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20703845 No.20703845 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone read it? How is it?

>> No.20703855
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I gave up after a while then tried again. Couldn't do it. His substack had some good stuff about his heroin problem though.

>> No.20703984
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>I gave up after a while then tried again. Couldn't do it.
Why? Writing style or something else?

>> No.20704029

Yeah the style and it doesn't go anywhere. Bummer. I want it to be good.

>> No.20704336

his substack about his real life experiences is, I wouldn't say better that would be not nice, but much much more affecting. He's great.

>> No.20705458

he's interesting
great on podcasts

>> No.20705674


>> No.20705793

Yes, great talker. Needs a good editor for a book length work though.

>> No.20705837

>graphic design is my passion

>> No.20706643
File: 38 KB, 400x400, CH7pHKSb_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needs to become bap's permanent cohost even if he's just on the other end of the phone silent and wide eyed

cool site

also there's a photo of him with gorbachev can't find it tho he's b& from twitter

>> No.20706838

No you're not retard.

>> No.20707683

>there's a photo of him with gorbachev
how and why

>> No.20707776

this dude's life story is way more interesting than his boilerplate nazism. i hope some limpwristed lefty does a deep dive, like the costin alamariu pod

>> No.20707865

>like the costin alamariu pod
what is this? club tropical excellence?

idk probably important parents probably rich parents that allowed him to spiral out of control even to this day actually just his dad or whatever

>> No.20707894

I think his dad was a DC big shot lawyer, maybe at State Dept? Thomas is also a lawyer, but too crazy and drug addicted to practice obviously.

>> No.20708165
File: 213 KB, 1280x1280, COO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting for book on Nuremberg Trial desu

He disowns the greatest poasts book as being shitpost outta context and the editor never consulted him

Even though he isn't clear about his Dad but he is certainly high up in the government
Thomas himself has met everyone from Rumsfeld to Kissinger

>> No.20708387

the fuck is this larpshit

>> No.20708412

I don't have the stomach for this level of chudcore

>> No.20708620
File: 57 KB, 453x217, the proses, sir...they sing!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tamerlan Maltsev unceremoniously tore through a cream-colored envelope that he had retrieved from a wall safe only moments prior. An innocuous thing—odd, given its contents.

>> No.20709116

>like the costin alamariu pod
yeah what's this?

>> No.20709134

Costin Alamariu aka Bronze Age Pervert aka glycineputler aka many other names.


>> No.20709154

i know who he is, the anon that i was quoting mentioned a lefty deep dive on him.

>> No.20709212

I think he's talking about this https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/bronze-age-pervert-pt-1/id1491615136?i=1000553523460

>> No.20709228

looks like it, thanks

>> No.20709374

it'll peak in the next year or so then become cringe

>> No.20709401

Kantbot owns thomas and bap

>> No.20709415

>We hit all the notes: his glory days working the high school newspaper with B.J. Novak (aka Ryan from The Office,)

>> No.20709429

That is some glownigger tier fed shit

>> No.20710994

That fat bitch will die from a heart attack in 2 years

>> No.20711257

I liked the prose, really over the top, but it's a bit short, only 90 pages or so.

>> No.20712540

i think its supposed to come out in installments