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20695750 No.20695750 [Reply] [Original]

Where to start with Mysticism/Occultism?

>> No.20695761

Unironically Greek philosophy. The Medieval magicians like Al-Kindi and Agrippa all based their theories on Plato, Aristotle and Iamblichus, it's impossible to understand the reasoning behind their claims without knowing that stuff.

>> No.20695763

Jung, then work your way back to the ancients.

Ignore traditionalist fags that say he isn't a fantastic introduction.

>> No.20695794


>> No.20695840

Meditations on the Tarot: A Journey into Christian Hermeticism

>> No.20695868

This, start with divine Plato and Iamblichus. Proceed with Plotinus. Julian the Apostate had some good stuff too

>> No.20695901

>Where to start with Mysticism/Occultism?
It depends on what kind.

>> No.20695925

look man, I just want to learn some spells

>> No.20695937

The Esoterica Youtube channel. The guy hosting it is a materialist Jew that does not believe in any form of the supernatural or God, but has great content in terms of an academic introduction to the occult and esotericism.

>> No.20695987

He is a literal communist. I do not recommend. I'd prefer to do a multitude of things before I waste my time with that retard.

>> No.20696096

You're a wizard, Harry.

On a more serious note, check out Global Grey ebooks, it has a plethora of free books on the topics you desire. Also, support the lady with donations, she's pretty nice.

>> No.20696124

Forgot one more - see the /omg/ general on /x/.

>> No.20696126

>Where to start with Mysticism/Occultism?
Your local Hot Topic.
Ask for Kevin

>> No.20696139


>> No.20696143

Hes honestly still miles better than wasting time on some retard that sucks the info out of his own asshole just to go on some bullshit tirade about how aryans built the pyramids or some shit.

>> No.20696675

Also in high-school he was the leader of a cult that was involved in a school shooting.

>> No.20696688

10 Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, 11 or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. 12 Anyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD; because of these same detestable practices the LORD your God will drive out those nations before you.

>> No.20696699


>> No.20696702

>aryans built the pyramids
Yes. Not blondes. Semites are Aryans mixed with Africans creating the Afro-Asiatic language group. Asiatic as in Turkic/Caucasian. Turkey was called Asia for most of history.
Usually in this context of trying to figure out hidden history you can ignore the genetics if they bother you/don't interest you and focus on the cultural impacts and language groups. Western culture has roots in the middle-east, "the cradle of civilization", the pyramids and all that.

>> No.20696867

why are they 'detestable' to the Lord?

does he not want to share power?

>> No.20696923

Here >>>/x/ obviously.

>> No.20697174 [DELETED] 

Sorcery (Pharmakeia) involves the use of drugs and other substances which can leave one vulnerable to influences from demonic beings which are normally unseen. It puts one in a weaked / suggestible state. Just think what happens when one takes DMT and the ‘machine elves’ appear. This is sorcery, and those beings will never tell you to follow Jesus Christ, but they will tell you that ‘we are all one’ or that you are ‘enlightened’ now. Magic is similar, in that it involves demonic powers, and attempting to manipulate things and / or people via spiritual means. Divination and omens are just retarded—ripping open an animal and staring at its liver for ‘signs’ is just superstition, as is the idea the people’s lives are governed by planetary and stellar motion and alignment rather than God’s providence.

>> No.20697186

Sorcery (Pharmakeia) involves the use of drugs and other substances which can leave one vulnerable to influences from demonic beings which are normally unseen. It puts one in a weaked / suggestible state. Just think what happens when one takes DMT and the ‘machine elves’ appear. This is sorcery, and those beings will never tell you to follow Jesus Christ, but they will tell you that ‘we are all one’ or that you are ‘enlightened’ now. Magic is similar, in that it involves demonic powers, and attempting to manipulate things and / or people via spiritual means. Divination and omens are just retarded—ripping open an animal and staring at its liver for ‘signs’ is just superstition, as is the idea the people’s lives are governed by planetary and stellar motion and alignment rather than God’s providence.

God works miracles through his saints to this very day, but this is not magic or sorcery, and comes solely through grace.

>> No.20697228

In an even semi deterministic world you can extract the information you need to predict most relevant things from a small sample. I know you think this is obvious but if I know what the stars were doing when you were born I know how old you are. Information about the stars gave me information about you.

>> No.20697251

Our lives are not determined by the stars and the moon like astrology kooks believe

>> No.20697279

The “accidents” of your life and your predilections most certainly are determined by the stars and can be read with astrology. Nobody (including Christians) doubted that until the 17th century when the astrological tradition fell off. Christian cope was that the body was ruled by the stars but the mind wasn’t. But of course, even your basic religious dispositions can also be found from the birth chart. Only your soul is free and very few people are able to rise above astral influences

>> No.20697310

Doesn’t matter what Medieval / Enlightenment era Christians were doing. Astrology is paganism.

>> No.20697522

None of those things go together.

>> No.20697527

Why would you learn about le occult from an academic perspective? That is idiotic unless you merely want to memorize factoids.

>> No.20697542

That's because you only know the book from the title. It uses the imagery of tarot as a vehicle for the contemplation of Christianity, not as a way to shoehorn wacky hermeticist stuff into the faith.
Hans Urs von Balthasar was a big fan of it.

>> No.20697550

Technically these are just rules for a bunch of jewish plebs, it also doesn't say anything about "high magic" (makes sense given who it was written for). Still it's good advice in general.

>> No.20697556

Sounds gay.

>> No.20697602

Apparently Pope John Paul II was a fan of it. Don't know if its true, though. Heard it from /lit/.

>> No.20697761

don't don't waste your life on delusion

>> No.20697766

You don’t.

>> No.20697993
File: 977 KB, 1489x1490, Screenshot_20220715-220749_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, a jew literally had a retard shoot up a school for his club and then went on to be a commie spreading more chaos in the world.>>20696675

>> No.20698191

Boehme, Santa Teresa de Jesus. I’d be interesting in knowing some esoteric/eastern names. Plato also counts, of course.

>> No.20698249
File: 283 KB, 880x1360, 134D4B29-5407-465C-8C15-81608A53C63A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this.

>> No.20698449
File: 409 KB, 1720x2560, 9D361BEF-7767-4480-BBAA-B73039ABF368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I highly recommend pic related. A very nice intro to Western esotericism. It’s a bit old at this point but still an easy and fun read.

>> No.20698477

Wow. Thanks for sharing this information.

>> No.20698493
File: 164 KB, 400x1400, enter the esoterica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These and picrel (some of the tiny books in the chart are bad, use your discretion).

Start with the academic secondary literature, then the Traditionalist School, and then the primary sources.

>> No.20698523

astrology is paganism is not an argument against its validity. you are just pointing out that you dont like the club that used it.

>> No.20698526

>Your local Hot Topic.
take me back bros.

>> No.20698544

start by throwing all your books on the subject in the bin and do something more useful with your time instead