance I can think of was that gay Ghazi Kodo kid that called white people toilet skins on Youtube.

He actually had an older boy that he had a close relationship with, and he ended up being killed by cops, and that threw him out of whack. He was actually bawling on camera when he made a video about this, and I got the impression less of a malicious little ideological cock goblin and more of a traumatized and grieving soul. The fact that he's a nog who has to balance that with being gay only means that he's as in the corner as it gets.

>> No.20726351

>African Americans as a group have suffered far more than most other groups.

>> No.20726504


>> No.20726552

>Blacks unironically believe they are in a sexually submissive place in modern America
How the hell? One of the most popular kinks out there is literally Black men cucking whites. Blacks literally have zero right to complain about sex stuff, they have it made in that arena.

>> No.20726604

>capitalizing black but not white

>> No.20726639
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They have been misled into believing that they are helpless.
First by slave masters, then by the Democratic Party of American (modern slave masters).
Such degeneracy is usually unique to ethnic nationalists, who believe their own poor lot in life is based on the 'wrongs' of another race.
Blacks are uniquely capable of somehow living in a society where if you call someone a nigger it can be a crime and also being 'systematically oppressed'.

Activates the almonds.

Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston. She basically gets taken in by a pedophile. You can argue he isn't a pedophile but he's an older man going after a girl who acts like she's twelve, so...

>> No.20726656

Nice projection

>> No.20726677

Where am I wrong? Don't hide behind ad hominem, if you think I'm wrong explain why. The way I see it, Blacks objectively have it worse when it comes to policing, government interference, poverty, etc. But they objectively have it better in dating. There's no "Whited", there is a "Blacked".

>> No.20726684

>But they objectively have it better in dating
Dating data says other wise. Reality isn't your favorite porn genre, as it turns out.