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20716542 No.20716542 [Reply] [Original]

Redditors were asked what the worst book they’ve ever read was. If you need any more evidence that redditors are braindead, low-attention-span mongoloids, here it is.

Honorable mentions include “The Bible” and “12 Rules for Life.”

>> No.20716544

How can you honestly comment this and not feel fucking embarrassed?
Someone take a look at their post and comment history, I want to see what they read or talk about reading.

>> No.20716545

Holy shit, the bottom post. I don't think I have ever nor will ever see a worse take on Don Quixote. Not even "its boring" or "its old", retard has actually no fucking clue what he is saying

>> No.20716560

>browsing Reddit
It's bad for your health anon, the absolute stupidity of the average Redditor is too much for a normal man to endure, to visit this crowd you need to be like them, or to be some kind of demi-god able to withstand the worse cringe strikes known on the internet. Even twitter is better than this shithole

>> No.20716561

The others either aren’t active on Reddit or only post in gaming subs, but the bottom chick is active in r/atheism, r/lgbt, r/antiwork, and apparently loves Little Life, but hates Don Quixote and 100 Years of Solitude. Also vegan, apparently.

>> No.20716563

>“12 Rules for Life.”
I'm sure it would be a contender if I ever read it, Peterson is a giant faggot.

>> No.20716565
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When you gaze long into the abyss

The abyss gazes also into you

>> No.20716567

What a disgusting vapid woman.
I can just picture her fat fucking face with her stupid dyed hair.

>> No.20716573

Clean your room

>> No.20716577

The subs are an obvious giveaway but I haven’t read Little Life, is that also indicative of her character? What’s it about?

>> No.20716578

How the fuck do you hate Screwtape Letters, that book is hilarious.

>> No.20716587

Wit and humor don’t reside in slow minds

>> No.20716600

because 12 rules for life isn't made for brainwashed consoomer losers with an attention span for 10 minutes of "ONE TRICK which will make FEMALES have sex with YOU"

>> No.20716601

its that stupid fucking book with the black and white pic of a guy crying thats in every faggy ass book shop

>> No.20716604

woman tier book

>> No.20716660

Woman detected.

>> No.20716813

Wash your foreskin, bucko

>> No.20716829

They're absolutely correct, Don Quixote is a tedious book
He's completely right, only thing missing is that the book's influence is overstated and history would be the same without its existence

>> No.20716840

I don't have a room since I am not Peterson's target demographic, namely literal children. I have a house, which is clean, because I am not a giant fucking retard who needs Jungian schizobabble about the metaphysics of chaos and order delivered in an old-testament style sermon to learn how to clean at the age of 18+.

I have giant, hairy testicles (size of golf balls). No, I'm not going to send you a picture, you predatory faggot

No, I am cultivating the cheese.

>> No.20716872
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“Um, actually, I own a house, AND I have a big giant nutsack! Take my word for it guys, I’m way better than you!! Oh, and I’ve got foreskin cheese. I bet you feel stupid peddling responsibility and the pursuit of virtue, don’t you?”

>> No.20716881

If I had the attention span of an iPad-child I’d find Don Quixote tedious too, must suck to need instant dopamine from literature.

>> No.20716895

What’s up with redditors hating Don Quixote? Over time I have seen /lit/ show pics of reddit screenshots and they always shit on that book. Is it because it’s not an Anglosohere sort of book so they can’t connect to it or what?

>> No.20716910
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>Screwtape proposes a thread
lmfao these aren’t people
I’d expect Dante to show up if /lit/ were larping the same thread but there’s no fucking way they’ve read him
This is all Oscar Wilde’s fault for reading Huysmans wrong

>> No.20716928

I cannot come up with a better explanation than “old bad” or “my teacher was a fascist for making me read”
Cervantes might be one of the only three Spaniards they’d consider white enough to crucify (Cortes, Franco being the other two)
It’s really stunning when everything about the Don’s character should make them mess themselves with joy, he’s such an easily co-opted figure that I cannot understand why they haven’t tried to lay claim to him (save for the whole “white” thing)

>> No.20716939

These kinds people call Borges an Old White Male so imagine what they'd think of a Spaniard who fought against Muslims (If they even read that much into the author) If it is old and european it's bad according to them. You know, the usual.

>> No.20716940

It's a book where you can easily miss the entire point and just see it as a wacky adventure novel. Kind of like how some women see Anna Karenina as nothing but a criticism of how making divorce hard to get stopped women from living their best lives in 19th century Russia.

>> No.20716946

Because there’s no zany one-liners every 20 seconds like Marvel.

Humans are not immune to Pavlovian conditioning. They spend hours a day mindlessly flicking through video feeds on social media apps like TikTok for the next dopamine hit.

They watch a 20 second clip, laugh, scroll to the next second clip, laugh, and rinse and repeat thousands of times, until they’ve Pavloved themselves into expecting a dopamine hit every 20 seconds. Anything that requires protracted thought or attentiveness will bore them to tears.

Put that in tandem with Don Quixote’s slow, scenic story-telling and subtle situational humor, and you get a bunch of these normies who heard that the book was hilarious, read the first few pages and think, “Where’s all the zany one-liners?”

>> No.20716954

>1000 pages of Marvel tier adventures and the same 3 jokes
So entertaining woah
DQ is especially bad when you consider its age, it was written in a golden age of European literature and still it sucks ass

>> No.20716959

That's literally what happens in DQ albeit the jokes happen at a slower pace
>Put that in tandem with Don Quixote’s slow, scenic story-telling and subtle situational humor
I love the subtle humour when the fat guy shits his pants

>> No.20716961

It's made up of somewhat repetitive episodes that belabor a fairly straightforward point, and the characters don't exactly have depth or realistic subtlety to be explored over the course of these episodes. Add in the more or less formulaic digressions and you have a book that could reasonably be called "boring" even by someone who enjoys "boring old books" such as 19th century novels, which are much closer to modern sensibilities than DQ is. You can certainly find a certain sort of poetry in the variations of the episodes, the dialogue, the play of fantasy and reality between Quixote and Sancho, etc., but it's a somewhat idiosyncratic appreciation compared to the appreciation of a story with more of a traditional dramatic structure.

I'm sure the people making those posts are stupid and unreflective but seizing on easy dismissals of any criticism of your values is another sort of instant gratification, it cheats you out of a character-building experience.

>> No.20716965

I looked at their post history and they’re all adult children, but how noble of you to try to give the normie retards the benefit of the doubt

>> No.20716975

bro I just read it out loud in a grossly overzealous spanish accent and I had a fucking blast with it
did you forget that the written word is the product of the spoken word or something?

>> No.20716979
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It definitely feels that way but when you compare it to the type of instant gratification they need, it’s way too slow. There are lots of long musings and descriptions, and more than a few side stories that push the jokes out of the way for chapters on end. To anyone who actually delights in reading it will feel like there’s lots of constant humorous moments in the book, but to the average normie it’s slow as hell.

>> No.20716981

>Literally posting a thread about reddit with a reddit screenshot
this board is fucking dead

>> No.20717009

I don't care about them, it just bores me when people are more interested in defending their identity (which is often of dubious authenticity) than in integrating the information their environment offers them and using it to draw conclusions and improve their understanding of said environment. The difference between a person with worthwhile insights and a "normie retard" is in the capacity for, and habit of, critical thinking, not in how old one's books are. There may be some correlation between the one trait and the other, but you can't go about it backwards and expect a meaningful result.

>> No.20717054

funniest thing is that if DQ came out today people here would call it unsubtle reddit trash

>> No.20717060

don quixote is the quintessential book that people pretend to have read but which nobody actually has because it's all about the talking points related to it rather than the actual reading experience, which is fucking repetitive and boring after 100 pages if you have a functioning brain.

>> No.20717063
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>> No.20717090

I read it 7 times as a kid then 2 more times as an adultager
It's fun fun fun

>> No.20717095

I don't think there's anything wrong with calling the book a 'slog', and the second guy seems at least to respect the book in some way. The first dude just sounds like a brainless faggot

>> No.20717253

>I'm totally not an insecure faggot guys believe me!

>> No.20717269

Holy shit, the amount of pseuds exposing themselves in this thread is astounding.
If you can’t read Don Quixote(really not tedious, it’s a fucking comedy) you’re a moron and should go back to reading YA.

>> No.20717275

Also, half of Americans can’t read at a grade 8 level, maybe this explains it.

>> No.20717293

>(really not tedious, it’s a fucking comedy)
yeah, comedy repeated for far too long. it's like if someone told you the same joke with variations in location over and over for the length it takes to read the book, isn't that retarded? Anybody that likes don quixote is stupid and should stop reading asap

>> No.20717303

He is
Juden Peterstein supports israel and is against ethnonationalism because these are le bad
His daughter is a roastie whore = he failed

>> No.20717433


>> No.20717441
File: 48 KB, 602x430, 1658353017091162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jordan Peterson is entry level, he has great advice for building a solid foundation. Move on to other thinkers, Carlyle or any of the Russian writerd he adores. You will get a greater world view and find that every pre-ww2 thinker was violently opposed to them.

>> No.20717446

>describes Don Quixote exactly

>> No.20717469

You do realize that Don Quixote is essentially a periodical and not intended to be read in a 1,000 page periodical, right? Every little episodic adventure is a separate story.

>> No.20717472

>sage who has built solid foundation and moved on to Carlyle and the Russians is still shitposting topless men with gay moustaches
What is the purpose of this foundation, Carlyle, and the Russians?

>> No.20717476

>Because there’s no zany one-liners every 20 seconds like Marvel.
But there literally are.
Have you even read DQ?

>> No.20717490
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Ask a better question and i will answer. I can not answer your vague, baited question about purpose such as it is.

>> No.20717491

>Move on to other thinkers, Carlyle or any of the Russian writerd he adores.
Reading Jung right now, how's Solzhenitsyn? Thinking of picking up G.A. once I've had my fill of Jung.

>> No.20717494

>1,000 page periodical,
1,000 page marathon*
Fuck me

>> No.20717516
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I love Solzhenitsyn. His writing style is direct and terse. Like Hemingway if Cuba became a forced labor camp, and rum became kasha.

Recommend A Day In The Life to try him out.

>> No.20717538

I read any book max 50 pages a day, often with some days in between, so idk about marathon, but the problem is it's still boring when you dip into it again because it will be more of the same.

>> No.20717609

Kolyma Tales > Gulag Archipelago, Shamalov > Solzhenitsyn

>> No.20717626

I didn't hate screwtape letters but I did find it tedious after three pages.

>> No.20717638

What are you trying to say here?

>> No.20717653

>supports israel
>against ethnonationalism

>> No.20717657

>most boring books you've read
>posters talk about books they've only read a part of and never finished because it was boring
People seriously consider reading a quarter of a book as having read a book, huh?

>> No.20717658

>Gulag Archipelago > Solzhenitsyn

What did he mean by this

>> No.20717686

How does 12 Rules even qualify as a bad read, it's not laborious at all and is pretty quick

>> No.20717699

it's not that it's not bad, but that it's such a low hanging fruit for getting reddit asspats. At least say something less obvious if you're gonna signal your virtue to your fellow redditors.

>> No.20717726
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It's a satire that requires a basic understanding of historical context. In Spain we study a fair bit of 14th-16th Century literature and even the dumbest high schooler has a basic notion of how our society worked during the Siglo de Oro because it gets hammered down so much in our education system. Pic related is a children's book version of a 15th Century novel that was banned at the time of publication because it was considered blasphemous and degenerate. All Americans know about Renaissance Europe is what they've seen in Europe.

Not to mention El Quijote is actually a very funny book but a lot of jokes don't make any sense of you don't read them in spanish. Bear in mind it's a book about a literal schizo and his enabler servant who just sort of goes along with it.

>> No.20717747

If the path you have chosen has lead you here, and my path (cocaine and femdom pornography) has also lead me here, how then may you honestly say that your path was better?

>> No.20717812

It's not a complete dumpster fire of a book. There are some compelling themes to it, it's just that Yanagihara is so fucking dry as a prose stylist that halfway in you kind of want poor Jude to drive that knife he's cut his arms with straight through one of them not because you want him to die but because you want to see if his author would be at all capable of giving such a scene any moisture
Also she worked as editor-at-large at Conde Nast Traveler and a critical analysis earlier this year found that she practically copypasted some articles she wrote right into her book lol

>> No.20717947


>> No.20717976


>> No.20717997

Look, All I'm saying is; If you don't like Don Quixote,
There's probably a million other classics that also filtered you too.
I sure hope a lot of people here are trolling in their
critiques of one of the greatest works of literary fiction
of all time.

>> No.20718003


>> No.20718006

That someone as milquetoast and lame as Peterson makes lefties seethe so much is an indictment on their lack of mental acuity.

>> No.20718013

oh no the stupid redditors said something stupid again! and you're actually a redditor but don't count yourself as one!

shitty masturbatory thread

>> No.20718014

>if you wince and are repulsed by a guy eating shit straight out of a full porta-potty, you have a lack of mental acuity

>> No.20718029

Okay tranny. Go wash your dick.

>> No.20718042

Things like that and The War on the West are very useful in starting people down the alt right pipeline. Like, they're not anything special in themselves but it's a circuit breaker for all the anti straight white male tiktok Twitter propaganda they've been receiving since they were 5 years old.

>> No.20718051


>> No.20718060

I bet you're one of those mentally ill faggots who get filtered by basic neurochemistry and anti-communism so you post epic memes of Peterson screaming LOBSTER HIERARCHY WHITE MALES TRANS PEOPLE DIE FASCISM IM A LOBSTER NAZI as if you're not the fucking weirdos in this situation

>> No.20718088


>> No.20718131

If you haven't figured out that "alt-right" was a psyop all along then look up the photo of Richard Spencer with Laura Bush. I'd post it but I'm not downloading that shit.
Spencer was an asset used to discredit Paul Gottfried and all non-neocon forms of right-wing politics. Trump only appropriated paleocon and bircheresque rhetoric to establish a base. It's called politics, bro. None of its real. Only amoral power games all the way down.

>> No.20718505

Studies have shown that the average person’s attention spans and intelligence have been precipitously declining, and this newest batch of kids raised on iPads and Zoom classes during the fake pandemic are estimated to be about two years behind the previous generation of kids in terms of social and reading development, meaning kids that are now 6 only have the thought capacity of a 4 year old, and so on and so forth.

We haven’t seen anything yet, in 5-10 years we’re going to see the fallout from our education system’s failures in full force.

>> No.20718523

>”not in how old one’s books are.”

To reiterate, this was a thread asking about the WORST book they’ve ever read, not merely one that they couldn’t get into. And when an astounding number of people all put “Don Quixote” and “The Bible” as answers, that’s legitimate cause for concern.

There’s a difference between merely not enjoying a book very much and vociferously hating it.

>> No.20718553

The only sub I use is writingcirclejerk because the others piss me off too much and I always get banned, but if calling everyone who criticizes Reddit a redditor makes you feel better about yourself then that makes sense.

>> No.20718629

I'm not going to search for that thread, but even those four comments remind me of looking up 1 star reviews of Twain, Dostoevsky, and Solzhenitsyn on Amazon.

>> No.20718644
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Most of this stuff I couldn't finish because it was so awful. I used Spark Notes for what was assigned to me in school.

>> No.20718731

when I told a friend who enjoys soundcloud rap and indie I was going to see a Mozart opera he said he was sorry for me lol. I'm not sure why classic European culture is seen as cringe. He said he likes russian classical though cause they hated Europeans and made more interesting work.
Another friend of mine has said his main issues with Bach are that he's simplistic/repetitive, but unlike modern music, he has boring texture. Odd opinion imo

>> No.20718799

whats wrong with Tolkien? i like him but I guess I could see him rubbing someone the wrong way

>> No.20718802
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The same way a man in a new truck find spies an useless panhandler with a sign, begging, at a 4-way intersection. Because we are briefly occupying the same area, does not mean we are heading in similar directions. Why would it?

>> No.20718806

Yeah, and you killed it

>> No.20718827

*cums on you*
alright I'm done masturbating

>> No.20718847
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Fucking idiots

>> No.20718929

This concerns me too. I've read a couple articles about educators' experiences re-integrating (read: wrangling) the kids back into in-school education following the stay-at-home zoom school period, and it did not sound pleasant, even considering that kids have already been getting crazier and crazier in schools over the past 10 years before the pandemic (at least based on the experiences my mother had as a teacher, and hearing about and seeing what she was going through until she quit ~4 or 5 years back). It seems like we'll have an even larger under-class of under-educated idiots following all of this, and perhaps that was the intention all along. It'll be interesting to see how high schools and colleges handle remedial education ~5-7 years from now when the majority of kids may well end up needing it before entry across practically every discipline.

>> No.20718956

you are a coward. the redditor isn't afraid of saying something controversial and he's not even anonymous.

>> No.20718981

That is such a bizarre take regarding bach that it makes me wonder if he's bothered to seriously engage with him across more than a handful of pieces. I only really started listening to him (and classical music in general) over the past 3 or 4 months myself, and he has some of the most beautifully complex (yet still enjoyable) works I've heard in general, right up there with my very favorite jazz, prog, and fusion artists.

>> No.20719043

you are a redditor because you use reddit, which you have admitted to twice now

>> No.20719049

Personally it's because it's simply not an interesting or even very comprehensible book. I picked it up once out of curiosity and it was all in Spanish

>> No.20719061

>fails at simple analogical reasoning
You just on /lit/ for 30 seconds until the light goes green or what retard

>> No.20719893

If someone cooks food, does that make them a chef? If someone shoots a gun once, does that make them a marksman? If someone cuts their own hair once, does that make them a barber?

To be a redditor is to be ingrained in reddit culture, which I am not. To open it once every blue moon to see what’s going on in the exhibit is not the same as sharing their identity, and you water down the meaning of the word “redditor” when you carelessly attribute it to anyone who’s ever looked at the site. I’m clearly not fond of reddit culture, but because I had the audacity to screenshot and document what they’re doing, you’ve decided there’s no difference between the two.

Let EmpLemon explain it to you, you uncultured swine. https://youtu.be/_r5Bmn2XNoM

>> No.20720564
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I avoid going to Reddit for any discussion on anything. It was fine in the past, but now it's infested with teenagers and millennials that want everything to be dumbed down.

>> No.20720568
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Wrong image

>> No.20720712

>don quixote is the quintessential book that people pretend to have read but which nobody actually has
You misspelled In Search of Lost Time

>> No.20720762

Which sub is this undoubtedly fat slob of a whore talking about?

>> No.20720811

bookscirclejerk, comment was posted on the brandonsanderson sub though so make of that what you will

>> No.20720872


that fat fuck

>> No.20720896

Butler and Hardy are fun. You're right about everything else. Pure garbage. Only reason Pinecone doesn't disown the crying of lot 49, like he does Slow Learner, is because that's what put him in the spotlight.

>> No.20720903

>downvotes posts on reddit
>screenshots an image of his downvotes
>posts the image on a site where he thinks he will get social credit for it
kill yourself oversocialized nigger faggot

>> No.20720927

>the black and white pic of a guy cumming
Ftfy, it's so much worse

>> No.20720941

How's 9th grade?

>> No.20720950

Oy vey! Aint he one o dem neon nazis? ADLbros, lets mobilise.

>> No.20720986

reddit made you seethe that hard, huh? what a bitch

>> No.20720987

He has a point. Who's to say you've reached your destination? Also, cocaine rots the mind which makes his path better/more virtuous.

>> No.20721158


>> No.20721172

shame, Don Quixote is fucking hilarious

>> No.20721356

They're right DQ is trash

>> No.20721373

You aren't better than they are.

>> No.20721406

Which always leaves me wondering how well the songs from the musical Man of La Mancha translated to Spanish. English is already one of the most awkward languages to try and rhyme in, I'm not sure how well it would then translate to scan tunes in Spanish... after going from Spanish to English.
At least any such adaptation was made well before BabelFish and Google Translate came along to make matters worse...

>> No.20721411

Helluva sign they don't do much reading. You gonna tell me The Bible is somehow worse, more unreadable (any translation) than LitRPG?

>> No.20721436

Don quijote is for pseuds. Shakespeare is the real deal.
T. Spanish native speaker

>> No.20721460

There are way too many brown people online

>> No.20721495

>Honorable mentions include “The Bible”
Naturally. Reddit is Jewish and Jewish-adjacent by force.

>> No.20721632


>> No.20721641

Pride and Prejudice
It was literally day time television before day time television. No wonder women love it so much.

>> No.20721651

what did the redditor say?

>> No.20721688
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>sketchy unfinished play with some similarities to a fragment of quijote with none of the main characters attributed to Shakespeare under heavy assumptions and suppositions.

>> No.20721806

that he hated a classic. i didn't check out the other posts

>> No.20721820

>I personally didn't like it therefore it's bad

>> No.20721841

Pretty sure people like that hate on established classic composers as a way of reconciling the fact that their music actually sucks ass.

Nobody could say that SoundCloud rap is on par with Bach without looking like a complete tool, but you can just say that Bach sucks without attracting too much scrutiny.

>> No.20721855

It's not boring really, but it's almost entirely nonsensical. He's a fucking terrible writer. I had thought maybe he was just a shitty public speaker, so I gave his books a go, but he's not much better in writing. He would barely pass a first-year composition course, but pop psychology clearly has a low bar.

>> No.20721856

I can see getting lost in One Hundred Years of Solitude, if you're reading slowly, but disliking the book is pretty pleb. Don Quixote is a complete slog however.

>> No.20721861

but..but Tolstoy has very enjoyable plots and accessible language

>> No.20721867

My gripe with Evola isn't that he is right-wing, it's that he is a profoundly shitty esoteric thinker. Evola is to neurotic permanently online young men what astrology and Harry Potter fan fiction is to neurotic and permanently online young women.

>> No.20721936
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>if someone fucks a horse, does that make them a horsefucker?