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20722309 No.20722309 [Reply] [Original]

What books would you recomend him to build character and prevent him from getting sucked into degeneracy? Bonus if they are fun to read as well.

>> No.20722313

The Cantos by Pound.

>> No.20722320
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>> No.20722323

The Conspiracy Against the Human Race

>> No.20722326

Nearly impossible to get in a good germa translation and his english wont be that great yet.

>> No.20722330

>gay erotica
I'll pass.

>> No.20722335

david gemmell.

>> No.20722339

Der Tod in Venedig, Geständnisse einer Maske, Ilias

>> No.20722347

I said, against degeneracy.
Sounds promising, any in particular?
Very nice. Gott vergelt's.

>> No.20722359

>I said, against degeneracy.
Yes, counter degenerate you stupid faggot.

>> No.20722369

>Very nice. Gott vergelt's.
You probably noticed but I wasn't entirely serious with my recs and recommended novels with homosexual content
The last one might fit your purposes though
Get him prose versions of Homer's works, boys are usually interested in Greek mythology

>> No.20722374

Machiavelli - The Prince

>> No.20722375

the chronicles of druss the legend
any of the skilgannon books
any of the waylander books

then proceed to plow through the rest of his work because it's just addictive young male adult heroin

>> No.20722377
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The translations by Schroeder seem to have been made to be more approachable and are quite cheap to get as paperbacks
You can find a sample here: https://www.suhrkamp.de/buch/homer-ilias-t-9783458362234

>> No.20722379

i mean to say heroin like god is heroin to those religious

>> No.20722388

Stay in his life and be a good role model.

>> No.20722394

No idea, I thought about the merchant of venice and Ilias is also obviously appropiate. We have the whole Auguste Lechner collection, so that's covered. I've yet to read Sun and Steel as tounderstand how gay Michiboy actually was.

Did you read them all? What would you say is the character to which the reader is encouraged to grow? Like, too many smart females actually saving the day Doctor Who style while the boys watch fascinated? Encouraging them to listen and believe? Anti Orcophobia sentiments? You get the drift?

No worries, my private library is his private library, but to get young adults hooked on reading heaver books, different ones are requiered. Plus puberty soon will eat away much of his time, so something forming a good character is more important than rabbid hole political topics.

>> No.20722400
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Tell him not to be a pussy and that confusion builds character.

>> No.20722401

Thanks but Lechner is the Alpha and Omega of youth tranlations:

"Die jüngere Forschung steht ihrem Werk kritisch gegenüber. Im Lexikon Literatur in Tirol heißt es: „Das Erzählen selbst, die Perspektive, aus der erzählt und das Erzählte bewertet wird, wird (...) nie thematisiert; die Wertvorstellungen, die Verhaltensmuster, die in diesen Geschichten vermittelt werden, werden damit verfestigt, als wären sie unverrückbar bis ans Ende der Welt.“[4] Ihre „vereinfachende Schwarzweißmalerei“ stelle blonde, helle, starke und schöne Menschen als gut dar, während die dunklen schlecht und böse seien. "

One of the few women every young man should have read.

>> No.20722402

>that confusion builds character.
How so? Don't you think it's the opposite?

>> No.20722405

>No worries, my private library is his private library, but to get young adults hooked on reading heaver books...
I'm telling you actually put time into building a relationship with him rather than offloading the duty onto books which he may or may not ever read. That's the most important thing you can do. If you're already doing that, then good.

>> No.20722408

Yes, I've read them all. At least 7 times each, every single one of his works.
i should have spent the time studying, but i became a more disciplined and far more quality person as a result in my adult years because of it

virtues such as strength, indomitability, overwhelming skill and preparation, stoicism in the face of suffering or overwhelming odds
it is not by any means a book for the liberal individual, but it is by no means conservative in its ideas either

it strikes a balance that calls to a time of honour and truth
the only bullshit in the book is that every MC is basically the most exceptional in their regard, born to win. but it only inspires rather than deflates

>> No.20722409

>Sun and Steel as tounderstand how gay Michiboy actually was.
I wouldn't recommend starting with Sun and Steel bur rather Geständnisse einer Maske or der goldene Pavillon
I haven't read the latter yet, but the former was quite gay with the protagonist masturbating to drawings of Saint Sebastian. The prose in the translation is excellent though, my god.

>> No.20722411
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"nders als in der Vorlage Wolframs von Eschenbach verunglimpfe Lechner in ihrem Jugendroman Parzival die Gestalt der Königin Belakane und transportiere „religiöse und rassistische Ressentiments ins Kinder- oder Klassenzimmer“.[6]

Lechners Nacherzählung des Nibelungenliedes wurde für die Darstellung der Hunnen kritisiert, die "als ein minderwertiges Volk, ja als eine minderwertige Rasse dargestellt [werden].""

>> No.20722417

Negro, that is self-explanatory. He's like my own sun and we spend more time together than I often have. The books are only an Ersatz for when I can't be there.

Perfect. I'm gonna read some of them beforee gifting them to him, just in case it's again some melanized amputee erotica. Don't take my trust issues with 4chan personally.

>> No.20722423

Robert Muchamore's CHERUB series, I think they're just called "Top Secret" in German

>> No.20722424

>masturbating to drawings of Saint Sebastian
That's both extremly pious and degenerate. But indeed not something to dweel into while you're still learning what your pee pee is for.

>> No.20722436

On a similar note, did any of you read the Edge Chronicles?

>> No.20722438

I was shitposting, just get him LOTR or Treasure Island

>> No.20722440

Karl May's books

>> No.20722446

Iron John by Robert Bly

>> No.20722451

start with deathwalker
then decide if you want to read chronicles of druss
or move on the skilgannon
leave waylander till after you've enjoyed these first 2 characters. seriously

i know i sound like a fanboy and it makes it gay now, but there's a reason why a heroic fantasy award was named after this author
i get it, just go for it and never look back

>> No.20722454

Mein Kampf, he's 14 not 8, he can handle it

>> No.20722456

Have them all, bu first he needs to work on his Fraktur reading skills as I have nearly all the old leather bound editions.

>> No.20722463


>> No.20722469

Sounds very promising, thank you.

Nah, it's fine. We all have more or less guilty pleasures from our youth. Like, I still love Gurneys Dinotopia. Thanks, again. I'll be taking your advice.

Meh, I have a copy, but it's nothing for a 14yo. One needs to understand the historical geopolitics to get something out of it and even than there are better books about the problems at hand.

>> No.20722482

The Shogun by James Clavel.

>> No.20722567

Sounds interesting, thanks.

>> No.20722585
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Get him rupaul's workin' it + my diary desu®
In all seriousness though, get him call of the crocodile, he is old enough to read it

>> No.20722602

COTC sound like trash. Why would you introduce a young boy to shit like that? Whats the psychological benefit? How is his character going to grow on it? Horror, most of the time, is nothing more than shock value and trying to degrade society showing how we actually are all going to die in pain, alone yadda yadda. It ries to ingrain hedonism and nihilism. If I would have wanted that for him, I could just print out the WEF plan for his future.

>> No.20722637

Call of the crocodile is the last stage of human literature
Crocodiles will survive and humans shall perish, he needs to be prepared

>> No.20722658

>sucked into degeneracy
The only way to do this is to keep a permanent watch over him, to take him under your wing and never let the monstrousness of modern society inveigle its way into his innocence. Hence the only way is to make him into your catamite, allowing you never to part.

Start him with Plao.

>> No.20722665
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Reineke Fuchs (illustrated, insel-bücherei) if you want to turn him into a furry

but anon, hedonism and horror are based
you could get him some translated lovecraft or maybe poe
the latter got translated by arno schmidt into german so it could perhaps be too hard for him but lovecraft is fun and should keep him entertained

if you are reactionary you can just tell him that the monsters are just metaphors for black people or something

>> No.20722670

Eh, he will be send out into the wild which is modern society, but before that he needs to have his mind in the right spot and the proper tools to fight it. That's the whole goal of being a good parent, and parenting being a finite window of opportunity.

>> No.20722671

just be in his life anon, much better than any book you get could give him

>> No.20722678

not him but having all your morals and ethics decided for you by some culture or religion does not make a man, it makes a product, a sheep; confusion, boredom, and the resulting investigative curiosity is the only true way to form an authentic identity

>> No.20722680

>but anon, hedonism and horror are based
I know a couple guys IRL which cant get enought horror movies, lovecraft and shit like that. And guess what all of them are either into getting pegged, fur costumes, trannies and feedism. I have yet to meet a sane horror fan. But obviously the horrors manifest in ones psyche.

There's also no need for metaphors with farm equipment.

>> No.20722693

No, you are the essence of other people, both biologically and culturally. You are never an island. In the end religion and (naturally evolved) cultural norms are basically proof tested by time rules how to best live your life. Fighting against such norms is being infantile and thinking you know it beter than millenia of people which have gone throught shit before you, trying to prevent you fucking p like they did. Not only that but additionally this leaves you suspectible to mind parasites. As a parent its your job to indoctrinate your child, because if you do not do it, the person with the best intentions, someone else absolutely will. And those others will rarely if ever have the best in mind for your child, only using him for their own goals.

So no, chaos does not build character. It only cuts your eternal thread to your ancestors and the best possible future for yourself, build on nothing than ego and naivety.

>> No.20722722

Don't read literature because you want to be tough.

>> No.20722728

Go to bed, Gardner.

>> No.20722915


>> No.20723121

Start with the Greeks

>> No.20723133
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Gardner never sleeps

>> No.20723142

Neuropath and other kiddie books by Scott Bakker

>> No.20723244

Shows with his typos.

>> No.20723279

what typos?

>> No.20723498

In his self published trash

>> No.20723567

I've got no typos you useless piece of trash. I mean, consider reading a book before spouting the comical nonsense you are bashing at me in such an unreflective and incoherent fashion. I'll have you know my IQ is over 140, so yeah, think carefully about criticizing me so mindlessly. I bet you have never even written a novel. I honestly feel pity for your obvious lack of intelligence and self-awareness. You know when Martin Luther King said: "nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." He was clearly referring to people like you, do yourself a favour and read before you criticize.

>> No.20723597
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>it's unironically Gardner
Absolute unit of lmao.

>> No.20723606

So what, your asinine comments really make me reconsider my life choices

>> No.20723655


>> No.20723771

Fuck you go educate yourself useless piece of human crap

>> No.20724124
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Written for children (so it is a little cleaner and easier to read than kazantzakis's other books) but its interesting for anybody. tells the story kind of like a tragedy of a young alexander being a hard worker and going on a righteous conquest of persia to free the greeks living in asia minor and take revenge for the multiple persian invasions but then alienating his friends and army as his greed and pride take over. I dont know if its still in print but if not, good condition used copies arent too expensive. you can get it as an epub on amazon but it does very poorly with conversion to epub. i can upload a corrected, well formatted epub to libgen if you want.

>> No.20724179
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start with the classics, obviously

>> No.20724527

Very nice suggestion, thanks. I can find a copy cheaaply in german. Thanks again!

>> No.20724579

Corydon by Gide

>> No.20724663


>> No.20724723

Marcus Aurelius and Epictetus might be a good start. Some introductory Buddhism too perhaps.

>> No.20724733

>You probably noticed but I wasn't entirely serious with my recs and recommended novels with homosexual content
>Get him prose versions of Homer's works, boys are usually interested in Greek mythology
You're joking about recommending works with homosexual content... so you're recommending Greek mythology instead? Have you READ Greek mythology?

>> No.20724886

There are books about greek mythology without graphic content. One can learn all about them without reading dialogs about the benefits of boi pussy.

>> No.20724927

Those would be rather expurgated versions, given all the gay stuff in the original mythology. And if you get him interested, do you think he isn't going to seek out the unexpurgated originals at some point?

>> No.20724945

i thought that maybe he will get him the iliad because it doesn't get filtered by op's reactionary values and is maybe a bit more "subtle" than mishima's stuff for example
>One can learn all about them without reading dialogs about the benefits of boi pussy.
but this is the most important part, anon

>> No.20724952

Nah, it's not as full of gay stuff as you claim.And I don't even mind reading about the more explicite content once he's older.

Go get a room.

>> No.20724962

I'm not saying it's absolutely full of it, but there's still quite a bit. Like the whole Achilles and Patroclus thing.

>> No.20725975

The Bible.

Principles that govern social interaction by Manhood Academy
The Way of the Superior Man by David Deida

>> No.20726434
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Defending the Undefendable by Walter Block
Narrow Roads of Gene Land vols. 1, 2 & 3 by W. D. Hamilton
Total Collapse: The Case Against Responsibility and Morality by Stephen Kershnar
A Treatise of Human Nature by David Hume
I Am You: The Metaphysical Foundations for Global Ethics by Daniel Kolak
The Abolition of Work and Other Essays by Bob Black
Against Method by Paul Feyerabend
Death in Venice by Thomas Mann
The Ethics of Sexual Acts by Reye Guyon
Loving Boys Vol 1. & 2. by Edward Brongersma
Pedophilia: The Radical Case by Tom O'Carroll
The NAMbLA bulletin

>> No.20726524


>> No.20726685

You need to neck yourself.

>> No.20726731

Why? I'm suggesting books which will help OP's cousin build character and avoid degeneracy. If he engaged with some of the materials I suggested early on in life, it might help him avoid having a /pol/tard phase, and he won't go on to try to moralize to his family members about degeneracy, and insist they read ancient treatises on virtue, which is about as degenerate as it gets.

>> No.20726791

Adab ul Mufrad
Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources
Crisis of the Modern World
Industrial Society and its Future
Convict Conditioning

>> No.20727007

Breaki that necki, anon.

>Al-Adab Al-Mufrad
Is it an easier read than the koran? I'm a sedevacantist Catholic, so in practice not unlike muslims, but the koran was pretty chaotic to read through.
He's gonna read Ted and similar works, but it's fruitless with people which don't yet understand the world. One needs to see it's flaws before one can understand the criticism of our modern world.

>> No.20727149
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Get him into the Redwall saga.

>> No.20727370

Adab ul Mufrad is mainly a compilation of sayings of Muhammad (S.) that mainly deal with etiquette & morality. Undoubtedly it's an easier read than the Qur'an's more information dense chapters/suwar. The suwar of the 30th juz should be an easier read though. Since you're a Catholic perhaps it'd be a good choice to get him acquainted with the works of Aquinas? I obviously disagree with him, however I think his work might have a positive impact on your cousin.

>> No.20727392

I'd like to hear your reasoning behind this, I read it a few years ago, I enjoyed the prose of a good few passages, but ultimately I was left feeling a bit confused and empty.
The main standout to me was the writing of the deep emotional elements in each relationship, I thought that was done really well.
No chance is a 14 year old exposed to TikTok going to push through this, though. Not of their own free will.

>> No.20727483

your children are going to become faggots to spite you because in reality you really only have so much control over who they become. sure you can feed them and keep a roof over their head but other than that.. once they are in their pre-teens they are far more impressionable to their peers and that is what will influence their personality and identity the most. home school them, keep them isolated and they are just going to end up autistic as fuck. "mind parasites" go back to /pol/ you weird ethno-nationalist

>> No.20727702

Any more recommendations?
Also is this illustration by Pierre Joubert?
>Go get a room.
Good idea!

>> No.20727723
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>> No.20727738

High- Rise by JG Ballard is a fun and quick read that I can imagine would appeal to a 14 year old. I read it a few months and thoroughly enjoyed it, lent it to a friend and he liked it too.

>> No.20727789
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>Any more recommendations?
If you are OP, ignore everything else I posted, because no one wants their cousin to hand them a 30 book long reading list of book suggested by 4chan users.
If I could go back in time and hand my 14 year old self any book, it would be Why Materialism Is Baloney by Bernardo Kastrup. Book is written clearly enough for any motivated 14 year old to engage with, while remaining intellectually stimulating, and is a great starting point to begin more serious philosophical inquiry.
>Also is this illustration by Pierre Joubert?

>> No.20727820

Anon, you inprint your values on your children long before puberty. If you haven't done that till than, you literally wasted your parental prime directive. Once during puberty and on their own, your children will live the values you taught them, resisteent to foreign ideology. What you described only happens to parental failures.

>204 pages
>few months
Am I missing something?

>> No.20727821

>If you are OP
Why should I ask you for more recommendations if I were OP? Your recommendations seemed interesting so I wondered if you have more. Also do you know if any of the novels by Joubert are worth reading?

>> No.20727834

No, it's not the OP, you deranged faggot.

>> No.20727840


>> No.20728529


>> No.20728729

>boys are usually interested in Greek mythology
but would get bored to tears and give up when trying to read epic poems

>> No.20729157

which is why i recommended a more accesible prose version with younger readers as intended audience.

>> No.20729193

Yeah it wasn't a 100% serious recommendation - I don't think I would have got much out of it at 14 - but it's been one of the biggest reminders for me of the kind of solemn seriousness that runs underneath life, and the effort that's required to pay attention to it. I guess 'confused and empty' is fair, because there's no ultimate message or epiphany: there's just the constant struggle to 'stay true' or whatever to that other side of things that's constantly elusive and hard to grasp.

>> No.20729202

Cantos is filled with more languages than English.

>> No.20729415
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Abrahamic deprogramming.
Make him aware of This Spake Zarathustra. Doesn't have to read it right now, just let him know it exists.

>> No.20729470

literally the Bible

>> No.20729597

lmao kys

>> No.20729648

“The dragons of autumn twilight” is a fun book. “The alchemist” is a cool adventure and helped me create my own perspective on life.

>> No.20730085


>> No.20730139

- Meditations
- Something not incel-ish about women and relationships (not some shit like houllebecq)
- The Myth of Sysiphus, or anything decent from the existential crisis chart to prevent him from killing himself
- Some anti-americanization book if you're not american / canadian to prevent him from being addicted to instant gratification

>> No.20730176
File: 29 KB, 759x427, 23-02-09-citas_citables-paulo_coelho_Gallina_Ilustrada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paulo Coelho

>> No.20730377

>- Something not incel-ish about women and relationships (not some shit like houllebecq)
Anything in particular you'd recommend?

>> No.20730386

I don't really know, most of my knowledge regarding relationships comes from some stupid ass podcast and personnal experience, i'd also like getting my hand on some decent book about relationships, the emancipation of the women as a mean of accelerating production etc..

>> No.20730413

Start with the Tartaria tablets

>> No.20730728

yeah it really doesn't work like that. you can sit in your basement and pretend you are going to be a better parent than everyone else that's tried but you just have no clue how chaotic it really is. even if you tried to isolate them form the modern world it would only last so long and they would surely resent you in hindsight for how poorly you prepared them to thrive. go run in the woods offgrid and die of dysentery you fucking weirdo

>> No.20730805

The Shadow novels
If he likes those, go direct to other pulp such as Conan, etc
This is the shit that the guys who went off to fight WW2 would read after school

>> No.20731306

Just give him some classical adventure kind of thing. Don't give him the faggoty natured and political stuff people are reccing here, even if you agree with them

>> No.20731522

He is a bit old for it, but

Ender's Game, Speaker for the Dead and Xenocide by Orson Scott Card
Mayor of Casterbridge, Tess of the D'Urbervilles, etc. by Thomas Hardy
Atlas Shrugged, We the Living, etc by Ayn Rand
Principia Discordia
Blacktsone's Commenatries are good to give him a sense of the law.

>> No.20731532

>Atlas Shrugged, We the Living, etc by Ayn Rand
fag lit would be better than this

>> No.20731578

>fag lit would be better than this

Have you read We The Living? It is a very touching love story about how socialism deforms romantic love, especially for women.

I could agree Atlas Shrugged is plodding, but it contains some interesting ideas. Have you read Atlas Shrugged?

>> No.20732193

It works like that and it worked for generations. Sucks to bea sad mutt with a monkey branching mother and a father without any authority. Better luck next life.

>> No.20733114

Did it, though, or was it a matter of the surrounding culture too? 'It takes a village to raise a child.'

>> No.20733216



>> No.20733303

It doesn't take a village, just involved and iltelligent parents. We rarely had contact to our grandparents due to distance. Just don't fail to teach them stuff BEFORE they get out and will have to figure it out alone.
>Kiddo, do you know why we don't want you to smoke? [Explain like an adult why and how the kid can react when asked if he wants to smoke or even pressured to]
Now the kid has a guideline and background knowledge on how peer pressure works and will be much less likely to fall for it. Repeat for all relevant topics.

The mistake most parents make is to wait till the problems has already arisen and the kid hass made stupid decisions, as now the parents have to brek down the solutio the kid found as well as to trash talk his peers, which doesn't work.

There you have it, how to parent.

>> No.20733317

Hemingway, all of his works.

>> No.20733339

Totally wrong. Enjoy your autistic children though.

>> No.20733351

You can't make someone autistic or not autistic lmao. It's a whole different neurotype.

>> No.20733597

It does, just stop being so pathetic because your own parents failed.

>> No.20734486

He's probably ready for Storm of Steel. I read it at his age.