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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 28 KB, 836x341, bookz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.2070790 [Reply] [Original]

Pic related is my booklist for the oncoming semester.

As you can see I got most of them for free, and some of them will be bought from Amazon's Kindle store. One of them I can't find (if you can find it, I'd love you forever).

About Kindle ebooks: are they designed only for the Kindle, or do they come in PDF form? I don't have a Kindle, but it's the cheapest store to get them from. Will they work on my Android tablet?

>> No.2070797

expensive bookstore

>> No.2070803

bro get a hobby

>> No.2070809

So few decent books on that list, Jesus Christ. Also, this >>2070803

Get off your ass and exercise or learn to play a fucking instrument. Reading book after book will make your ass expand like an air mattress.

>> No.2070814


I have a plethora of hobbies, I don't see how that's relevant to my studies.

>> No.2070818

Is this a "Stuff I need for this semester" or "Stuff I'd like to read for this semester"? Either way I can't really help, but nice chart. Very easy to read.

>> No.2070819
File: 26 KB, 720x480, Hades's_smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna go right ahead and assume that the author's name in your missing book list is a typo, and you're actually trying to find Bruce Mitchell's Guide to Old English. If not I suggest getting this one anyway, because it will be infinitely superior. It's on Amazon for $33 new.

Have a nice day.

>> No.2070825


It's the required reading for this semester's courses.


That it is. It's fucking expensive as shit.

>> No.2070830
File: 17 KB, 332x251, hades.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, all I can suggest is suck it up and pay for it. It's a bloody big book, so you're getting your money's worth. Looking at your chart, you've saved nearly $300, so $33 isn't going to break the bank, right?

If that doesn't do it, get friendly with someone in the year above you, and you can borrow/buy theirs. Also, if your library doesn't have a copy, there's something seriously wrong with it.

>> No.2070837


That's not the point; I'd love an ebook even if it was at the same price as hardcover. Right now all of my books save for that one are electronic. If I could get that one as an ebook, I could just bring my laptop and tablet to uni.

>> No.2070844

Please sage this until OP does something worthwhile with his life.

>> No.2070854
File: 12 KB, 500x372, tumblr_la6lijrsK31qd9p0vo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't see what your problem is. The guy's just getting books for his course. Jeez.


OP, it's a working textbook that's going to have a revised version published next year. I doubt there's going to be an electronic version of that mother for sale. I don't know if the quantities of unusual type and manuscript images are going to affect that fact too, but I think you're going to need the book. Sorry.

>> No.2070860

Kindle formats should work on an android tablet, just get the kindle app or convert with calibre.

As far as an ebook version of that book, according to the publisher's website http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-1405146907.html there isn't an ebook version. I guess you could buy the paperback or hardcover version and just scan it into pdf format.

>> No.2070863
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>scanning 800+ pages

I see the book is on Google Books with scanned pages, so there must be an ebook or dedicated student of yesteryear who did the hard job of scanning it. Amazon, Thepiratebay, Bookz, Demonoid, and other sites turn up zilch, though.

>> No.2070867


I usually see this phenomenon on /v/, not /lit/. Why are you trying to viral this book? Is your name Bruce?

>> No.2070873
File: 310 KB, 800x1143, Hades_by_ProbablyMabey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm just trying to be helpful, bro.