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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 5 KB, 500x333, semicolon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20686745 No.20686745 [Reply] [Original]

How come such humble glyph filters so hardcore 99.9% of wannabe writers and even professional published authors.

It's trully the calculus of literature that separates the ones with college education in writing from the HS dropouts.

>> No.20686751

Sigmas just use a comma.

>> No.20686756

If you're talented enough you can leave irrelevant grammatical wankery to your editor

>> No.20686757
File: 29 KB, 367x451, 1377271713404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. HS dropout wannabe fanfic writer filtered by the high IQ college glyph.

>> No.20686779

sigmas just avoid all unnecessary punctuation

>> No.20686806
File: 35 KB, 900x590, 1651925993441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a college dropout. I'm a generational literary talent and lifelong autodidact. I was smarter than everyone in every high school class into which I stepped foot. For reference, I went to school in the richest suburb on the west coast. I don't mean "smarter" in some kind of piddling egotistical way, but in the sense that I knew every answer to every question without ever opening a textbook. My teachers often thought I was cheating on tests, because how else could some slacker who turns in precisely zero homework finish a calculus test before anyone else while showing no work? How can anyone possibly do that work in their head and with such accuracy?

I'm saying all this for a point. I'm saying this to give weight to the statement that a college degree is fucking worthless. High school weeds more of the exceptionally gifted than it does shuttle them into college. My suspicion is that the very, very brightest people of recent generations are dropouts.

It's hilarious to me that people still fall for the literal, social ponzi scheme that is college education. In the internet age, where knowledge itself is relegated to banality by Giggle and Wikisnedia searches, as well as more specialized resources, a college degree means literally fucking nothing. The only people who think it means anything are people with college degrees, because it's the only way they can continue the charade. College grads, of course, have a conflict of interest. If they don't keep the scam going, someone without a college degree could plausibly compete with them for a job (the Holy Job, as the rational extension of the college-corpse pipeline, is the apex of the College Fan's life). It's just hilarious.

Sure, there are people who do end up learning very specialized knowledge. But these aren't college-educated. They are autodidacts at heart. College was just a facilitation.

Plus, I hate niggers! And jannies!

>> No.20686826

>college was just a facilitation
>people who become educated used college as a platform to pursue academic interests
Whoa... college debunked

>> No.20686829
File: 41 KB, 512x564, 1596200980813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit niggas, all those fucking biblical replies because you don't know how to use a semi colon yet want to be a writer or talk about writing.


>> No.20686841

>ctrl+f ;
>0 results


>> No.20686844

>college is... LE GOOD?!?!

>> No.20686852

i'll put my semi in your colon

>> No.20686862

just treat ; like the word therefore

>> No.20686865

I love chocolate; it will be eaten

>> No.20686880

I hate niggers; they will be beaten.

>> No.20686897

>I don't mean "smarter" in some kind of piddling egotistical way, but in the sense that I knew every answer to every question without ever opening a textbook
I hope you are very young because that is the definition of the very thing you decry. Pro tip kiddo real intelligence isn't ex nihilo it is also 100% aware of where the knowledge is coming from. This is important because cultivating this awareness is essential to challenging threadbare narratives and making new discoveries.

Growing up in a rich community is not at all indicative of intelligent peers. The generational cycle of nouveau riche wealth suggests that your peers were uncommonly stupid. Money does not fix inner city youths and it doesn't help nouveau riche fucks either. One of my friends was all proud of graduating his ultra rich high school with a better act score than anyone else despite being a slacker. The score was a 30. There were 50 of us out of a normie 2k kid highschool with 30s and 8 of us 34+. That fucking test is not indicative of intelligence at all because it is far too easy. Maybe it is different across the pond where generational wealth is a real thing, but american royalty is a joke.

>> No.20686908

I'm gonna second college education not being that great in regards to writing. I have an english degree in writing, and the classes were pretty horrendous.

>first class said "Always show, don't tell"
>second class said to ignore that
>third class was about how to get published, not a single person in the class could get their works published

All the professors I had were in their mid-30's unable to get their novels published trying to teach us how to get published, it didn't make any sense. I met a published author IRL, and he taught me more about writing than my entire 4-5 year education did.

>> No.20686920

I scored in the 99th percentile of all graduating high school seniors on the SAT and received a college scholarship. I was twelve. I get that you're trying to teach me some humility (in response to my attempt to teach the College Fans a bit themselves — a little misguided) but try not to read too much into "me," as in the person who wrote that post. I understand how you think you might be able to discern my values by reading between the lines, but trust me: there isn't much there. I think intelligence is pretty worthless, if you want to know what my values are explicitly with respect to this conversation. There are a number of reasons why I dropped out, and this is one of them. Don't lose sight of the context of my original post, and why I've made it. I meant it when I wrote that I'm saying it for a reason.

>> No.20687128


Really good, anon; very convincing.

>> No.20687219

Fuck you OP; I'll put a semicolon wherever I want.

>> No.20687240

>My suspicion is that the very, very brightest people of recent generations are dropouts.
Almost everyone who has made any recent discovery or revolutionary invention, either have a PHD or work in Apple or Google, where they were able to get a job because of their degree. If you go to nigger colleges, you are going to get nigger degrees. If you are so intelligent, you should be able to get into a highly selective college with a very difficult entrance exam, and see just how different it is.

>> No.20687253

Western universities don't have that sort of entrance exams anymore. It's all muh SAT and GRE which is just a screening process given how easy it is. There are no Secret History style proper academic universities anymore with 10 or 12 people in a given classroom, at least not in USA. No shit Americans hate education here. I wish I was born in Asia or something, where people are actually serious about academics.

>> No.20687276

I learned how to use it at 22; I'm a drop out.

>> No.20687277

I have a masters in literature; I was never taught how to use a semicolon and my professors often used them both liberally and erroneously; like this.

>> No.20687362

That's the best way; the old way; probably the only authentic way: Charles Dickens: see?: he did what he wanted; Dickens, that is; did whatever he wanted with colons and semicolons; people back then never really gave a fuck and it was much more interesting; people should chill out.

>> No.20687433

>drop out
Illiterate pleb. You realise you'll never accomplish anything, right?

>> No.20687443

I think that the sole use of the semi is simply to properly time your writing,in that If you want them to pause and gather the preceding words a bit more than just a plain sentence/sentences; or need to break up a larger bit of text that still should maintain a single continuous train of thought to enable succinct reasoning; that it's useful to be able to use semi-colons in a freer and more traditional way, rather than being ham-strung by modern convention.

>I have a masters in literature; I was never taught how to use a semicolon and my professors often used them both liberally and erroneously; like this.
>I have a masters in literature
They were lucky to manage to retrain you to remember to breath every few seconds let alone anything else.

>> No.20687446

I just use it when I feel like a colon seperates two sentences too strongly, yet a comma does not seperate them enough, which is usually the case when I am stringing together sentences with commas in the first place; it is really not that hard.

>> No.20687458

>Claims he's smarter than the common rabble
>Evidence is not showing work on a Calculus test

Keep coping; dropping out of college doesn't make you an autodidact.

>> No.20688790




>> No.20688904

Em dash

>> No.20689002


>> No.20689118

This is unironically still how chinks read and write their languages.

>> No.20689136

VGH unironically

>> No.20689170

>implying I'm not talented enough to edit my own work
Lol. Someday you'll learn, kid

>> No.20689292

You failed the writing prompt by not using a semicolon in your fiction. It was a fine read; however, don't you think the antisocial genius is a bit of a trope?

>> No.20689315

Programming taught me to use semicolons a certain way; if you don't like it, eat my ass.

>> No.20689319

Do people struggle with semi-colon?

>> No.20689368

Yes ;white man; and that’s okay.

>> No.20689410

Okay, don’t know why you had to make it racial.

>> No.20690900

>t. Has never read Cormac McCarthy or Samuel Beckett.

>> No.20690989

>You realise you'll never accomplish anything, right?
>, right?
At least I didn't go to college to make such blunderous mistakes.

>> No.20690996

That's not a mistake illiterate.

>> No.20691178

While I might hold a similarly unromantic opinion of tertiary education, I must add that your claiming to be a once-in-a-generation talent, far from lending credence to your argument, only undermines it. You seem like a bit of a knob.

>> No.20691186

bruh, agglutination in English does not work like German, and hyphenation is, by and large, optional.

>> No.20691476

Oh, the irony!

>> No.20691561

I fail to see how that's a mistake. If the comma is removed, it'd convey a different meaning--unless that is what you have mind. The poster meant to say, I assume, that you'd never achieve "anything", and not "anything right".

>> No.20691683

>college education in writing

>> No.20691709

Commas are—not—for creating a pause in a sentence when you want a pause in a sentence. Commas are far more misapplied, especially on lit, than semicolons, and if the anons gonna call me out for not joining drop-out then he should not so sloppily apply the comma.

>> No.20691727

Lmao what a dumbass

>> No.20692087

You know he (I) 's right, right? Also you missed an apostrophe, friend.

I'm just fucking with you btw, have been since the start. Admittedly I'm not a drop out (this solely due to metaphysical quibbles that aren't meant to be sorted out here); but I can assure you I'm a far greater loser than you are, even if my grammar is, slightly, better than yours.

>> No.20692107

So what are you doing these days?

>> No.20692183

Commas, go wherever, I decide they go; bitch.

>> No.20692618

Sigmas do what they want and don't care about following some ruleset.

>> No.20692626

>Plus, I hate niggers! And jannies!
Wasn't convinced till you said this.

>> No.20692719


>> No.20692727

I'm the only person I know of that uses semicolons; I weep

>> No.20692767

God's will is eternal ; the will of God, it is the will.

>> No.20692803

We split them into three groups: Abraham, Benjamin, and Connor; Daniel, Elijah, and Frederick; and George, Henry, and Irving.
>just treat ; like the word therefore
We split them into three groups: Abraham, Benjamin, and Connor therefore Daniel, Elijah, and Frederick therefore and George, Henry, and Irving.

fucking midwit

>> No.20692822

Don't know anything about the english language, I just heard some random guy say that about ;

>> No.20692933

Ah, I love Joyce.

>> No.20692999

I use it in English as I do in Spanish:
>[some sentence]; [consequence of previous sentence]
>to separate multiple elements that contain "and" in a sentence