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20681582 No.20681582 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people write, read, and bother with books about the afterlife, heaven, hell, what happens after death, oblivion, etc, when its never gonna matter anyway? What happens when we die does not matter now while we live anyway, its a later problem that we will or wont deal with when it happens. And yet there are countless thousands of books about it. Cant people live in the present? No anount of reading about it will change the here and now, and it wont have an impact on whatever happens when we die either.

>> No.20681586

Christian coping

>> No.20681594

Because it’s literally the scariest thing and copes help some people

>> No.20681607

Afterlifes in virtually every belief system depend on your present life, not very difficult to see
e.g good deeds send you to heaven, bad deeds to hell, enlightenment breaks samsara etc

>> No.20681624


>> No.20681645

how is it not totally obvious to you that the average person's beliefs are a hodgepodge of syncretic nonsense they have never seriously investigated in their entire lives? people read this shit because they believe a mixed of christtard horseshit and new age stuff they saw online that made them feel good, not as an intellectual exercise

>> No.20681671

>99% of all philosophy is coping with a cold and uncaring world
Stop the presses, OP discovered that water is wet.

>> No.20681705


Christ is king jew

>> No.20681708

Why does your post matter? Why even bother?

>> No.20681748

>can't into commas

>> No.20681780

>wastes his time grading the grammar on 4channel posts

Oh dear if only you had spent more time reading your soul wouldn’t be hell bound.

>> No.20681784

Have fun with your "king jew", lmao.

>> No.20681788

why do people write, read and bother about their retirement? it is a later problem that we will or wont deal with when it happens

>> No.20681806

From the accounts of people who have had near death experiences, there's usually a correlation with rejoining with a group, sometimes recognizable, sometimes not. This group at least to me, I believe, is a central consciousness from which all will is derived.
Your individuality may dissolve entirely within it and the life you know after may not even be human, or all you. You won't know, or be aware of who you even are anymore, washed, rinsed and repeated upon the earth. Maybe you'll spend your next round as a cat, or even part of one shared between others. The you that exists now is only temporary. You've been other people and things far longer.

>> No.20681816

There is nothing but eternal dreamless sleep after death. Everything else is pure copium

>> No.20682619

>it le doesn't matter
I'll tell you where it matters; When choosing whether or not to reproduce. If you thought even for a second that the afterlife was compromised of some inescapable negative, giving birth would be a moral trespass of the highest order.

>> No.20682981

how do you know?

>> No.20683008

Because that's the experience(or rather lack off) that preceeded birth.
Brain shuts down
Everything blacks out
Simple as

People can cope tho however they want

>> No.20683276

If you get tortured for eternity it still won't matter for you? I thimk you would start regretting just moment after you feel unbearable pain, and after few hundreds of years of torture your regret will give you as much suffering as eternal pain you feel

>> No.20683281

Not enough people read Gilgamesh (pbuh)

>> No.20683286

And what guarentee do you have that God will do the torturing, and not Allah?

>> No.20683524

Ignoring death is also a cope. "Living in the present" without future orientation is what animals do. At the same time, talking about it in the abstract is quite easy: we all know that we are not immortal. But confronting it practically is much more psychologically challenging. This apprehension prevents people from planning for the inevitable by not purchasing grave plots, writing wills, etc.

Dying is scary, but being dead in the void? Not so scary.

>> No.20683540

Afterlifes and faith are cucked concepts to make worthless people think their worthless existences are special enough to keep existing after death. No accomplished person gives a shit about such things, when they already possess the only real immortality: being remembered by others
Immortality, just like anything in life, is earned, not prayed for.

>> No.20683565

That is not immortality. It is vanity.

>> No.20683850

Interesting I remember once I got totally fucked up on dpt + spice and had this vision that I felt was shared with others. I felt as I am in battle with lords of hyperspace and there are other people in hyperspace who watch what I am tripping about, that tripping is basically bit like internet. This feeling was so strong that when I woke up I was still under impression that other people saw me in trip and they will talk about it on internet forum or whatever

>> No.20683873

Yet you woke up finally. You was asleep for thousands of years but some whore decided to fuck loser that was your father and then she shat you out into this world and here you are

>> No.20683892

You have a pathetic view: "Why people do this? Why people do that?" They do because they fucking want to, moron. If it doesn't please you, just fuck off. "B-but it's useless" No one is going to stop doing what they love for the sake of doing things deemed useful to you. Fucking teenagers.

>> No.20683906

>No accomplished person gives about such things
Nice, you are a literal retard on denial. Some of most successful people of all time were deeply into spirituality. I won't even cite names; if are slightly educated, you can come up with many of them by yourfuckingself. All you did in your post was showing bias towards the subject.

>> No.20684025

You have to look at this from my perspective. What you just said is comforting cope, but I'm not spiritual, I'm just not making dogmatic conclusions and accepting them as fact.

The truth, even in the most material of material of sciences, is we cannot know. For all you know your neuronal activity is coupled to some sort of pain dimension, and when you die all you feel is pain that increases 1000x every half second forever. There are perfectly material ways to get to hell that do not involvement judgement or deities, its just no one is intellectually honest enough to talk about them.

>> No.20684107

Any good literature or literally anything supporting this? I think about it often

>> No.20684128
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Guys listen, what if panpsychism or some version of it is correct and prior to being born your mind was actually connected to the rest of the universe in a semi-aware state of bliss, and the real original sin against nature is that somewhere along the line, due to random chaos and natural selection, organisms were created and during the time they are alive they are yanked out of their nirvana into a world of sensation and suffering and their connection to the rest of the universe is severed in return for a first row seat in this tiny oubliette with two eye holes for a view that you call your brain.

>> No.20684200

refuted by Percy Shelley

>> No.20684201

Its not a hole you want to go down, but some lesswrongers talk about what if some sort of recurrence theory were true, or quantum immortality, or an evil ASI, but its just worst case thinking.

>> No.20684267

Near death experiences? All this maybe gives evidence for is there is some awareness after death. For all we know you have some activity and are aware of some things for hours or even days after you are declared dead. That's even worse than just dying and it being over.

>> No.20686005

For comfort.

>> No.20686018

Humans are not beasts, thinking about the future and past is part and parcel of our existence. The boons of being intelligent are worth the negatives, which is in this case awareness of one's own mortality, so long as you are capable of determining the truth with respect to death, ie that it is not any more eternal than life is.
Most people would be more comforted if they were not aware of their own mortality at all.

>> No.20686021

I really wish I could go back to believing this

>> No.20686048

>Near death experiences? All this maybe gives evidence for is there is some awareness after death.
Bullshit, in my NDE there was only blackness like a dreamless sleep.

The thing is nobody has got a single clue about what happens after death. So any claims about death should be discarded.

>> No.20686060

I just hope you're completely gone before they start doing autopsies or something. Don't donate your body to science or you might get that experiment where they try to put pig organs in you.

>> No.20686180

What do you believe now, anon?

>> No.20686737
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What is wrong with vanity? Who wants to be forgotten, anyway?

>> No.20687973

It is impossible to feel fear in heaven. So how could heaven be scary?
It is impossible to feel fear in oblivion. So how could oblivion be scary?

>> No.20688003

eternity is freaky deeky

>> No.20688009

>Have no sense of time
>Gigarillion years pas until you wake up and are somehow in charge of a living being again
Now its not exactly an afterlife but just another life.

>> No.20688013

I wonder if people in the afterlife worry about the afterafterlife? What makes people so certain that they will remain in the afterlife after all you hear all these stories of people going to the afterlife and coming back if nothing else that should raise some eyebrows about the premanence of the afterlife

>> No.20688070

This is the truth. I just wonder how I got caught.

>> No.20688135

I know exactly what you mean. How could you know the heaven you're in is the real thing? Maybe its 1 trillion years of bliss then someone throws the fire switch.

That's really another blow for theological type afterlives, unless somehow you're "you" but with all existential doubt removed, but you really couldn't be you at that point. So many of these things make no sense outside of our perception as a living things.

Pretty much all of our models, even the popular permanent cessation of consciousness, turn to shit when you consider eternity.

>> No.20688253

>I wonder if people in the afterlife worry about the afterafterlife?
This is a question beyond all human understanding.

>> No.20688487

this but you never wake up

>> No.20688515

So you think the identical configuration will always be a copy and not a continued POV?

>> No.20688548

Atheist Coping

>> No.20688893

This, it’s not that hard to figure out.

>> No.20689473

I don't want to know about afterlife
I want love and hug
That is what I value right now

>> No.20689528

>sex is....LE BAD!!!!!

>> No.20689562

That every effect is a cause, every cause produces an effect, and that there is no default or simple way of leaving this net that we are all entangled in.

>> No.20689843


>> No.20691016
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Exactly, why not just live only in the present?

>> No.20691298

you'll burn in hell as well fag
only american baptists go to heaven

>> No.20691309

why the fucking fuck would anybody get tortured for eternity? what's the fucking point? how can you be this stupid? why would you believe in such a god you fucking caveman?

>> No.20691319

your mom is beyond all human understanding

>> No.20691322

Isnt it bound to happen with infinite waiting time?

>> No.20691546

So what about the Zoroastrians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Taoists, Shinto-ists, etc...?

>> No.20691944
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But isn't the truth more important than comfort?

>> No.20692872
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Not really. The afterlife is knowably eternal, so there is no after it.

>> No.20693923

dont some people have fun with jesus christ...?

>> No.20694000

because allah the all peaceful said so! makes sense! not contradictory at all!

>> No.20694009

it's your turn to be a bird and get hunted by us!

>> No.20694429
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>muh materialism
deep insight bro

>> No.20694790

But why is writing wills etc ever important?

>> No.20694804

the idea of providing for your children in the future is comforting to people in the moment

>> No.20695062
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That's an incredibly jewish way of thinking, and one that most Europeans throughout history would find pretty repulsive.
>>Congrats, middie! You did a modern!

>> No.20695108

If the estate goes to probate court, the arguments over who is entitled to what can destroy otherwise harmonious families.

>> No.20695701
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But why? Once you die, those you leave behind might as well not exist.

>> No.20695733

>No anount of reading about it will change the here and now
In other words, no one should read and learn about history.

>> No.20695795

>when its never gonna matter anyway? What happens when we die does not matter now while we live anyway, its a later problem that we will or wont deal with when it happens
That's just your assumption. What if it does end up mattering?

>> No.20695797

This assumes that the universe is actually infinite

>> No.20695817
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Based. Me too.

>> No.20695843

If it's not infinite, then it would have to be contained by something greater, ad infinitum. It's trivially true that the universe is infinite, but actually the better term for it is perpetual or unending, because "infinite" has other connotations.

>> No.20695865

As I pointed out earlier, it most definitely matters if one chooses to reproduce. People ignore that. Whatever we think happens, we've already judged it not too bad, as we subject new life to it without second thought.

>> No.20696108

if you really believe that then why would you not kill yourself immediately

>> No.20696339

So all human behavior = they want to?

>> No.20696640

What do you mean by this?

>> No.20697742
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So if the world was all sunshine, rainbows and kittens, you think that there would be way less philosophy?

>> No.20698717

What about them?

>> No.20699252

Why did they write about the afterlife?
Surely not Christian coping.

>> No.20699272

it really doesn't matter either way. universal expansion and entropy means that the requirements for sapient existence will not exist at some point.

>> No.20699297


I can safely dismiss this book out of hand for its use of "realer than real" on the cover, even if that blurb section was an editor's marketing choice and not that of the author.

>> No.20699967

>Cant people live in the present?
White people tend to consider the future consequences of their actions

>> No.20700833

Gigarillion is not a real word.

>> No.20700839

Entropy is only a law when considered from the perspective of a finite system.

>> No.20701358

Not him but yes

>> No.20701697
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To the extent that that is true, I find it equally depressing.

>> No.20703411

What successful people were into spirituality?

>> No.20704186
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But what do things like, for instance, logic or the philosophy of language have to do with how the world is depressing? Seems kind of unrelated to me.

>> No.20704254

Why? Do you think the world will disappear the moment you die?

>> No.20704264

It's not about the quantity of suffering/tragedy, it's about the total absence of meaning and being unable to explain "why".

>> No.20704459
File: 864 KB, 1433x2083, 04DC9AFD-B063-40AE-B534-F07BC31E90F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the most fascinating hypotheses, transcending yet included the relatively simplistic, shallow dualism of heaven vs hell based off of what religion you choose to believe or disbelieve in and how faithfully and piously you follow it, how much of a “sinner” or “saint” you are, is of the afterlife as an immaterial, subtle continuation of whatever state-of-mind you’ve cultivated while living. A bitter, resentful, depressed, unhappy, incurious, moping person mostly only dependent on their petty pleasures in shallow pastimes — tasty food, drinks, eating of snacks, smokes, sex, TV-and-movie-watching, accumulation of money, successes in the career and education field, and the like — finds themselves when dead in an immaterial body which can no longer sustain such pleasures, instead being in the afterlife subtle state which doesn’t even have the physical, material organs-and-appendages-of-perception to enjoy these.

Have you ever dreamt while hungry or thirsty but food and drink couldn’t actually be enjoyed by you, frustrating as that was, despite that you could “see”, conjure up in your mind’s eye the subtle replication of it?

Conversely, have you heard of NDEs with people saying such things as, “My life flashed before my eyes — all the good and all the evils I did, the joys and sorrows, the ways I helped and hurt others.” A person’s life mainly based on causing suffering to themselves and others might then have to vividly, painfully experience — in a correspondingly hyper-emotional, more personally intense (for being in the very seat of the “soul” now removed from the confines of the physical body and brain) lucid-dream-like-fashion, their life, how dreary, insipid, and uninspiring it was or, conversely, how positive and uplifting. Their own “sins” in the form of bad memories — as well as the subtler spiritual faculty of genuinely being able to feel what suffering it caused to others, which one can more easily cover up and deny to oneself in one’s conscious waking living normal state — would itself be “hell.” And the joy itself of a well-lived life it’s own “heaven.” Think also about whatever deep philosophical thought and spiritual experiencing, whatever relationship one formed to a concept of God, a Ruling Overspirit, in one’s life, which could give one faith and sustain oneself (or not) in the afterlife, the “training” one already did in this life, keeping its brevity in mind, how short it is and how one should prepare oneself for death while already living.

>> No.20704510

The reason why people care is because it could have an impact. You wrote your post like your 100% sure you know there’s no cause and effect and everyone else knows the same thing which just isn’t true and is absurd. Your a fucking retard.

>> No.20704523
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For a while, you might actually have the sensations of “starving” and “dehydrating”, great hunger and thirst in the afterlife, while the immaterial energetic subtle desire persists but the physical capability to fulfill it doesn’t. This might all be referred to in traditional Christian terminology as the state of “purgatory”, in which the subtle body literally purges itself, in a long period of sorrow and uncomfortableness at being unable to eat, drink, or have sex, as in the Ancient Greek myth of Tantalus, or its boredom at not having the same comfortable repetitive stimuli of the physical world and only being able to exist in this lucid-dream-like disembodied projection in the void, as in the myth of Sisyphus.

After a while you can imagine this second subtle sheath of energetic desires, emotions, memories, remorse or lack-thereof, and the like, eventually wearing away, purging itself of this in a long-drawn out painful process and eventually withdrawing into the yet higher, purer, subtler intellectual soul, the seat of the real inner person and its actual spiritual depth and goodness (or lack thereof), which might finally just give away to a long-drawn out blissful state of rest, finally having purged the memories and desires of physical life as well as the remorse for how poorly it was lived, entering now into something like a further drawn-out deep dream like state of peace. You can find traces of an afterlife cosmology like this in systems like the Tibetan Buddhist cosmology system of the Bardot (after-death states) as well as the various Hindu yogic schools of thought and cosmological systems, as well as the idea of various koshas/sheaths corresponding to different states of consciousness and intensities- or vividnesses-of-experiencing — the waking physical sheath, the dreaming energetic subtle sheath corresponding to dreaming sleep, and then finally the causal/mental/spiritual ego corresponding to the state of deep sleep. With the death of the body, there are only the subtle immaterial energetic bodies to maintain its experiencing, which, again, would primarily be heavenly or hellish based off of its “karmas,” which could literally be said to be its own quality-of-experiencing it cultivated.

Even in Abrahamic faiths and by some Christian theologians, something like this understanding of the afterlife as essentially “self-determined” in a way — not that God “decides to condemn some souls into Hell because He is such a tyrannically autocratic bigot”, but that people create their own heaven or hell based off their own faithful experiencing of the presence of God and their own love of God, or lack thereof.

>What is hell? I maintain that it is the suffering of being unable to love.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky

>> No.20704563
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Some shamanic traditions seem to also have had and still have an understanding of this, with the afterlife state being the realm of one’s ghostly ancestors, of the dead, and of various immaterial subtle entities, and shamanic journeys and disciplines undertaken during life as a genuine preparation for and even experiencing of the state of death while alive — entering the realm of the dead while still incarnate in one’s physical body, through the vision quest, the fasting in the desert, and/or even the massive quantities of hallucinogenic plants to force an out-of-body experience, as well as deliberately cultivating and entering the primordial Dreamtime of the Aboriginal Australians.

The Tibetans with works like the Tibetan Book of the Dead and practices like of phowa (transference of the immaterial consciousness into a state of awakening at the time of death) and practices on acquainting themselves with the subtleties of and preparing themselves for the bardos, after-death states, also seem to have picked up on it in their own way, combining Buddhist yogic teachings and practices with the native Tibetan Bon shamanic tradition of sorcery already present there when Guru Rinpoche went to preach the Buddhadharma there in the 8th-century or thereabout.

If you yourself have ever had a near-death-experience leading to an OBE (out-of-body experience), feeling yourself outside the body, or at least read of it or heard of people who claimed to have done so — and/or had strangely vivid, sorrowful dreams in which you sensed the presence of the dead, of dead family members or friends you’ve known — and/or, finally, have faithful belief in the religious tradition of your choice — you might already have intuitively sensed this, picked up on it. And maybe those kooky anchorites, nuns and monks, the Desert Fathers and Far Eastern cave-dwelling yogis and renunciates, ascetic sadhus, are wiser than we know to practice fasting and celibacy in this life — having learned to quench the desire for it while already alive, it’s not as much of a threat for them while dead!

Growing old and dying of natural causes as one’s physical desires for sex and food are gradually quenched of themselves might also be seen as much happier and more uplifting than suddenly dying young in some tragic accident while in the heat of one’s life and cultivation of one’s passionate desires for this same reason.

But hey. Who cares, right? It’s your life and afterlife (or presumed lack of one, in the case of your disbelief in it) to gamble with.

>> No.20704621

nice reddit spacing paganigger

>> No.20704749

why are some people obsessed with "reddit spacing"?? who cares lmao...

>> No.20705549

Christianity was literally a psyop from the jews

>> No.20705568


>> No.20705572

>Afterlifes in virtually every belief system depend on your present life
Not surprising with the central reason for "belief systems" is to control behavior

>> No.20706433

its not absurd, everyone knows deep down that it doesnt matter what happens when we die

>> No.20707344

Yeah. Plus, in that regard, heaven is the ultimate bribe, and hell is the ultimate threat.

>> No.20707367

>Have you ever dreamt while hungry or thirsty but food and drink couldn’t actually be enjoyed by you, frustrating as that was, despite that you could “see”, conjure up in your mind’s eye the subtle replication of it?

>> No.20707971

>t. never had an NDE/ doesn't know what the fuck they're talking about
I'm someone who hopes their is nothing after death, but you have to be a retard to ignore what everyone else says.

>> No.20708008

Great posts.

>> No.20708088


>> No.20708302

It's the ultimate give away. Religious systems claim the divine is infinitely more important than the physical world, yet they are 100% only concerned with what people do in the here and now, that is to say, the only world and the only life we KNOW for certain we have. Sacrifice your freedom and independence now for a hope and a prayer of an imaginary theme park existence after you die. It's like a scummy con artist's trick or a used car salesman shtick.

>> No.20708465

injured but still alive =/= dead and stayed dead

If you cannot see the fundamental error here you are completely and totally without hope.

>> No.20708771

There are multiple books/accounts of people being pronounced dead by doctors and coming back 15/30/45 minutes later.
I'm not a doctor. I doubt you are. I'll listen to the experts. Do what you want.

>> No.20708813

Jesus, you need a doctor to tell you that once you die and remain that way it is functionally different than a situation where you have not?

>> No.20708904

I hate to break it to you, but clinical death is death. No pulse = death. No heart function = death. No brain function = death. People die and are resuscitated. Talk about it with a medical professional. I don't know why this is hard to understand.

>> No.20709151
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>and are resuscitated
I cannot explain it again. I'm convinced lurkers are watching me get tortured by your ignorance for amusement. It pains me I have to share an existence with people like you. How are you not seeing the issue here? Nobody resuscitated is dead. That is not death. Death means you have a had a full metabolic collapse of your neuronal structure and can interact with absolutely no one on this plane with the exception of your skull interacting with a bone saw. You have halted in your thinking at a childlike step. I award you no points and may god have mercy on your soul.

>> No.20709265

Did you intentionally write this like a poor man's Hitchens?

>> No.20709288

>Nobody resuscitated is dead.
Nobody awake is sleeping. Have you never slept before?
Bad joke aside, try to watch some of the videos I posted. At least put your cursor over the embed and see what they're about. You'll find doctors, neuroscientists, and psychologists talking about NDEs, and none of them say "well actually, none of these people have actually died." But I guess you know more than them lol.

>> No.20709299

Hope, fear, and greed.

>> No.20709584

>But I guess you know more than them lol.
Let's see, are they talking about living individuals giving reports? Then yes, I must know more than them as living individuals are not dead.

>> No.20709687

That's like...... a LOT of videos dude

>> No.20709709

Why do people play DND if it's not real?

>> No.20709713

They're talking about what they saw when they died. When they had no brain function. Are you trolling?
Just watch the first 3 on >>20707971 and #5 (Dr. Moody), #6, and #7 on >>20708088
If there is one testimony you should watch, it's https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcEbQdy-BAM

>> No.20709742

I'm not seeing a rebuttal, chump

>> No.20709751

how is reading and writing about afterlife any different from psychology, philosophy, arts, marketing, leftist theory etc when it all has an equal predictive power in our life?
its all pseud bait
pseuds bait this shit, pseuds are the target demographic and the market for it and the funding behind all these topics that are not empirical and have no predictive power

its all just fake wannabe intellectualism for stupid people, doesnt matter if you bait religions or social sciences or horoscopes, it all has equal predictive power

>> No.20709792

Me again.
What I mean is, people who don't actual read/watch videos about NDEs assume NDEs are about people seeing dead relatives. Some are. Other stories collected from people around the world over decades by researchers like Kenneth Ring and Titus Rivas transcend what an unconscious person in a hospital bed can know. One example is a person reported floating outside of their body, past the hospital roof, and seeing a red shoe with a missing lace or whatever on the edge. Someone in the hospital went to the roof and found that exact shoe.
The majority of NDE survivors born and raised Atheist, or fell into Atheism/agnosticism began believing in God, though not in a church going "The bible is 100% historical" religious sense. Some of these people are doctors.
Like Aquinas said: "To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible." So I'm not sure why I'm here wasting my time.

>> No.20709814

I don't believe in an afterlife it's obvious unscientific nonsense.
My claim on immortality is the huge number of sperm donations i've made privately and via clinics over the last decade or so.
There are nearly 80 of my little donor babies out there somewhere although the oldest would be around ten by now.
My genes will live on after i die, variations on my face and my personality will continue to exist after i die.
Seethe and cope christcucks

>> No.20710287

When you die it becomes manifestly empirical.

>> No.20710583

>when you die
alright lad, you tried

>> No.20711072

>when you die
>not empirical

>> No.20711115

I’m not watching shit.
Everyone that takes DMT has the same stories about jesters and machine elves. That doesn’t make them real.

>> No.20711142

obviously just shows humans have a tendency to create copes in general since most of them aren't compatible

>> No.20711850

weird experiment

>> No.20712360

People fear death for the same reason animals fear being hunted. They don't want to die. People will invent any number of copes they have to to get around the reality they will have to die at some point, but it doesn't mean anything other than as a calming mechanism. If you think fear of death = automatic afterlife, then you necessarily believe in an afterlife for goats, pigs, horses, cows, bacteria, etc. Just because an alpaca doesn't worship a dead jewish rabbi doesn't mean it also doesn't fear death.

And for every person claiming they had an NDE, there's 20 others that reported seeing nothing at all after dying and being revived.

You need to live the best you can, right now, because this is the only verified provable life you have.

>> No.20712363

Are there any examples of non-finite systems?

>> No.20712375

How and when did you midwits get in? I come to /lit/ to avoid "anything you can think of is a cope" tripe like this. Here's a hint: mortalism refutes itself. Start with Parmenides, for the love of God.

>> No.20712545

The Taoist idea of the hungry ghost just clicked for me.

>> No.20712632

The classical hungry ghost is actually a being tormented by memory, not by hunger or thirst. They haunt the places they miss the most in life. It's really sad.

>> No.20712637

It just tells us you're not very bright because you'll be forgotten anyway eventually and inevitably.

>> No.20712641

So where are you now? In oblivion or in heaven?

>> No.20712792

I know but like anon is pointing out in his posts it's the clinging to the base material existence that can't be satisfied any longer that causes the suffering. Be that a literal or metaphorical hunger.

>> No.20712827

Right, I'm just elaborating on that. The thought is terrifying. Reminds me of the guy in the Inferno who has been craving a drop to drink forever. I'm someone who takes an inordinate amount of pleasure in drinking a cold glass of water after working up a sweat, so that post was a bit of a wakeup call.

>> No.20713682

Uhm, on Earth?

>> No.20713922

And hell? Why is it always something good or nothing? Am I the only sane person that entertains something altogether shit could be waiting for us after death in a completely natural way? Do we not say this because we just don't want to think it? When has the unthinkable been precluded by reality?


>> No.20714017

NDEs will never really convince me as they never happen when you are dead. They happen when you are DYING. If NDEs happened to people whose brains were not functioning at the time then I would be thoroughly convinced, but they're not. I find it funny how you never have NDE's when people are undergoing anaesthetic, but hey thats just me.

>> No.20714067

Thank christ, someone has a fucking brain.
I thought I was going to have to draw a fucking diagram to make the distinction. I suspect its just big rational boo-boo people are making when considering the terminology.

>"We talked to someone who died!"
"Oh wow, really? That's amazing! So this person is dead? They know what its like to be dead?"
>"No, this person is alive, the key is they WERE dead."
" .......... "

>> No.20714099

No, you're not, but because of that SCP and Bakker, I prefer not to think about it.

>> No.20714107

Why, what is Bakker's take on this?

>> No.20714117
File: 42 KB, 540x540, woj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.20714149

No because /sffg/ became uninhabitable after Bakker became a meme.

>> No.20714157

Infinite torment at the hands of demons, or ontological predators. Being raped to the pith for eternity.

>> No.20714186

>Being raped to the pith for eternity
At least I scored.

>> No.20715014
File: 13 KB, 429x410, 1332914357887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do many people see it as a competition, kind of like, "Those who are remembered for the longest, wins."?

>> No.20715709

yeah, i dont understand religious people at all

>> No.20715724

>this is what millennials actually believe
Seek Christ