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20718987 No.20718987 [Reply] [Original]

Books to cope with the absurdites of late-stage capitalism?

>> No.20718997

Adam smith

>> No.20719001

>homeless guy vr-cooming under a mural of floyd
is there anything more american and 21st century?

>> No.20719005

Check the scifi genre burgerpunk

>> No.20719012

The EU

>> No.20719018

Tolkien or something escapist of your liking. Something that isn't tainted with ugly niggers, mentally and physically diseased faggots, whorish women and cynicism and hatred for beauty and truth.

>> No.20719142

My diary

>> No.20719147

what a stupid looking creature! lol how can you Americans deal with these grotesque monsters every day is beyond me.

>> No.20719149

Consumer Society and Simulacra and Simulation by Baudrillard.

>> No.20719156

Can't think of anything.

>> No.20719204


>> No.20719226

>omg how can this guy afford a $200 vr headset and not afford a $2,000,000 house!!

>> No.20719240

that's exactly the point, dumbass.
hyperreality is affordable yet the basic necessities of physical reality is not

>> No.20719249

yes, the homeless crisis in america is caused by houses costing $2 million dollars. that's clearly why that guy is camping out on a city street. leftists never fail to be dishonest.

>> No.20719262

he's probably mentally fucked and that can be solved because he can't afford mental healthcare.

>> No.20719272

>the homeless crisis in america is caused by houses costing $2 million dollars.
quite so, yes.

>> No.20719289

>because he can't afford getting lobotomized by jew pill sellers
fuck you, fucking tranny
you can't fix this horrible reality by brainwashing people into liking it
you fucking faggot, I hate you all and all the fucking mental "health" industry

>> No.20719296

>crazy fucks don't exist
lmao nice one

>> No.20719300

>Mental healthcare solves everything
Because having free shit means that the schizos In the asylums will just take their meds and be quiet. Fucking lefties are so stupid it hurts.

>> No.20719311

wait, what do you mean he's crazy? i thought he was a totally rational person who just couldn't afford a 2 million dollar home?

>> No.20719374

Had to get rid off my books because I am getting homeless. Only books I kept are: a copy of my PhD thesis and a Bible I got as a kid from my father. Any good books to cheer me up?

>> No.20719375


>> No.20719382

I'm not that other fella.
Beg your pardon, mister?

>> No.20720112

Reminder that Marxists have been calling America "late-stage capitalism" for over 100 years, and that Marx said this himself in his writings on the civil war.

>> No.20720124

Its a meme

>> No.20720139

That’s cultural Marxism in the OP image, though.

>> No.20720144

It's over, bros. We are going to be here forever; there is no scape

>> No.20720158

yeah totally bro he doesnt have to buy a house just get a full time job and spend over half your wages on rent! that has nothing to do at all with houses costing so much!

>> No.20720184

Death Sentences by Matthew Harris

>> No.20720203

he's from 2019
2019+3 should be homeless vr cooming under floyd's mural, but he would be trans auroflux genderoid

>> No.20720217

The literal revolution that's meant to follow late stage capitalism has always been a disaster, and will always be a disaster, because Marx had a deeply misguided, almost childlike understanding of industrialization and the ramifications of redistributing the means of production. So if we are here forever, in Marx's opaque "late-stage capitalism," we should be glad that things don't progress along the path that he prescribes.

>> No.20720283

Me again, but just to go into a bit more detail in case there are any unironic marxists here who might benefit from hearing this- Marx identifies things like factories and machinery as the means of production, and posits that by ceding control of these to the masses of workers, we'll be able reduce human suffering greatly, and end a cycle of exploitation. In reality, industrialization has its roots in the printing press, and a broadening of our technological capability to extrapolate on things which are inherently abstract, and difficult to organize. A machine in and of itself is useless without the zeitgeist that allows us to maintain that machinery in a high trust environment. Ergo, by simply stealing the fruits of organized and systematized investment, you're going to break the entire cycle of investment, production, and distribution. It's like cutting down an apple tree to feed the poor, and it should have never gained the traction that it did.

>> No.20720384

(Very) jewish solution to a jewish problem.

>> No.20720676

where did any of this come into the discussion? rent free retard

>> No.20720808

getting pretty strong cyberpunk vibes from OP and I don't like it.

>> No.20720822

Believing capitalism will last forever is pretty much equally as retarded as thinking your can just overthrow it in 24 hours without starvation and mass death.

>> No.20720841

did you know that there is a strong relationship between housing prices and rates of homelessness? much more so than other factors that are commonly cited as reasons for homelessness. a non-hyperbolic version of this claim is more or less correct.

>> No.20720846
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>> No.20720904

marxist critiques of what capitalism does to individual and public consciousness is hard to refute and is extremely relevant to modern society and my life/relationships personally

that being said he couldnt just be a crtitic without offering a alternative path, the problem is that any conversion to communism is unlogistical, and at its core is just creating a society without the pitfalls of capitalism and is pretty hard to rationalize communism being an objectively better society.

>> No.20721391
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>> No.20721403
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>> No.20721404
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>> No.20721420

Harem Farm, by David Aries

>> No.20721472

>That being said he couldnt just be a crtitic without offering a alternative path
Uh, Idk, I think you can point out problems within a system without coming up with an unworkable and incredibly destructive ideology. I think, actually, that it would have been much more intellectually honest to do just that, and to accept that maybe you don't have all the answers.
As far as relevance to modern society and your life and relationships, brother, I hate to break it to ya, but labor relations in America would have made a shit ton more progress had Marx not been a factor. The spread of Marxism in Europe terrified everyone, and rightly so. This is debatable, maybe, but I think it's fair to say that working class people would all be in a much better place had there been no Marx, no USSR, no cold war, ect.
Anyways, we had a whole thread over here
And those arguments I made right there pretty much sum up everything wrong with Marx's thinking, and by the end I think it's really obvious why his ideas are so wrong and dangerous, and why they lead to actual labor exploitation, tyranny, and societal regression, so make of that what you will.

>> No.20721477

Oh, my bad, dude, meant to tag you at the top of this, lol.

>> No.20721481

It's late stage Welfare State.
Try some psychiatry books.

>> No.20721501

Damn, my bad again, lol, It's late and I'm getting really sloppy, but >>20720711 isn't my post, I actually meant to tag this one, >>20720734 where I start to talk about how mental labor factors in, and I defend the way in which mental labor functions within capitalism, but it's really here >>20720929 where I make probably the strongest argument as to why a fully communist society inherently exploits mental labor and collapses innovation.

>> No.20721508

>late-stage capitalism
Marxists think that this is the last step before we finally overthrow capitalism and get to afford a trendy apartment while working at Starbucks 20 hours a week. What this actually means is a point where large companies have choked out innovation and now finance mass immigration to the first world. Why have people making families and thinking for themselves, when you can import third-worlders, void the populace of any common culture, history, or values, and just teach them to consume as a replacement for their empty lives?

>> No.20721645

Imagine still pretending the economy isn't rigged after it was shut down for 2 years over a fake pandemic LMAOOOOOOOO

>> No.20721659

You say absurd yet I see no Sneed in that image whatsoever.

>> No.20721669
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You will own nothing, and you will be happy

>> No.20721685

Why do leftists pretend like the pandemic had no effect on our economy? Do they really think because we didn't all explode that means everything is fine and dandy?
Hint: Look into the Fed, inflation, and quantitative easing to understand how fucked our money is; also, besides our funny money, look into the regulations and laws preventing prices from falling on key assets like houses. You'll find housing in places like sanfran costs a shit ton more than in most places for very simple reasons (regulations).

>> No.20721689
File: 315 KB, 1144x721, consider the following.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The leftist looks at this and sees a white man entrapped by capitalism, blind to social issues like Floyd and his own wellbeing by consumerism.

The conservacuck looks at this and sees an inner city shithole that would totally be better if the homeless guys, the mural artist, and everyone else in the area just went to church and sucked pederast priest dick.

What this image actually depicts is the abandonment of white able-bodied men, and the subsequent abandonment by said men of the society around them, as people prioritize wealth-backed fake issues like the drug-induced suicide of a violent criminal over continuing the collapse of western civilization.

tl;dr the hobo is based and the cameraguy and the mural artist are cucks.

>> No.20721695

Joe Biden caused all of that

>> No.20721790

He didn't obviously---the beginnings were already there---but he isn't fucking helping, that's for fucking sure.

>> No.20721792

>Late stage
>He thinks there's and end

>> No.20721800

>government policies
>late-stage capitalism

>> No.20721805

None, but I can provide you with a book on how late-stage capitalism is going to evolve into hypercapitalism and create a technological hell world state that lasts for the rest of eternity.

>> No.20721832

Stop reading, touch grass

>> No.20722628

Fuck knows, but this looks like a KILLER MUSICAL. Can't wait until it's playing in the theatres over here.

>> No.20722740

>Marxists think that this is the last step before we finally overthrow capitalism and get to afford a trendy apartment while working at Starbucks 20 hours a week.
name one

>> No.20722940

Where to begin with your posts. It is clear that you haven't read much Marx besides your paleocon hacks that give you your opinions on Marx.
>I think, actually, that it would have been much more intellectually honest to do just that, and to accept that maybe you don't have all the answers
That is what he did actually. From Marx's POV, imagining a different social system was possible and this defeatist crap you are spouting was more or less outside of the norm at that time. He still refused to talk about the specifics of the communist system because he couldn't possibly know how capitalism would develop so he left it to future generations to figure it. With CGP being the only pamphlet where he talks about some specifics.
>but labor relations in America would have made a shit ton more progress had Marx not been a factor
Marx had little to no influence on american labor relations prior to the establishment of the comintern and even then, it could be argued to marxism as such was entirely alien to the american mind.
>The spread of Marxism in Europe terrified everyone, and rightly so
Where are the proofs for sucha statement lol
>This is debatable, maybe, but I think it's fair to say that working class people would all be in a much better place had there been no Marx, no USSR, no cold war, ect.
No its not fair to say, since we saw the systematic rolling back of the welfare state and labor laws in much of the western world, following the collapse of the USSR. Considering that the second international has proven its intellectual bankruptcy with the advent of WW1 and socialism was on the backhill until the bolshevik revolution, your comment is the opposite of "fair to say"

>> No.20722946
File: 1.22 MB, 3264x1869, laughter in anchuent rouem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Is it just me, or is everything shit' is a book a girlfriend left at my house and forgot to take back, it was pretty good.

>> No.20723004
File: 1.33 MB, 1724x3246, Blooming, loving, life-affirming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20723063

Bill Clinton in the 90s wanted to hype the dream of ''everyone should get a home'', so bankers viewed this as goberment will do anything to back up the housing bonds, which is why those bonds were seen as never risky, then bankers pushed them on their institutional clients, to get fat fees from those, & the bubble was humongous. Then it exploded because GDP will never rise like a fucking bubble.
>1998: Sec. Andrew Cuomo Defends Affirmative Action Mortgage Policy
Andrew Cuomo admits "affirmative action" determined housing policy during his tenure at HUD. New York's new governor defiantly explains how riskier loans with likely a higher default rate would be encouraged under the Clinton Administration. Of course the same policies were subsequently followed by the Bush Administration.
So to avoid the housing collapse, we are supposed to believe the SEC or some other group of regulators were supposed to have had the spine to overrule the stated Clinton Administration official policy on mortgage finance at the time? These regulators presumably were also supposed to have stood up to Congress, mainstream economists, academia & the entire media establishment?
>25 People to Blame for the Financial Crisis
The good intentions, bad managers & greed behind the meltdown
President Clinton's tenure was characterized by economic prosperity & financial deregulation. Among his biggest strokes of free-wheeling capitalism was the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, which repealed the Glass-Steagall Act, a cornerstone of Depression-era regulation. He also signed the Commodity Futures Modernization Act, which exempted credit-default swaps from regulation. In 1995 Clinton loosened housing rules by rewriting the Community Reinvestment Act, which put added pressure on banks to lend in low-income neighborhoods.