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/lit/ - Literature

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20691365 No.20691365 [Reply] [Original]

>writer uses their show as a platform to smugly lecture the audience

I am so sick of this.

>> No.20691446

this aint /tv/

>> No.20691824

It IS time to grow up though, Marty.

>> No.20692030

>religion is for hicks
>now excuse me, i have to go cut off my dick and become a woman

>> No.20692033

past a certain age, posting /tv/ threads on /lit/ can be a bad thing

>> No.20692366

Wow anon, that is a great material apprehension.
Even lobotomite would understand that Rust is portrayed as a character full of agnst that comes from losing his daughter and grim experiences as a cop in the past. Not to mention that besides his nyhilistic facade he yearns for meaning and spirituality, which he expresses through his obscure philosophy and perpetual workoholic self-sacrifice.

>> No.20692378

>the character said a thing so it must be true
If you watched that episode and didn't figure out that the preacher obviously as intelligent as Rust then you're blind

>> No.20692386

Big fan of the first season, which is peak kino, Rust is the religion one, if you dont see it, rewatch the series and pay attention to his room.

>> No.20692422

Thanks Satan for an insightful post.
Rust even has a mystical experience at the end of the series and ends up a believer, although not too sure a believer in what.
The entire show goes out of its way to show both characters as broken assholes with flailing moral senses.

>> No.20692425
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>> No.20692437
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if your medium demands a platform to exist, there might be something wrong with the medium itself.

>> No.20692444

Television and cinema have surpassed literature as an art form. The Iliad of today is a movie, not a book

>> No.20692448

Rust opens himself up to religious ideas by the end of the series though. His character embodies the lecturing rationalist...until his rationalism collapses and he's forced to confront something he can't explain at the very end.

>> No.20692456

People only complain about this when it's preaching something they don't like. They always eat shit up and paint it as "brave truth tellers telling it how it is" when it's what they want to hear

>> No.20692462

You realize he was caricaturing ligotti right?

>> No.20692504
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this image captures my feelings for the show perfectly

>> No.20692513

What's the big deal? That's what so many of your generation does? Everything has to be woke or based. Nobody can write a story now without having to own the libs/chuds. As always, millennials suck the life out of everything.

>> No.20692521


In terms of sheer revenue and economic impact, video games have surpassed film, television, sports, and the record industry

Video games allow you to tell stories in ways that other mediums can't, games like Skyrim even contain libraries of fiction and "non-fiction" set within a fictional universe that you can collect and read

Not saying video games are a superior medium, but novels were once the primary source of entertainment and that's why many novels from that era are so highly lauded

Every single Skyrim playthrough can be rendered as distinct yet similar fantasy novels, it is pretty amazing to think about the potential of the medium as a writer

>> No.20692531

Skyrim can't be rendered as a fantasy novel the game only works as a game

>> No.20692540

I'm not mad when someone does that. I do, however, get annoyed when it doesn't do anything interesting and is rather predictable.

>> No.20692545
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>nurse hands him his prozac and a glass of water
>*pretends to swallow but hides it under his tongue*
>"okay now open your mouth"
>"that's a good boy"
>"I want my typewriter!"
>"You know the rules Tommy, no typing after 8PM. Don't want you scaring the children with all those awful depressing stories again"
>"now now tommy don't make me get the whacking stick"

why are rustfags like this

>> No.20692546


I mean the stories that the player character creates by interacting with the world lead to the organic creation of unique fantasy stories

It could be a story about a rogue who thieves his way across a kingdom of riches, or a wizard who becomes near-omnipotent and battles ancient undead warlocks

My point is that interactive media opens the door to experiences not found in other mediums

>> No.20692551

video games are mostly played by chuds and incels, they don't reach as wide an audience as a blockbuster movie, though they might be more profitable considering a game costs 60$

>> No.20692565


My grandma has played video games since I was a child, as do most Americans

The most successful media products in human history are video games, blockbuster movies don't compare in terms of audience and scale

They can be $60, they can be $5 phone games, they can be free-to-play yet generate billions in in-game transactions

There is just a lot of potential and traditional writers such as myself deserve to get excited over it, that's all I have to say on this really

>> No.20692577
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no, all stories generated by fantasy rpg simulators are lame. Why would you want to bring more derivated sandershit YA trash into this world? Who's gonna read it? Skyrim is fun because of the interactivity, not because of any part of the world or story

>> No.20692613


Yes, interacting with characters, their stories, their quests, settings, plots, etc.

Just trying to inspire a sense of wonder, I don't get anything out of this

I make a living as a writer and people are beginning to take video games more seriously as a medium for serious themes and ideas

Maybe this will inspire an aspiring writer to break into video game writing/designing, because there is definitely overlap between people who like video games and those who browse this board

>> No.20692625

are there really mental invalids like this out there that still don't understand why video games are different from linear media?

>> No.20693440

i don´t pizzolato thinks like rust cohle