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/lit/ - Literature

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20692143 No.20692143 [Reply] [Original]

Why read biographies when there's autobiographies wtf?? It's like, you're a cuck for secondary sources instead of going to THE source.

>> No.20692153

Because the nigga didn't write one

>> No.20692166


>> No.20692177
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If an autobio of that person exists why would you read a bio?

>> No.20692201

Because sometimes real eyes don't realize real lies(the nigga lies)

>> No.20692207
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>> No.20692226
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Look up all the shit L Ron Hubbard wrote about his own life and then come back to me

>> No.20692238

>why read the book when you can read a summary and save you all the time?
makes you think

>> No.20692247
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Why read when you can BE the book?

>> No.20692254

Boring thread

>> No.20692261


>> No.20692336

people lie

>> No.20692360

Both have their uses. A decent bio will give a wider picture of the person by delving into their writings, their letters, their journals, plus the writings of others in which they're mentioned.