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20706186 No.20706186 [Reply] [Original]

What books do alpha men read?

>> No.20706190

Horus Heresy audio books 2x speed while working out

>> No.20706194

Gay erotica

>> No.20706284

zorba the greek

>> No.20706293

i suspect that alphas don't care what other alphas read

>The 5 Second Rule
imagine needing a book to tell you not to eat stuff that's been on the floor for too long

>> No.20706720

>A bunch of self help trash
Truly the biggest achievement of these alpha dudes is having no self consciousness

>> No.20706796

The Holy Qur'an

Hardmode: Learn classical Arabic and recite the Qur'an legitimately

>> No.20706806


>> No.20706854

Reading the 4-Hour Body atm. Not sure what to think of it yet. Not an alpha man, btw.

>> No.20706984


Dumb and debunked concept. If you wanna improve yourself, do it without some dumbass banner to hide behind.

>> No.20707019
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Icha Icha

>> No.20707058

The cantos
Blood Meridian
The burning souls
Gold in the furnace

>> No.20707059

Chbosky's the perks of being a wallflower. Specially when charlie kisses Sam in front of Mary Elizabeth

>> No.20707066
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Only TRUE alphas have read it

>> No.20707111

The point of an alpha male is that they don't need to read books to learn how to improve themselves, they get by with who they are, what they were born with, and who they know. They just try things out for themselves and come out on top.
So this is blatant marketing preying on young men who want to think of themselves as 'alpha'. Do you fucking work for Headway, you prick?

>> No.20707135
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>> No.20707145

Guys, I honestly think that all these books are bullshit. They all rely on discipline and one doesn't develop discipline through such books. Am I wrong? Should I give a chance to any of these works?

>> No.20707147

The truth, in post form

>> No.20707173

>every alpha man should read these books to learn how to be an alpha

>> No.20707374

All this just to get a crumb of pussy. Humans really are cringe

>> No.20707378


>> No.20707445

redpill me on 48 laws of power

>> No.20707488

1-47 - get them stacks
48 - women aint shit

>> No.20707502

>alpha male

>> No.20707505


>> No.20707747

whats headway

>> No.20707850

Call of the Crocodile

>> No.20708128

They don’t read.

>> No.20708208
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>> No.20708496

Based list. Just libgenned most of them. Thanks brother.
>tfw no cantos in .epub

>> No.20708689

This sigma productivity shit is dangerous. I had a friend in uni who was into all this productivity-maxing, he used to watch educational youtube videos at 1.5x speed while working out, simplified his diet down to the bare essential nutrients, fucked this one random ugly girl because she demanded the bare minimum time, and so on. In the end he failed his exams and flunked out of an easy, entry level degree. It's all just tricking yourself into thinking you've got your shit together when you don't.

>> No.20709558

Multi-tasking is the worst you lose your ability to recognized that you are being ineffective.

>> No.20709566

t. beta btich of a cunt
Just admit you're a little girly boy already faggot

>> No.20709684


>> No.20709686

The most gayest thing i ever seen on 4chan, and yes im very /gif/ enjoyer

>> No.20709718

Yooo... my niggah

>> No.20709861

Lmao self help shit is so fuckin gay and retarded, always nabs the dullest knives

>> No.20709880

genealogy of morality
the road less stupid: advice...
napoleon in his own words
maybe some aurelius/seneca

you're welcome

>> No.20709888

Don Quixote every day

>> No.20710035

80% of my favorite and im wannabe sissy. Where is yor god now?

>> No.20710363
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>> No.20710366

The whole alpha male meme is a repeat of Victorian era hysteria around the loss of manliness, there's nothing new under the sun

>> No.20710521
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You don't need to be an internet meme to be a man. Being alpha, sigma, etc. is a joke but being a man is necessary.
Use your masculine instincts that you possess as a man, identify your weaknesses as they come up in lifes situations, and strengthen them.
Increase your force of will and use it.
Focus on what matters to you and what will take you to where you want to be in the future.
You need the vision of a predator to even survive in this world.

>> No.20710528
File: 230 KB, 690x900, ripleys-believe-it-or-not-beyond-the-bizarre-9781609912420_xlg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alphas only read one book

>> No.20710551

Alpha men don't read.

>> No.20710717

>No Jung, no Bible, no Confession's
What a beta of the mind & soul such a one would be

>> No.20710747

You made me laugh. The titles of these books are so ridiculous.

>> No.20711341


>> No.20711609

What's particularly sad about this market is that at this point I'm completely sure that the majority of the customers are fully aware that it's just snake oil and copium, but they will still buy into it because it gives them this implicit validation that they're part of a sekrit club of pretend-Alpha Males, all sharing this tacit agreement that as long as everyone pretends, within their little club it's as good as being an actual Alpha Male.
You know when I see those "EDC" photos with some dude posting the contents of his bag (like a woman! this "what's in my bag" thing started over the internet as a female trend) in the same thought-out, pretty arrangement as the female counterpart but it's all MANLY MAYUN shit like an all camo black tactical keychain, a tactical looking gun, 3 different tactical knives (all bought with different excuses), a tactical pen and a $400 tactical flashlight that shines brighter than the fucking Sun and is built out of reinforced HyperDura™ TitHardium™ so you can use it as a baton if a nigger assaults you on your way commuting to your wagecuck cubicle.
Of course all these items in the market come with a built-in layer of bullshit (as mentioned before, this is the tacit agreement at work) that you, the Alpha-sumer, will serve to people who think this is all a weird LARP: it's all "rugged", "durable" stuff, built with "practicality" in mind, etc. Obviously these are all things that one would agree with (why would you buy unreliable, impractical shit that breaks?) but that's not the true reason for the purchases, and everyone knows, but nobody admits it.
I say this because I'm a mentally ill pack rat and I was looking for a backpack to irrationally fill with things I'll never use, and shopping for this shit is such a nightmare. As soon as you look outside the realm of pay for the brand chinkshit you're in the world of tacticool, with these salesmen addressing you with the idea that you're a Rambo wannabe and you need your gear to survive actual disasters.
It's like when there's an infomercial and the guy hammers nails down with a fucking cooking pan to show you how tough it is. Then you buy the pan and the inner coating peels off because it doesn't take tomatoes well. But hey, works real good as a hammer.
I just want well made shit that won't fall apart, but no, no, I have to hear all these sales pitches on how this fucking bag has a hidden compartment for my tactical gun so I can respond to aliens swooping down on me (jokes on you, I'd willingly get abducted). I don't want the tactical gun compartment. In the showcase video there's this roided up 5'8" guy walking around with this backpack, lots of nice inner pockets, oh that's neat, oh I like that zipper there, I can put a pencil in it, then all of a sudden he TURNS AROUND looking at off-camera DANGER and he does this ninja move where he accesses the TACTICAL COMPARTMENT, producing this sci-fi looking hand bazooka like a Walmart Double O Seven. Cringe.

>> No.20711615
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>> No.20711619
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>> No.20711624
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>> No.20711631
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>> No.20711636
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>> No.20711642
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>> No.20711644
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>> No.20711646
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>> No.20711652
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>> No.20711657

this is a book with pornographic contents, isn't it?

>> No.20711706

Incredible cope from the eternal improover that made the image. The man in picture never read a book in his life, let alone any on that list.

>> No.20711712
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There is no self, how can there be self-improvement.

>> No.20712139

Always a classic

>> No.20712168

It's not hard if you just simply learn to read Arabic. I'm not Muslim and can recite Taha and large sections of Maryam, Nuh and a few others from memory. I probably don't follow perfect Tajwid because I only ape qaris that I like, but I imagine it can't be too hard

>> No.20712279

Prussia The Iron Kingdom By Christopher Clark
The Innocence of Wilhelm II by Christinia Croft
political testament of the hohenzollern dynasty
Gedanken und Erinnerung By otto von Bismarck
Anti-Machiavel by Frederick the Great of Prussia

>> No.20712344

Just buy an osprey pack you fool

>> No.20712511 [DELETED] 

Can't say about the trekking packs but I don't like the way ther smaller packs are organized and they all have that sleek feminine modern design that makes them look like the Apple of backpacks.

>> No.20712588 [DELETED] 

Reading the books on this list is quite literally the opposite of Alpha behavior.

>> No.20712815 [DELETED] 

The Cantos by Ezra Pound or by Giacomo Leopardi;?

>> No.20712829 [DELETED] 

I'm gonna assume you're wise enough to know that "alpha" status isn't learned. With that out of the way, I have no idea what they read or if it matters.

>> No.20712836 [DELETED] 

This could have been a funny insight but you went on way too long and turned it into a blogpost

>> No.20712858 [DELETED] 

Pound. Leopardi's are known as Canti.

>> No.20712868 [DELETED] 

It was never meant to be entertaining, anon

>> No.20712895 [DELETED] 

>48 laws of power
Every pseud list always reveals itself with this recommendation. That book is written for women and give them plebbit advice on being a psychopath.
>elon musk
New contender for pseud listings

>> No.20713006 [DELETED] 

This word doesn’t actually mean anything.

>> No.20713076 [DELETED] 

All the "debunks" I've read are people spending all their time saying "it's not actually how wolves pack work", not understanding the metaphor and how it's applied to human society.

>> No.20713961 [DELETED] 

You misspelled "self-awareness".

>> No.20713979 [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 897x545, E93885B8-52FD-4EB9-97ED-85F5305D0894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exclusively F Gardner books.

>> No.20714160 [DELETED] 

>no Simple Rules

>> No.20714175 [DELETED] 

>alpha men
You realize it's an ironic meme that low-t guys who want to make adbucks from suckers adopted and turned into yet another reminder that Steve Jobs destroyed the internet, right?
No. Then you are the problem around here

>> No.20714344 [DELETED] 

A Dravidian made this

>> No.20714351 [DELETED] 


>> No.20714361 [DELETED] 

How are they alpha if they have to read that shit?

>> No.20714384 [DELETED] 

You read about some wolves bullshit and now say it's debunked haven't you. Look around and see for yourself it's actually real. There are ugly alphas getting laid infinitely more than 10/10 betas, simply because of their beta being, they repulse pussy and also make people hate them, hell, they may even be smarter or have a higher iq than the alpha while they're at it. Funny how you try to make something real seem like nonsense just because.

>> No.20714714 [DELETED] 

No alpha ever read this because they're outside being alphas

>> No.20715497 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20716307
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Get rich or die trying.

>> No.20716341

This list is an advertising campaign. If you were an alpha you wouldnt need this crap. You would just live. Your limitations wouldn't be necessarily be social problems. An alpha would pick up a book on a topic that interests him and become an expert in the field.