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20698517 No.20698517 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20698566

Based religion. Zoroastrianism totally mogs Chrisitanity

>> No.20698572

People dunk on Magical Realism while there's shit like 'Towers of Silence' just out there, somewhere, in the world full of corpses and skeletons.

>> No.20698626


>> No.20698693


>Zoroastrian tradition considers human cadavers and animal corpses (in addition to cut hair and nail parings) to be nasu, i.e. unclean, polluting.[1][2][3] Specifically, Nasu the corpse demon (daeva), is believed to rush into the body and contaminate everything it comes into contact with.[3][9] For this reason, the Vīdēvdād (an ecclesiastical code whose title means, 'given against the demons') has rules for disposing of the dead as safely as possible.[1] Moreover, the Vīdēvdād requires that graves, and raised tombs as well, must be destroyed.[1][8]

>To preclude the pollution of the sacred elements: earth (zām), water (āpas), and fire (ātar), the bodies of the dead are placed at the top of towers and there exposed to the sun and to scavenging birds and necrophagous animals such as wild dogs.[1][2][3] Thus, as an early-20th-century Secretary of the Bombay Parsi community explained: "putrefaction with all its concomitant evils... is most effectually prevented.

What dualism does to a mf

>> No.20698719

who cleans that when it gets filled?

>> No.20698738

An amalgamate of charred, near fully rotten corpses strewn in haphazard disregard before a raise platform of oily-black stone

>> No.20698780


Consequence of outrunning entropy. Not of much concern.

>> No.20699336

looks like the stuff under me fingernails

>> No.20699469

Not enough Jewish bones.

>> No.20699487


>> No.20699536

Shit looked like a bunch of rocks or something. I couldn't tell.

>> No.20699539
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>Zoroastrian tradition considers human cadavers and animal corpses (in addition to cut hair and nail parings) to be nasu

>> No.20699543

fully is redundant
haphazard and disregard are redundant to each other.
oily is cliche.

>> No.20700096


>> No.20700363

Fun fact - they were running out of Vultures in India because the Hindus were treating cows with Diclofen for their dorsal pain, which is a potent poison to birds. Zoroastrians tried to stop the practice in a court of law but failed.
1) Vulture eats cow cadaver
2) Dies
3) No vultures for the Towers of Silence

>> No.20700399

dead niggas in a hole

>> No.20700410


>> No.20700480

The air is filled with the stench of festering bodies decomposing freely. Countless corpses are thrown into a black pit to find their stony grave. Haphazardly strewn a top each other. what an unsightly mess. The remains are human no more but a feast for the beasts. The flesh goes back to nature, energy, digested efficiently to kill and grow the pile. Bones remain, they may not go back into the ground, not allowing their owner to go back into nature. Forever imprisoned by black rock building a tower of silence.

>> No.20700500

Piles of wasted flesh too far gone for even the hungriest vermin to know as carrion. The dead of the dead. A holy place no god has entered for generations. 10/10, must visit for travellers.

>> No.20700519

this is my favorite godspeed album

>> No.20700556

No idea who that is (it was my pitiful attempt at writing you replied to)

>> No.20700597

he sees in that stone pit a piling of bodies with flesh bloated and rotten and gnawed on by animals that once passed through here. a corpse lays on its back atop the pile as if it once took comfort in laying with the dead

>> No.20700622

this intro monologue

>> No.20700653

>Nasu the corpse demon
That's what I call my cringy metal band and/or my first novella

>> No.20700658

There is a circle with a darkened rim. Inside, below, there are corpses scattered about, all hugging the rim. In this heat their skins look like overstretched upholstery.

>> No.20700674

The fetted charcoal bakes under the sun.

>> No.20700678

very nice writing anon

>> No.20700693

Will it be 20 pages of >greentext?

>> No.20700711

Not bad
Best one

>> No.20700751

Are you a fan of naturalistic/realistic literature?

>> No.20700756

Christianity = Zoroastrianism where the light has already won

>> No.20700999

A black, stone pit where Persians lay their dead to rest. Vultures and dogs chew on their corpses, and the bones are melted in lime and scattered into the sea.

>> No.20701046

It was no doubt the remains of some long gone and forgotten ritual which not even those who have been corrupted by the devil himself could muster to gaze upon. A mass of carcasses stacked upon one another their bright red muscle fibers and details still somewhat visible but beyond recognition. The only thing one could surely say is that they did in fact have those details which only a human could posses.
Some wore ragged robe like clothes sadly draped over their life less vessels as if to mock their once personable body. The odd thing was that the bodies themselves seemed to have different degrees of mutilation some were nothing more then bones dried out and baked by the sun ready to crumble while others had flesh still present,
The pit itself was an oddity the floor was a pale brick with no defined pattern except for the visible lines created by the cultist who layer them. The middle of the pit had a circular brick with an emblem bulging out the surface. A symbol no one could define no matter how hard they furrowed their brow and dug into their memorial archives.
The wall were black and charred despite no visible evidence of a fire having took place on the bodies or floor. It looked as thought if you took a knife to the wall and with a light scrape a layer of charred and crisped debris would slope off.
A grim sight indeed.

>> No.20701076

I understand the rationale but it still strikes me as incredibly bizarre. Why not burn them?

>> No.20701312

Fire is sacred to them, they wouldn't want to pollute it

>> No.20701317

People dream of escaping to strange foreign worlds but don't realize they could just take a plane to india

>> No.20701325

The bodies curdled in a mass, fermented by the rays of sunlight which dashed between the clouds every now and again. The whole pit smelled of decay coming to fruition--ripe decay. Occasionally a villager would descend into the pit, in order to see if there were any bodies with valuables they had dragged to an early demise.

>> No.20701328

Ah, yeah, okay. I saw they didn't want to contaminate the earth, but fire is their most sacred element so that makes sense

>> No.20701356

The novella would be semi coherent ranting about my ex gf.
My band's debut album would be 12 blast beat driven songs that all kinda sound the same with harsh vocals in the verse and clean singing in the chorus and all the lyrics start with
>Be me
Except the quirky 15 seconds hidden track in the end which starts with

>> No.20701438

I want a sky burial

>> No.20701470

>It was no doubt the remains of some long gone and forgotten ritual which not even those who have been corrupted by the devil himself could muster to gaze upon. A mass of carcasses stacked upon one another their bright red muscle fibers and details still somewhat visible but beyond recognition. The only thing one could surely say is that they did in fact have those details which only a human could posses.
Don't be such a laughable shut-in housecat. 8 of the 40 buddhist meditations are on corpses, nothing is permanent.
Being squeamish is lame, living right near birth and death is natural, hygeine is a set of guidelines for avoiding disease and makes up big chunks of all religions.

>> No.20701479

I don't care, the dignity of my corpse is how the people i leave behind show their decency and care.

I'll be gone.

>> No.20701502

Anon, I know you're a tough big boy now that youre a teenager but If you ever saw something like that you'd vomit and cry.

>> No.20701509
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Tibetans still do that. Also there's the Hindu Aghor sect, that even in the mid 20 century consumed human cadavers, but otherwise is vegetarian. The idea is that you don't create harm when eating things that died naturally, including humans.

>> No.20701532

>The idea is that you don't create harm when eating things that died naturally, including humans.
I believe it, especially in places where food is hard to come by. I don't really care what happens to my body, but I would like it to be useful, at least.

>> No.20701659

Another thing is dogs. They are considered pure in Zoroastrianism, you're even required by religious law to feed stray dogs. When you die, during the wake they make a dog look at the corpse because a dog's gaze purifies the soul.

>> No.20701710

Oh wait, turns out the Aghoris did that in 2005 as well, now they fish out corpses floating in the Ganges.

>> No.20701743

I gazed over the rim of the black tower for a long time. The ash and soot and putrefied remains of people long dead strangely didn't make me squirm; but the thought that I would one day join them and be gloated over and look like a half-chewed rotisserie chicken to be eaten by the birds suddenly crossed my mind. Ah, rotisserie chicken. Is there a better food out there? God bless those Portuguese. A dash of piri-piri, some pickles on the side... Boy, these piles of bones are really making me hungry. And would it hurt the monks to hand people some beer now and then? What's contemplation without hydration? I say, really.

>> No.20702616

A black cylindrical pit is filled with rotting corpses. Their disgusting red skin evokes a Hyman Bloom painting.

>> No.20702993
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I was on 4chan earlier today – yeah, you know, that website for homosexuals and political extremists. Anyway, while I was there I decided to go to this board /lit/. Eschewing the usual Guenon shitposts, I found a thread where the OP picture was this dry cistern full of rotting corpses. Being a man of some experience when it comes to these things, I realized immediately what the image was actually depicting. This was one of those Zoroastrian open-air burial sites, a vestige of Pre-Islamic Iranian culture. Of course, most of them are in India nowadays. That’s probably one of the only places on Earth where you can get away with just leaving your corpses out in the air to be destroyed by birds, insects, and the sun. What a charming culture

>> No.20703009

I don’t want to be boorish but funeral practices like this or even burial seem cruel. I prefer cremation. No rotting or decay, just a blast of heat, incineration. Fling the ashes into the wind or sea.

>> No.20703051

i want to stand in the middle

>> No.20703115

to whom?

>> No.20703148
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Ayo theres lika corpses and sheeit everywhere in the sky and sheit and like its rotting and decaying and smelling everywhere and stuff.

>> No.20703177

A conglomeration of corpses, basking before a barren black wall, scintillating as if those souls are sneaking out of their fleshy confines.

>> No.20703321

I could smell it came into view long before I could see it. As I gazed at the pile of dried baking flesh I wondered what all these poor souls did to deserve such a fate. I felt a shiver from the balls of my feet and a quaking in my stomach. I felt my heartbeat in my throat and numbness in my fingertips. Then I remembered they probably supported that Western puppet Shah and suddenly didn't feel so bad.

>> No.20703349

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.

>> No.20703356

There was a bunch of rotting corpses in the pit

>> No.20703358


>> No.20703437

Allegedly there is an issue with the vultures nowadays.
The antibiotics people use, cause ssues for the vulture gut bacteria, so now the bodies are more likely to rot rather than get consumed by the vultures, which have dwindled in numbers.

>> No.20703450


>> No.20703456

I really like that one:

> dead niggas in a hole.