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20711020 No.20711020 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books about a low status man becoming a high status man through action?

>> No.20711078
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Vespasian was a horse-breeder before he became Emperor of Rome.

>> No.20711079


>> No.20711081

Romance of the Three Kingdoms

>> No.20711084

Bitch is walled at 18, caked in several layers of makeup

>> No.20711087


>> No.20711096

The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

>> No.20711125


Literally my diary desu.

>> No.20711151

les miserables

>> No.20711479

Mein Kampf is the beginning of the greatest rags to riches story in history. Hitler was literally homeless, then an incarcerated convict, then one of the most powerful and beloved men in the world. Pretty amazing actually.

>> No.20711515

Was that low status in Rome? Seems like it would be mid-tier.

>> No.20711527

Gormenghast. Steerpike goes from kitchen slave to the most important and influential position in the castle

>> No.20711529

He was a Knight though

>> No.20711531

The Siege of Krishnapur
/lit/cel becomes heroic scourge of the Pajeets

>> No.20711552

Any biography of Stalin

>> No.20711590

And then he turned to mass murder. And you still admire him.
Broken male syndrome. Are you even human anymore?

>> No.20711691

when /pol/tards drift to other forums, they seldom, maybe never, impress. really makes you think.

>> No.20711702

When a man is confronted with realities of life, sometimes he must commit things that future generations perceive as atrocities. You yourself are alive only thanks to the fact that your ancestor at some point murdered someone or stole for the good of his family. You probably have few ancestors who were born of rape. Now, we dont need to approve of these actions but given that they are happening right now, will happen again and you are currently benefiting from the ongoing ones, well, your condemnation just makes you look like a hypocrite. But since you use terms like "broken male syndrome" and other pasive agressive nonsense, your brain is probably too rotten with comfort to understand what I am saying.

>> No.20711705

>mass murder
Imagine still believing in the holohoax in 2022 lol

>> No.20711713


u wot

>> No.20711721
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If you want extreme power fantasies, I recommend The Fountainhead. The main character starts twice from low status in that book. He had the sigma spirit from the beginning, so I'm not sure if that is exactly what you are looking for.

>> No.20711727

Impressing trannies is not impressive

>> No.20711795

Why do they spend all day simping for femboys then

>> No.20712861

The Red and the Black, he gets bad end tho

>> No.20712878

Equites were a upper mid class of Plebian Plutocrats, having little in the way of direct political influence due to their birth, their role in the Roman military was cavalry that provided their own horse, arms and and armor. Their influence came from being the only respectable Plebs that Patricii could marry, for their money mostly I think Cicero's wife was one if I'm not mistaken.
So with them effectively being lower military nobility, typically rural land holders, specialising in (light skirmish rather than medieval heavy shock) cavalry the title is often translated as Knight for being so similar even if they're not 1:1

>> No.20712896

is this actually deep to 17 year old /pol/fags? jesus this board is trash

>> No.20712962

you can say the same about all dictators since all of them were plebs who got absolute power

>> No.20712992

How's this book? I'm looking for a new tome to ruin my life with.

>> No.20713002

Benjamin Franklin's Autobiography

>> No.20713026

Mayor of Casterbridge

also fuck polfags you ruined this website

>> No.20713035

The Great Gatsby!

>> No.20713039

war is father to us all, you retard start with the greeks

>> No.20713041

I understand why you'd think that way, but it's not a bad point

>> No.20713183

How many other dictators rose from complete obscurity to democratically take over a modern superpower though? Why don't you want to give Hitler the credit he deserves for his incredible accomplishment? It's not like he led a military coup to take over some tinpot African shithole, Germany was an industrial and intellectual world leader with an incredibly educated and sophisticated electorate as it has been for centuries.

>> No.20713220

>When a man is confronted with realities of life, sometimes he must commit things that future generations perceive as atrocities.
No. Unless you’re some kind of vegan, hell no.

>It never happened. But it should have!
Murdering civilians during wartime is bad. War is bad enough, but you’re jazzed about popping defenseless people’s head off because of some imaginary conspiracy

>> No.20713223


>> No.20713247


>> No.20713313

If you're going to go with a murderous dictator, go with Stalin or Mao, much better story. Hitler was a fucking courier in the war and despite his violent rhetoric, squeamish about getting his hands dirty.

Stalin robbed banks to fund the communist party, got arrested and tortured, killed plenty of people himself, did terrorism, and actually stayed in power until his death, raising Russia from post-WWI / civil war famines and near collapse, to a super power.

Mao had more frontline combat experience then either combined and was a brilliant general unlike either of the other two. The Chinese civil war killed more people than the Eastern Front and lasted decades, through the Jap invasion, and for half a decade after WWII ends for everyone else
China was Africa tier when Map took over, with a population that had flat lined for decades due to mass death. Overwhelmingly peasants living with medieval technology.

Mao more than doubled the population (despite killing like 40-80 million people in his lifetime), made it one of the very first countries with nukes and into space (before many first world nations). Absolutely wild rise. Also the Long March would be like Washington doing a fighting retreat from Florida to Alaska.

Meanwhile, Hitler left his country conquered and ruined.

>> No.20713343 [DELETED] 

>He only had 7RM in his pocket. The first thing he bought when he was elected Chancellor was a hot meal.

>> No.20713378

Hitler wasn't a murderous dictator. The jewish controlled nations of the world united and murdered him because he was too good for this fallen world.

>> No.20713431

Honestly, this book will make anyone want to become a cult leader. It's written like this:
>Manson was poor
>Manson was 5'4
>Manson was raped in prison
>Manson was stupid
>Manson was a social outcast
>Manson began to talk to pimps in prison
>Manson became interested in Scientology, hypnosis and occult in prison
>Manson attended Self Help group in prison
>Manson learned to play crazy so aggresive inmates would leave him alone
>Manson learned to play guitar in prison
>Manson got out of prison
>Manson got himself a group of followers
>Manson saw a girl and fucked her
>Manson manipulated girls to make them do anything he wanted
>Manson saw a girl and made her become his slave
>Manson was a leader

This book literally hypnotizes you to stop being a loser.

>> No.20713434

The Satyricon

>> No.20713435

Mao didn't do shit. The Communists almost never fought the Japanese. They just let the Kuomintang do all the work. It's pretty easy to fight someone who is fighting two wars. Mso is even on record thanking thr Japanese for invading.

>> No.20713438
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>> No.20713459

is that Kyle Rittenhouse lol

>> No.20713467

Without a doubt one of the best books you'll ever read. Reading the Gormenghast novels was a genuine joy

>> No.20713512

yeah but manson was a criminal low inhib type of loser. it's much easier for him to say.

>> No.20713545

how much copeium do you have to fucking be on to even type this shit man...

>> No.20713614

lol, dude the Germans were open about many of their war crimes. Not to mentioned plenty admitted to them. And it started right from the outset; pilots admitted to strafing columns of fleeing Polish civilians to spread terror. Their massive use of Eastern European slave labor is well documented.

This is partially true, but has more to do with the geography of who held what territory and where the Japs could press their attack.

But it's mostly wrong. For one, the Chinese Civil War was raging long before the Japs invaded, and continued long after they were driven out, so the idea that Mao wasn't involved in fighting is ridiculous. Fighting the Japs was not the only fighting going on by a long shot. The campaigns between Chinese factions were absolutely gigantic.

The CCP was almost defeated by the time the war with Japan started, and wasn't in a position to launch major counter offensives. It did eventually make major pushes on Japanese territory. While it focuses more on the KMT, 500,000 combat losses would generally be considered "fighting," in most contexts.

>> No.20713636

Knights were basically the regional Ford dealership owners of ancient Rome. A man rising from that to become Caesar of America would certainly be more "rags to riches" than most American leaders have been.

>> No.20713675

This is so fucking retarded lmao, the Germans were proud of their killings and kept much documentation on them

>> No.20713703

>When a man is confronted with realities of life
lol he was living with ghosts in his head, in no way was his plan grounded in reality

>> No.20713727

who are you talking about

>> No.20713729

Any Napoleon biography. Better than reading fiction, too.

>> No.20713737

Unironically kill yourself. Not a dime will be lost.

>> No.20713762

>Mao didn't do shit
Well, yes. When your governed are starving by the dozens of millions, it is understood that you did nothing that you should.

>> No.20713845
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>> No.20713849

All of those "confessions" were elicited by jewish torturers. Millions of innocent German women and children were raped and murdered by Allied firebombing and judeo-bolshevik soldiers.

>> No.20713984

These distinctions aren’t real. Just decide that you are a high status man and you are one.

>> No.20714088

highborn tho
It is morally repugnant to the universe for a low caste person to become king.

>> No.20714106 [DELETED] 

>mass murderer
>murderous dictator
kike detected.
The holocaust never happened and you know it.
"The jews and their lies", indeed.

Adolf Hitler was the greatest leader of the past 1000 years.
Sieg Heil!

>> No.20714126
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>> No.20714140
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just search for weak-to-strong tag on novelupdates

>> No.20714156
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The Bible
Jesus was born as a carpenter, and became literally God.

>> No.20714172

Jesus was God when he was born. What you just stated was Arianism

>> No.20714193

Those are your discord shills troon

>> No.20714213

The holocaust never happened

>> No.20714235

Ultimate example lol.

>> No.20714256
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Great fucking book, goddamn

>> No.20714259

I'll just give you some movies
>american beauty
>fight club
>american psycho
>office space
Redpilling movies if you watch them the right way

>> No.20714299

You are probably retarded in that you hardbake particular realities of life into fundamental unifed structure, ignoring the plurality of in modes of being in the world- moreover your assigning of agency in levying the point of hyprocrisy is rather stupid, over-generalised and requires you to reflect deeply on your self and where such a rich vein of hate spurts from.

>> No.20714324

What is this chick doing? Elfmaxxing?

>> No.20714331

Knights existed in Roman times

>> No.20714530
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Martin Eden, by Jack London.

>> No.20714549

Bel Ami
The Red and the Black
Casanova's Memoir

>> No.20714562

Based Rittenhouse

>> No.20714570

LMAO trannies are insane. You shit on Adolf for actually being about that shit and then you exalt Stalin for being a typical caucas petty criminal and mao for being a useless think warlord. Its no wonder that commies actually got things done when retards like you exist.

>> No.20714589

>Believing the manson psyop

>> No.20714607

Redpill me on Manson

>> No.20714703


>> No.20714778

hitler caused the death of more white men than anyone else in history

>> No.20714794

The greatest king in human history came from a poor family though.

>> No.20714821

>nuremburg trials
literally confessions made under duress and not valid at all
Alright let's see all the documentation
seethe and dilate

>> No.20714863

Mao's is much impressive by this logic desu

not even a china cuck

>> No.20715151

Punch yourself to sleep.

>> No.20715169

Says the fucking /leftypol/ tranny, LMAO.

>> No.20715191

adventures of augie march by bellow

>> No.20715204

That post must've really touched a nerve. Hope she sees this bro. Maybe you'll get poon then.

>> No.20715208

its kind of unwholesome that so many young girls wear make-up like drag queens and trannies. The Instagram aesthetic is truly repugnant.

recent ken burns doc is kino

>> No.20715222

I'd rather eat pigshit.

>> No.20715223

>Murdering civilians during wartime is bad.

>> No.20715236
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go back to lereddit newfag

>> No.20715242

thread sux

>> No.20715283

You're so fucking old, what are you doing here

>> No.20715649

/pol/ is right about so much that it's at times
unfathomably scary to lurk /pol/

>> No.20715672

Picking up a gold digger doesn't make you high status.

>> No.20715702

William Thackeray's 'Memoirs of Barry Lyndon' probably counts here.*O

>> No.20715739

With his status he could probably get a hotter chick, this one is ugly af, I've rejected and ignored hotter chicks.

>> No.20715757

Hitler never murdered anybody. Fucking retard.

>> No.20715855

poor guy, she is obviously just using him for clout and will chew him up and spit him out

then again he probably knows that and doesnt care lmao

>> No.20715915
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>> No.20715923
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>> No.20715931
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>> No.20715942

Kyle never misses a shot.

>> No.20715946

Get his ass Boethius!

>> No.20715963

>Cuz Wayne is a stone cold nazi bro

I’m tired of you Biden bros. Go save Ukraine, bitches. This is your chance

>> No.20715980

You’re not human. Time to just kys

>> No.20716014

it was mostly kikes, gypsies and commie slavs, hardly anyone I should be weeping over

>> No.20716024
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Honestly he's a constant source of inspiration for me.

>> No.20716032

>When I grow up, I wanna fuck up so bad and get millions killed and the. Commit suicide in abysmal shame

>> No.20716037

>made it one of the very first countries with nukes and into space
Coming in behind South Africa as the most populous nation in the world isn't a real achievement, and means that China was literally still Africa-tier

>> No.20716040

>I wanna fuck up so bad and get millions killed
>He thinks it was a mistake

>> No.20716083 [DELETED] 

That would be Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin's faults.

>> No.20716087

China was a shitpile though, it's not as impressive to climb to the top of a steaming pile of shit.

>> No.20716090


>> No.20716098
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Aztec by Gary Jennings
It's historic fiction about an Aztec (duh), named Mixtli, who gets interrogated by some priests and tells his life story. It's kind of like some mesoamerican version of Forrest Gump. He starts as a regular citizen but climbs the ladder. It was the first longer book, I read and I'd say it's still one of my favorites. Please somebody read it, so I can talk about it with someone.

>> No.20716117

>I literally believe main stream history about WW2

>> No.20716236

I read it when I was locked up, pretty wild

>> No.20716240

>when I was locked up
go back

>> No.20716294

My Twisted World by E. O. Rodger

>> No.20716395

Not even funny.

>> No.20716541

>le murder is le bad... BECAUSE IT JUST IS OK???

>> No.20716713

Mastro-don Gesualdo by Giovanni Verga, it's kinda depressing tho

>> No.20716720

God, if only

>> No.20717003

>all dictators since all of them were plebs
so we're just not counting trump and his small loan of a million dollars?

>> No.20717017

Its easy when you're a sell out to the corporate world and rich old ladies

>> No.20717076

That book fucking sucks

>> No.20717096
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>> No.20717103

Yeah you should kill yourself

>> No.20717375

So reading about world changing importanty historical events is le bad? Re-think your existence, bruh.

>> No.20717388


>> No.20717608

>Media Matters