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/lit/ - Literature

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20686155 No.20686155 [Reply] [Original]

prev >>20680392

>> No.20686157
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tranny janny deleted the bible thread again

>> No.20686167

making chicken livers with carrots and onions.

>> No.20686172

Hello. I will solve post-modernism.

>> No.20686176

I am sorting my mess of a document. It has 120k words across 220 pages of cool words, peculiar collocations, nice sentences, sweet ideas, random thoughts and stolen excerpts. This will take me a month.

>> No.20686182
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>make really clever eye-catching first posts in multiple threads
>check all of them for days
>no replies on any of them

>> No.20686195

Post-modernism is dead

>> No.20686201
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>have sex

>> No.20686206

>killed by neo-post-modernism

>> No.20686209

Its a sign of the endtimes

>> No.20686225


>> No.20686231

Okay lucifer

>> No.20686234

If I could just find the time I would never let another day go by
I'm so over getting older

>> No.20686242

going into my final year of school before uni after summer

not looking forward to all that stress

>> No.20686244

I'm dying to live

>> No.20686254

You mean your last year of high school? What stress?

>> No.20686268

How come that some people attract very big ideas and some not a single one in their lives? Do ideas choose the people?

>> No.20686286

because you're not special and I am

>> No.20686405

What book would you fuck?

>> No.20686426

And get papercuts on my dick?

>> No.20686428
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I think i'm going to retire this identity and take a break from /lit/ till at least next year, then maybe try something new. New interests and new avenues which still need quite a few months of reading before they begin to bear fruit. But, quite distinct from what i started with so it would be better to have a clean cut and lose any vestigial expectations. Something less exegetical, less affected, (hopefully) more interesting and more dialogic.
Or, God willing, i find a replacement and don't return at all. But it's best to keep one's expectations level.
In anycase, adieu.
>See you next week etc. ect.

>> No.20686434 [DELETED] 

Real niggas post no matter the circum
Cool it, NIGGA!
It's all goood!
I stays in the boat with the niggas and the vandals;
Headed to the beach; let a nigga hold ya sandals.
Too fresh to not to rape, too fresh for jail,
Too fresh to es
Cape, but your bitch got bail!
There are ten types of people in this world.
Those who understand binary, and those who understand a nigga nigga swing all kind of ways!

>> No.20686438

Real fellas post no matter the circum
Cool it, fella.
It's alright.
I stay in the boat with the fellas and the vandals;
Headed to the beach; let a fella hold your sandals.
Too fresh to not be ripe, too fresh for jail,
Too fresh to es
Cape, but my pal has got the bail!
There are ten types of people in this world.
Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

>> No.20686454

niggas tryna down me
who i grew up with
bitches tryna down me
bitch dont do that shit

>> No.20686458
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>live alone
>suddenly get extremely depressed at the realization you are truly alone in a pointless, uncaring world

>> No.20686464
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>> No.20686465

Become a rentier

>> No.20686481

anyone else sits on both extremes of masculine and feminine? at least with men you can hide a part of yourself and get a dumb gf but i am literally more masculine than most men. but then im also not.

guys will generally like one side of me, submissive guys for my masc side and dominant guys for my softer side but never both. ive never met a person who could appreciate my entirety and i feel so unloved lol even though i try so hard to work on myself to be better but they always realise in the end how inconsistent i am.

>> No.20686483

I shouldn't have had that edible yesterday, I ended up gorging an extra 2000 calories last night and passed out at 8 pm

>> No.20686510

invite over a prostitute

>> No.20686529

the bible is not literature though.

>> No.20686530

so does it mean you're like 16 or something?
i never understood the american "education" system.

>> No.20686554

the third lethal weapon movie and the first are the best

>> No.20686557

je ressens en ce moment ce sentiment ressenti lors de la malséante absence d'une petite amie s'apparentant au style gothique et ayant de gros, voire très gros, seins.

>> No.20686561

one more coffee then I'll do my daily workout here at 5 am

>> No.20686564

>almost 5 am
yikes, are you like in California or, god forbid, in Vancouver?

>> No.20686566

if we were all in a room together, what would it be like? would we be friends?

>> No.20686594
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You know the answer.

>> No.20686597


I need you all to tell me right now: how fucked is the economy really? I'm in northern europe btw. I'm living off of savings and turning away from the world. This shouldn't be a problem unless the economy is really, Really fucked. Pretty fucked should be ok.

>> No.20686605


>> No.20686616

And yet here you are sharing your feelings with others
World isn’t so lonely after all
Something is always happening and that’s exciting

>> No.20686617

It became a grand narrative.
>we become the monsters we seek to kill

>> No.20686682

New janny is a pathetic loser who unrelenting deletes posts for no reason then hides behind “off-topic” bans to give him a reprieve so he can take his HRT meds

>> No.20686768

I’m the wisest of all my family

>> No.20686802
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Nine Inch Nails is the greatest band of all time

>> No.20686822

You know if you think about it, you don't need to worry about needing to actually commit to suicide as God will either kill you prematurely, or kill you eventually. Basically, it's a waiting game. The question then is how to best pass time, and I have personally found success in just keeping busy as the years fly by. I am a day closer to dying one day at a time.

>> No.20686846

Marxists who see fascism as merely "capitalism in decay" have a wholly materialist conception of fascism and are mentally ill hylics

>> No.20686875

Capitalism in decay is certainly the material cause of fascism though. All those wishy washy romantic ideals of revitalized traditionalism and racial superiority are just thoughts in people's heads otherwise.

>> No.20686882

True, Fascism was actually just WW1 war-time economics and governance during peace time.

>> No.20686891

You need to read. Just any book, it doesn't even matter. I'm going to go wash my eyes, see if I can wring the cringe out of them after reading that.

>> No.20686898

fascism, like communism, was a regressive reaction to capitalist liberalism. communism happened in countries with strong central states, fascism happened in states with weak central governments.

>> No.20687010

>Rapper whose sentence was once commuted by Trump arrested again
making american great again i see

>> No.20687032

Post-modernism will solve itself, via systemic collapse.

>> No.20687055

See you later today.
I would run out of the room, gagging from the stench.
I used to like NIN, but I'm sick of their spamming fans.
So now I hate them.

>> No.20687062

>systemic collapse
better than how modernism solved itself aka cataclysmic world war

>> No.20687150

Eh? Western civilization rebounded after WWII with a prosperity unmatched in the history of the world.
What are you going on about?

>> No.20687163

we're talking about epistemes not "prosperity" and no one said anything about western civilization. why do rightwing people always have to be so fucking dumb, that's probably why they always lose.

>> No.20687165

Gay sex is gross

>> No.20687171

Well stop having it then... Jesus Christ you people I swear...

>> No.20687192

You can't eat epistemes.
Your privilege is showing.

>> No.20687193
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This is me right now reading all the stupid posts on this board.

>> No.20687216
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Then post something better.
You seem to be admitting you can't do that.

>> No.20687222

But I like to coom. I must coom!

>> No.20687227

Almost had a chudstroke reading this idiocy. I'm so fucking angry right now it's unreal.

>> No.20687232

>easily triggered
peak estrogen

>> No.20687237
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>> No.20687247

How do you make friends when you’re older, like 30?

>> No.20687254

I wonder how many jannies there are on this board. Not much reason to have a bunch of them, they're all NEETs that do the job literally for free.

>> No.20687255
File: 92 KB, 640x632, its over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So come and dance to the beat
Wave your hands together
Come feel the heat
Forever and forever
Listen and learn, it is time for prancing
Now we are here with

>> No.20687266

So true, I've been allowed to post for less than 24 hrs this past week.

>> No.20687267

I don't know man. I'm turning 37 tomorrow and have literally no friends. I'm very ok with it though, but I can't help you.

>> No.20687271

Don’t make off topic threads then

>> No.20687290

You dont.

>> No.20687304
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I play a little 10,000 Maniacs and the chudrage dissipates

>> No.20687307

what book should i ask the librarian to point me to to impress them? ( i will be checking out a discworld novel)

>> No.20687309

We must protect chud children

>> No.20687317
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Im boring.
I suck at everything i do.
I have no imagination.
Every time i think i learned something new it comes all crashing down and my life goes back to some default level of incompetence.

>> No.20687320 [DELETED] 

i saw a family of chud tourists the other day walking from a hotel to the train station, the mom, who was quite a milf, had a long tattoo of a vine or something running down the side of one thigh which was plain to see thanks to some daisy dukes, the dad had a blonde goatee and a trucker hat, the kids where whiteboys three with underarmor hats and basketball shorts, such a wholesome family gawking at all the hindoos and mussulmen that populate our local community.

>> No.20687351

why is reading fiction seen as productive

>> No.20687354

I failed my life, I fail at everything

>> No.20687366

I'm a total retard. I've failed at everything I've ever attempted.
Literally no one thinks this, at least I'm not as retarded as this retard. Silver lining.

>> No.20687375

Not an argument

>> No.20687548

I’ve been living with my parents on and off for the last year to save money. At my age, it’s killing me. I’m far too old to be doing this. I should’ve been in a career I can tolerate off living somewhere on my own at some point. I mean, I have a job but I hate it. It’s like I failed to launch after college and never recovered.

>> No.20687553

Every day is a blessing.

>> No.20687572

I hate all these crime documentary channels on youtube that says "JCS inspired" in their video titles
that faggot didn't invent talking over footage of criminals

>> No.20687590

>I used to like NIN, but I'm sick of their spamming fans.
So now I hate them.
good, leave good music to us, confident patricians

>> No.20687597

normalfags think reading anything longer than a text message is an intellectual activity
they see reading as an obstacle rather than something that can be done for fun
that's why audiobooks and video tutorials are a thing, they can simply not pay attention, say they "read" it, and then whine with all the other retards about how it's too difficult to "get".

>> No.20687610

xi, nin gets consistently panned by pitchfork and we all know you're a tryhard who wants to be hip, so just give it up.

>> No.20687617

pitchfork is shit nigga

>> No.20687624

This is so wholesome and inspiring, genuinely gets me through the day.

God's not real, but you know, still applies.

>> No.20687625 [DELETED] 

dude i see all this soi hipshit u post on here fool

>> No.20687669

>genX music
you're old
from what?

>> No.20687675

>It’s like I failed to launch after college and never recovered.
same but without job.

>> No.20687677
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Everybody hates their job.
That's why they have to pay us to show up.
Get over it.

>> No.20687681

>Wants to blame the cop riots on their victim.
Granted the feds infiltration of BLM played the heaviest part, but the cops, plain clothed and uniformed, perpetrated the violence of those riots.

>> No.20687683
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>> No.20687688

my life is like a video game trying hard to beat the stage all while i am still collecting coins

>> No.20687689

>Cops are your enemies, not us!
No cop ever called me cumskin

>> No.20687692

oh look butters is back to post her braindead anarcho-infantile reading list. hey, american students just had two years off from compulsory schooling and how did it work out? total disaster. fucking idiot.

>> No.20687698

being mean is a daft thing to do

>> No.20687704

>it was all a conspiracy by the fbi and the cops not the people who were arrested for arson after the riots

>> No.20687708 [DELETED] 
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The truth about BBC..................

>> No.20687712

>Cops aren’t just criminals with badges paid to protect rich people
I see this is a racial thing with you, so lets just agree to disagree for now.

>> No.20687715

holy shit. consciousness is... nothing. I can build a new foundation for mathematics off of this realization.

>> No.20687717

i really dont want to have to go to work every day

>> No.20687724

Criminal minded people will take advantage of a riot as they take advantage of the absence of police in high crime areas. The cops follow orders from their heads. Their heads take orders from their heads. Who are they?
Try using a little critical thinking skills… oh you were never taught that, I know. Try to develop it. It’s important.

>> No.20687729

I use food as a comforting tool.

>> No.20687735

does every modern relationship go like this:
>girl gets bored, unsatisfied
>they 'take a break'
>she fucks random dudes
>she begs for him back
>he gives in

In the past 2 weeks I've seen the same thing happen with 2 girls (21,19) both who have been in relationships for about 2-3 years. I don't feel so bad about the 2nd girls bf because he's her age and comes from a wealthy family but the other girls bf is 8 years older than her and is dirt poor, working in restaurants his whole life. Anyway that dude drives himself insane finding out who she's fucking and I can tell has tried multiple times to get rid of her.

>> No.20687746

me too my guy, we all have our vices to distract from the daily horror that is existence

>> No.20687749

>I see this is a racial thing with you
In America, race matters more than anything else. You are probably of the mind that class is more important than race. This is not so. A rich Black man and a poor Black man are allies while a rich Black man and rich White man are enemies. There is a reason Lebron James works to further his racial interests, at the expense of his class ones. At the end of the day, despite being a billionaire, he has more political interests in common with a Black homeless man than with a White billionaire.

Race, not class, is the driver of American history. It is why my solution to American inequality would be to force all people to have mixed kids. In a few generations, Blacks, Whites, Latinos, Natives, Asians, etc. would all be extinct and only a new American race. And that would solve 99% of American political conflict.

>> No.20687752

They weren’t let off compulsory school. They had a little more time cooped up with their parents and their video games.
The man isn’t even an anarchist. He’s actually Christian but keeps it low-key because it’s not the point. We suffer for the systematization and you people complain about it everyday and in almost all threads. This IS it. Read the damn book

>> No.20687759

is there a way to stop this?

>> No.20687763

Just because the feds make race the most important thing, doesn’t mean it is so.
You just admit classism is more important. What’s the matter with you?

>> No.20687770 [DELETED] 

use going for walks as a comforting tool instead.

>> No.20687773

>read a book by some radical kook
i'd prefer not to.

>> No.20687784

lmao grow up

>> No.20687798

stinky cheese

>> No.20687804
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I am traveling all alone in a foreign country, I barely speak the language and I don't know where to sleep....
I just feel unwelcome whenever I'm away from my bed.....

>> No.20687811

>>>/pol/ is that way

>> No.20687815

Race became the most important thing because we as a collective decided it was. We can blame history, biology, or the Feds for it, but the reality is that in America race matters more than class.

>You just admit classism is more important. What’s the matter with you?
I can acknowledge that class is more important than race in theory, but I also acknowledge that in practice, race is more important than class. There's a reason the most important Marxist movement in the 20th century USA , the Black Panther Party, was first-and-foremost a group working to further a race's interests. Even when stuff like the Rainbow Coalition happened, class interests had to be translated to the language of race. This is because race, in America, trumps all.

But the upper classes are smart, and they were able to hijack the idea of race and diversity. There could be no Rainbow Coalition today, it would destroy itself in a purity spiral. So the solution is homogeneity. And in America, racial homogeneity does not exist. So it must be created, by mixing everyone together until a new race, the American race, is created.

>> No.20687816

Kek left wingers and right wingers are so dumb no one can tell them apart anymore aside from themselves

>> No.20687824
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Are you saying everyone doesn't hate their job?
Are you saying they don't have to pay us?

>> No.20687825

I didn't just think outside of the box... I annihilated the box, and then I annihilated the space inside and outside the box, and then I annihilated any memory I had of the previously existing aforesaid box and space within and without.

>> No.20687836

off topic = anything that tranny janny doesn't like

>> No.20687838
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See >>20687677

>> No.20687841

I need advice but I don’t think I can get it from anyone.

>> No.20687848

Does anyone else not really understand the "nothing will happen" meme?

At least, not any more. Maybe it made sense back in 2014 or 2015 or 2016. But in the last six years the world has had tumultuous politics, actual political violence, the breakdown of international relationships, a fucking pandemic, and now a major war. Things ARE happening.

Is it just because things haven't happened instantly? That no one has snapped their fingers, and suddenly everything's different? That's not how events work. That's not how history actually happens.

>> No.20687849
File: 23 KB, 283x305, worf-thread-has-no-honor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>/pol/ is that way...I come to /lit/ to NOT have to hear a bunch of political crap.

>> No.20687850

You invalidated your argument

>> No.20687855

Cry more loser

>> No.20687869

Sometimes I see blacks (esp. liberals) complain that "BBC is dehumanizing! Fetishization is bad!"

I don't buy it. Men are not women. A man benefits from positive fetishization. A black man who gets girls because of the BBC thing is winning at life. Who cares if it's because of a fetish? So whenever I see black libs complain about it, I see it as crocodile tears, they are secretly reveling in it. In contrast, whites or Asian men who complain about being portrayed as weak or cucked in porn are justified, because such imagery is damaging to them. (if the porn is about white men or Asian men being cast as attractive/desirable, then if they complain it is also crocodile tears).

On the other hand, women who are fetishized, like Asians or to a lesser degree white women, also suffer from fetishization because they are treated as sex toys or images. For a woman, being fetishized is bad.

>> No.20687886

How old will I be in your eyes if I listen to Schubert... hundreds?

>> No.20687891

I am quite mature. You know this place for its immature posters who all agree with your bent.
No. You are wrong.

>> No.20687896

The point is that to Western Europe and America, nothing has happened. It's a self-centered statement, because things have changed elsewhere, but not here. Look at these nations in 2010 and look at them now. Nothing has really changed. Trends of economic decline, immigration/refugees, terrorism, climate change, low birthrate, etc. have continued. Only with the Russian war has this been called into question in Europe.

In America, literally nothing changed since 2010. We went from Obama to Obama's VP.

>> No.20687899

Imagine the racial harmony and class solidarity there'd be in the United States if it weren't for the CIA pushing these nefarious and divisive ideas.

>> No.20687901
File: 82 KB, 1199x628, 39E0CBDC-DD15-480A-8654-0FB197686F43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No no! New ideas that go against programming? NOOOOO
It’s a really short book. He really gets to the point. Don’t be stupid your whole life.

>> No.20687909

>No. You are wrong.
Why? Look around you anon. Race matters more than class here. Lebron James can argue he is more oppressed than a poor white person, and he might be right, from a Black perspective.

Now there is a theory I don't buy. Racial conflict nearly turned America into Yugoslavia several times in the 1960s and in 2020. The CIA is not going to push something which will destroy the US.

>> No.20687916

>racial harmony and class solidarity
Never existed, never will. You're an idiot.

>> No.20687925

Yeah sure buddy, who told you that? Dennis Prager? Ben Shapiro? Deworm your brain and then we'll talk.

>> No.20687928

To add on: Racial tensions in America are a grassroots thing, not a government thing. Blacks would hate Whites and vice-versa no matter what the CIA said. This issue will be solved through grassroots action, not government reform/revolution.

>> No.20687945

No, he's right. Even when you achieve some ideological end, people will always, ALWAYS find a point to separate themselves about. However, we did somewhat get close in the 90s.


>> No.20687948

>However, we did somewhat get close in the 90s.
Yes, on television.

>> No.20687953

It's amazing how bad the discourse is. So many lessons unlearned. Truly I am blackpilled. It's over, etc.

>> No.20687954

>Lebron James
See? There you go again making my case for me.

Dear boy. They have convinced you that there’s a race war in order to keep you subservient to their master class. You love the rich man, you forgive if not endorse their warmongering, their pedophilia, whatever. You’re that scared of dark skinned people and you’re sure most Americans feel the same as you. Enough now. You have a lot of growing up to do. Learn some critical thinking skills, please.

>> No.20687958

Read >>20687683
Get offline and READ

>> No.20687960
File: 29 KB, 300x300, poland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woah audible finally got a history book about poland that isn't entirely about ww2

>> No.20687962
File: 34 KB, 579x663, 1615040590385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HOW NARROW IS THE GATE, and strait is the way that leadeth to life:
and few there are that find it! Beware of false prophets, who come to you in
the clothing of sheep, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. By their fruits
ye shall know them.... Not everyone that saith to Me, Lord, Lord shall enter
into the Kingdom of heaven: but he that doeth the will of My Father Who is
in heaven, he shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. Many will say to Me
in that day: Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Thy name, and cast out
devils in Thy name, and done many miracles in Thy name? And then will I
profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from Me, ye that work iniquity.

>> No.20687971

>but moooooom i don't wanna go to school!!!!1

>> No.20687972

Who is "they?"
You're giving off major tin foil hat vibes with this post, my dude.

>> No.20687983

What, you abandoned your tranny lefty friends for your tranny marxist friends?

>> No.20687991

Did you even read my post? I'm not afraid of Lebron James, I am using him as an example of how race trumps class in America.

>They have convinced you that there’s a race war in order to keep you subservient to their master class.
There is indeed racial conflict in America, and I acknowledge that *exists*, not that is a good thing. I don't see how you can deny it. Black people cheer on the dismantling of "whiteness", Whites quietly fret about becoming a minority. In fact, I would say there has always been a racial conflict in America, and we only talk about it now because now it is Whites who are in danger, instead of Blacks or Natives.

>You’re that scared of dark skinned people and you’re sure most Americans feel the same as you.
I am not afraid of Blacks, or least not more than any other race. Racial tensions seep into every part of American life. The solution is the demolition of race.

>> No.20687995

If I’ve had 100 interactions with blacks, 95 of them have been very negative. Was that the CIA’s doing?

>> No.20688001

They should modify it to “nothing that will cause any really profound or lasting change from our current trajectory will happen”. It seems to me obviously right. This civilization may as well have been on autopilot for 6 decades now at least, maybe longer. That might be acceptable if the current trajectory of autopilot weren’t so damn miserable. It’s a declaration of pessimism really.

>> No.20688005


>Everybody hates their job.

Ah yes, a fellow enlightened r/antiwork patrician, I see!

Happy cake day!
Just in case y'all.

>> No.20688006

>written or spoken communication or debate.
I was actually talking about how bad people are now at pushing back against libtard nonsense.

>> No.20688019

Liberalism will only collapse because of environmental/economic factors. What people say will have no impact.

>> No.20688023

cringiest thing i've read in this thread this week

>> No.20688026

So I was right lol

>> No.20688027

>muh collapse
*nothing happens*
I don't care about your fantasies, I care about arguing on the internet.

>> No.20688031

My summer courses ended today.
I still have 3-4 hours of fuckall to do every night at work. I used to study, don't know what I'll do. Downloading Diablo 2 right now.

Guess I could catch up on some books but reading is for retards.

>> No.20688038

No, I don't think so.

>> No.20688043

There’s a big difference between school and education. Don’t be such a cuck.

No, not the space aliens or the jews, I of course refer to the people placed in charge of the nation you live in.
Yes, I read it. Why don’t you get that his class still elevates him? Racism is a factor, but it’s exploited by the IDpol tards to divide. Fact. Think for yourself.

>> No.20688051

That’s not true though. Most people I know don’t find their job insufferable or morally objectionable. Everyone might
dislike their job, but not everyone dislikes their job the same amount in the same way. That’s really obvious.

>> No.20688052

>placed in charge
Who "placed" them in charge? What exactly are you suggesting?

>> No.20688056
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I don't see how the pandemic doesn't count as a happening, in that regard.

What would it take to satisfy people? A major war between the United States and China? A Western government being toppled in a coup? How major a happening are people actually looking for?

>> No.20688063

>A Western government being toppled in a coup?
yes, someone please nuke america

>> No.20688071

The pandemic was precisely the opposite of an event. It was a total non-event. We “locked down” effectively tried our best to complete sustain life and daily goings on for 2 years for for basically no reason at all but hysteria. It was a non-event, a non-happening, the ultimate affirmation of a world suspended indefinitely in liberal limbo, too afraid to die and yet unwilling to live.

>> No.20688072

>What would it take to satisfy people?
If one of these things happened:
>WWIII (duh)
>Collapse and breakup of the EU
>Western European country expels all non-whites
>Western European country is taken over by Islamists
>American Civil War
>Dissolution of the US
>US government is reformed significantly, as in constitutional amendments
Anything less is a non-event.

>> No.20688074

>What exactly are you suggesting?
And what are you suggesting? You know how they pick their hierarchies. Wealthy have us all go through a school curriculum designed to make us obedient servants. Ivy leaguers become lawyer's, middle-class become cops, soldiers and spooks. There’s far less opportunity than in the past for must cross-class movement nowadays. It’s just the way musical chairs works. The system places the elites in charge

>> No.20688078

>Having to use Zoom for a few months

>> No.20688079

I’ve definitely gotten over my weebery. Some things still appeal to me but for the most part I’ve moved beyond even fleeting interest in anime. For the past several years, I’ve had the idea of using my drawing skills to find work in Asia and give a go at drawing manga.

I think slowly but surely, I’m getting over that ambition too.

>> No.20688080

that all sounds dumb.
the only even i care about is the one where i get a big titty goth gf.

>> No.20688082

If you complain about the "discourse" you're a left winger annoyed at other left wingers. It's just a circle jerk, you're not blackpilled, you're bluepilled and you'll always be.

>> No.20688083

I just want to say this to someone. I probably posted it here before, but here goes:

When my mother tells me she loves me, I feel obliged to reply that I love her. But when I do, I can tell that I am lying.

>> No.20688084

what are your ambitions now ?

>> No.20688091

>When my mother tells me she loves me, I feel obliged to reply that I love her. But when I do, I can tell that I am lying.
is it because you can sense that she is lying too ?
is it because your mother didn't loved your previously ?
why don't you love your mother ?

>> No.20688096


>> No.20688097


>> No.20688103

>You know how they pick their hierarchies
When I asked who "they" were you said: " the people placed in charge of the nation you live in."
Suggesting these people "in charge" are actually pawns of a larger power.
You then say
>The system places the elites in charge
So it turns out there's a thing called the System that "places elites in charge"
Who controls this "System"? And is the System in the room with you right now.
As for
>a school curriculum designed to make us obedient servants
I mostly got maths, science, English, French. I must've skipped the Obedience class. Do you have a lot of political bumper stickers on your car by any chance?

>> No.20688107

Well you should love your mother lol

>> No.20688114

all love is conditional

>> No.20688125

These are questions? You seem to insinuate that there are no elites or system, or are you attempting to name-the-jews or something?

>I mostly got mafs and…
Read the book and learn something

>> No.20688127

Take this shit discussion to /pol/

>> No.20688139

You use a lot of vague terms and conspiratorial thinking. I find it curious is all. I don't know what book you're talking about, if it's some "schizo" conspiracy shit, I'll pass.

>> No.20688140

>listen to Schubert
Certainly too old for THIS place.

>> No.20688142
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Someone forgot xir meds today

>> No.20688146

>Quit clogging up my off topic/suicidal frog posting thread!!

Just trying to get people to think and read. How you doing today?

>> No.20688153

If your job stopped paying you, would you still go?
Of course not.

>> No.20688160

>and conspiratorial thinking
I don’t
The book, or videos if you prefer, are of John Taylor Gatto. He was a schoolteacher who came to realize what he was doing wasn’t education at all.

>> No.20688169

>[A]ll love is conditional
For you perhaps. But generally no, not all love has conditions attached.

>> No.20688181

So I have chlamydia. Just back from urgent care with antibiotics. Embarrassing

>> No.20688186

Just checked, it's a guy who appears on Infowars lol. I don't need to read some crank's book to know that school sucks..

>> No.20688199

Are you a Biden boy?
Dude, I don’t watch infowars. He’s not a conspiracy nutter like the host. He’d have been on Rogan too, you wanna hold that against him too?
He gotta be interviewed by Jimmy Kimmel or Ellen or something? This message of his is very hushed, that’s how censorship works here. Understand?

>> No.20688208

I don't know how to live and I'm running out of time to learn.

>> No.20688212

>has a Youtube channel
>has a Twitter
>his books are on Amazon
>has a neutral toned wiki page
Some people are censored, he isn't. Meds now.

>> No.20688217

>is it because you can sense that she is lying too ?
I'm not sure. I think she thinks she isn't. I think she just doesn't function. I think the question of me loving her effectively became moot some time ago. After that I've had to pretend because I needed her. Now I don't need her the same way so now I can have feelings again. During that time I pretended. I don't remember much of being a kid. I don't imagine she was very loving, just based on what I expect from women and some things she has said. I don't really remember much of her raising me. I have some vague memory of feeling sorry for her, even when I was very little. That something was off, and she needed to be pitied. One needed to care for her. And I seem to have expected that women will abandon me based on virtually nothing throughout life so far. There are enough things that I remember that would make you understand why I feel this way, but I really wonder what happened then. She has not cared for me, has been unable to, I think. I would think she wants to be able to, but I don't think she is. She's had enough chances. The relationship is not nothing though. Or, perhaps it's hard to say since the last time something good happened was before I remembered all the bad that I've remembered so far. But I must admit I asked her for help and she did help once not too long ago, in a good way. That was good.

>> No.20688237

Well bros I did it again. I stayed up til 4 am drinking. Woke up today at noon. Too hungover to do anything. Why do I do this to myself

>> No.20688239

do you think women prefer a short man (say, 5'7) with a pretty face or a tall man (6'0+) with an ugly face?

>> No.20688242

desu I don't think I knew I was pretending. maybe it's more correct to say I was somewhat desperately trying.

>> No.20688243

It's not complicated. Start Kindergarten at 5 years old, end 12th grade at 18. Anon is probably 17

>> No.20688247

while at the same time not remembering huge swathes of our relationship, because I couldn't afford to.

>> No.20688248
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Damn this is about thetime I went to sleep last night, same timezone

>> No.20688262

what do you think is the ""actual"" reason that you don't remember big chunks of your relationship ?
i heard somewhere that our mind usually forgets highly boring or bad experiences
do you think something similar ?

>> No.20688266

These are the kind of posts that remind me that the majority of /lit/ posters are 22 years old and younger.

>> No.20688268

i have seen women doing both, women who are usually much taller than their peers are more prone to following a tall but kinda ugly guy

>> No.20688272

And the first year of college is after the 12th year?
What's the difference between college and university? I see those terms used and I'm never sure if they're the same or of if you have to go to college first then university.

>> No.20688275

I won't let you fall apart

>> No.20688281

because I depended on her for food and shelter, and I thought that if I actually was aware of the conflicts between us and acted on them, I would no longer get food and shelter. I did not know that I was forgetting. It just came back once I could move out.

>> No.20688284

College and university are interchangeable terms usually. There are community colleges which are two year programs and significantly cheaper than universities. They usually feed into unviersities

>> No.20688292

are you satisfied with your relationship between you and your mother ?
do you think that something would have changed if you acknowledged some of your conflicts ? i personally think that there would have been some understanding as most mothers love their children
do you regret having this type of your relationship with your mother ? do you seek for improvement ?

>> No.20688313

I should be more clear. The haze of my hangover and lingering taste of tequila distracted me.
After graduating high school a person can go either to a university or a community college. A person who goes to university will often to refer to his university as a college. College here is just a catch all for education after high school. That said, no one who goes to communjty college will ever say he goes to university, unless he's lying.
Community colleges offer associates degrees which basically half a bachelors. That person can then apply to a university where he can then complete his bachelors.
Whether you go to university or community college right out of high school is a persons choice, given he has the right grades to get into a university. A lot of people choose community college because its way cheaper.

>> No.20688319

Greeks gave us Greek philosophy and Orthodoxy. Both were performed by filtering Eastern thought through the highest genius known to man that was gifted to the Greeks. Both are the apex of human thought.

>> No.20688323

A community college also has open enrollment, meaning you can literally fail high school and still be accepted in. There are no qualifcations for enrollment
For a lot of people it's a second chance because your high school transcript ends in high school. It does not follow you through college or university

>> No.20688327

So does the Son proceed from the Father?

>> No.20688336

There is no father. Only the son

>> No.20688351


>> No.20688364

>Doesn’t understand what was said
You’re self censoring new and important knowledge because your handlers don’t approve of it. What are you afraid of?
Don’t answer. I don’t care what you have to say. You are an NPC and will remain as such till you decide to challenge your programming. Enough now.

>> No.20688398

Who is the father of modern materialistic dogma ? Spinoza ? Hegel ? Marx ?

>> No.20688403

There's no modern materialistic dogma. It all started from Democritus and it's existed throughout time.

>> No.20688407

Your mother's a broken person and she's broken you. Realistically it is far too late for her but not you.

>> No.20688420

You are on my mind.

>> No.20688422
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>> No.20688433


>> No.20688437

post something

>> No.20688438

Not to seem inflammatory, but what can I do to fix the problem with my being white/male? Or, how to belong in the world of books?

>> No.20688441
File: 169 KB, 819x1114, long nose borzoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bit sus huh ?

>> No.20688442

Suicide is the most viable option

>> No.20688447

Rather than a person I would say industrial revolution followed by the world wars are the events that popularised such ideas.

>> No.20688457

I like to watch movies/TV but anytime I do, I feel bad because I know these things I like won't be around in a few decades when society collapses.

>> No.20688469

That dog has a long schnozz

>> No.20688470

The earth

>> No.20688476
File: 73 KB, 540x720, borzoi caught.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you like my (((dog)))

>> No.20688488


>> No.20688494
File: 1.90 MB, 640x640, borzoi in sunlight.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you look intimidated

>> No.20688507

That’s.. kinda a hot pic..

>> No.20688527

Such a big snoofer

>> No.20688531

I have good news for you, Anon: Your death will be swift and unexpected

>> No.20688533

If one only reads NT or focuses too much on it, they may be led to believe God is just a nice cozy God that will forgive all their sins willy nilly. One should read more OT for a reality check.

>> No.20688542


>> No.20688544
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>> No.20688549
File: 1.95 MB, 720x720, borzoi running.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit, the zoos are here

>> No.20688553

prove it

>> No.20688565

that rules, time to fap!

>> No.20688575

Why does the puppet have a red Nietzsche ‘stache?

>> No.20688580

I oughta get you off of my mind but I guess I never will

>> No.20688585

*pupper. Yes, I am a phone poster

>> No.20688601
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its his choice, any problem ?

>> No.20688610

I "got" covid, and because I get my testing done through work, I was informed via text from some overpaid roastie at corporate whom I've never met. I was informed to call her, and over the phone she let me know when I would be "allowed to return to work". I have no symptoms.

>> No.20688617
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>a reality check.
>Reading the Bible

>> No.20688620

the real answer is join the armed forces. that's how white dudes can qualify for preferential treatment on admissions, hiring, and government contracts.

>> No.20688626

Adam Curtis is a god-tier documentary filmmaker

>> No.20688627

Take the vacation. They pay it yeah?
Please stop thinking like this. All upper management are overpaid and unproductive

>> No.20688630
File: 98 KB, 1280x778, 1280px-American-soviet-flag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if cyclical theories of history are accurate, but this quote kept me up last night. It is from a Russian delegate in a 1989 USSR Congress of People's Deputies meeting:
>perhaps it is Russia that should secede from the Union, since you accuse her of all your misfortunes and since her backwardness and awkwardness obstruct your progressive aspirations? … We could then pronounce the word ‘Russian’ without fear of being rebuked for nationalism, we could talk openly about our national identity … Believe me, we’re fed up with being scapegoats, with being mocked and spat upon.

Word for word, this is a sentiment which you will find among whites in America today. In both cases the same exact thing has happened: a nation gave its minorities special treatment, and the majority got nothing to call their own. In both cases, this stirred resentment against the overarching government. It gave the majority the desire to secede. If we are to avoid the trap the USSR fell in, this has to be solved and fast.

>> No.20688631

Here's a reality check for you:
God is real
Communism doesn't work
You will never be a woman

>> No.20688633

are u me lol im doing again tho with dxm

>> No.20688643

All nation-states are traps. The only way to solve them is to not ever establish them. To make peace with the facts of nature. A people will live in a country and they should do what they can for themselves where they are. Don’t let bully kings overpower and enslave

>> No.20688648

I agree 100%. There needs to be a separation of nation and state, just as there is between church and state.

>> No.20688658

There isn’t any gods. If humans or life in general were created from offworld sources, they’re not here asking for worship.
Communism wasn’t Sovietism and has worked well in some form or another over the millennia. This is what the socialists are haggling over, you stupid liberal.
My sex isn’t up for debate, incel meme-tard.

>> No.20688659

How do people spread their ideas in society ? Is it possible for an average man to do so in today's society without the backing of any powerful authority ?

>> No.20688662

Blogs/Substack (I can shill mine if you want, but there's only 1 post)
Emailing random professors

>> No.20688674

You will beg for mercy but it will be too late.

>> No.20688676

Horsefaced doggo

>> No.20688686

Who knew tyranny would be so tedious and byzantine

>> No.20688693

We're past the point of no return bro

>> No.20688696
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>> No.20688697

>it wasnt real communism
>bro real communism like John Lennon's song Imagine

>> No.20688705

no. Even the USSR could have been saved before 1990. We will have many chances to save America, and we only need 1 to work out. Making sure that happens is our priority.

>> No.20688709

It's not going to happen. Most people arent aware of the impending consequences of these actions.

>> No.20688720

What are some good dating sites for bondage fetishists?

>> No.20688730

No, like tribalisms. Councils of elders. Yes, communism is an idyllic utopian. It isn’t imagined as some nanny state, Orwellian fascist state or Plato’s Republic, that’s PLATOS REPUBLIC. Marx and later Lenin TOOK the utopian and applied their “scientific socialism” to the utopian. But as we all know the social sciences are more art than science.
Okay? Shove the old fogy meme back up your ass.

>> No.20688734

So teach them? The house has been set on fire.

>> No.20688736

the only dating site for fetishists I know is fetlife

>> No.20688740


>> No.20688748
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took 1g of psilocybin a few hours ago.
It was a very introspective trip. Couldnt stop thinking about the weirdness of our times, hundred years ago people were fervent believers in their respective religions now most of the western world is comprised of irreligious people, sodomites, degenerates, atheists, feminists, etc. etc.... Im not even religious I just find it interesting how quickly things have changed.

I was also thinking how theres also péople out there making millions of dollars because others watch them play videogames all day and how this has encouraged an entire generation to think they can become streamers, do people not realize that theres an exaggerated amout of content already, the market is saturated already and everyone of this zoomer streamer thinks he can become the next big streamer, why would someone want to spend their day watching some random faggot? Theres people out there picking vegetables for a living
thanks for reading my blog

>> No.20688749


>> No.20688756

>frog poster
Not reading.

>> No.20688758

Then you can move to Africa and live in your utopia.
Oh, a more powerful tribe just overran your government-free area, killed all the children, raped all the women, and stole your food?
Too bad...if only there was some sort of organization, created for mutual welfare, that could have prevented that...

>> No.20688762
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>> No.20688763

Nation-states are bad, but states have their uses.

>> No.20688765

Not for years, Craigslist personals shut down. I know this because I used to meet MILFs and weebs on there and I was sad to see it go

Zoomer perception of society is a caste system with only two castes, those who are seen and worth seeing, and those who watch. All positive human values and emotions are assimilated to the seen, while the watchers fade into a featureless nothing, an aggregate. "Temporarily embarrassed streamer / influencer" is the zoomer version of the boomer "temporarily embarrassed millionaire entrepreneur."

>> No.20688767 [DELETED] 

all that stuff is banned ever since they passed some internet anti-human trafficking law and the craigslist ceo was like nah we're not waiting around to get charged in that, thanks. he even said it was probably unconstitutional but he wasn't interested in craigslist being the test case.

>> No.20688769

What makes a nation state bad?

>> No.20688777

I suspect you're a female with unshaven armpits and body order.

>> No.20688782

Good way to get murdered

>> No.20688806
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States no longer have their use after a nearby, more powerful nation-state runs over them.
That's why there are nation-states...because the alternative was literally driven extinct.

>> No.20688807 [DELETED] 

>took 1g of psilocybin
kids these days, back in my day everyone took an 8th minimum that was standard. anyways, i do agree the disenchantment of the world was a fascinating process. it's hard to pin down exactly what it was, but i think early globalization aka european age of exploration and printing had a lot to do with it. as for streamers and pro-gamers, they are creating value by ay of entertainment. sure, it's not great value, but it's an economy of scale, those game streamers who regularly pull 40k viewers are providing entertainment to an entire college towns worth of people each time they go live. it's worth something. not something i'd watch, but then i waste countless hours on this shitty as sight, so hard to judge people's entertainment choices.

>> No.20688818

>back in my day everyone took an 8th minimum that was standard
I didnt want to have a full blown psychedelic trip

>> No.20688822

It erodes a nation. Let me explain.

A nation is a collection of people with a shared history, language, and culture. A state is a government that controls and manages a piece of land. A nation-state is a state which controls a piece of land containing mostly people of one nation, and which claims to be a state acting in the best interest of these people.

Unfortunately, states and nations have different agendas. A nation's agenda is little more than self-propagation in peace. A nation would not approve of immigration or most offensive wars. In contrast, a state is concerned with accumulating more power and control. For example, A state would be open to immigration for the sake of an expanded workforce, even though this conflicts with the agenda of a nation. Worse, because a nation-state claims to represent the interests of a nation, members of that nation support it even though it acts against their interests. In this way, the state becomes the enemy of the nation.

Not true. The number of nation-states peaked in the 1900s, and since then we have seen states which claim to be nation-states but which are not so become the norm. For example, most European countries claim to be nation-states but are actually just states, who have little to no regard for the nations they claim to represent. The only true nation-state in the world today is Israel.

>> No.20688826

Have you ever read Schmitt's Nomos of the Earth, or heard about his concrete ordnung concept?

>> No.20688832

>But you cannotchange thewaythingsarenow!!!-ism

>> No.20688837

No, what is it?

>> No.20688840

Every body has oder.

>> No.20688846

I wish I wasn’t so insecure.

>> No.20688851

What am I reading this weekend

>> No.20688853

The sheer cope is so overwhelming that it's smothering, I can't even breath!

>> No.20688854


>> No.20688858


>> No.20688864

Like using the inarticulate meme you use. So lost and half human you can’t even breath. Can I help?

>> No.20688874

Christ took the wrath of the OT God upon himself which was fully satisfied, hence the new covenant

>> No.20688878

Reminder that protestantism is not Christianity

>> No.20688888 [DELETED] 

protestants are the fire and brimstone types worried about being in the hands of an angry god, while catholics just want want to get give soup to crackheads.

>> No.20688890

Yeah but yours smells like shit

>> No.20688891

all the threads are boring today i'm going to go do sth else

>> No.20688902

kill yourself

>> No.20688916

Idk that I have one

>> No.20688922

The state you described isnt a nation state then. Just because a nation constitutes a majority within a state does not mean it is a nation state. For example The United States was never a nation state.
States arent independent constructs that just happen to pre exist on a piece of land. They arise out of the populations within a territory. Nations have always been quasi political entities. Regardless of the state they reside in, nations have interests unique to them according to their defining features. If a nation finds that its way of life is incompatible with anothers then it has the legitimate claim to separation and construction of new government according to its values. This is entirely possible. For your argument to work we would have to assume that states are entites unto themselves with their own agency. A state actually derives its authority from its constituents as far as they assent to it.

>> No.20688925

You're such a caricature

>> No.20688941

All my life I am trying.
Trying and trying on.
What the fuck am I trying for?
Do I really want more
Of this shit?

>> No.20688949

Kek was that meant to be a poem?

>> No.20688954

yeah, was on my mind, so I thought this was a fitting thread

>> No.20688955

Don't you know?
Poems are just
Sentences with
Awkward line breaks

>> No.20688967

The second line makes it sound like you have body issues and can’t find a proper fit.

>> No.20688972

>make reference to a book
>people don't get it
Is this some /lit/ joke I'm too autistic to understand or do people here not actually read?

>> No.20688976

What was the reference?

>> No.20688979

Theres only 52 Saturdays in a year and I have so far wasted most of them by being hoplessly hungover

>> No.20688990


>> No.20689013

I've made several references to books I've read. This missed references happen so often I think it's either a joke or everyone on /lit/ is actually a poser.

>> No.20689029

I took a walk through the woods today and was overwhelmed by a calm feeling of peace. All seemed as one. Even the trees and bushes were nodding to me in acknowledgment

>> No.20689042

>there are people who actually say that life is meaningless
I know there's the saying that people's opinions of the world are really confessions of their own character, but god damn i cant imagine living such an empty life. how are these people spending their time? do they truly mean what they say, or do many of them simply hope the world is meaningless because, otherwise, they wouldnt know WHAT to believe. why do modern people find believing in things so difficult?

>> No.20689051

next >>20689038

>> No.20689116

That’s anal oder, specifically, and again, we all have that.

>> No.20689132

Protestantism comes from reading the Bible.
Catholicism came from illiterate pagans trying to shore up a dying empire. Stop protecting pedophiles.

>> No.20689179

Oh look an autist. You DEFINITELY smell like shit

>> No.20689347

You’re the one getting nutsy over smell. The accusation makes no sense.

>> No.20690579
File: 153 KB, 1200x1200, ADBF0686-4CE6-44F1-B1EF-C696E3CD0DE8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20690582
File: 3.03 MB, 2893x4092, D794ACB3-A431-49F4-ABD1-C2CF3DA17DD3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20690615
File: 411 KB, 1354x1889, 4B3E56AB-4E12-4E59-910B-D9450349861C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20690637
File: 1.87 MB, 656x368, F8BBD72E-971D-4771-A8C0-3A9F828E3192.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20690641
File: 122 KB, 667x1000, D009A17A-407B-448D-828F-DC4A713A0813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20690649
File: 950 KB, 500x281, 9F06B683-14A7-468E-A36B-30658E928208.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20690653
File: 600 KB, 1440x960, 7ECBFCC3-BE4B-4717-9E7F-4040BAADA6F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20690667
File: 187 KB, 850x850, E9B19BC8-DA48-4757-B3F0-CBA26C0BBFF6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20690670
File: 254 KB, 1366x768, 75EE7767-E100-47C7-B8F1-2D205400851F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20690692

why are the mods allowing child pornography on the front page?