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/lit/ - Literature

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20723679 No.20723679 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this book so damn boring?

>> No.20723696

because you're a pleb.
you should be reading fashion magazines, not Literature.

>> No.20723705

kill yourself

>> No.20723802

It's not.

>> No.20723811

get fucked w*man

>> No.20723820

filtered hard

>> No.20723955

Op btfo

>> No.20723996

lol loser

>> No.20724632

Because you read books to be entertained, like a chimp.

>> No.20724727

because Americans think long book with artsy prose and themes means it's one of the greatest books of all time. It is not though, its charming but no masterpiece as far as I can see.

>> No.20724729

Individual chapters in this book are better than most books.

>> No.20724734
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>not a masterpiece

>> No.20724739

How old are you? If you're a younger individual just getting started in life, maybe try it when you're a bit older. Sometimes and individual might pick up a book at the wrong time in their life. That's fine; try again later when your perspective has shifted.

>> No.20724742

bunch of butthurt institutionalists itt, gathering as they do around random works like monkeys around the monolith in 2001 space odyssey, hoping it will supply their pathetic lives with a semblance of hope and meaning. guess what, it won't, and your continued visiting of this board all the evidence you need of the correctness of what I said.

>> No.20724754

Come back to it later.

>> No.20724773
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>> No.20724774

its a clunky book, melville has a good sense of humor

>> No.20724986

Its prose is genuinely beautiful. It's one of the few books that can keep the reader invested with that alone. If you can't appreciate that you might need to lay some foundations to your reading level with some children's stories and novels.

>> No.20725106

Because you got filtered.

>> No.20725143

Cuz you're not from New England and haven't read the Bible and Dante

>> No.20725947


>> No.20725978

I read Bartleby the Scrivener the other day and it's the funniest story I read in a long time

>> No.20726123

>you should be reading fashion magazines
it honestly reads like a nature, or general interest magazine at times. Mellville basically wrote a giant article on "life in a whaling ship". Like listing the different types of whales, listing modern theories on Jonah, listing scrimshaws, doing summaries on whaling ports, etc. It's like a travel magazine.

>> No.20726582

i was thinking about it a few days ago, there's something really hard to pin down about this book. the narrator goes on these huge monologue expositions about hyperspecific details of whaling—something most people can't benefit from learning about—but somehow carries the whole thing with his jovial charisma and humor, as well as some kind of mysterious wisdom and profound metaphor.
i love moby dick so much

>> No.20726873

Fuck up faggot no one's as retarded as you we can't relate bro

>> No.20726889

Pages upon pages describing a painting.

>> No.20726892

because youre dumb

>> No.20726896

you didn't even criticize the book idiot

>> No.20727208

600 pages of text collected in chapters that each could be published as a single short story due the individual depth and difference in content. It's beautifully written and get something new out of it every time you re-read it. On top of all that, it's beautifully written and while it's not an extremely difficult text it's not necessarily an easy one either but you can essentially decide what to do with the book infront of you. Treat it a page turner or a slow-burn. You can read the thing for your entire life because everything collected within the chapters is about life. The book itself is the physical representation of fulfilment.

>> No.20727211
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books are good

>> No.20727215

because your a retarded faggot who cant understand it

>> No.20727219

>muh modernist encyclopedia with literal gay dated humor
>this is masterpiece according to mutts

>> No.20727264

Don't ye love sperm?

>> No.20727656

lol u exposed u are insecure about liking it, thats criticism enough, as are the other seething replies in this thread: deep down you know it has no value and your reaction shows it.

>> No.20727663
