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20702591 No.20702591 [Reply] [Original]

I am so sick of seeing pro-tranny arguments on /lit/ that I've decided to prove them indubidubly illogical.

1. Monadic substances are those which exist without reference or relation to any other substances; consider the qualitative property of a specific shade of red as existing solely as a potentiality, this is a monadic substance. Like aristotles example of destroying all circles in the universe failing to destroy the possibility of a circle becoming materially instantiated; neither then does a monadic substance such as a potential quality being materially instantiated somewhere in the phenomenal world preclude the simultaneous existence of a corresponding potentiality free of any relations to other objects and substances. Indeed, it necessitates.

2. Dyadic objects are those wherein two subjects comprise the totality of a single object through their necessary relation to one another. Consider the left and right sides of your body, the left and right sides of a spiral, large versus small, fast versus slow, heavy versus light, etc. These are abstract or concrete objects that only exist as a consequence of two distinct subjects coming into relationship with one another. Big can't exist without small, nor can the left side of your body without the right side, etc.

There are very few true concrete dyads extant in the material world that do not depend on a conscious observer relating qualitative and quantative properties between the substances being contemplated and compared.

However, one of those is sex. Male and female are two distinct subjects that come into relation with one another in the moment of their creations so as to necessarily manifest the totality of the concepts we assimilate to "human." Whatever it is that you are, if you're a human, necessitates it be one of two things: male or female.

Male and female are in a dyadic relationship. What this means is, contrary to your illogical tranny beliefs, transsexuals are, in essence, claiming the equivalent that the left half of their body is actually the right half of their body, that big is actually small, that fast is actually slow, that heavy is actually light, that the left half of a spiral is actually its right half, and that they're really women and not men.

A man or woman is a single constituent component in the dyadic object known as the human being. If you give birth, you are a woman. If you engender, you are male.

You're men, not women. Stop dressing that way, stop shitting up /lit/ with your nominalist faggotry.

>> No.20702598

Stop shitting up /lit/

>> No.20702602

you write like a tranny
too many words and all of them seething

>> No.20702603

I have no opinions on trannies and I read none of that

>> No.20702606

Stop deleting my threads and let the proof run its course.

>> No.20702635
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posting on soon to be deleted thread, enjoy your ban OP

>> No.20702658

I have already read lots of anti trans books so by this point id be more interested in reading pro trans literature. What could possibly justify this madness?what is some science or theory i can read which can help me check my privilege and learn more about the awful plight the diverse and vibrant culture of these warm body politically correct victimhood unit NPCs, this snivelling priesthood of pedophilic apparatchiks, cowardly hiding behind political correctness and victimhood in order to rape, groom abuse and indoctrinate our children, purpose engineered biopolitical clientele for pharmaceuticals, NGOs the corporate monoculture and the democratic party, i mean these most noble and progressive these most pitiful and wretched of creatures?

Any lgbt/ gay/queer theory/ transgender/ cultural marxism books you would recommend to a straight white cis male who is trying to overcome his deepseated heteronormative prejudices, and be a better ally to our politically correct friends in the corporate social engineering and propaganda/child molestation community? prejudices which cant help but flare up at the beautiful and heartwarming display of diversity and progress in pic related?


People are getting banned for calling out trans activist Alok Vaid-Menon tweet saying that “little girls are kinky” and should be sexualised

>> No.20702667
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>> No.20702675


>> No.20702674

>The push to normalize the horrific phenomenon of trans-strippers performing for children is now in full swing. Drag queen story hour has already become a fixture at public libraries and educational institutions. Activists have spent the last few years advancing the narrative that exposing children to sexually explicit performances at Pride events is key to building tolerance and diversity. Both of these movements have combined to reach their natural conclusion, which can be observed in grotesque detail on the Twitter account Libs Of TikTok. I will not include the video currently making the rounds on Twitter, but you can click on the link if you want to see it. A trans-stripper in Miami parades around topless with cash stuffed in a g-string, holding the hand of a bewildered toddler as patrons of the restaurant where this gross spectacle is taking place cheer. This is not an isolated incident, you can find hours of similar footage from Pride parades and drag shows in just the last month. Many of those events were specifically advertised as kid-friendly or family-friendly.

>People often ask me why trans strippers who are clearly exposing themselves to children are not prosecuted for what has always been seen as a particularly egregious crime. The answer is very simple: the perpetrators are involved in a state-sanctioned religious ritual that law enforcement knows to steer clear of. In America, we like to think of ourselves as a nation of laws. There are no kings, no masters. Everyone, even those who enforce the law, are subject to the law. This is what makes us equal. But of course, laws are not magic, they are cultural artifacts that must be interpreted and enforced by flesh and blood humans. At best, laws are a formalization of moral codes that reflect the organic values of the people who write them.

marxism's putrid liturgy. these people's politics amount to locking up helpless children up in a room and have illiterate bureaucrats indoctrinate them on gender reassignment surgery and the normalization of sex work and tell them they are guilty for being white in between false flag mass shootings and mandatory drag shows sponsored by onlyfans mastercard and lockheed martin i cannot think of a more detestable group of people

>> No.20702681
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I had to leave the original thread

>> No.20702690

PD: Long live trannies

>> No.20702692

I'm so baffled. Why did you ask for pro-trans literature exactly? What are you even quoting from?

>> No.20702726

Didn't read but based and redpilled, fuck the jannies but also other trannies, women, jews, niggers, gays, communists, americans, zoomers, etc.

>> No.20702761

it has, your axioms are perverse

>> No.20702829

If my axioms are perverse then so is reality.

>> No.20702869


5th thread.

I am in a holy crusade against trannys.

>> No.20702885

>tfw mereological nihilist
>tfw we are all OP's gay faggot tranny ass telling lies about the electronic balance of the universe
You don't need to tell me about false distinctions

>> No.20702891
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You forgot Freemasons, think tanks... Here just have this.

>> No.20702910

yeah fuck ALL these people!

>> No.20702918
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Nobody understands a single fucking thing you just said, OP.

>> No.20702928

a truly based comment

>> No.20702929
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Hi, nobody. Do you want me to explain it to you in simpler terms, or should I wait until you've finished high-school?

>> No.20702946

Yes, but only because of the Madoka meme.

>> No.20702964

I don't talk to tripfags unless it's to insult them and let them know I don't talk to them

>> No.20702980

High school isn't hyphenated. Please finish elementary school first.

>> No.20702983

That's cool, you wouldn't be able to handle me. It is best for you to back out before you embarrass yourself further.

>> No.20703010

High-school is hyphenated in white countries, abdul.

>> No.20703017

I just handled you like the idiot teenager that you are and there's not a thing you can do about it.

>> No.20703021

No. It's not.

>> No.20703024

Whatever you say, Tyrone Watermellon'darius Jackson

>> No.20703025
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Literally never saw it hyphenated once, but that's beside the point. Restate your points about trannys in english so someone can tell you why you're an idiot without you hiding behind your verbose bullshit that nobody understands.

>> No.20703035

Female implies male in the same way that the left half of your body implies the right half, or big implies small.

There are no transsexuals, just men or women who mutilate themselves and dress up.

>> No.20703039

Cope. I will always be a woman.

>> No.20703048

God, was that so fucking hard?
Yeah, but that's just the binary biology argument worded like a fucking retard.
You did not bring anything new to the table with that.

>> No.20703058
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>high school

>> No.20703065

It isn't that argument at all, it's it's argument from logical necessity.

>> No.20703067
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>> No.20703070

wtf you talking about

>> No.20703072

except you're still confusing sex with gender

>> No.20703075

It basically comes down to gender is a binary, male or female. You just added some fancy words.
You're not getting that shit by me you cunt.

>> No.20703076

it is perfectly comprehensible, it means his an incel

>> No.20703080

I've seen you make this exact same post several times. Rope, tranny

>> No.20703084

this argument is stupid, it necessitates.

>> No.20703111
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>> No.20703125
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>> No.20703132

There is no such thing as gender, it's a logical impossibility.

>> No.20703134

humans are illogical

>> No.20703149

You're illogical, reality isn't.

>> No.20703159

All those big words and in the end you have nothing to say.

>> No.20703162

Humans are always purely logical?

>> No.20703172

Bro, I've been on 4chan since before you were born. Troll somebody else.

>> No.20703260


>> No.20703272

>Do you want me to explain it to you in simpler terms

... yes.

>> No.20703288

Bro, I've been on 4chan since before you were born. Troll somebody else.

>> No.20703303

You are writing like a trans identity. Go to one of the highbrow reddit communities if you have any hope of being congratulated for this trash. There are so many people who love you and will make you feel valid.

>> No.20703353

Told you not to engage me.
Took 2 posts to tear you down, AND I like wearing women's clothing.
Only the sexy kind with netting though. I wear it under my jeans at my construction job.

>> No.20703368

>However, one of those is sex. Male and female are two distinct subjects that come into relation with one another in the moment of their creations so as to necessarily manifest the totality of the concepts we assimilate to "human." Whatever it is that you are, if you're a human, necessitates it be one of two things: male or female.

Shit premise. Some species can change biological sex, or have both biological sexes. Microbes have methods of reproduction similar to sexual reproduction, but with no defined sexes, and those species tend to reproduce asexually. Species that have sexes may still also be able to reproduce asexually.

This is not an "objective dyad," at all.

>Male and female are in a dyadic relationship. What this means is, contrary to your illogical tranny beliefs, transsexuals are, in essence, claiming the equivalent that the left half of their body is actually the right half of their body, that big is actually small, that fast is actually slow, that heavy is actually light, that the left half of a spiral is actually its right

No they aren't. They are claiming they are either men or women. You argument only works, sex as a dyad or no, if you assume as a given that trans women are not women, but then your premise assumes its own conclusion.

Trans people don't claim to be a mix of two halves of a gender, they claim to be one gender numnuts.

>> No.20703396

You posted four of these threads?

Did you not read all the responses, even from people sympathetic to you, that pointed out how you are begging the question? Your attempts to appear like "le ebin logical philosopher," are blinding you to the absolute basics.

Next time dona cursory review and ask:
>Hmmm, is my all of my argument even relevant to my conclusion? Does my argument assume my conclusion as a premise?

>> No.20703397

You can't change what you are without changing your essential nature. Something that is large can only become small by the smaller thing becoming larger.

You can only become female by changing your genes, biology, and essence from that of a male. Oh, what was that? You haven't done that? Well, guess you're a dude with snipped off balls.

>> No.20703400

>Shit premise. Some species can change biological sex, or have both biological sexes. Microbes have methods of reproduction similar to sexual reproduction, but with no defined sexes, and those species tend to reproduce asexually. Species that have sexes may still also be able to reproduce asexually.
>This is not an "objective dyad," at all.
I don't support OP, but he was talking specifically about humans in that block you quoted. So every thing you said is completely irrelevant.
>You argument only works, sex as a dyad or no, if you assume as a given that trans women are not women, but then your premise assumes its own conclusion.
This is also objectively wrong. The assumption is sex is a dyad. You're born a man, or you're born a woman. A trans woman is a man who claims to be a woman. A man is not a woman. So a trans woman is not a woman.

>> No.20703417

Not only has >>20703368 proven you false, you also don't understand the irony of using one Dr. Manhattan, whose creator is both pro-trans rights and a friend of queers and marginalized people.