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File: 77 KB, 907x1360, 2D51C08A-1297-4393-B18F-A10C7C37A8C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20720627 No.20720627 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any similar books written during Napoleonic Wars?

Or just any war in general, first hand accounts of war from the perspective of ordinary soldier are always interesting (especially if the author is not a faggy “war is le bad” crybaby)

>> No.20720641

Yes soldier memoirs were a common genre then too, not aware of any famous ones but if you poke around there are probably books about the genre that can guide you from there

>> No.20720662

>OP pic
where can I find original 1929 translation anons, im tech illiterate please if someone can link me pdf it would be greatly appreciated

>> No.20720679
File: 520 KB, 393x628, marbot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just read this one a month ago, "the memoirs of the baron de marbot", and it was one of the most kino things ive ever read in my life, and i seriously cannot recommend it enough. i enjoyed it way more than even storm of steel. how it isn't talked bout more is beyond me

unfortunately its not from the perspective of the most basic infantrymen, that is quite rare because it it was rare for them to be able to read and write, though there are few ive heard of, but our Lad here was still absolutely in the thick of things throughout almost the entirety of the napoleonioc wars. i went in worried about the fact that he wasn't a basic grunt and whether it would be able to scratch my itch or not and was very pleasantly surprised and quite satisfied

all in all i would say its must read

>> No.20720699

Thanks man, thats exactly what I was looking for
Its on b-ok in every format, not gonna spoonfeed you more

>> No.20721102
File: 7 KB, 240x240, 54e7dbafcd506_corneliu_zelea_codreanu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For my Legionnaires
Written by Codreanu charting his life from his early school years until near his death, similar to the times Junger was active. While not at wry and humorous as Junger it is incredibly passionate in it's writing and the man's beliefs bleed through.

>Mine Were Of Trouble
I've not read this one yet, but it is one I plan on reading next. It is the memories of a British Special Forces member, anti-communist fighter and conservative. He fought for Franco during the Spanish Civil War and mothers. Deeply committed fighter and writer.

>Joseph Plumb Martin Memoirs
Fought during the American revolutionary war, close to the times of the Napoleonic Wars, I've not read this one but i believe it is a personal diary but was not published in his lifetime. According to wikipedia it is not filled with the heroics of typical accounts like those above, but it does contain a great deal of detail for the plight of the average soldier.

>> No.20721141
File: 44 KB, 330x500, 51PXSPXFPEL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a first hand account but Stendhal's The Charterhouse of Parma has some great scenes during Waterloo. It's similar to the Borodino scenes in War & Peace, if you've read that.

I own pic related and it is exactly what it says on the cover, just a bunch of first hand accounts of what it was like during Trafalgar. As a result it's a real mixed bag but it could be of use to you.

>> No.20721157

i can't read the charterhouse of parma because it always makes me think of parmesan cheese and i get hungry

>> No.20721173

That's completely reasonable, anon. I'm hungry now too.

>> No.20721183
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if were just posting random memoirs now, this is one im also greatly interested in but haven't read yet. about a commander of the white army fighting communists

I've also been curious about For my Legionnaires, can you say what kind of experiences he describes? like if he sees much combat, or administrating his movement, or whatever, what kind of stuff he is directly involved in and describes

>> No.20721202
File: 421 KB, 2016x862, 1618856306100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.20721228
File: 317 KB, 1920x823, The Legion Marches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can you say what kind of experiences he describes?

It's all manner of things from his experiences studying law in Iași and organizing student fighting forces to his later life as Căpitanul of the Legionary movement, a Orthodox-Fascist movement. It has newspaper clippings and speeches from those influential to him. I'd strongly recommend it. Also found out the Romanian and Italian languages are around three quarters mutually intelligible.

>> No.20721234

A Rumor of War is some vietnam kino

>> No.20721247
File: 733 KB, 609x808, jewspies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to check this one out but heard it doesn't get much into the battles and such, any truth to that? I ended up going with marbot's memoirs >>20720679 instead and enjoyed them thoroughly

also lmao @ that jew picture, its hilarious how prevalent antisemitism seems to be, reading marbots memoirs there were a few stories that caught me off gaurd about how he was disgusted with things he witnessed jews doing, pic related

>> No.20721253
File: 1.48 MB, 762x1128, jewhospitality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20721273

Yeah Jakob Walter doesn't really explain battles much, but he spends a lot of time explicitly explaining everything that happens in between. He took part in some of Napoleon's later German campaigns and then his Russian invasion, which takes up the bulk of the book. It's interesting to read what standards were like for him there. I've read both the popular and the Mystery Grove edition of Storm of Steel fyi. I'd say that Walter's diary is in the same tone as Junger but he really doesn't describe the battles much. What he does describe is fairly brutal though, as a lot of the book is about his experience as a nobody within a group of 1 million men trecking through the Russian wilderness in winter with no food. I made that pic and I included the Jew thing because I thought it was funny how in pretty much every village they go through he ends up having to quarter with Jews and he always runs into problems with them lol.

>> No.20721327


>> No.20721328

Dis a gud tread
The things they carried is amerimutt teir but its was Kino for me in HS.

>> No.20721451
File: 38 KB, 326x500, Great Game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look up the Great game and the guys who participated in that, quite a few wrote books of their experiences if they returned home to England. Not quite an open war type thing, but still plenty of conflict and intrigue amongst the untamed stepped of Central Asia. Pic related is also a good introduction, but not a first hand account.

>> No.20721482
File: 68 KB, 516x636, pol-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20721516

If you want a detailed study of army life during the US Civil War, read Hard Tack and Coffee . Not so much about battles, but just daily life in the Union army.

>> No.20721584

>there you have a good picture of the Jewish character!

>> No.20721931

>especially if the author is not a faggy "war is le bad" crybaby

How much combat experience do you have, anon? Since you feel qualified to ridicule these people and their reactions, you have of course had similar experiences yourself, right? You wouldn't do something so transparently, pathetically adolescent as puffing up your chest about this topic without having the tiniest, most infinitesimal fraction of an idea of what it's like to actually be in that situation, right anon? You're not so disgustingly contemptible as to do that, are you?

>> No.20721937

Jesse Glenn Gray - The Warriors: Reflections on Men in Battle

>> No.20721951

wile i agree that people should absolutely not ridicule that sort of perspective, I can aslo at least empathise with the potential circumstances that OP may simply be frustrated by the fact that that perspective alone dominates popular culture and discourse, while other more nuanced perspectives are unduly sidelined and neglected

>> No.20722102

Certainly, and I think saying that war is right or that it's wrong should both equally require the person saying it to actually know what they're talking about and have some personal skin in the game. So I don't have any respect for those people in the mainstream discourse either, but for OP to act tough towards people who have demonstrated bravery in situations that he will likely never have to deal with is just really comical, embarrassing behavior, and it takes a remarkable lack of self-awareness to not realize that before posting it. I suppose for middle schoolers it's expected but this site does have an age requirement, and this is ostensibly one of the less retarded boards.

Btw it's very true that soldiers' accounts are fascinating, but that's only if you actually pay attention to them and listen to what they have to say rather than tuning out their opinions when they don't strike you as being cool or edgy enough.

>> No.20722210

Is this some sort of military pun or is someone retarded?