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20705204 No.20705204 [Reply] [Original]

Books to forget ex gf? I have no idea how to eliminate the memories of her warm body and lips from my mind.

>> No.20705208

That warm body is now smashed by Chad and her lips are curled around his asshole.

>> No.20705215

What's it like to care about your gf or ex? I'm married so I can't remember feeling anything for this pig or for the girls I dated before her.

>> No.20705218


>> No.20705220

You get over them by hanging with friends and/or finding another.
All sad songs or books of poetry become themes to her and you. tacked on love interests become self inserts. Fuck it.
Hey. Get off the computer. Delete those old ass memes and make friends. Out.

>> No.20705242

I don't know, I still see my ex in dreams 7 years later. Though the memories of touching and stuff like that disappear after a while.

>> No.20705244

Disco elysium

>> No.20705294

Books aren't going to help you dum dum.

Find a new GF. Get on Tinder and start fucking new bitches

>> No.20705303

Hang out with men more. There's no such thing as homosexuality, just intimacy.

>> No.20706048

Norwegian Wood

>> No.20706057


>> No.20706106

murakami is an overrated hack. i dont know how anyone with a soul can appreciate his bland drivel

>> No.20706479

Bumping because (literally me)
How do I move on bros? It’s been such a long time but I still think of her. I work out every day, read misogynistic traditionalist books, hang with friends, and even started dating again, but none of it helps. Is there any cure?

>> No.20706492

The cure is time.

>> No.20706558

How much though? She’s definitely moved on from me, so why do I take so long?

>> No.20706577

It will depend. If you have something that makes you forget about your surroundings that will help. There isn't a set amount of time. One day you will realise that you haven't thought about her in quite some time. Just because she has moved on, doesn't mean you should have yet. Women cant love others, they just love themselves and their kids. You are going to be okay, anon.

>> No.20706584

It's been 11 years and it's still the same intensity

>> No.20706612

>Women cant love others, they just love themselves and their kids
This is the ultimate blackpill about women. You'd never believe it without long-term relationship experience because we've been fed all those fairy tales about female empathy but in reality they're ruthless social predators. Has that always been the case? I'd guess so, but modern culture encouraging women to be nasty whores definitely plays a significant role in the hellish state of dating.

>> No.20706614
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Turn to Bakker my son.

Come for the escapism of a sprawling epic fantasy narrative. Stay for the Logos. It is the members of your body who long for a GF. It is the Legion within who cries out, the Legion who Christ, the Logos casts out into the herd of swine. Like Paul in Romans 7, you die in sin, driven on by instinct, mood, and conditioning. You are effect, not cause. Free personhood can only be resurrected in Christ, who is the Logos, the Word, the universal reason that generates the world. You are a beast, caught in the circuit of cause and effect, yet you understand its as ground for what is. Plus all the cool battles and shit.

And if you don't like the Patristics, ancient philosophy, or the Patristics, the semi-gnostic Church Father's, Bakker copies that and just serves it up with an entertaining fusion of LOTR, Dune, and Berserk that doesn't try to be too deep.

>> No.20706633
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“Thousands of years ago, when the Dûnyain first found—”

“After the ancient wars?” Kellhus eagerly interrupted. “When we were still refugees?”

The Pragma struck him, fiercely enough to send him rolling across the hard stone. Kellhus scrambled back to position and wiped the blood from his nose. But he felt little fear and even less regret. The blow was a lesson, nothing more. Among the Dûnyain, everything was a lesson.

The Pragma regarded him with utter dispassion. “Interruption is weakness, young Kellhus. It arises from the passions and not from the intellect. From the darkness that comes before.”

“I understand, Pragma.”

The cold eyes peered through him and saw this was true. “When the Dûnyain first found Ishuäl in these mountains, they knew only one principle of the Logos. What was that principle, young Kellhus?”

“That which comes before determines that which comes after.”

The Pragma nodded. “Two thousand years have passed, young Kellhus, and we still hold that principle true. Does that mean the principle of before and after, of cause and effect, has grown old?”

“No, Pragma.”

“And why is that? Do men not grow old and die? Do not even mountains age and crumble with time?”

“Yes, Pragma.”

“Then how can this principle not be old?”

“Because,” Kellhus answered, struggling to snuff a flare of pride, “the principle of before and after is nowhere to be found within the circuit of before and after. It is
the ground of what is ‘young’ and what is ‘old,’ and so cannot itself be young or old.”

“Yes. The Logos is without beginning or end. And yet Man, young Kellhus, does possess a beginning and end—like all beasts. Why is Man distinct from other beasts?”

“Because like beasts, Man stands within the circuit of before and after, and yet he apprehends the Logos. He possesses intellect.”

“Indeed. And why, Kellhus, do the Dûnyain breed for intellect? Why do we so assiduously train young children such as you in the ways of thought, limb, and face?”

“Because of the Quandary of Man.”

“And what is the Quandary of Man?”

A bee had droned into the shrine, and now it etched drowsy, random circles beneath the vaults.

“That he is a beast, that his appetites arise from the darkness of his soul, that his world assails him with arbitrary circumstance, and yet he apprehends the Logos.”

“Precisely. And what is the solution to the Quandary of Man?”

“To be utterly free of bestial appetite. To utterly command the unfolding of circumstance. To be the perfect instrument of Logos and so attain the Absolute.”

“Yes, young Kellhus. And are you a perfect instrument of Logos?”

“No, Pragma.”

“And why is that?”

“Because I am afflicted by passions. I am my thoughts, but the sources of my thoughts exceed me. I do not own myself, because the darkness comes before me.”

>> No.20706655

Different anon

>> No.20706677

>I can't remember feeling anything for this pig
KEK. But why do you keep the marriage? Kids?

>> No.20706689

I feel you, bros. I honestly thought about therapy, because it ends up fucking my relationships. I wish I could just forget.

>> No.20706695

probably doesnt want 50% of his property stolen and given to this useless sow

>> No.20706709

The best way to forget a girl is to find a new one.

>> No.20707131

>spend years hung up on ex
>get new girl
>gradually forget ex to the point where I don't think or feel anything about her
>now hung up on new ex

>> No.20707132

Bump. This is relateable.

>> No.20707150

I am in the same boat. Nothing to do but silently wish your ex all the happiness in the world. It's easier for me to accept because I am in therapy and I think I have a personality disorder which makes it hard to maintain any kind of interpersonal relationship beyond a couple of months. So anyone I care about is literally better off without me.

>> No.20707184
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>I am in therapy
niggas actually need therapy to get over a bitch

>> No.20707197

>only girls I know are all worthless messes
>terribly lonely but would rather be alone
I’m an incredibly wealthy shy introvert. I just want a pretty girl that I can read books with, pretty being no tattoos, not overweight, and intelligent.
Clearly talk much to ask.

>> No.20707212

Women hate introverts, although there are plenty who would gladly fake interest to gain access to your wealth no doubt. What they really want is to get pinned down by grunting caveman and fucked stupid.

>> No.20707218

You got to make a time machine I think. Most of them read something, but there is no way you find one without a tattoo or not overweight.

no shit, it isnt like he said women loved introverts

>> No.20707236

Yes, and this is a problem, since I have no patience to play the game, particularly for someone worthless.

>> No.20707254

You can never have more than two of these in a woman, and often not even two:

>> No.20707290

Bro you sound just like me. About three months seems to be my limit before I start feeling an unbearable urge to bail out, then start involuntarily undermining the relationship. Do you have a (((diagnosis)))?

>> No.20707642

I got a diagnosis for the both of you: corny niggas

>> No.20707842

>nooo I'm so sad I got to pound a chick for years and years and experienced real love
boo hoo I've never felt a woman and I'm 26. All I want is love
you're a bit sad for a week until you start fucking tinder chicks and get another gf in 3 months.

You don't know real suffering.

>> No.20707877

You don't know. It is not better to have tasted and lost. You don't even know what you are missing.

>> No.20707931

she's probably sucking off a nigger for weed in this very moment. if she owns a dog there's a 1/200 chance she let the dog fuck her. she was not a virgin when she met you, and her ability to love was already dismantled by the tens if not hundreds of dicks she took. women lie about bodycount, and the correct formula is whatever number they tell you, squared. But this is a rather old formula and might need an update. Maybe not squared but ˆ4 or ˆ5. So if she says she sucked 5 people off she actually sucked 625. All of these people are strangers that you'd probably despise, and some of them are niggers, dogs or other animals.
Hope this helped!

>> No.20707991
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Mine cheated on me and married the guy months later. Now i am become cuck, the reminder of exes.

>> No.20707998

>39 replies
>still no books to help forget ex
Way to go, /lit/

>> No.20708039

It has. Read literally anything and you'll find that out; a good choice is Chaucer's Wife of Bath tale. Any man given that will hopefully understand the truth.

>> No.20708055

>You don't even know what you are missing.
Drug addict experiencing withdrawal.

>> No.20708095

Calling women bitches is a cope mechanism; maybe you need some therapy to deal with it too?

>> No.20708110

Proust - the Fugitive

>> No.20708125

Maybe you are afraid of commitment -what can be due to doubt - or you feel you are unworthy of your partner. I definitely suffer from these two "conditions"; for example, I am never sure if the girl I am with is The One, so I end up sabotaging the relationship one way or another.

>> No.20708129

Fuck off

>> No.20708151

Norwegian Wood was mentioned and the book by Bakker.

I belive like >>20708039 that it has always been like that, but given stricter social control it was harder to be true without being punished for it. Madame Bovary could be an example too.
I think the digital and "progressive" age is making them even worse by allowing them to get much more attention than they deserve, inflates their view of self-worth by dating apps and being told that they have been repressed all life and before, and that the consequences of casual sex are not there and it is being encouraged. Not to mention getting their hormones even more fucked because of contraception. They are bitter and hedonistic creatures, which could be because they have to live several days in pain and bleeding every month. Freud was onto something with the Elektra Complex or dick envy. You see how they have to remind and remind and remind themselves that they can do everything a man can do. Add the belief that their gender has been oppressed for all time and you got the making of social predators without empathy, except for their kids (which is just an exstension of themselves). The lack of sense of responsiblity doesn't help either. Someone has likened them to big children, and some days I really believe that is true.

More like losing a limb. You think you know how it is to have had an arm and lost it, but you don't actually know until you have had an arm and lost it. I was virgin until 28 with 0 relationships before that. I believe I know both sides now.

>> No.20708178

Yes this is me. Maybe I should get therapy.

>> No.20708188

Fuck other women, ez.

>> No.20708204

which set of lips?

>> No.20708215

because relationshits to women are a dime a dozen. its harder for men to date than women

>> No.20708222

"cope" isn't and women are indeed female dogs, because they are base animals.

>> No.20708240

she's warming someone else with her body and lips now lol

>> No.20708337

Both desu

>> No.20709377
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Find yourself a nice 2D wife and leave this wretched dimension behind!

>> No.20710801

You don't need to forget those things, you need to stop being a hylic coomer.