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File: 716 KB, 2747x1991, church.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20691912 No.20691912 [Reply] [Original]

Books on Church History before the Great Schism?
>inb4 read the church fathers
There's too much, I need an overview

>> No.20691915

>There’s no time!

>> No.20691938

>There's infinite time!
Go learn all languages

>> No.20692097
File: 383 KB, 1004x515, Screenshot 2022-07-17 at 17.09.37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it bros I don't understand the implications of it.

>> No.20692809

Maybe this is more your speed:

>> No.20693473

Then explain

>> No.20693477

Afaik didnt the orthos split from the Catholic church, since they elected a random nobody to be the patriarch of Constantinople that started the filioque controversy?

>> No.20693488

Chalcedonian isnt half half tho
its fully human and fully God

>> No.20693525
File: 49 KB, 896x896, 1652702951266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that graph
>implying the "Orthodox" Church isn't a heretical sect of Christianity
Ye be postin' cringe, lad.
The "Orthodox" are innovators and schismatics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d07mgLoOW8g

>> No.20693552
File: 94 KB, 593x518, Slav-Orthodoxy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh Russia le based trad "Orthodox" country

>> No.20693638

>Afaik didnt the orthos split from the Catholic church,
>catholic education

>> No.20693708

>988 conversion of russia
>1054 russia splits the church less than a 100 years after being welcomed into christianity
wow russia sucks

>> No.20693739

It was a mutual schism caused in part by disagreement over the filioque but in layman’s terms the justification of the Catholic position was innovation and fabrications. If anything, it was the Catholic Church that split off of the Orthodox Church as a result of these innovations.

>> No.20693747

The Catholic Church admits that the decretals were forgeries. The Western Church exists as the result of heresy.

>> No.20693852

>biden by way of nato trolls orthodox to slaughter each other
>libs seethe that biden isn't doing enough after roe overturned
maybe biden more catholic than previously suspected

>> No.20694022
File: 243 KB, 1236x815, Latin-Patriarchate-of-Jerusalem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, the Catholic West was proved RIGHT by the fact that of the Churches within the Pentarchy, it has never been in the hands of the Mohammedans nor has fallen to outside anti-Christian forces.

>> No.20694043
File: 236 KB, 1208x771, ROC-Junior-Patriarchate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only the Catholic Church has been TRULY apostolic ("apo" means sending forth), capable of evangelizing the world -- both immediately surrounding and distant peoples. History has PROVED Rome's Supremacy. Seethe Orthos, but this is a FACT.

>> No.20694051

it's a Mystery. hope this helps :^)

>> No.20694072

Nothing good will come out of arguing about Christianity, scripture says that we should be of one accord and look how far we have fallen

The underground churches in China just call themselves "followers of Christ" and worship for 10+ hours at a time, sneaking paper slips of verses into prison to memorize before the guards take them away again

I think we have a lot to learn from our persecuted Chinese brothers and sisters in the faith, what a spiritual force to behold

The irony is that they want to be like us Westerners and have freedom of religion, Lord willing we will meet together one day

>> No.20694079
File: 310 KB, 1411x755, Peter-Suda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peter is recognized in the Byzantine "Suda" (https://infogalactic.com/info/Suda)) as having the right of the Keys (pic-related), with no mention of any other apostles, because a Shepherd is only ever really one man, ultimately; Rome is the seat of Christ's Vicar, and the East, pre-Schism, had no doubt of this. But even post-Schism, the Eastern Hierarchy was aware of Rome's Supremacy (See Council of Florence), but was too afraid to be seen by the spiteful eastern laity as being too 'pro-West.' As history shows, this internal schism within Orthodoxy itself led to the conquest by Mohammedans, the loss of their capitals, reduction of their religion, and retreat from the world, focusing on being 'le secret cave people' instead of evangelist's for Christ's people; the eastern churches ceased to be APO-stolic, and became quite the opposite, in fact.

>> No.20694267
File: 85 KB, 746x365, catholics deny the trinity again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thsi is just sad anon. Your "church" is not even Christian let alone apostolic or right lol.

>> No.20694272

No. The Catholic Church never fell to Muslims. The Pope just goes and worships Allah in synagogues and endorses clown masses instead.

>> No.20694273

Having a proper Christology and conception of God is pretty important if you’re going to worship him. What you’re talking about is not even by faith, but by emotion, as if someone is automatically proper because they are persecuted.

>> No.20694285

>The underground churches in China just call themselves "followers of Christ" and worship for 10+ hours at a time, sneaking paper slips of verses into prison to memorize before the guards take them away again

>> No.20694299
File: 161 KB, 821x613, THesis-of-Cassiciacum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks an anti-pope is the legitimate pope

>> No.20694369
File: 203 KB, 816x646, Council-of-Florence-Russian-Subversion-of-Catholicism-and-Orthodoxy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russians have been subverting Christianity and Christian Unity for centuries in their slipshod attempts to move the center of Christendom to their capital. Pic-Related as just one example among many, doubtlessly.

>> No.20694399
File: 219 KB, 777x1198, 71Ippb8J+WL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Eusebius

>> No.20694513

Jesus was a human but also the Son of God, so there are two natures in him (human and divine), but how do they correlate to each other?

Nestorius thought that you cant mesh the two natures together (otherwise Jesus would not be fully divine anymore, which was the whole shtick of the Arian heresy), so there had to be two clearly defined and separated natures in Jesus.

The Egytian Church under Cyril recognized that Nestorianism would make Jesus a schizo and wisely formulated a thesis that both natures had to be united (but not mixed with each other, which was Monophysitism).

An Ecumenical Council then degreed that Cyril had been right and condemned Nestorianism as heresy, but for some reason the Pope got butthurt and had another council called in Chalcedon, which condemned the previous council for no reason at all and instead degreed that both arguments are wrong and that in reality both natures were united while still separated in Jesus Christ and if you think this is bullshit you are a heretic.

The Egyptian and Syrian Church wisely decided to not go along with this ridiculous decision (and were marked as Monophysites), and would later rather submit to Islam then being ruled by the C*tholic Church any longer, so take it as you will

>> No.20694555

not what happened, the council rushed the decision for the first council before the chalcedonians arrived and declared everyone heretics

>> No.20694729

Story of Christianity by Gonzalez

>> No.20694736

lol what is this retarded orthodog/russian shill propaganda


>> No.20694799
File: 957 KB, 1502x2310, 918rbPjRLXL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I need an overview
Read Henry Chadwick if you want a general church history that covers everything vital to the Church's growth during the first six centuries.


Read Alister McGrath if you want a history of Christian theology/thought.


>> No.20694931

Unironically will the Catholics and the Orthodox ever unify again?
I legit feel a kind of grief when I think about the schism, it's like two sides of a once-close family refusing to speak to each other.

>> No.20695012
File: 300 KB, 720x479, barlaam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Essence-Energy distinction is evident in the writings of the early Church Fathers, especially (to my knowledge) in Saint Ambrose, Saint Augustine and Saint John of Damascus. Saint Gregory Palamas was the clear victor of the hesychast controversy because of this. The fruits of Saint Gregory Palamas' position was a monastic life, the fruits of Barlaam's position was being salty and leaving the Church.
The guy you posted is a sedevacantist in case you didn't know, make of that what you will.

Through God, everything is possible. While I do not believe this is likely to happen within my lifetime, the relation between the Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church have never been better since the schism, to my knowledge.

>> No.20695687
