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20690474 No.20690474 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20690487

>what books paint Hitler in a good light?
Rephrased that for you

>> No.20690534
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Oy vey

>> No.20690558
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>> No.20690695
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>> No.20690701

Well Hitler lost the war , so it would be hard to find any unbiased resource on him. Your best bet is to look at the writings of German intellectuals who supported and opposed him in the 1920s , although I doubt you can find any such writings preserved today.

>> No.20690710
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>> No.20690915

>From 1962 to 1966, she lived in Ghana. The then Ghanaian President, Kwame Nkrumah invited Reitsch to Ghana after reading of her work in India. At Afienya she founded the first black African national gliding school, working closely with the government and the armed forces
imagine how pleasing her tight aryan pussy must have been to the BBC

>> No.20691023

Intellectually honest revisionist historians like David Irving had to admit the Holocaust actually happened; they just claim Hitler didn’t know about it. Himmler’s Posen speech, which you can listen to on YouTube, talks specifically about “the extermination of the Jews” and how the Nazis are brave for remaining “decent” despite having to carry out a gruesome task like that. Himmler also says it’s a secret mission which they will never speak about to anyone, so it makes sense that some people had no knowledge of it. He describes the thousands of bodies piled up, and boasts that they didn’t steal from the Jews to benefit themselves, but rather the State (which he equates with the German people). Some people get confused because before he says “extermination of the Jews” he calls it an “evacuation”. However, this was their codeword for the secret operation. In multiple documents they talk about “an evacuation of the Jews to the East”, obviously using coded language either to calm their consciences or to make sure word doesn’t get out about it. Himmler makes it clear in that speech when he says “the evacuation of the Jews… I am referring to the extermination of the Jews”.

>> No.20691137
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How convenient. Did this speech surface before or after Deepfake technology?

>> No.20691255

you rather hear what you want to hear when you listen to the Posen speech with that attitude desu.

>> No.20691445

RHS Stolfi, Toland biographies are good

>> No.20691479
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>> No.20691484

Why not just read Mein Kampff?

>> No.20691486

Do you read at all?

>> No.20691547

whers the body?

>> No.20691593

In the context of OP’s post it doesn’t matter whatsoever whether it was really 6 million or not. The existence of even 1 death camp is enough to condemn the Nazi regime.
No, there’s no doubt about what he meant. He was an ultranationalist and didn’t care about non-Germanic races at all. He said in the same Posen speeches that if 10,000 Russian women die digging trenches for Germany, the only thing that matters is that Germany has new trenches. These people had a racial Darwinian narrative of history and saw everything as a conflict between races. They saw the Jews as their enemy and so thought it was justified to exterminate them, because it’s “for the good of the race”. They weren’t moral people.

Here’s a good article by former Holocaust denier Eric Hunt showing that the denier “transit camp” theories are bullshit: https://archive.. ph/2017.02.13-120150/http://questioningtheholocaust.com/2017/01/27/the-end-of-the-line/

>> No.20691644
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>They weren’t moral people.
Morality is a matter of perspective. Defending and strengthening your own people, to me, is moral. Whereas, I do not see the positives in promulgating other races and clans at the cost of your own people, culture, and economy. All in a return of only more vigorous and capable hatred towards you by the ones you were being altruistic towards.

>> No.20691677

False dichotomy. It is perfectly possible to preserve your own nation, culture, and race without being a jingoist and wishing to harm other races, use them as slaves, or kill them. The association between nationalism and jingoism is precisely the reason so many are scared to hold nationalistic sentiments.
As for the Muslim issue, it is the Americans and British who first came into Muslim lands and decided to interfere, killing and bombing them by the millions. It was them who decided to let them in after WW2 to use them as cheap labour. If not for these idiotic decisions, Britain would have no Muslims now. And the Muslims do not hate you; they merely wish to convert you to their religion.

>> No.20691704

>Morality is a matter of perspective
>...to me, is moral
No it's not that would make it subjective, which it isn't. Also give me a definition of race, you stupid fucking bastard.

>> No.20691735

>Himmler also says it’s a secret mission which they will never speak about to anyone, that's why I would like it to be recorded.
This seems kinda retarded. Unfortunately, Himmler is not with us to ask him.

>> No.20692027
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Why is it retarded? Do you doubt the willingness of governments to engage in secret operations? Or is it mass murder that seems so unlikely to you?
Well consider, that at the same time as the Nazis were killing people by the millions, the British also starved millions of Indians to death (pic related) and the Americans killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people in Japan just to test out their new atomic toys. The case in Japan is particular devastating because the Japanese were willing to negotiate peace, and the Americans knew this, but they wished for an unconditional surrender to display their power. The fulfilment of their hubris cost hundreds of thousands of innocent lives, incinerated by atomic bombs. As for the Soviets, they likewise killed millions of innocents.
Government is a bloodthirsty monster. They will do all they can, including mass murder, to maintain their power. Government is the biggest mass-death machine in history. Just look up “democide”.

>> No.20692168
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>t. kike

>> No.20692179

the one where he dies and america wins (again)

>> No.20692692
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>he still believes in it

>> No.20692918
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You will never be a woman

>> No.20692947
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>Myth of German Villainy by Bradbury
>Hitler's Revolution by Richard Tedor
>History of Central Banking by Mitford Goodson

>> No.20693047

>It is perfectly possible to preserve your own nation, culture, and race without being a jingoist and wishing to harm other races, use them as slaves, or kill them
This is simply not true if you are a European and you know it.

>> No.20693072

>no arguments given
Thanks, bro. Really fruitful discussion.

>> No.20693208
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No you can't. To protect what you love, you must hate what will do it harm.

>> No.20693263

If your race resorts to killing innocents then you become savages and barbarians and it’s no longer worth loving or fighting for. No matter the faults of the Jews, the Germans became worse than them when they resorted to mass murder and genocide.

>> No.20693285

Any books that explains the jewish mind? I mean, are we supposed to believe that powerful jewish people are not bitter and vengeful about the holocaust? That they just peacefully left the past behind and aren't at all resentful about it?

>> No.20693385
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>> No.20693394

>but it’s ok when the Catholic priests do it because they’re white

>> No.20693395
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Good thing he was stopped

>> No.20693411
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how about this op

>> No.20693483
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>If your race resorts to killing innocents then you become savages and barbarians and it’s no longer worth loving or fighting for.

I disagree, violence in defense of what you love and cherish is amongst the highest of virtues. More and more European men are thinking this way to.

>> No.20693686

>They weren’t moral people.

Any actions taken against the Jew are always moral. They did more than anyone to defend all peoples against jewish designs and are therefore the most moral and heroic people in history.

Doesn't mean the Jewish mythical tale entitled 'yhe Holocaust' that is loosely based on those various heroic deeds isn't a bunch of lies.

>> No.20693737

Jews are the heralders of any greatest seen in mankind. For such a tiny population, we have contributed greatly to religion, science, literature and politics

>> No.20693774

Correct you are the creators of the satanic machine civilization that currently rules the planet. You deserve death.

>> No.20693872
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No, only those who landed near modern day German and mixed with the Germanic stock have achieved anything. All other subgroups of the Jewish people are backwards, primitive baby mutilators. Every single scrap of progress the jews have contributed to the world has been on the backs of the Germanic stock the Ashkenazi mixed with.

The Shepardi, Morrocan, Mountain, Gruzim, Maghreb, Mizrahi and countless others have contributed fuck all. Only those who mixed with the greatest contributors to the world as we know it, Germanic peoples and their decedents, have achieved anything of worth. And paradoxically have become their greatest enemy.

>> No.20693886
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>> No.20694244
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>They saw the Jews as their enemy and so thought it was justified to exterminate them, because it’s “for the good of the race”. They weren’t moral people.

They were moral. Had they seen the outcome of the war they may of fought harder, had our grandfathers known what would happen when they won we would of joined with them.

>> No.20694935
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>> No.20695265
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Oy gevalt!