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/lit/ - Literature

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20695173 No.20695173 [Reply] [Original]

I honestly haven't read many books I didn't like but The Hunger Games is probably the only one I don't remember fondly. Read it back when it was popular to see what all the hubbub was about and I just found it annoying, soulless, cliche, and by the third book Suzanne Collins is just obviously pulling shit out of her ass to keep it going. I'm glad that sort of genre (whatever it's called) is slowly dying out finally.

>> No.20695204
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It was not an enlightening read and I did not feel an ounce of characterization that hooked me in or had me invested. It was a rather dull message that bored me to tears.

>> No.20695211
File: 34 KB, 228x350, pointomega.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Point Omega by Don Delillo had to be the worst. I often judge the quality of a book by how well I remember it years later, and I don't remember a single thing about it. I got tricked into thinking Delillo was a good writer because White Noise was so fun, and I ended up reading Underworld and Point Omega and hated them both very badly.

>> No.20695230

>I often judge the quality of a book by how well I remember it years later, and I don't remember a single thing about it.
so the fact that i don't remember shit about vineland confirms it sucks then

>> No.20695236

White Noise is one of my favorite books of all time, and Underworld was 10% decent and 90% drudgery. Will avoid any additional books, I think.

>> No.20695242

Yes, Vineland was godawful. Honestly, of Pynchon one should only read Gravity's Rainbow, and if you really like it you can also do Against the Day and The Crying of Lot 49, and if you really love those books you can also read Inherent Vice, Bleeding Edge and Mason & Dixon. V and Vineland should never be read by anyone, I think.

>> No.20695284

hunger games isn't even literature you retarded underage

>> No.20695296
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Finished reading it yesterday, it's the most pathetic book i've ever read, the entire story of the book consists of a kid falling in love with another kid akin to a sigma male and eventually coming to the conclusion that their weird beliefs in a mixture of german idealism and daoism make them superior to other humans.

>> No.20695309
File: 106 KB, 233x423, 1654529220340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was required reading for freshman year of highschool for me
What the fuck were they thinking

>> No.20695368

you pretentious cunt.

>> No.20695374

kill yourself zoomie

>> No.20695671


Ender's Game

>> No.20695708

>the conclusion that their weird beliefs in a mixture of german idealism and daoism make them superior to other humans.
holy kek you are right

>> No.20695783

Anything from Orwell

>> No.20696161

I remember having to read Ender’s game for school and the prof was acting like it was the most prophetic literature ever written. Basically, Ender is goku and every time someone tries to beat him he “levels up.” There’s almost no struggle and the social commentary is weak.

>> No.20696200

you guys need a set list for the literature curriculum in your schools. Here the teachers can pick, but only can pick from a list of set books.

>> No.20696244

I had to read The Fault In Our Stars.

>> No.20696249
File: 147 KB, 1000x1538, 9781784756963-2260123760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't realize this was a book for retards. Like, I read it and I kept waiting for more character development, or plot elements to justify its complete lack of substance, but it never came. It was just a really bad, predictable book written for unintelligent people. I learned a valuable lesson, which is that just because a book is rated highly does not mean it's any good.