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/lit/ - Literature

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20720653 No.20720653 [Reply] [Original]

Other than Call of the Crocodile what are the most influential books to come out of 4chan?

>> No.20720816
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what, indeed

>> No.20720867
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I remember when this guy was spamming his book nonstop on /lit/ as well. He was a mod and was totally abusing his privileges during that time. It was so unbelievably shameless and annoying that it made me stop browsing /lit/ for a while.

I guess I underestimated just how badly some people want to be respected by the people of their favorite board. They’re willing to spend a literal month of their lives advertising here for the highly unlikely chance of their shitty book receiving praise instead of writing something else; something better.

>> No.20720955

Meds. Now.

>> No.20721289

Is there a list?

>> No.20721452

Bump for interest

>> No.20721672
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>> No.20721708
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I wrote this book last year and never really told anyone. It got a bite from one agent, then fell through, so I just said fuck it and threw the ebook version online and never promoted it. Working on something entirely different now.


>> No.20721849

I've read both the Lewis Woolston books and I thought they were good.
The Eggplant book is on my TBR pile.

>> No.20721884


Hey everyone,

I've posted some of my writing in a different thread, and I just wanted to let you all know in case anyone's interested. I don't want to spam the board or anything, but I figure it can't hurt to share. I'm still pretty new to this community and I don't feel like I'm at the same level as some of the other 4chan authors yet (F Gardner is amazing!), but I'd appreciate any feedback if you're feeling generous.

Thanks, and happy reading!


>> No.20721928

Kill yourself, faggot.

>> No.20721935

Good job! Ignore posters like >>20721928

>> No.20721975

Publisher: Vagrant Books (September 26, 2021)

>> No.20721978

I've only read Remembering the Dead. Woolsy is a capable writer, but would be interested Ina full length novel.
Eggplant was really fun.

>> No.20722113

Is he planning a full length novel?

>> No.20722154

Last time I asked, nah.

>> No.20722321

what happened to that new meme book from last week? nothingburger?

>> No.20722344

The true /lit/ works and not namefag grifter pieces of shite. Some based archiveanon posted this list

>Moby-Dick by Herman Melville, a collaborative commentary: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rbY7SQNd1-T15L89XyOVk0Ekm6gQz_rI4UFCPyVO-Jo/edit

>&amp: https://lampbylit.com/magazine/
>Ideology: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B0aJnaOl7gykeUJpSG13dG5Zalk
>The April Reader: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B0aJnaOl7gykODRFX2hfdVNQekk
>The Metric: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B0aJnaOl7gykRjNSQmRxQ3hrbFk
>Zine Writer's Guild: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B0aJnaOl7gykdHNUSzdEVlZGOEE
>Pinecone (00000): https://files.catbox.moe/cqy414.pdf
>Pinecone (00000 again): https://d182a970-4c7a-4707-a668-1069357878e0.filesusr.com/ugd/43a6e3_8fd5555ccca045608ef09f0243232c08.pdf
>Pinecone (10000): https://d182a970-4c7a-4707-a668-1069357878e0.filesusr.com/ugd/43a6e3_2c702f9b9bba4a2fbedd1f5b4c5bb515.pdf
>Pinecone (4/20): https://files.catbox.moe/yk172h.pdf

>9gag only has four posters: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTtD6-Pqfg87wJ4NKwdjMxXGfXd1D9n0SNzX3Nun2KJ_8ePqY4ALAe_-kSlosuzaMovx-77TLOnTwA1/pub
>Poems by a nameless Irishman: https://4poet.tumblr.com/
>Sophisticated Rapping: https://4chanlit.fandom.com/wiki/Classics:Sophisticated_Rapping
>The Flyting Thread: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hGrs03hSeU3MHzC6drv0R7No7ZSl4MSb/view

>A Walking Aphrodisiac: https://archive.org/details/AWalkingAphrodisiacByNicholasBlacksmith
>Coronameron: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1N0AOCE7OvTX90eYH3fllNyTXSYVj6_fu/view
>Hypersphere: https://monoskop.org/images/7/7e/Anonymous_Hypersphere.pdf
>L'anomie: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CVIcBJmk5IEvcu7zMI3SbLT82r5VgLmG/view
>Leftopia: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CTAVK9ikIb87kl8KUQjYhRjeXoWwDU2m/view
>Manifesto of Saint Marx and Pope Doug: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XYAIMWSa4afNDs-E6BTfAabfXUhbqp0NhQad3bLfAEQ/edit
>The Complete Works of God II: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AevE5EPkxt43E4kT5j_Twz4Gyq39XG_ACl0WjTn-a5c/edit
>Story of JLINGZ: https://pdfhost.io/v/okAHzuCnZ_JLINGZ_An_Biography_Of_A_Young_But_Talented_Youngster.pdf
>BURGERPUNK: https://burgerpunk.github.io/
>Project Nano/lit/: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1COym8YxM-c0Ql_BClQK45xy39Bx4ANjk/view

>Hyperlit (seven works): https://lampbylit.com/magazine/hyperlit/
>Misc (ten works): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B0aJnaOl7gykZ1M2dDM3YVg4eHM

>Volume I: https://markdumanon.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/LondonFrog-The-Last-Binge-Ever-Vol.-1.pdf
>Volume II: https://burgerpunkhome.files.wordpress.com/2019/07/londonfrog-vol-2-final-draft.pdf
>Volume III: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cDyQ4AGISzKJsymNjDndc54KBxMlxbO9/view

>Collection (Volumes I-III + Kolaski): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B0aJnaOl7gykLS1IRjZialJ4RU0

>> No.20722346

>Gifts Evil and Good: https://archive.org/details/gifts-good-and-evil
>Rags and Bones: https://archive.org/details/rags-and-bones
>Simian Deluxe: https://archive.org/details/simian-deluxe

>Critique Thread Compilation: >>>>/lit/thread/S17435133#p17448974
>Worst of /lit/: https://pastebin.com/GW4Kjt67

Things I'm still looking for:
-Spare Change and Other Stories

Partial mirror at: https://lampbylit.com/magazine/works/

>> No.20722382

the distinction between nongrifter and grifter is arbitrary. i find gardner posters and that card faggot to be annoying as shit too, but this list has made some notable omissions beyond them.

>> No.20722386

Not really notable but my philosophical tractate "Neo-Radicalism"

>> No.20722389

Why should we include those attention whores from other websites who came here only for clout?
/lit/ is for anons, even Londonforg is just an online persona without any link with his real identity.

>> No.20722769

"clout" what a joke. there's like 3 ppl on here who even actually read. And they don't pay for books.

>> No.20723258

I remember that one.
I read the "look inside" portion on Amazon.
I couldn't figure out why the guy just spontaneously decided to throw away his life.
Also, the protag reminded me too much of my psycho alcoholic father.

>> No.20723259

what you mean, what?

>> No.20723277

Go fuck yourself shill. It's not about money, it's about attention.

>> No.20723281

i think he's probably going more for why. maybe even how

>> No.20723292

The word 'projection' gets thrown around a lot but this is definitely a time to use it. I can't imagine anyone who wasn't an egomaniac tripfag actually wanting 'attention' from people like you. Since you've likely never created anything you think that wanting to share your work is just attention fagging.

>> No.20723297

September 21 is the publication date. Vagrant Books is a name I slapped on there because, why not? Like how indie musicians often self-release their early music under a made up label. Same shit

>> No.20723311

The attention fags that you want to include had done their shilling campaigns so that's a proxy shilling, you shill faggot.

>> No.20723313

I specifically excluded the namefags, you illiterate worm.

>> No.20723329

Proxy shilling turns you into a hypocritical namefag. At least namefags have the balls to accept their shameless shilling.

>> No.20723333

Most of those critique thread compilations are dead links. Were there ever any backups? They're not included on the &amp site either.

Also, did Diary of an Oxygen Thief originate here? I know it (and the two sequels) were done anonymously, and I heard about them here, but I never knew where the book really cropped up for the first time.

>> No.20723338

I never shilled one namefag and explicitly said books that weren't written by spastics like orson scott card and garden man and the other faggots

>> No.20723354

>Call of the Crocodile
i had erectile dysfunction because of diabetes
after reading "Call of the Crocodile" not only my diabetes was cured, i had a raging boner as well

>> No.20723361

not him but who died and made you gatekeeper of who gets to be counted as /lit/ fiction?

>> No.20723369

Does anyone know the following book? The author had banner ads up and I saw a thread or two but he didn’t shill hard for it and so it was ignored; it was a few years ago, not too long ago, but I feel like maybe just before Gardner. The cover was quite minimal, solid color (one version was red, another lime green – maybe two diff books by same guy), with the author name and title arranged in a small circle; maybe the title contained something like “cola”. Any ideas?

>> No.20723370

My next book. Two more years

>> No.20723419

Does that mean you're excluding notorious namefag F. Gardner?

>> No.20723454

Sorry I have misunderstood you.


>> No.20723461

>Leaving out Gardner, Nesmer, and Walter
Fucking cringe. Even Jason Bryan is worth mentioning.

>> No.20723465

>Even Jason Bryan is worth mentioning.
No, that shitdicker isn't.

>> No.20723473

Nvm found it: author is "Cola Maria": wrote two AI-generated books; you can find it searching the name on warosu

>> No.20723476

why isn't pissbook mentioned? I feel like I'm the only one in here who knows about it

>> No.20723489

A Canadian hobo wrote a book and you didn't. Now that's a story in itself.

>> No.20723497

Lets not forget the René Guénon Magazine (only one issue; 2nd never finished looks like)

>> No.20723504

he has a house. he's a boring suburbanite who makes up trivial shit based on shit he saw on TV

>> No.20724923
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>> No.20725020

Looks autistic af. Where can I find it?

>> No.20725067

Call of the crocodile is fucking garbage.

>> No.20725092
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>> No.20725096
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Zulu Alitspa

>> No.20725553

Obviously that was not the best course of action if they were looking for respect.

>> No.20725650

Ouroboros is the trippiest one out of all of Horror’s Call.

>> No.20725726
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Checked. &amp Magazine™ also keeps a backup of most /lit/ publications (and counting):

mp &amp&amp&amp&
mp &amp&amp&amp&

>> No.20725730
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>> No.20725747
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>> No.20725985

I really should post to them again

>> No.20726036

Where can I buy a physical copy of this that’s not amazon?

>> No.20726132
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>> No.20726160

>Call of the Tripfag
copyright infringement that is

>> No.20727405


>> No.20727541
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>that's when he realized, academia was rather dark here in L'academie.

>> No.20727758
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We'll see. If no agent wants my book for whatever reason I'll probably release it on wattpad or some shit like that and then post it here.

I've mentioned the project in passing throughout the years, some extremely vigilant posters might remember since it's not like there are that many finnish writers in here. (project is being worked on in english though, currently the wordcount is around 170k, still around 5-10k missing and then I'll do the editing/ cleanup round)

Funnily enough 4chan is actually mentioned/ included in the book although it's only referred to as "the /tv/ board" since the other main character briefly mentions Warwick threads and how he was either ignored or banned for being off topic multiple times while trying to contact people through 4chan for help

I was actually considering it was a marketing angle to spark up interest for the project but I would've needed a small film set tier location since people would've obviously asked me to take a pic with a timestamp if they even engage with the material at all (in this case pretending to be the character trapped inside his nightmare room)

>> No.20727766

it as a marketing angle*

>> No.20727805

The book title is called "Cloning Mr Dickson: Nursing Dick (Cheating, Interracial, Ddlg)" on smashwords

>> No.20727962

Kill yourself

>> No.20728237

If I bought a physical copy of this would it be the size of a magazine, or is it actually formatted like a book because it’s kind of kino

>> No.20728295

Litquarterly ded

>> No.20728302

I remember last time I browsed lit consistently several months ago some book called The Shitkickers was being shilled heavily and the author was arrogant, pretentious and annoying. As far as Google is concerned, the book doesn't exist. I'm guessing it faded into oblivion along with the author?

>> No.20728489

My Diary, Desu

>> No.20728743
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This is the last we heard from him

>> No.20728773

what's the website for these novels? i remember him posting the links to the pdfs but i lost it.

>> No.20728883

I told him to hold off on publishing and hire and hire an editor. Jason then reeeeeed at me.

>> No.20729079

fucking holes

>> No.20729178

Holy shit someone remembered me.
I took down the website because no one was going there and I needed the money back. Upon recent re-reading I've realized the books have some grammatical/formatting errors (despite the fact that I went through each of them six times before release) and the only one I've finished revising so far is Modem Waves. I've reduced the price for the paperback version, but you can also email me at zulualitspa@gmail.com for a free pdf or epub.

>> No.20729266

No one has read or remembers my work

>> No.20729327

Yeah the Lit Quarterly link is dead. I haven’t removed it yet for some emotional reason. I should maybe use an archive link instead.

>> No.20729340

Submit it to lamp.lit.magazine@gmail and I’ll host it on &amp