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20724019 No.20724019 [Reply] [Original]

>trickster god
>just wants to cause chaos
>barely tricks anyone
>chaos isn’t really chaos

Why is Loki such a low tier trickster? Odin May be trickie

>> No.20724112

>trickster god
Loki was never meant to be a "trickster god".
Odin is the final deceiver, riddler and the master of seidr magic.
Loki was like a force of nature in the stories - completely unhinged, always on a whim.

>> No.20724146

how is Odin a trickster?

>> No.20724154

He insulted all the Gods on the regular, he was an ass.

>> No.20724162

>trickster god
Forced jungian archetype meme. All the norse gods take great pride in besting others with cunning. Loki is a sociopathic murderer who is incapable of a peaceful coexistence in a society.

>> No.20724182

There's an idea of natural deception like a child or an animal does. Hermes Dalios.

>> No.20724185

Norse """mythology""" is a scam. Its source is literally 2 documents, both written hundreds of years after Christianity had already completely wiped out any primary source of religious practice. It's just a corruption of cultish, local worship with folk tales and a splash of Christ to make it seem more meaningful. You might as well look at it as a work of fiction on par with the Arthurian tales.

>> No.20724197

>bro a cracked article said...

>> No.20724213

Then disprove it, retard.

>> No.20724241

>Its source is literally 2 documents
The Poetic Edda contains documents that are not unique to it, such as Voluspa, which also shows up basically word for word but rearranged in Hauksbook. This is also assuming that the Prose and Poetic Eddas are the only sources, which they aren't, there's hundreds of texts and archaeological evidence (like Odin hanging from the tree or the famous "Thor in the boat" scene).

This also doesn't even touch on how "there's only one source" is meaningless. The Torah is the only source for much of the fictional narratives that it contains and yet anon would say that we're supposed to take the political hogwash of 3rd century BC Rabbis with utter seriousness precisely because there's only one source for their ramblings.

>both written hundreds of years after Christianity had already completely wiped out any primary source of religious practice
This is incorrect as the practice of the religion continues to this day. More importantly, it's also incorrect as the cults of the Gods were still around, and the oral tradition body was, and still is, still around. Some king somewhere declaring that he was going to change religions doesn't mean that everyone suddenly forgets thousands of years of lore and culture.

>It's just a corruption of cultish, local worship with folk tales and a splash of Christ to make it seem more meaningful.
Yeah idk how people take Abrahamic religion seriously either, but I'm not sure what this has to do with the topic.

>You might as well look at it as a work of fiction on par with the Arthurian tales.
King Arthur was a real historical person and there are far more textual sources for Odin than there are for any of the various people who constitute the King Arthur myth and mythos (most of which only comes from one text!).

>> No.20724251

You cant cite an oral tradition, retard.

>> No.20724267

Why not? They're more reliable than written traditions.

>> No.20724308

this level of cope is off the charts
show me a source that isn't 300+ years too late and entirely motivated by the need to pretend like they have a noble cultural tradition and aren't the barbarians everyone else thinks they are
and don't even get me started on the political motivations of archaeologists showing off stolen golden idols with beards hammered into them. Proper anthropology and archaeology is a phenomenon of the past 75 years, don't give anybody before then the benefit of the doubt.

>> No.20724318

This post is dripping with insecure resentment. You're the one trying to make history into emotionally driven propaganda.

>> No.20724324

Sorry, I don't speak seethe. Could you rewrite this in English as an actual statement?

>> No.20724342

the prose edda is a document born of seething at the cultural domination of the cult of christ

>> No.20724354

But Snorri was a Christian?

>> No.20724372

yeah, exactly

>> No.20724387

So Snorri was desperately trying to keep his culture from being destroyed by foreign barbarism? And this is a BAD thing?

>> No.20724403

>nobody pointed out it was made up at the time or any time
>the sword in my yard was put there by archaeologists
>I know all this because of my politically motivated preconceptions molded by recent propaganda that has nothing to do with any of this

>> No.20724436

>This is incorrect as the practice of the religion continues to this day.
This is false. What is practiced today is an attempted reconstruction of ancient Norse religion. It’s no more legitimate paganism that Gardnerian Wicca.

>> No.20724456

Scandinavians have been worshiping the Gods continuously without break, anon. Go talk to literally any scandi boomer and they'll talk about the Pastor making sure that everyone left an offering out for Odin, Freyja, and Thor after church.

This doesn't even touch on the Donar cults in Germany or German hunting traditions.

>> No.20724463

Why would anyone care what you think is legitimate?

>> No.20724532

Is Loki’s trickster attitude even possible for humans to adopt?
>Loki tied a rope to a goat and his scrotum and forced the goat to go. Loki screamed as his balls were pulled to the point of tearing.
Humans can’t possibly be like this

>> No.20724569
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Not him but Inuit literally told us where the HMS Terror was since it went missing, and handed that story down but were ignored because people said oral traditions weren't reliable. Therefore I cite that anecdote as evidence that oral traditions are citable evidence.

>> No.20724592


>> No.20724612

No we just have guys tie keys to kite strings and fly them up to Zeus to see if he gives a shit. The goat thing is much more extreme, yes

>> No.20724679

lmao they suddenly can’t tell the genders of iron age skeletons.

>> No.20724819

Odin isn't, but Odin as a Shaman is

>> No.20724866

Couldn't have said it better myself.

>> No.20724947

Look at the way the Rg Veda was preserved if you want evidence of a recitation tradition surviving unaltered for thousands of years.

>> No.20725326
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Anon, you are fucking dumb. The original anon was correct.Virtually all we know of the Aesir comes from the Prose and Poetic Eddas written (presumably) by Snorri in the 1200s. Snorri glossed the stories with a coat of Christianity in order to tie their "new" religion with their quickly fleeting history and culture. The reason those texts even exist in the first place is largely due to Christianity fostering literacy in Iceland, and by that point virtually nobody believed in Thor or the Aesir any longer. Prior to the year 1000 when Christianity was adopted, almost nothing was properly written down. Olaf Trygvesson and Olaf Haraldsson championed Christianity so fiercely that nobody dared retain the pagan religion. Olaf the Great would literally slaughter and maim those who refused to submit to the new religion and went on a warpath through Norway and Northern Europe until he was finally forced into exile because the people preferred the more benevolent Canute. To be pagan meant to be dangerously prejudiced against and likely without the ability to read and write. One missed generation is all it takes for a culture to be lost forever if there are no proper records. Africa experienced something similar.

Your point about Arthur being less substantiated than Odin is dumb as fuck too. The original Anon was much correct in asserting that they are similar in being mythical characters who were expanded upon centuries after their death/relevance making most of what we know actually "modern" writings unrelated to the original story. Whether or not the Arthurian Legend is actually based on Artorius is also conjecture and still to be proven, though Romanophiles would have you believe otherwise.

Source is that I actually read a book before spouting bullshit on /lit/.

>> No.20725337

>Yeah idk how people take Abrahamic religion seriously either, but I'm not sure what this has to do with the topic.
Ah, a cringe paganfag. Nothing to see here.

>> No.20725628

All three of you are useless retards.

>> No.20725711

>Poetic Edda
>written by Snorri
You couldn't even take the time to google this stuff before getting butthurt about it, huh? This is why you actually have to read texts, anon.

>> No.20725720

How the fuck else do you explain the similarities between the Prose and Poetic Edda then you stupid larper?

>> No.20725727

Well if you'd actually read Snorri you'd see that he's citing a commonly held and living oral tradition. But you didn't, so you don't know that.

>> No.20725751

As was with most ancient gods.