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File: 69 KB, 960x540, literally 1984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20717478 No.20717478 [Reply] [Original]

war is peace
freedom is slavery
ignorance is strength

defend or refute

>> No.20717498


>> No.20717512

i would defend these assertions, only a fool wouldn't

>> No.20717531

give reasons why

>> No.20717547

Trannies have made endless posts like "lol le it's exactly like 1984 meme, I really hope you don't believe this MEME unironically LMAO" with no particular argument to back up why it's a meme to see a similarity, because it's in fact true that shit is starting to look a whole lot like the novel, which was inspired by the Soviets anyway. Now that it's starting to get a little too obvious they'll say that you have not read 1984. Literally every single time I quote the book there's a tranny that says I haven't read it.

>> No.20717696

>there's no such thing as peace between equals; the only stable peace is one in which the strong rule and the weak submit without struggle
>to be entirely unconstrained is to be enslaved by your passions
>too much knowledge leads to self-doubt and paralysis

>> No.20717758

Refutable nonsense. Here I thought you were just being a coward and wanted to defend the status quo, but no. You’re a pseudo-intellectual and a fascist or otherwise bootlicker. Not as clever as you think.

>> No.20717766


>> No.20718024

Firstly. This “only stable peace” is a sham condition. There’s zero stability. There was never a “Pax Romana”. Peace is had without states competing. In such places there are friendly competition. Athletes do this all the time. Not even boxers actually wish ill to their competitors. Love exists, but fascists aren’t capable of the feeling.
Secondly, the dream of freedom is ALWAYS to be allowed your own passions. The argument that you’re enslaved by your belly is also made, but just as laughable. You’re moving the goalpost here from unnatural captivity in enslavement to natural and necessary cravings.
Should I even bother with the third? The conformist doctrines of fascism are a brain cancer. The actual blue pill.

>> No.20718104

>War is Peace
External war to stimulate the economy via the production of weapons, raising of soldiers, taking of booty and it's ability to wear down the population to reduce insurrection and gain new territory, is desirable so long as the commons do not loose heart and the war can be continued without major danger to the state
>Freedom is Slavery
The commons will always prefer peaceful, stable slavery once broken with the yoke of civilisation, barbarians will always resist preferring the freedom of nature, this will be their death
>Ignorance is Strength
The commons are easily swayed by orators and demagoguery, the writings of a state must be controlled to prevent such fomentation of revolution and unlawful insurrection, only state sanctioned religion and technical information for the economy is to be tolerated, alongside state propaganda
t. Fa-Cha

>> No.20718117

The reason I hate this book so much is its fucking fanbase.

Holy fuck it's just mediocre book stop treating it like it is something extraordinary.

1984 is exactly the book that screams: " I have read one book and I pretend to know all about literature"

Plus Orwell was a fucking rat,snitching on comrades.

>> No.20718126

defend is refute

>> No.20718147

I can make a weak case for war is peace. Peace can be defined (wiktionary) as "A state free of oppressive and unpleasant thoughts and emotions". In France, we have an expression, "la fleur au fusil", which roughly translates to "with a flower on the rifle". It comes from soldiers going to war at the beginning of WW1, that were very confident in victory and carefree. So in that case, going to war put them in a state free of oppressive and unpleasant thoughts.

Another weak case for freedom is slavery, in that constraints can have a positive impact on creativity, and too much freedom may lead to the paradox of choice.

Something that I find interesting is that with "war is peace" and "freedom is slavery", we have direct opposite, in that peace is the opposite of war, and freedom the opposite of slavery. But that's not the case for "ignorance is strength", the opposite of ignorance is knowledge, and the opposite of strength is weakness. However, there is a way to kind of get back on our feet. If we start from "ignorance is knowledge" and add "knowledge is power" to the equation, we have "ignorance is power", which is close to "ignorance is strength". Close, but not the same. Some people probably already analyzed this, but that's the first time I realized it.

>> No.20718273

The worst part

About this book

Isn’t the fanbase

But the tankies

Who hate the


I mean, did

You really have

Four different points

To make here?

>> No.20718400
File: 8 KB, 215x234, 19F91FF6-E8B1-4FB3-A5C1-744385EED806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are such a perfect example of the typical /lit/ edgy pseud contrarian.