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/lit/ - Literature

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20692946 No.20692946 [Reply] [Original]

How do you cope with the fact that you will forget the vast majority of what you read?

>> No.20692955

thankful, considering the majority of what I read was trash.

>> No.20692959

Most of what your forget wasn't worth remembering anyways. Few books are consequently worth remembering and you can always reread these books or take notes on them and review them.

>> No.20692960

I only remember the good bits. Only computers or autistic retards remember all. Most of literature is shit and filler, anyway.

>> No.20692965

what the fuck, wasn't I supposed to remember the greeks word by word?

>> No.20692978

I, like a normal person, simply don't care

>> No.20693037

>he forgets things
>he thinks it’s normal to do so

>> No.20693053

I simply forget I forgot.

>> No.20693117


>forget forget forget forget
>forgot forgot forgot forgot
>hands rush to my
>keys /lit/ hot lock
>poppin off the
>faulkner block hot
>clockin /hislit/
>watch bent thought bot

>> No.20693127

Only the poetry.

>> No.20693136

You absorb it subconsciously and it surfaces when it needs to

>> No.20693163
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I like it, it means I can read it again with the same enthusiasm as the first time.

>> No.20694191
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The only way to win is to not read

>> No.20694208

I do this thing not many can do where I use magic to absorb the meaning of the text and convert it into structures in my brain. It's called "reading", you should try it.

>> No.20694220

I'm happy there are other retards still obsessed with DG besides myself on this site (outside of mu, obviously, where it's a given)

>> No.20694223

I'm sorry. I was going to respond to your post, but I seem to have forgotten what it said....

>> No.20694225

Nice, so I can read it again!

>> No.20694236

Type from memory, word by word, the whole text from the page that was most memorable and meaningful to you. Can't? ok, what about paraphrasing each sentence from that page? no? what about each paragraph? no? Sorry sir, I'm afraid I'll have to revoke your incelit membership, please turn around and drop your pants.

>> No.20694275

Remembering everything would be hell, be thankful for your brains amazing ability to be forget the details and keep the essentials. Read Funes the Memorious.

>> No.20694298

It seems you don't know how to read. Unless it's a technical manual the new information conveyed is built up through context, a single paragraph or even page is not enough to build anything.
If it is a technical manual about something I understand well then I could produce an equivalent.
Nothing is encoded in long term physical neurons unless it's reinforced within around a two week period. Meaning if there's something really new introduced you need to think about it at least once or twice in the next two weeks. Preferably read the relevant parts again and think about it a lot if you really want to absorb it. When the subconscious detects something interesting it tends to incorporate it into dreams which counts as reinforcement.

>> No.20694314

So you can't, your membership, sir.

>> No.20694392

The word is the seed from which I grow. I can bear fruit and seeds but not reconstitute the original seed.

>> No.20694409

I take copious handwritten notes on everything that I want to remember; the act of writing helps me not to forget, and on top of that I now have the information at hand whenever I want it. I do this for both fiction and non-fiction

also, seriously what the fuck is with these captchas. this is insane, I just want to post on my namibian ass-fucking forum

>> No.20694414

I'm starting to read nonfiction but I read like I'm going to be tested on it later. I need to just relax and remember I'll come across the information again. This thread helps.

>> No.20694445

take the anamnesis pill, you already knew everything you read

>> No.20694456


>> No.20694517

good thing it's all written down lmao

>> No.20694568

i can reread and enjoy my favorite books.

>> No.20695714

Use a commonplace book, retard. Pen to paper.

>> No.20695802
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This boi

>> No.20695807

Read for the feelings, not for the knowledge. If you remember how a book made you feel, then you remember the essence of the book

>> No.20695809

What if every book makes me feel like it's trash

>> No.20695813

Then that's a sign that you need to make changes to your life. No matter what people say, you analyze your life and its quality by comparing it to others. A bad way to do so is via social media, a good way to do so is by consuming art and gaging how it makes you feel. If Notes From the Underground makes you feel seen, then maybe you should try to be a tad less like the Underground Man.

>> No.20696091

What if I don't feel bad about myself and I just feel like books are dumb

>> No.20696142

Read as little as possible to minimize the amount of effort wasted on something eventually forgotten.

>> No.20696152
File: 156 KB, 270x270, cantwakeup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do you cope with the fact that you will forget the vast majority of what you read?
How do you cope with the fact that you will eventually forget everything when you die, everyone will eventually forget about you and finally everyone will forget about them?

>> No.20696153

"I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me."
-Adolf Hitler

>> No.20696700

Annoyed. Brain should either forget it completely and utterly, or just remember it! Stupid brain forgets the thing, and then it goes "oh yeah, now that I read it, I remember that I already read this!". Stupid thing. Makes it really hard to read any ongoing fiction that's updated at glacial pace.

>> No.20696712

You don't really "forget" when you die, tho. I order to forget, there needs to be "you". When you die, there's no "you" anymore.

>> No.20696717

Just because you can't explicitly remember all the details of a book doesn't mean it didn't change the way you think and see the world in ways that aren't necessarily detected by testing overt recall of plot material.

>> No.20696746

What's the book you've read the longest ago (just once) and that you liked? how much do you remember about it? is it just specific scenes? can you remember most of the major characters, their personalities and goals? can you reconstruct it in order your mind (even if vaguely)?

>> No.20696784

>just abuse meth for that 20% productivity boost bro

>> No.20696891

The first book anyone should read is Make it Stick for that exact reason.

>> No.20696904

I remember where I came from, how I became human and why I hung around.

>> No.20696924

>braap BRAaAaAaP PffffffffffffFfffffffrrrt
- ye olde chudde