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/lit/ - Literature

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20712439 No.20712439 [Reply] [Original]

>reads a book once
>give a vague back cover tier synopsis
>cant make a 10 hour video essay on it

If you've read a book and you cant easily write an indepth essay that is atleast 10 pages about it then you didnt actually read it.

>> No.20712453

doubt he even reads the books he probably just pays some kid to make a cliffnotes summary of the book

>> No.20712460

>What is a spoiler-free review?

>> No.20712469
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the fact is that people who just read a book once and then decide to be done with it dont actually remember much of anything from it to give a report on it abundant in words

which is also why youtube trends like "a book a week" is dumb. waste your time to learn nothing

>> No.20712472

Dance around any sort of synopsis and vaguely suggest themes that could possibly or possibly not be present in the book.(as they are subjective and can't be wrong)

>> No.20712479

He did a 50 minute video on Plato's Republic:

>> No.20712519

>If you've read a book and you cant easily write an indepth essay that is atleast 10 pages about it then you didnt actually read it.
true tbf. you've probably only read it at a very surface/lackadaisacal level.

>> No.20712525

Hes a gaming and shitposting YouTuber primarily and still blows the fuck out of any dedicated lit YouTubers.

>> No.20712528

Eh? I like him well enough, but his lit videos always seemed pretty superficial, except maybe the one about Plato.

>> No.20712538

Yes. I'm not saying he's a an in depth scholar. Just that most lit YouTubers are even worse in their lack of depth. I've checked out some channels that were recommended here and their shit was painfully obvious surface level Wikipedia skimming shit. At least pewds can be funny.

>> No.20712571

When will he do a stream with Keith Woods?

>> No.20712582

I would love to see an Irish twink and Swedish chad with fascist beliefs in the same room -*-

>> No.20712585

this wouldn't be possible with how he talks about the books

>> No.20712654

check out Ali Abdaal

>> No.20712672

I'm not listening to some Ayrab

>> No.20712694

>If you've read a book and you cant easily write an indepth essay that is atleast 10 pages about it then you didnt actually read it.
oh no bros is it true??? what can i do now? will i ever recover??? OP YOU DESTROYED ME!!!

>> No.20712701
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jack off to book whores while they read fiction

>> No.20712754

He pretty clearly does a essay lik-te description of the book, what he thought and felt reading it. The best thing you can do for a general audience. What do you expect him to do other than that?

It’s unreasonable, contrarian le celebbity hate to go against the the consensus reached here multiple times that him bringing his fans in any way closer to reading is in fact a goos thing.

>> No.20712771

These book shoppers are far worse and yet about the only representation of exclusively literature on YouTube with any reach.
There are academic or pseudo academic channels out there but those as said do not have reach or are terrible. I’ve yet to see a literature, literary fiction channel with more than 500K subs who knows his/her shit.

>> No.20712788


>> No.20712871

Crash Course Literature wasn't that bad.

>> No.20712879

Does pewdiepie like Varg?

>> No.20712971

it's pretty clear if you watch any of his book videos that he reads for pleasure and genuinely enjoys reading. ultimately unless you are a scholar or something we are all just reading for "fun" so i'm not sure why you feel the need to gatekeep being a SERIOUS READER. also he has better taste than like 95% of "booktube" despite not basing his entire personality around the fact that he reads books and hes far less pretentious than the other youtuber who immediately comes to mind who obviously browses /lit/ (better than food).

this type of shit however actually infuriates me. people who read compulsively and only read """useful""" self help or non fiction books or if they do read literature it's some well known classic that will accrue social capital for them and only use reading as a component of some larger self-improovment fetish.

>> No.20713012

Worse than PDP because it makes the claim of some seriousness.
Probably not. The guy’s a lib but anti corporate (lol) and anti progressive.

>> No.20713021

it really puts things into perspective

Are you going to study and memorize [X] book? If not then what is the point of reading it?

What pleasure is there in wasting several hours of the day slow-reading fiction trash for pleasure?

Your time is better spent studying something of use

>> No.20713118
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i know this is very difficult for you to understand anon but not everyone reads for usefulness as some means to an end or to become an "expert" on a book. i use quotes here because unless you are a scholar, you are no better than the rest of us lowly pleasure readers. besides, actual scholars read more literary theory than literature and have moved beyond the framework of doing some sort of formalist close reading of a text. but i understand that this is doing something for you so please keep telling yourself you're superior to pewdiepie because you could write a 10 page essay about every book you read.

>> No.20713140

So, he's like /lit/.

>> No.20713165

>What pleasure is there in spending several hours doing a thing that you really enjoy doing for pleasure?
Your brain is a toilet.

>> No.20713508
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assuming by the type of books you like, you're a:

30 year old roastie witch hag that still reads young adult novels

>> No.20713527

Actually, brevity and concision argues in favor of a deeper and better understanding of the subject, based on careful study and consideration, consistent with an oft-articulated insight:

“I have only made this letter longer because I have not had the time to make it shorter.”
— Blaise Pascal, mathematician and physicist.

“Not that the story need be long, but it will take a long while to make it short.”
— Henry David Thoreau, writer and philosopher.

“If I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter.”
— Marcus Tullius Cicero, philosopher and statesman.

>> No.20713589

massive cope

>> No.20713781
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>anyone who disagrees with my dumbass take is a woman who reads YA

>> No.20713806

This is a pretty lame answer to the anon you replied to, can't you just study his posts and make a 10 page-post long essay about why he's wrong?

>> No.20713855

why dont you kill yourself faggot

>> No.20713862
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>> No.20713864
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Booktubers for the most part are completely transparent.
The only exception is Benjamin McEvoy.
Absolute class act, what a lad.

>> No.20713869

wow he's just like me!

>> No.20713886

his quite terrible book reviews are a fabulous and fantastic illumination into the youtuber culture, who can spend 10 hours "dissecting" a game (read: rambling incoherently about what they like and don't like about it) and when confronted with something of substance, say, a book, it shoots through their pathetic intellectual systems like a taco bell burrito through a small Finnish adolescent.

>> No.20713910

He doesn't really dissect games. He would do like a 15 hour playthrough, finish the game, and then say maybe 5 sentences about liking or disliking it.

>> No.20713915

Kek. Maybe a 10 page long essay could make me kms..

>> No.20713927

Let’s meme him into doing this.

>> No.20714053

There's more to discuss with videogames

>> No.20714069

that would be EPIC

>> No.20714081

I wouldn't be able to sit down and write 10 pages on my favorite novel, but talking with someone else who has read it I could talk for hours about it. Is that just me or what?

>> No.20714087


>> No.20714405

Why does he make /lit/ pseuds seethe?

You will find literally any reason to complain about Pewdiepie talking about books.

>> No.20714413

it's left wing twitter tourists.
Pewdy likes Mishima alot, so they feel the need to counter signal him for political reasons

>> No.20714423

You just need to learn to put ideas into written form.

>> No.20714481

I think it also has to do with not being able to remember names. Especially in Russian literature (although I'm finding it to be the case while reading The Count of Monte Cristo) I can keep track of the character but not really by their name or title. I especially hate when a single character is referred to in 3, 4, 5 or even more different ways.

>> No.20714501

Greetings from Kazakhstan

>> No.20714514

Left wing twitter couldn't give a shit about some vaguely known writer from a video he made 3 years ago. Literally only /lit/ is still hung up on it

>> No.20714517

I used to have this problem but I think I just subconsciously internalized methods for remembering names better.

Try just going back to certain scenes and seeing if the character's names as you remember regularly (until you're no longer having trouble).

>> No.20714545

Man imagine being such a brainlet that you can't remember patronymics, surnames, and nicknames off the cuff.

>> No.20714559

IDK pewdiepie is actually an intelligent guy, I can buy that he reads without giving a goodreads tier review

>> No.20714566

Also not to mention English is not his native language. That effects interest in literature. Maybe he's most read in swedish.

>> No.20714567

Newfags keep forgetting Pewds browses /lit/.

>> No.20714971

lmao no it is not. it's gatekeeping "elitists" whose tastes are entirely informed by /lit/ charts butthurt that felix is exposing their favorite books to his massive audience of normies.

also it's not "leftists" who seethe at felix it's woke buzzfeed-reading libs and those people probably don't even know who mishima is.

>> No.20715011
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>essay that is at least 10 pages
So regurgitate paragraphs wholesale while giving some retard pre-packaged take? That's high school essay tier.

>> No.20715361

Is the irony of this thread not lost on anyone posting earnestly?

An indepth essay? That would be pointless. The book has already been written. I take from it what I can with me and try to live a better life. Not memorize a bunch of things that wouldn't help me.

>> No.20716192

Something that should be more common.

>> No.20716215

Kek retard op fucking rolled.
You are a stupid fucking kid who things everything is a competition. Shut your fucking mouth

>> No.20716581
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he's rich, handsome, happily married, seems genuinely happy and is beloved by literally tens of millions of people. of course he makes the bitter, lonely, misshapen ogres on here seethe

>> No.20716589
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>reddit spacing
>psued take
checks out tbqh

>> No.20716590

This guy can make money watching other people’s videos or playing games but instead chooses to occasionally talk about the books he reads to an audience that clearly wouldn’t care otherwise.
He did a Dostoevsky read along sort of thing, I think. What other world famous YouTubers do this kind of thing?
Oh but it’s not really a problem, is it? You’re just ideologically entrenched into needing to hate and therefore about him, aren’t you?
This board is full of such pathetic seething.

>> No.20716772

Why would I memorize a book? What's the point in studying fiction? There are themes and lessons that can be gathered but for all intense and porpoises it's just a made up story.

>> No.20716781

>reddit spacing
newfag, check posts from 2009-2012 to learn how to post here
also lurk more

>> No.20716796

no proof of that

>> No.20716839

Back when namefags were rampant? back when we narwhal'd the bacon? There's no reason to redditspace after a line.

>> No.20716845

It's mainly because he said the nword once
>not reeel
Ok, I'm sorry. I'll just call them Progressives

>> No.20717025

>readability is irrelevant

>> No.20717184

















god it's even just outright annoying and unnatural to fucking press enter so many goddamn times for no reason whatsoever. Readability? Then you imply literally all books are unreadable.

>> No.20717186

No im pretty sure he reads everything in english

>> No.20717189

Hello pewds :)

>> No.20717195

You are not arguing in good faith so there's no convincing you.

>> No.20717221

I am simply disagreeing with you. Not disbelieving you yourself earnestly think that you do it for readability. I literally asked you to explain how come books don't do it and people read those just fine? I literally do believe you. Why don't you answer?

>> No.20717254

stfu felix go imprengate your wife already youre embarising yourself with that god awful dog-children roleplaying

>> No.20717270
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>books don't have small paragraphs
It depends on the book, pseud. That anon wasn't writing some long form essay, just a reply on some imageboard.

>> No.20717297

I still believe you have trouble reading my posts. It's just one wrong inferation after another

>> No.20717309

>>reads a book once
It's better to read no book than to read a book once. After all, it's better to know nothing than to think you know something.

>> No.20717358

I'm >>20717270

I overlooked 'after a line' here>>20716839. I agree with you, single line paragraphs are annoying.

>> No.20717508

If i read a cool fantasy novel the only thing thats coming out of that is a synopsis that can go into detail over 10 pages, not every book needs to have a meaning

>> No.20717674
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He read Murakami in swedish at the very least

>> No.20717743

It really is surreal how this annoying faggot went from screaming like a little bitch to an archetypal pseudo-intellectual to impress his vaguely rightish fanbase

>> No.20717889

>tens of millions of people.
In all likelihood probably hundreds of millions. He already has 110 million subscribers.

>> No.20717922

>could just react to reddit posts for 20 minutes a day
>could just play vidya for 20 minutes a day
>could watch other people's videos for 20 minutes a day
>could just fucking retire
>decides to promote good books to people by talking about his experience reading them
It should be commended or you should at least be neutral on it but I think it's a good thing to get a bunch of kids interested in and excited about reading. I don't give a shit if he read the books or not or if he just got into reading in his spare time and only has a surface level because his media literacy is poor as he just started.
I'm sure it's nice to see a normie or you icon talk about a book and how they felt instead of some pseud breaking it down in a 10 page essay

>> No.20718157

His fan base is mostly kids. I appreciate that you admitted you lost the culture war to a swedish eceleb. I thought you comrades we're all about action yet here you are impotently crying about PewDiePie.

>> No.20719523

I miss his book videos.
You faggot bullied him too much even though his book videos were great and now he's too insecure to make them

>> No.20719776

He has no idea what content he wants to make