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[ERROR] No.2069221 [Reply] [Original]


People post the last ten books they've read, then make recommendations for another poster in the thread based on the last ten things that the other anon has read.

If you want, you give can brief opinions on the books you list to help everyone rec you things.

First poster is obviously exempt from making recs.

>> No.2069240

1. Siddartha- Herman Hesse
2. The Handmaids Tale- Atwood
3. The Great Gatsby
4. The Poetics- Aristotle
5. Greek Mythology- A book of Stories
6. A Moveable Feast- Hemmingway
7. Animal Farm
8. Brave New World
9.The Sound and THe Fury- Faulkner
10. The Old Man and the Sea

>> No.2069245

come on /lit/

recommend some more

>> No.2069248

You seem to be pretty much just going through the classics, so: 1984, A Clockwork Orange, Fahrenheit 451, and Darkness at Noon, if you haven't read them already.

>> No.2069251


read all but "a clockwork orange"

>> No.2069587

1) Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World
2) Don Quixote by Avellaneda
3) 100 Years of Solitude
4) The Fleet that Had to Die
5) The Great War in Africa
6) Silent Night: The Story of the World War One Christmas Truce
7) Sandman
8) Collected Borges
9) Infinite Jest
10) Breakfast of Champions

I would argue that if you're talking about classics, Don Quixote ought to be the next one. First modern novel right there. Fountainhead of all modern Western literature, basically. Also, in a poll of 100 of the world's most prominent authors, 50 said Don Quixote was the best book ever written.

>> No.2069848

v - pynchon

slaughterhouse 5 - vonnegut

apathy and other small victories - neilan

survivor - chuck palahniuk

haunted - chucky

choke - chucky

snuff - chucky

my custom van and 50 other mindblowing essays that will blow your mind all over your face - michael ian black

machine of death - malki, benardo, north

i need inspiration for some next reads

>> No.2069863

The Big Sleep
Farewell, My Lovely
The High Window
The Lady In The Lake
The Little Sister - All by Raymond Chandler
Catch 22 - Whatshisface
Dreamcatcher - Stephen King
The Thief Of Time - Pratchett
Fellowship Of The Ring - Tolkien
Currently reading Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

>> No.2069879

Lullaby and Rant are also fantastic books by Mr. P, if you haven't read them already

>> No.2069882


currently reading lullaby.
rant is actually the only one i don't have\didn't read yet, so perhaps i'll give it a go

>> No.2069885


First off, I argue that you should complete reading The Lord of the Rings. It's one novel in three volumes. Not a trilogy. You have other fantasy novels listed, and so I can only assume that you'd want to read Tolkien, seeing as he's the godfather of the genre.

>> No.2069886

I didn't really care for Rant's style at the beginning, but it is the mindfuck of all mindfucks because of that style

>> No.2069894

k. ordering as we speak (here on /lit/ @ work in bookstore)

also: people looking forward to 'Damned' by chucky, be prepared to hate the sentences "yes i know the word [word here], i'm dead not an idiot"
not finished yet, but it reads like a real young adults book instead of chuck trying to write something ironicly in that style

yes, i'm that guy who had Damned early, i posted about 2 weeks back :)

>> No.2069900

1. The New Left: The Anti-Industrial Revolution by Ayn Rand
2. The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus
3. Beowulf translated by Seamus Heaney
4. A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens
5. In Our Time by Ernest Hemingway
6. The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky
7. The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri
8. All the Days and Nights by William Maxwell
9. Out of the Flames by Lawrence and Nancy Goldstone
10. How Green Was My Valley by Richard Llewellyn

>> No.2069909

if you like YA lit as well I'd suggest Feed by MT Anderson

>> No.2069917


think i have tht stached somewhere on my kindl. i'll give it a go

>> No.2069923

be forewarned though that it's pretty goddamn depressing

>> No.2069926

I can't remember my last ten but here's a few
>Jay Aynson - Thirteen Reasons Why
(YA, girl commits suicide and sends thirteen people tapes explaining their involvement)
>Chuck Palanoohok - Haunted
(liked a lot more than I thought I would)
>OSC - Ender's Shadow
(same as above, it's Bean's perspective of Ender's Game)
>Marion Zimmer Bradley - Darkover Landfall
(ship crashes on a planet, there's this wind that makes people have orgies and kill each other, I dunno)

If it helps I just ordered Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver (bitchy girl dies but gets to relive her last day over and over?), Wake by Lisa McMann (girl can see into others' dreams), Baal by Robert McCammon, and Punish the Sinners by John Saul. For some reason I've been reading a lot of YA fiction lately.

Something by Patrick McGrath maybe. Spider, The Grotesque, Asylum...

>> No.2069932

>Thirteen Reasons Why
This is on my wish list...

>> No.2069937

I liked it. It made me want to go out and make friends with those people who never speak up in class.

>> No.2069961
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A Layman's Guide to Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis

Liber Null & Psychonaut

The Da Vinci Code

The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger, Drawing of the Three, Waste Lands, Wizard and Glass (glad I stopped there)

Point of Impact

Gems from the Equinox

Now reading The Tommyknockers.

>> No.2069967


Different anon here

Even though his style is somewhat lacking, I consider most Palahniuk to be pretty high-tier stuff. I don't even know how I read all of Pygmy or how he wrote it. Choke is kinda boring after a while, Rant is awesome, Fight Club is pretty good, Lullaby is good, and I'm also looking forward to Damned.

Snuff wasn't too great. It was entertaining and the ending was pretty good but it got kinda long-winded at certain points. I'd still recommend it to anyone who asked.

>> No.2070016

>Wizard and Glass (glad I stopped there)

>> No.2070145

Norwegian Wood
Battle Royale
The Great Gatsby
The Necronomicon
Game Of Thrones
Clash Of Kings
Storm Of Swords
Feast For Crows
Peridido Street Station
Dance With Dragons

>> No.2070220

100 Years of Solitude
Tropic of Capricorn
Narcissus and Goldmund
Food of the Gods
Man and his Symbols
The Master and Margarita
The Sound and The Fury
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep

>> No.2070363

1. Kafka on the shore (for the 4th time)-Haruki Murakami
2. The Satanic Verses-Salman Rushdie
3. Steppenwolf-Herman Hesse
4.So Spoke Zarathustra-Friedrich Nietzsche
5.Nip The Buds, Shoot the Kids (second time)- Kenzabro Oe
6.Crime and Punishment- Dostoeyevsky
7.100 Years of Solitude
8. A personal Matter-Kenzaburo Oe
9. Coin Locker Babies-Ryu Murakami
10. I cant even remember.

Prolly not 100% accurate, i read too many to remember.
If you like Norwegian Wood, i would suggest really anything else by murakami, also Kenzaburo oe and Ryu murakami are other good japanese authors, if your into japanese lit.

>> No.2071806

Catch 22
Kafka on the Shore
Rimbaud complete poems
Brave New World
Catcher in the Rye
Poe complete poems
The Trial
Great Gatsby
Romeo and Juliet

>> No.2071813

1. The Man in the High Castle
2. Stranger in a Strange Land
3. The Painted Bird
4. Suttree
5. The Sirens of Titan
6. Hunger
7. A Confederacy of Dunces
8. The Postman
9. Rage
10. The Scarlet Plague

>> No.2071819

1. Shakespeare - Hamlet
2. Ray Bradbury - Fahrenheit 451
3. F. Scott Fitzgerald - The Great Gatsby
4. Douglas Adams - The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
5. Kobo Abe - The Woman in the Dunes
6. Hunter S. Thompson - Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
7. Haruki Murakami - Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman
8. Haruki Murakami - Norwegian Wood
9. Haruki Murakami - Kafka on the Shore
10. Douglas Adams - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

>> No.2071822


I recommend to you The City and The City, by Mieville. Islands in the Stream by Hemingway and Out by Natsue Kirino (probably spelt that wrong)

My last ten (pisspoor memory, this isn't easy)

Shutter Island
Witches Abroad
Madame Bovary
What Ho, Jeeves
The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet
At the Sign of the Cat and Racket
Sonnets - A.C. Swinburne
Paradise Lost
The Wreck of the Deutschland and other poems.

>> No.2071827


>Liber Null & Psychonaut

I recommend Cosmic Trigger, by R.A. Wilson, if you haven't already read it.

Also The Return of the Perennial Philosophy by John Holman. Very interesting.

>> No.2071843




>> No.2071863
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>complains how nobody recommends anything
>doesn't recommend anything.


If you haven't already read Dashiell Hammett, then I totally advise you to instantly, so much better than Chandler. The Maltese Falcon isn't just one of the great detective novels, it's one of the great 20th century novels.

>> No.2071867


>> No.2071905

Princeps' Fury - Jim Butcher
First Lord's Fury - Jim Butcher
The Last Wish - Andrzej Sapkowski
Blood of Elves - Andrzej Sapkowski
The Painted Man - Peter V. Brett
The Desert Spear - Peter V. Brett
Sweet Silver Blues - Glen Cook
Bitter Gold Hearts - Glen Cook
Cold Copper Tears - Glen Cook
Old Tin Sorrows - Glen Cook

>> No.2071910


Are those Glen Cook novels any good? I was kind of interested in given them a shot since I liked the Dresden files (which I assume you are also into given that you have other Butcher on the list). Are they anything like each other?

>> No.2071912
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>Doesn't recommend anything. Twice
>Doesn't post a list
>Calling others a faggot

>> No.2071913

I'm enjoying them. They are easy to read and only 250 pages a piece.

>> No.2071929

Gonna be a rude prick and post a list without recommending anything since I only started recreational reading fairly recently and don't really know anything that isn't a) a staple of it's genre that everyone else has already read ages ago or b) by Jim Butcher.

10. Small Favour (Jim Butcher)
9. Equal Rites (Terry Pratchett)
8. Wizard and Glass (Stephen King)
7. Turn Coat (Butcher)
8. Changes (Butcher)
7. Side Jobs (Butcher)
6. Ghost Story (Butcher)
5. The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner (Twilight rubbish)
4. Consider Phlebas (Iain M Banks)
3. Player of Games (Banks)
2. The Great Gatsby (Fitgerald)
1. The Black Company - Glen Cook (currently half way through)

>> No.2072704


>> No.2072738

Read in the past couple months:
Brave New World
The Man In High Castle
Crime and Punishment
House Of Leaves

On my backlog:
Homage to Catalonia
The Brothers Karamazov
The Republic
The Complete Edgar Allen Poe stories and poems
World War Z
The Luzhin Defence
The Complete Kafka short stories
Surely, you're joking mr feynman
The Odyssey


>> No.2072822

01. Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell, by Susanna Clarke
02. Tai-Pan, by James Clavell
03. Noble House, by James Clavell
04. Sentenced to Prism, by Alan Dean Foster
05. Cachalot, by Alan Dean Foster
06. Ghost Story, by Jim Butcher
07. The Dome, by Stephen King
08. Jurassic Park, by Michael Crichton
09. Timeline, by Michael Crichton
10. Tuf Voyaging, by G.R.R.M.

>> No.2072838

I think you don't have enough variety, it's all a bit Sci-Fi but your backlog seems to be a bit different.
I haven't read enough of your backlog to comment on what you should read next.

I'm looking for recommendations, here's my last 3 reads

Other Voices, Other Rooms
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
The Great Gatsby

>> No.2072863


The series seemed to be heading downhill fast. A picture floating around said the first four were high tier and the next three were shit tier. So I never ordered the last three.

>> No.2072865


Already on my list. Thank you.