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20695635 No.20695635 [Reply] [Original]

If we [...] define Being in the universal sense as the principle of manifestation, and at the same time as comprising in itself the totality of possibilities of all manifestation, we must say that Being is not infinite because it does not coincide with total Possibility; and all the more so because Being, as the principle of manifestation, although it does indeed comprise all the possibilities of manifestation, does so only insofar as they are actually manifested. Outside of Being, therefore, are all the rest, that is all the possibilities of non-manifestation, as well as the possibilities of manifestation themselves insofar as they are in the unmanifested state; and included among these is Being itself, which cannot belong to manifestation since it is the principle thereof, and in consequence is itself unmanifested. For want of any other term, we are obliged to designate all that is thus outside and beyond Being as "Non-Being", but for us this negative term is in no way synonym for 'nothingness'.

join the /lit/ guénon discord server https://discord.gg/Xz4k7754

>> No.20695685


>> No.20695808

why do secular rationalists keep wanting to define things, also why are they addicted to their fantasy that imagination is a way to truth. is it because they love to mental gymnastics but they hate to admit it, so they made up another bulsshit theory how the power of mental proliferation is a mean to truth?
why cant rationalists just fucking die, along with all the fucking atheists who are desperate to find a spiritual daddy.

>> No.20695811

>"secular rationalist"

>> No.20695816

oh the pic of the scizo fash, nationalism is indeed an ideological playground of people off their meds. It's so funny to see someone that was wealthy enough not to be a homeless guy shouting about the end of days, so instead wrote books about it and other scizos called him an intellectual.

>> No.20695841

>t's so funny to see someone that was wealthy enough not to be a homeless guy shouting about the end of days, so instead wrote books about it and other scizos called him an intellectual.
Huh, just like Marx.

>> No.20695871


>> No.20696106

I was reading this essay about counter initiation by Dugin last night

And he mentions something called the “brotherhood of the Red Donkey”
> In Guénon’s perspective, the mysterious brotherhood of the Red Donkey (or Red Dragon) exists to this day and is secretly directing the main processes of civilization in an infernal vein.

Do we know where guenon discusses this?

>> No.20696682

>But let us return to the symbolic animals of the Egyptian Set : there is still the crocodile, which is self-explanatory, and the hippopotamus, in which some have wanted to see the Behemoth of the book of Job, and perhaps not without some reason, although this word (plural of behemah , in Arabic bahimah ) is properly a collective designation of all the large quadrupeds. But another animal which has here at least as much importance as the hippopotamus, as surprising as it may seem, is the donkey, and more especially the red donkey**, which was represented as one of the most important entities.
>**Another strange linguistic connection: in Arabic “donkey” is himar (in Hebrew hemor ), and “red” ahmar ; the "red donkey" would therefore be, like the "brazen serpent", a kind of "pleonasm" in phonetic symbolism.
-Symbols of Sacred Science

>On the other hand, while being grateful to Mr. Raymond Dulac for protesting with a well-justified "disgust" against certain ignominies which it is not appropriate for us to speak about, we will point out to him that we do not intend to be of no "camp", and also that people to whom we do not present ourselves have no "welcome" to give us. We further express the wish that the abominations in question open his eyes to the real underside of the infernal campaign in which he himself has found himself embroiled for some time (we want to believe that, like various others, he is in this only an unconscious instrument), and on those of the very publication to which he collaborates. Du “F∴ Fomalhaut” (who thought he was perhapsŒdipe , but who was quite mistaken in this) and from the Sire de Guillebert, to mention only those who are really dead, to the director of La Flèche (who, it should be noted in passing, has just published a " satanic initiation ritual", which at least has the merit of being clear) and to such a too filthy individual for us to name it (it would be repugnant to us to touch it even with the end of a riding crop), it is perhaps not so far as one would think; and, to monitor the path that leads from one to the other, the "geometric point" where we find ourselves (let's say that it is, if you like, the top of a Pyramid) is particularly well located! Need we point out that, on this path, we found the tracks of a “red donkey” and those… of the Dragon of the Chosen One ? February 1933 – In the Grand Lodge Bulletin of Iowa (November issue), the study on Jah-Bel-On is completed ; articles and notes on the symbolism of parallel lines, on the "Lost Word", on the relations of Mormonism with Masonry.
- Studies in Freemasonry

>> No.20697006
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>In other words, out of this simple tripartite scheme arises a more complex and less edifying picture, in which the main emphasis is put not on the orientation of movement, but on the reality of the achieved result.

Achieved results ... the defect is rather clear I would say: failure to understand the mission objective or gross misunderstanding on how to further it.

>> No.20697055
File: 18 KB, 400x499, mfwreadingthisshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If we [...] define Being in the universal sense as the principle of manifestation
>and [...] the totality of possibilities of all manifestation
Everything else is gibberish mistaking potentiality and impossibilia.
Is this really the power of Nazi mystics?

>> No.20697118

One can type this pilpul and vain nonsense all day and never come any closer to God

>> No.20697241

>but for us this negative term is in no way synonym for 'nothingness'.

purest of copes, Guenon is a waste

>> No.20697255

Guenon was actually a piss-poor metaphysician. His worst books are those where he most clearly outlines his metaphysical stance (Multiple States of the Being, Man and His Becoming According to Vedanta). His first book Introduction to the Study of Hindu Doctrines is also particularly terrible for its stupid armchair history and the general anti-white attitude that Guenon keeps shoving down your throat. He really wants you to hate white people and everything European.

>> No.20697314
File: 235 KB, 1080x1185, Pharos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For want of any other term, we are obliged to designate all that is thus outside and beyond Being as "Non-Being", but for us this negative term is in no way synonym for 'nothingness'.
Negation is a thetic operation always potentially available to a mind in a reflexive moment. I haven't seen a single ontological problem involving the terms Being and Non-Being that isn't resolved entirely by this realization. The act of negation of a Being is not the attribution of an ontological property but the rejection of an ontological entity or property that was already present ("manifested") to us and thus recognized as a non-impossibilia.

>> No.20697322

Whites destroyed the ancient Tradition while the East preserved it, cope

>> No.20697368

His dubs beats yours, no arguing with that Chang.

>> No.20697385

>He really wants you to hate white people and everything European.
Based. I've just ordered his complete works.

>> No.20698234

Lol he was French retard, he was against Germany. Also, good work outing yourself they/them!

>> No.20698243

>everything European.
Netflix is not something to be pride of.

>> No.20699188

>If we [...] define Being in the universal sense as the principle of manifestation
this is the problme righ there, you shoulnd't do that, if you do then you end up as Guenon put it with Being and Non-Being existing at the same time
Aristotle already created a better metaphysical system with his notion of being in potence and being in act, and philosophy advanced a lot from those times, like the being on itsefl/being for itself or the system Pierce created

>> No.20699193

Guenon BTFO by the dialectical system once again

>> No.20699282

> purest of copes, Guenon is a waste
No, he’s right, since he is still talking about a kind of determination (like specific unmanifest possibilities) which is logically impossible to be nothingness as there is no potential/actual distinction in nothingness

>> No.20699292

> Guenon was actually a piss-poor metaphysician.
Rene Guenon was the greatest metaphysician of the 20th century


>> No.20699987

>since he is still talking about a kind of determination (like specific unmanifest possibilities) which is logically impossible to be nothingness as there is no potential/actual distinction in nothingness
Gibbering faggot.

>> No.20700775

>No, he’s right, since he is still talking about a kind of determination (like specific unmanifest possibilities) which is logically impossible to be nothingness as there is no potential/actual distinction in nothingness

more stupid cope

>> No.20701675

>more stupid cope
Not really, he is talking about all possibilities of everything and anything and all possible combinations of them interacting are all contained virtually in an unmanifest state in maya, this is basically a platonic form for each object and each quality and each circumstance from which its drawn forth (manifested). This logically is necessarily not nothingness since it contains internal degrees (the unmanifest Y and not the unmanifest X) are are not present in actual nothingness

>> No.20703461

>This logically is necessarily
but if that's the case, then you can't define being as the principle of manifestation, he's defining being one way and then contradicting himself saying that being is also it's opposite, and then trying to build this "esoteric" bridge between the two, with his contradictory concept of Non-being, when in reality he should realise the contradiction and just change his notion of being to begin with

>> No.20703471

This. Now wait for the incoming pipul that comes with guenonfaggot having invested too much of his life into shilling this dumb meme philosophy to admit he's wrong.

>> No.20703478

why do you /lit/ retards have raging hard-ons for spiritualistic traditionalist pseudo-scientists, it's so fucking weird

>> No.20703511

fucking good, ancient tradition is fucking dogshit anyways who the fuck wants that noise

basedfags thinking that in an enforced reversion to castes and rigid classes they would be the top dogs, actually so funny to witness intentional intellectual regression and self-cucking in real time

>> No.20703513

I do not trust any quotes with "[...]". What are you trying to hide?

>> No.20704555

this, remember the average age of a guenon shill on /lit/ is probably 16-17

>> No.20704598

>basedfags thinking that in an enforced reversion to castes and rigid classes they would be the top dogs
I would be totally content being a shudra farmer who works all day and spends the rest of it spinning yarns, read the Bible, and sing merry songs with family and bros.