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File: 224 KB, 1024x768, fiat panda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20680392 No.20680392 [Reply] [Original]

fiat panda edition

previous: >>20672970

>> No.20680408
File: 95 KB, 713x836, latestt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tribalism rules the roost. Remember the Great Health Flip of 2020? When college-educated liberals boasted that quarantines were ineffective, that the flu is more dangerous, that corona hysteria is a sign of racism so just relax while conservatives were freaking out, talking about travel bans and lockdowns? Remember when President Trump created Project Warp Speed and conservatives boasted that he would come out of this just fine, only to then reject the very same vaccine when Biden took office? And remember when liberals said they wouldn’t take any Trump made vaccine, only to do so when Biden took office?

>> No.20680422

Gf just tried to hang herself and failed. Was just FaceTiming her about it. I gave her 0 sympathy and asked her if she even had a moment to think about how I might feel. I then asked if she even wanted to continue what we had and she admitted that the only reason she’s still alive is because of me because she would never live for herself. The most fucked part is that I didn’t shed a single tear, or feel any real sadness at all, I just felt tired… tired of talking tired of hearing her cry.

>> No.20680427
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Hey, anon. Did she even really exist?

>> No.20680429

Every day is a blessing.

>> No.20680432

coincidentally i do remember that

>> No.20680434

Just want to give a big shout out to the Jews for making the current worldwide economic crisis possible. We never could have done it without (You)sury.

>> No.20680437
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Then you know what I mean. It's all a grift designed for people to fuck and have a social life, but usually neither is done.

>> No.20680441

Writing a book requires maybe 80 bucks for a laptop from Walmart. Making a movie requires a top tier rig capable of editing, the editing software, the camera, the sound system, lights, transportation including attached trailer, amenities like food and water for all the cast, numerous crew members, actors, props, etc etc etc.

Anyone can write a book. Making a movie is gate kept not just by finances but also but the availability of human talent. And even if you have all that there's no guarantee your movie will be watchable due to bad acting or bad story or bad sound etc whereas a "bad book" mostly comes down to grammatical errors which are easy to correct and can be done leisurely.

>> No.20680446

Is this some gay ldr

>> No.20680454


>> No.20680460
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I feel the same for Toddposting.
I just find it consistently funny since it started.
It's stupid, it's most of the time the same jokes, but I don't know, it works for me every time.

>> No.20680461
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>> No.20680462

No we just live separately and she had a late shift and I have to get to bed for work

>> No.20680467

How do you even know it happened? Did she go to the hospital? Or did she "fail" and then call you crying

>> No.20680477
File: 1.62 MB, 3262x800, Observable_Universe_Logarithmic_Map_(horizontal_layout_english_annotations).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some explanation of what's in the image.

>> No.20680479

All the things people were saying about millenials ten years ago is what they say about zoomers now

>> No.20680487

In all honesty idk whether it really happened. I just remember texting her goodnight and then she sent this long detailed text about how she just tried to hang herself and then called me. A little part of me thinks she maybe didn’t do anything at all but I’ve also forcibly grabbed a bottle worth of pills out of her mouth that she tried to od on

>> No.20680498

Its a cry for help then. She's got deep underlying issues. If you arent gonna be her full time therapist you should probably leave her

>> No.20680499

You know what's sad, and what really hurts isn't really that the people who produce shows aren't being faithful to the source material in any way; that on its own is something that nobody paid much attention to. The reason why this is so aggravating is that none of the people involved in this, black or white, and especially not the kikes; actors, directors, photo technicians, journalists writing articles about it, not a single person working on this franchise right now cares anything about the source material or Tolkien, nor they probably have read any of it. If someone involved in this really had to read LOTR, he did so like homework. Most of them probably despise Tolkien even just for the sole fact he was a Christian. This entire franchise is now made by people who hate everything about LOTR and Tolkien. And of course this is also a reminder that so this is happening just like art is now made by people who hate art, medicine by people who care nothing about pain, music by people who hate music, journalism by people who hate truth and objectivity, politics by people who hate their citizens. It's a rape. Rape is a destructive metamorphosis of what should be joyful union and it's essentially what is happening to our civilization. It's being relentlessly raped. The people in charge of it hate it all, and they're raping it. This is why this shit is so irritating, it's not that they are not being faithful to the source material in good faith, they're actually raping it because they hate it.

>> No.20680503

>read a book
>post 10 tiktok/instagram videos and get temporary domamine rushes
it's gonna get worse, way worse. just look at the new upcoming generations.
a friend of mine is teaching in highschool and he's surprised at the amount of kids that just want to be a famous influencer

>> No.20680507


>> No.20680510

A girl told me I treated her like a sex object.
That made me feel bad, I can't talk to her anymore.
I don't want to make girls feel like that, but I
had no clue I was doing that. Damn... I'm just
a piece of shit huh.

>> No.20680513

how deep in my psychosis do i have to be to understand that?

>> No.20680515

i've chosen to rape women
i'm not tempted to
i don't have to
nobody can force me to
i've simply decided to

>> No.20680518

Today I saw my grandparents for the first time after over a decade and they actually expressed some polite disappointment in me. When I was little, I always remembered them as being so warm and loving, always eager to entertain their favorite grandchildren that they're so proud of. Now as an adult, they were deathly quiet and distant during the entirety of our dinner together.

You see, early in that dinner I had strongly hinted on that I was in fact, a homosexual. And worse, it didn't occur to me until now that I happened to be the only male child left capable of passing on the family name: My two uncles only had all girls, whereas only one of my two aunts had boys (my grandparents had five children, three boys, two girls). Thus I realize now that I had broken my grandparent's hearts from fundamentally failing to fulfill a destiny, and doomed the family line forever.

Now while there's nothing inherently wrong with homosexuality as long as it is conducted responsibly, in my drive home from that dinner I spent some time reflecting on why things turned out the way they did. Could things have been any different? Was there ever a chance that from my grandparent's point of view, there was a good ending where I would have arrived in that dinner with a wife and baby to their great glee?

I ultimately came to the realization that yes, there could have been such a timeline, but it remained contingent on my parent's own performance in priming me for such a future. I say this because my parents separated in my youth, which gave me the impression that marriage is a bad idea for most people (an opinion I still hold), especially since in my experience, neither my mom or dad seemed to really know what they were doing in raising me.


>> No.20680519
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The bubble will burst soon

>> No.20680523

The concept of performativity has been freaking me out lately. Judith butler makes a point (masculine and feminine traits get performed as a role given by a culture but there is no inherent masculinity or feminity). There is a jump of logic here, and of course Butler stops only at gender. It is clear that she only harps on it to serve a political cause but what if it's taken further?

Humans get raised and are told to act human. An infant is a murderous tyrant. As St. Augustine noted, the innocence of the infant is in the weakness of its body, not its mind. A baby is pure murderous appetite, but with culture (aided by punishments and rewards) it becomes an entity that can exist with others and carry on the species. How much of this is performance? Learned habit painted over a more substantial destructive instinct? Maybe being human is just as much of an act as playing a man, woman, or cliche gay. This is scary.

The strangest part is that LGBT advocates (who agree with gender perfomativity) exhibit the human "act" most. Compassion, selflessness, and open-mindedness are espoused as virtues (for my point here, it doesn't matter that they apply these virtues only to their own). This is illogical.

The brutal animality of the species exists in an undefined cavity, like the genitals for gender theorists. The animality has only been kept in check by human performativity. What happens when the implications of deperformativity play out. The gender theorists have invented the rope, but it's only a matter of time before more adventurous souls invent the noose.

>> No.20680525

Faggot. Hope they write you out of the will

>> No.20680526

Instead of teaching me of the value of family, my parents argued with each other nonstop, and left me to be raised primarily by video games, anime, and all kinds of consumerist interests. In fact they paid for a lot of these childish things to win my favor against the other parent. Worse I think, is that they didn't quite properly guide in choosing an appropriate college major, leading me to have dropped out out of dissatisfaction. If I had known I would enjoy my current field of work (unrelated to my major), I would have happily finished schooling and be further along towards a high paying enough career job to support a family.

Since I didn't quite see much value in having a family, I never bothered to being on track for a career job and instead float by with a job that pays for a comfortable single lifestyle. I say a comfortable single lifestyle, because in terms of relationships I have only just cycled between twinks I dominante, which I could have easily substituted for a woman if I saw it necessary. I would have absolutely put up with the extra hassle that women entail if it meant securing a greater family legacy, as admittedly right now a relationship for me is just for pleasure as a fleeting, shallow thing.

But alas, it is now all too late, isn't it? I am now much too old and too used to my current lifestyle to change my ways. It would have made things so much easier if I had known since my youth of a greater destiny than being a gay hedonist. Could my parents be blamed? I would simply argue it is a matter of input in, input out. They failed to make family an appealing interest in me in my youth, or even set me on track to be a proper high earner to support one, and so the family name shall perish.

I nonetheless pity the death of such a long and proud family line that my grandparents worked so hard to develop, they had five children after all. What are the odds things would turn out this way?


>> No.20680530

>music by people who hate music
i don't know what shitty music you listen to bro, like, k-pop or something?

>> No.20680533

maybe 10% of what i experience is real

>> No.20680534

>input in, input out
This would be better written as "input, output"

>> No.20680542

oohhhhhhhhhh nooooohhhhhhhhh i puke a little blood im gonna dieeeeeeeeeee!!!!!
shut the fuck up
fucking baby

>> No.20680552

yeah i cum blood all the time and i haven't died yet

>> No.20680556

When they did the TV adaptation in 2016 for Terry Brooks' Shannara series they started with the book 2 because they said it has strong female characters that the first book lacked. The new Wheel of Time show by Amazon upped the importance of the female characters by giving them accomplishments of male characters but didn't give any new accomplishments to the male characters making them look bad. It's very strange that literally every new series must have these Mary Sue female characters even though it objectively makes the show worse.

>> No.20680566

What are you having difficulty understanding? Because it's a logarithmic scale or that you could see the Big Bang and cosmic radiation if you look far enough?

>> No.20680576

it is what it is

hmm you're right. Sorry I'm also a bit drunk now

>> No.20680579
File: 127 KB, 1200x1200, failure is a badge of honour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any advice for dealing with premature ejaculation?

>> No.20680582

Why does every druggie thinks he has magical powers or access to occult knowledge about the universe? They can’t even take a shower or hold a job and still believe themselves to be enlightened holders of hidden truths.

>> No.20680584

who is this animated female character?

>> No.20680586


>> No.20680588


>> No.20680602

Because at this point in human development, omniscience is as common as owning an acre or two of land or a nice house. It takes a little work to obtain but it's hardly unreachable.

>> No.20680621

as an artist in the music scene I hate these people BUT there is something enlightening about spending lots of time in these environments. if you spend enough time at shitty art parties, house parties and nightclubs you'll gain a sort of 'secret' knowledge of what constituents social life. secret on the one hand because its embodied and secret on the other hand because it points (or feels as if its pointing) to a non-psychical realm. you can start to see that certain people hold and demand attention more than others and what you can sense is the depth of their understanding of the world and more so the social world. you can see it in their eyes at times, the predatory gazes and wide smiles. i only started to believe in occult shit when i started to go consistently.

>> No.20680637

That's the conclusive lifestyle of not only your experiences, but your whole identity. Alone.

Standards are lowered because plans of comradeship or courtship are utterly baron for people like yourself, your parents no doubt didn’t help you get there, sure, but holding that experience against them just sabotages your own future happiness, which is just sad. I was in the same boat as you, I had a. Poor exposure to the coke or of marriage due to going through pains of divorce, but I still choose happiness and love to build a family instead of spite and angst because I experienced the calamities of a negative one. A family motivates people to improve your position in your line work too, it's a healthy form of altruism so maybe it could help you a lot.

I’m not like my parents, they didn’t teach me much but they taught me one thing. Don’t repeat their mistakes; thats how I respect them in the end, and that's how you should too.

>> No.20680641

i'll also add that i know this very smart, seductive girl whose father works at high levels in advertising (which has its origins in erotic magic) has somehow acquired a lot of this knowledge. from what i know of her she was also in lots of drama classes and many of her online personas center around the occult. anyway she's very charismatic, controlling and seems to get people stuck to her.

>> No.20680645
File: 3 KB, 185x186, rly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading book of pook and 'models' because I'm single for almost a decade
>decided to read these two since it's usually recommended to single men to get to know themselves better
>finished pook and halfway through models i got myself a gf
I uh was not expecting that to happen. Anyway both books more or less seem to talk about expanding your horizon in terms of hobbies, interests and personalities alp the while improving upon who you are as a person without losing sight of your core values.

>> No.20680649

Its hilarious how angry /pol/ is. I can make a thread about the most mundane and boring subject and get a dozen people frothing at the mouth, arguing for hours about it.

>> No.20680775
File: 487 KB, 968x402, Sisyphus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One must imagine Sisyphus happy.

>> No.20680784

hello my life still isn't fixed (and it won't be until I get my fucking delivery)

>> No.20680795
File: 82 KB, 750x755, IMG_20220707_131123_482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

15 days since my car blew up. Now, that doesn't seem crazy (unless your a white family who lives in Missouri in the suburbs) but whats bad is that:
A. I live in Jackson, Mississippi
B. I'm white
Guess why it's bad for me. Fuck, I feel like God's personal spit cup.

>> No.20680798

did you order a cute ukrainian refugee gf?

>> No.20680915
File: 92 KB, 776x657, 1544159217255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The place where I work just changed the individual packets of peanut butter to ones with 25% less fat. It's literally unpalatable. It tastes nothing like the regular ones and the texture is terrible, it's almost like gum, you have to chew it and it gets stuck in my molars. Just fucking why? I bet the price difference is trivial.

>> No.20680918

What did you order anon?

>> No.20680924
File: 66 KB, 803x766, cardposters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gf sent me a love letter. Very cringe reading

>> No.20680945

None of this is real.

>> No.20680953
File: 41 KB, 519x519, 1657498797137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's nothing inherently wrong with homosexuality

>> No.20681169

>hook up with pink haired 19 yr old arthoe
>try to guess in my head where she will have self harm scars on the way to her place
>3/4 correct

>> No.20681170

thighs, underside of forearms

>> No.20681180

Had them on thighs, upper arms, and hips/pelvic region

I had guessed forearms too but they were absent

>> No.20681197

the fuck is wrong with women
molested or unmolested they all turn out the same
>girlname its time for dinner!
>okay mommy!!
>goes back to room, opens up technology, gets attention

>> No.20681209

>hips/pelvic region
kind of hot

>> No.20681233
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>> No.20681238
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One day I'll learn how to get direct answers to my questions.
There will come a day I'll ask for advice online, and when I get an irrelevant answer, I'll ask them "and how does this help me?" they will say "it doesn't, I just wanted to help, sorry for wasting your time" and I'll thank them for their empathy. There will come a day, maybe sooner rather than later where I will ask a question about what the time is and the person will refrain from telling me how to build a watch. There will come a time when I will ask for a solution to the problem and some absolute asshole with bite their tongue and not tell me that water, sleep, and enough sun are the solution. There will come a time that if I ask a question, and my assumptions that lead me to ask the question in that way are wrong, someone will reply "I think I see the confusion here, you actually have it the wrong way round, because first you need to know the carrying capacity, with that information you can..."
One day I'll be talking to my future girlfriend and when she's upset about something instead of sighing and saying "I can't tell you what choices to make" she'll say "well I would like it if you..."
One day I will get informative and direct answers to question. One day. I live in hope.
"But how will I bring that day about?" he tautologically asked himself

>> No.20681241
File: 62 KB, 1040x188, Kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just checking how many real people are in these threads:

>do you have a mortgage
>do you have investments or passive income (no, crypto doesn't count)

>> No.20681262

ughhha aAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ttttttttasssssssssssssssssaaaaa

>> No.20681264
File: 3.69 MB, 1159x1726, qw8gb5b4a2091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's interesting that if you make a point, people will scream SOURCES!? and other objections at you that sound more reflexive than anything, if you make it directly, but will be much less defensive/more willing to consider/more accepting of it if you present it in the form of a story. Like, it's rare for a straight argument to gave the sheer level of influence a well done narrative can.

>> No.20681265


>> No.20681272

remember to filter and hide all tripfags

>> No.20681317

Duly noted.
I feel like this is a real "mommy what's wrong with that man?" "don't look at him Timmy, just keep walking and we'll get ice cream" situation. Except there is is no ice cream.

>> No.20681333
File: 94 KB, 750x1000, 46v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't matter I just can't calm down until it arrives.
It could be a box of rubber bands for all I care. It just needs to arrive

>> No.20681339

It does matter, just tell us, we want to know.
Goddamn I can't wait for your stupid delivery to arrive now.

>> No.20681347

You don't seriously think people look at your posts and don't think I'm just samefagging them, right?

I mean, it's so obvious that's what butterfly is doing.

>> No.20681354

NO FUCK YOU IT DOESN'T MATTER. It's another check in a checklist and my life isn't going to stabilize until it arrives

>> No.20681357

How dare you reply to me.

>> No.20681389

Check MemeAnalysis on YouTube. He is great at explaining this kind of thing.

>> No.20681391
File: 86 KB, 733x989, 1648062792299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are two ways of exerting power: directly, and by means of institutions.

For most of human history, human relations have been mostly the object of direct power. Direct power is a relation that's maintained directly by the physical, direct strength of the power holder. Think of the power that a husband exerted over his wife - that came due to the woman being physically weaker, and being either tyrannized by her husband, or depending on her husband's strength to avoid being tyrannized by other men.

In a direct power relationship, the power holder and his subject often know each other directly. The serf probably knows his feudal lord, even if they might not see each other. Conflicts are often solved by directly appealing to the power holder or a representative that's at most one or two degrees separated, or with the power holder directly intervening via asserting his power. Those relationships are also simple to change: just be stronger than the other guy. Kill him, make him flee, or flee him and be subject to someone else.

Direct power relationships are typically well suited for men, since men's differential related to women is men's greater strength and and aggressiveness.

Institutionalized power relationships though, are depersonalized. You are subject not to a person, but to an institution. A church, a political party, a state, and other more abstract ones, institutions that will live on even if the person currently in charge of them leaves/dies. Even something like Twitter or Facebook can be considered an institution in this sense, as it subjects people to itself. And while someone can in principle fight a direct power holder - as said before, you just need to be stronger than the other guy -, it's much harder to fight an institution, because the institution is larger than any single individual. The institution is also many times stronger than a single individual can. A small group of people can kill Joe Biden, but they can't kill the United States government.

Institutionalized power supplants direct power in people subjected to the institution, to the degree they are subjected to it, and mediates relationships that would otherwise be ruled by direct power. It doesn't matter any more that the husband is stronger than the wife - their relationship will be disciplined not by this difference in strength, but by the institution. Social services or the police will knock at the door of an abusive husband. You call the police or the courts if you need something done against someone who wronged you - in other words, you rely on a bureaucratized system that is in itself subjected to a larger set of rules. Likewise, you don't really know the people who control your life.

>> No.20681394
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As mentioned, institutionalized power de-emphasizes strength and aggressiveness. It means a social relationship driven by institutionalized power removes the main advantages men have regarding to women, and explains why Western societies have become so driven by women lately. Essentially, the playing field has been equalized by the removal of the element that gave men an advantage. The only place where male power remains relevant is at the very top or the very bottom of society.

The very bottom, because it's marginalized, and as such institutions haven't permeated it strongly. They still rely on community leaders, gang leaders, and other relationships that are primarly driven by direct power. The very top, because, by definition, those that are on the top don't have anyone overseeing them. At best, they answer to their peers, which is a much smaller group instead of a larger institution. That's why state leaders (specially "rogue state" ones), top CEOs, top bankers, military leaders, all of those tend to be men - because in the position they're at, they're not subjected to many forces that remove the advantages of male aggressiveness.

A note of feminism: feminism is a consequence, not a cause, of female emancipation. The development of industrial society and institutional power freed women because it removed the need they had to attach themselves to a man, or the direct power men had over them. Feminism is born from the growing economic power of women that originated from this emanciupation. What feminism is is an additional disciplinary tool for institutions to control those subjected to them, so it's useful as another way for institutions to perpetuate themselves.

>> No.20681403

is there a solution?

please talk about determinism and the implications of that and free will. or i'll have to, and you dont want to see me when im writing

>> No.20681482

>Direct power is a relation that's maintained directly by the physical, direct strength of the power holder.
You guys all remember how kings used to come and personally, with their own physical, direct strength kill their serfs if they refused to work right?

If only there was some sort of intermediary or indirect kind of power that explains power relations in the absence of direct, physical strength or force without appealing to institutional concepts that sound silly when you apply them to smaller groups

>> No.20681507

It's fucking drugs isn't it

>> No.20681508

Could be a dragon dildo.

>> No.20681510

I got a big important interview for today. I didn't sleep. I have to spend the rest of my morning being a little anxious about it while also having to study what I should have studied the whole last week. I wish I could spend this time doing something else but I want that job. And by writing this out in this thread i now feel more motivated and reasoned in order to do so rather than being in a constant anxious and procrastinate state i used to do in the past.

>> No.20681526

>For most of human history, human relations have been mostly the object of direct power

>For most of human history, human relations have been mostly the object of the physical, direct strength of individual people (i.e. power holders)

>For most of human history, human relations have been mostly the object of the physically strongest men

Reflect on this, really reflect for a moment, on just how idiotic this actually sounds

>> No.20681530

Stop trying to predict the future, anon.
regardless of the outcome you got this. :D

>> No.20681550


Were you wondering what it smells like to be an addict? Imagine our nightmare. Let's see how bad things get for a junkie.

(To make a smoking smell, use a stick to break off a small piece of the tree you are burning, and plug your nose while waiting for the smoke to hit your face)

No, wait. There's more.

When the painkiller pill wears off, you get to experience the "great feeling of failure", you get "dark brown and gross pus in your veins", and you have to "wonder why you're still alive".

Ain't it a bitch?


Of course the man is not on the floor with furniture like this. We're talking about typical pharmaceutical cocktails.


A human octopus! He would probably enjoy it if a dog gnawed at his armpit.



And since their core purpose is to conquer Earth,

>> No.20681575

Thank you, anon.

>> No.20681578

And I wish you to have a good day.

>> No.20681580

you are fucked

>> No.20681655

You people need to stop blaming your parents for the way you turned out. Nature, not nurture, determines who you are. Biology determines how smart, conscientious, or extroverted you will be, and pretty much every character quirk you might have. Hell, studies done on adopted identical twins showed them likely not just to give their children the same names, but to even marry women with the same names as well! The other guy was complaining about how his patents' divorce made him gay, but just ask yourself this: millions of children experience the divorce of their parents each year, and the vast majority of them don't become gay. I bet that if he were to look into his mom's sexual history, he would find that she was very much into men, which means he probably just happened to catch her man-loving genes (or maybe someone on his dad's side was like that or whatever). Biological determinism makes you less angsty and more accepting of what you are. Your parents probably did the best they could for you.

>> No.20681666

>Biology determines how smart, conscientious, or extroverted you will be, and pretty much every character quirk you might have
That may be true, but we also may be wrong about what our biological limits are. So someone has nothing to gain from assuming that their poor life situation is ultimately their biological destiny. The only moment this should matter is as a matter of risk assessment (if I fuck up I might lose something major and my genetics make it likely for me to fuck up), but otherwise biological defeatism is a pointless strategy for any given individual to take.

>> No.20681668

>join discord server about books
>try talk about books
>only books they read are YA
>channels with random topics not pertaining to books has the most messages
This is literally every single "literature" server

>> No.20681675

You just went from telling them not to blame their parents to telling them to blame nature.
The problem is they're blaming anything external when they should be taking responsibility which would lead to actual growth.

>> No.20681685

>Nature, not nurture, determines who you are. Biology determines how smart, conscientious, or extroverted you will be, and pretty much every character quirk you might have
not true whatsoever. completely the opposite

>> No.20681704
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>> No.20681709

Big dicks will rule the world

>> No.20681715

"effort posts" like that are pretty much always stupid.

>> No.20681923
File: 52 KB, 440x293, focus-group-pro-choice-supporters-mediumThreeByTwo440-v2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the nyt is unironically making their own soijacks now

>> No.20681948

The absolute state of american education

>> No.20681963

haven't got it in me to shitpost today
maybe i'm not the man i thought i was

>> No.20682122

not a single interesting person was ever born or raised in my state

>> No.20682225

This work is bad for me physically.
My knees hurt. I need to get out of the physical work and move to an office or something way less intensive.

>> No.20682231

you're missing the point of those discords. Those discords are for getting MAD pussy man, its literally free.

>> No.20682236

>join discord serve
You had already fucked up.
I legitimately wonder what you were expecting.
Zoomers I swear.

>> No.20682656

it's still july and i'm already having nightmares about the winter. i was just in a dream where it was getting dark at 1:30pm i was like oh shit it's not even daylight savings time yet. i may have to move to florida hurricanes be damned.

>> No.20682702

Come to California instead. Better weather, no humidity, no hurricanes

>> No.20682709

Be thankful it wasnt full of trannies

>> No.20682733

>absurd housing policies that put housing costs through the roof
>absurd criminal justice system that allows rampant street crime yet still has prisons packed to the brim
>10% sales tax in the desirable cities
>income tax
yeah, i'm thinking nah.

>> No.20682737

I spent so much time shilling for my blog on social media that I stopped writing new posts. I have since deleted my accounts and am working on posts for a while.

>> No.20682753

fuck tripfags

go back to plebbit

>> No.20682786

>one season
seriously can't understand how people can live like that

>> No.20682800

Just filter them bro.
They add nothing to a conversation ever, they just post retarded stuff both because of actual retardation and for a need for attention.
You have to consider them reddit posters farming for upboats and 4channel karma ((You)'s).

>> No.20683328

I'm a good man in a storm.

>> No.20683329

Lol Card, did you make that image, save it, or are you not the real Card? I don't know which possibility is funniest

>> No.20683379

I don't remember any of that at all

>> No.20683390

>gf tries to kill herself
>berate her for it
Jesus dude

>> No.20683398
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>> No.20683505

Just "gooned" with another guy for the first time. Guess I'm one of you sexually degenerate zoomers now.

>> No.20683532

u wot

>> No.20683579

You heard me.

>> No.20683615


>> No.20683617

A long time ago I read this quote about how the ancient Greek civilization was the greatest producer of sculpture in history (in terms of amount), but I can't find anything about it when I try to google it. Has anyone else ever read something like that before? Where the fuck is it from?

>> No.20683621

It's up

>> No.20683673

considering most of what they made where bronzes that got melted down idk how u would confirm that moreover the egyptians had like an extra 1000 years to make sculptures so probably not

>> No.20683700

I don't care about whether the sentiment expressed in the quote is true or not, I'm trying to find the source for it which so far has been impossible.

As for the Egyptians, their culture when it came to sculpture was entirely different than the greek. I would put my money on the Greeks having made more.

>> No.20683718

i'm gonna get high, listen to animal collective and write. that's my friday (fri yay) night and i'm unironically gonna (finna) have a great time. you ((you)) wish! you had it like i got.

>> No.20683721

And has your writing gotten published anywhere?

>> No.20683724

i'm watching the p4k festival man this shit is cringe

>> No.20683726

imagine still listening to animal collective

>> No.20683727

no i just do it for fun my g

>> No.20683730

Your mind is playing tricks on you. You never read it

>> No.20683731

imagine not

>> No.20683734

xi u are such a tryhard lmao

>> No.20683735

My father is Nordic and my mother is Latina.

>> No.20683752 [DELETED] 

this rapper on p4k festival write now:

>Wiki was raised in the Upper West Side in Manhattan.[1] He attended the Brooklyn Friends School, and is of Puerto Rican ancestry on his father's side and Irish-American on his mother's side. His mother grew up in the Westchester County suburb of New York.

what a fake mf

>> No.20683754

Well, that's the thing: a guy I know mentioned it which is what made me remember that I'd read it somewhere. He didn't know where it was from either.

>> No.20683756

thats cool. how did they come to meet?

>> No.20683757 [DELETED] 

>Brooklyn Friends School
>Tuition: $46,400–$49,000


>> No.20683763

ya it sounded dumb so i'm not surprised it was just some shit a pseud dreamed up

>> No.20683801

i'm not xi. forgot about him. i'm not on /lit/ a lot these days. how's he doing? how's that deep n edgy kid?

>> No.20683802

Hey underage autismo, can you go back to your dude weed lmao and shit writing? Thanks man.

>> No.20683805

Obviously idk your situation, but almost this exact thing happened to me with an ex, right down to the methods. He told me he tried to hang himself, and he’d had other suicide attempts in the past. I kept trying to help him, I kept trying to be with him even though I wasn’t interested because I thought I owed it to him. He kept threatening to attempt and a couple months later, he ran his car head first into a semi truck and died instantly, almost killed the other guy too. You can’t save her, she needs a therapist.

>> No.20683812

no u

>> No.20683858

I got the fucking job /lit/, thank God. I can finally get some sleep. YES YES YES FUCK YEAH FUUUUUUAAARRRRRKKKK! I fucking made it.

>> No.20683871 [DELETED] 

They're first generation Americans or whatever you call it. My grandparents immigrated to Minnesota, one from Norway the other from Mexico.

>> No.20683878

They're first generation Americans or whatever you call it. My grandparents immigrated to Minnesota, one from Norway the other from Mexico.

>> No.20683908
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Why are you so special?

>> No.20683915

before 2020 i used to think minnesota wasn't a hellscape lmao what an eye opener

>> No.20683936

talked with dad today.
we both agreed on the idea of contracting the hitman and killing us.
we're not so different after all.

>> No.20683955

Why? I don't know what you're referring to.

>> No.20683971

The George Floyd Minneapolis riots, probably

>> No.20683978


>> No.20683985

What job?

>> No.20683999

it's impossible to find old things on the net anymore. the algorithm is unintentionally burying obscure resources.

do you have any ways of narrowing your search down?

>> No.20684003

you might be right.
it doesnt matter in the end.

>> No.20684005
File: 1.14 MB, 852x854, 1648599093951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Men have, in average, twice as much upper body strength as women. Not long ago, the women's Olympic soccer team lost a practice match against 15 year old boys. Not only are women drastically weaker than been, they also lack physical intelligence to coordinate their bodies. Why, then, is it so common in fiction and videogames to see women soldiers, women warriors, and other ridiculous things women aren't physically capable of? Keep in mind, the US military had to lower physical standards so that women could participate, and they're never put in combat missions. Also keep in mind that legends like Viking shield maidens are unsubstantiated myths.

>> No.20684016

*on average, not in

weaker than *men, not been.

I hate phone posting

>> No.20684017

hot women sell units

>> No.20684018 [DELETED] 

this can be fun

>> No.20684020

I just find girls with swords hot desu

>> No.20684022

what the fuck is a goon

>> No.20684027

Fair enough, I guess. I find it insulting, but to each his own

>> No.20684029

"Spirit theyre gone spirit theyre vanished" is the best Animal Collective album by far and Im tired of pretending otherwise

>> No.20684032

sad but also kinda gay

>> No.20684034


>> No.20684037

I've tried all kinds of variations and nothing has come up. It's been years since I read it. And the guy I talked to is someone who is an expert on greek lit too, so I really fucking wonder where this quote or phrase comes from. Was hoping maybe someone else on /lit/ would have heard of it before but I guess not.

>> No.20684041

I actually have internet search autism so I use a, yes I'm gonna say it, I use a search website that costs 10$ a month.
Results are fucking great though, no ad or sponsored search items either.

>> No.20684043

bpd girls will kill themselves when they threaten suicide

she's not doing it because she is consciously attempting to be manipulative she is a fucking mess and unless she gets serious help she is going to fall deeper and deeper into her hole until she ruins her own life and the lives of everyone around her because she has a giant hole inside of her and will do anything to protect herself from it down to actually killing herself

>> No.20684049

did u listen the single off that new spinoff project by panda bear? more derivative faux beach boys shit, so tedious, but aging indie dudes will still consoom the vinyl i'm sure.

>> No.20684062 [DELETED] 

>I use a search website that costs 10$ a month
i could never use a paid search because i don't want all my searches to be tracked to me anymore than they already are. what do you think of brave search's "lenses"? has a lot of potential, but too geeky for me to make my own, someone give me some premade ones

>> No.20684066

Yeah, their late music is just kitch cacophony shit. A shame, they are definitvely better than that

>> No.20684075

On march 8th 1992 I shot a 7 year old, maybe younger white female wearing a white dress with sunflowers patterns on the trim. I doubled tapped her, and she fell to the ground. I was expecting maybe a yelp but she died before her little voice could muster anything, she maybe died before she knew what happened. I don’t know why I shot her, I just did, it was a compulsion. I left the two brass casings there. From the bullet holes her dress started to stain with blood, it looked like two blooming roses. I got in my car and drove away. On the news a middle aged woman was upset but she had no family show up, and it seemed like no one else cared. On march 8th 1992 I was shot and killed by myself as I made my way to my car. I lay on the warm sidewalk as two roses grew on my back while I drive away.

>> No.20684076
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>> No.20684089
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How am I supposed to love a real woman when she exists

>> No.20684104

She doesn't.

>> No.20684106

the negro is mean, the negro is dark,
stay away from the negro as you would from a shark.

>> No.20684120

Semiconductor engineer. Shit really worked out perfectly. Such a relief.

>> No.20684125
File: 216 KB, 896x931, heathcliff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a pretty old book but I guess it is customary/proper to use spoiler tags regardless

(Wuthering Heights, around page 157)

so what did Heathcliff mean by this? (second to last paragraph, last portion of it highlighted)
If I understood correctly, it is the graves of the Cathy that grew up with heathcliff and the now deceased Edgar Linton, right?

I am just incredibly confused about what the purpose of the covering up and shuffling of coffins was (who was it supposed to trick/bamboozle?).

it took me 11 or 12 years to get through this book no bully please

>> No.20684137
File: 500 KB, 950x1004, 68485349(13250345)_つぐちゃん.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got you there
My sweater will keep me company

>> No.20684154

I showed up to the party in my favorite coat
On the back was an image of a shrimp on a boat
When you saw what I was wearin', you got real upset
And said, "that's the jacket that I got from my grandma"
Oh, well, I promise I ain't seen you before
And maybe your grandma had bought a couple more
And maybe I helped her at the grocery store
And she gave it to me as a gift
Uh, so quit bitchin', motherfucker

I went out on the porch to light a cigarette
I had six or seven lighters in my left pocket
I took out the one that said, "Shrimp City Beach, 1993"
And you told me that's where you had your birthday party
And that the lighters were given as gifts
But I was there, too
Just dippin' my toes down on the beach, man
And I had that lighter specifically made for me, motherfucker, huh

>> No.20684243

Barbara, from "Star Trek: Lower Decks".

>> No.20684258

just discovered that the gf has had sex with a black guy. do i dump her?

>> No.20684262

>trying to get psychotherapy for free

>> No.20684266

I have to admit I'm actually kind of happy for you even if you probably are a huge homo lala man.

>> No.20684342

>mfw apple music has a hard rock playlist called "sad, bitter, and angry"
i'm trying to find some new rock music that isn't indie soi type stuff, nothing against that, tame impala and shit like that is great, i just want to hear some shit with hard riffs n shit, metal adjacent but maybe not quite that spazzy. recommend me some shit. something like dfa1979, but more chuddy.

>> No.20684381

that would bother me a lot.

>> No.20684463

Hunter wiped the sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand. It was in the middle of the sweltering Louisianan summer, and so the back of his hand was sweating almost as profusely as his forehead. The wipe did not dry his forehead off at all, rather it only knocked away the large beads of sweat that were beginning to roll down. Hunter would still be damp, but his sweating would soon stop, as he was nearing the shady sanctum of the evergreens, and the heat would soon dissipate. He was walking this trail to a lake. This lake was where Hunter went whenever he wished to be away from life for a while. It was a place that made fond memories of fishing, swimming, and reading by the lakeside. Hunter continued his stroll. A clearing could soon be seen through the trees, and the path began to incline downwards to show the beach of the lake which broke into the murky brown water. He sat down in dry grass at the base of a tree, facing the lake, yet not close enough to it where the ground became muddy. Hunter peered across the breadth of the water, and took a deep breath. The cool wind in the shade felt good across his perspired body.

Across the lake, on the opposite beach, Hunter noticed two figures. This did not bother him, as they were far enough away to not intrude on his place of respite. He took his eyes off the two and continued his relaxation. But his vision was drawn back to them. Hunter could see that the two figures were also sitting down next to each other, facing the lake. They were sitting too close next to each other to be anything but a deeply interested couple. The two were seemingly so enamored in each other they paid no attention to the young man observing them from the other side of the lake.

>> No.20684467

Hunter realized why he was staring at this couple - it was a lesbian couple, and one of the two had swarthy skin with a scarf wrapped around her head. He had never seen anything like it before, not in his frequenting to the nearby city of Shreveport or even in his trips to Dallas-Fort Worth. Of course, Hunter had heard of Muslim immigrants to America and the increasing acceptance of queer people, but in this small town in northern Louisiana there were only white folks and black folks and red folks and everyone in between those three who have lived in the South for centuries. Hunter was not sure what to make of this. The changing America has finally caught up with him.

The two women began to embrace each other. Their hands slid down to each other's slim waists, one pair wrapped around the revealing tank top of the white woman and the other pair wrapped around robes of the Arab woman. They began to kiss. This was very arousing to Hunter. His pants stiffened. The women did not seem to notice him, and no one else was around. He unzipped his shorts and pulled his penis out of his underwear. The white woman slid her hands in between the legs of the Muslim one. As Hunter started stroking his penis, the hijabed woman was getting fingered. Hunter took care not to finish too quickly. He had never masturbated outdoors before and the thrill made everything feel much more sensitive. Finally, the white woman pushed the Arab girl to the ground and got on top of her. She began making out with her lover, and Hunter had full view of her buttocks which where accentuated by her short and tight black shorts. He intensified his masturbation then ejaculated on the grass near where he was sitting. Hunter had regretted not bringing his phone to record the love birds, but had he brought his phone it would've defeated the purpose of his escape. He pulled up his pants and retreated into the forest, along the trail he came from.

>> No.20684583

My name's John and I'm a gayboy. I'm Gayboy John.

>> No.20684603

I feel deeply uncomfortable streaming videogames. I truly do miss xanax. Fuck life.

>> No.20684608

If it makes you uncomfortable then you don't have to do it. If someone it making you do it, despite how uncomfortable it makes you feel, then speak to an adult about it.

>> No.20684615

It would at least make me feel encouraged to play through games longer than I normally would but the socializing part feels uncomfortable

>> No.20684621

Anyone who makes a suicide attempt serious or "intended to fail" is in an extremely dangerous situation and you should get them help beyond the usual back-and-forth of their existing relationships

A lot of people kill themselves for very stupid reasons, like the fact that the last attempt failed and didn't even get them the sympathy or attention catharsis they wanted and now they want to outdo it by being even more drastic and "I'll show them!" about it

This person is unwell and may die if you try to handle the problem "internally," within the existing frames of references and dialogues you have going with her. Whether she's morally selfish or stupid or immature or a dozen other things, doesn't really matter right now. She can work on those when she's not endangering herself by flirting with suicide (even if it were just for attention).

>> No.20684625

Games are supposed to be for entertainment. There's no reason to force yourself to play through them, and even less of a reason to force yourself to stream to get through them.

>> No.20684630
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I can't think of anything else that would provide me entertainment at the moment

>> No.20684647

Maybe books can provide some entertainment. If books bore you then you shouldn't be on this board.

>> No.20684659

Yeah not sure what to read.

>> No.20684666

start with the greeks

>> No.20684676

Many years ago I had a dream my middle school class got taken hostage by guys with machine guns, who brought us to the gym. They brought me and my crush to the center of the gym and beat the shit out of both us in front of all our friends and teachers. I could do nothing but watch as she wept and pleaded for mercy, covered in blood. I'm sorry, Melissa

>> No.20684695

ryona is so fucking hot
shame you got ryona-cucked in your own dream

>> No.20684727

You can make a quality animated movie at home using free software. But the skills required are pretty monumental and diverse. Yet I wouldn't say It's that different than writing a great novel or producing a great painting etc

>> No.20684734


>> No.20684739
File: 8 KB, 650x650, 1652336537980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a "bad book" mostly comes down to grammatical errors which are easy to correct and can be done leisurely.
Do you actually believe that bad books are bad just because of grammar errors? A book could be written perfectly from a spelling and grammar standpoint, but still be absolute schlock.

>> No.20684745

I have, thanks.


>> No.20684753

>type out interesting story from when i was a kid
>think "that's pretty good, i can use that"
>don't post it because it might be valuable

>> No.20684773


>> No.20684778

i'll have sex with you anon

>> No.20684783

You are the one who should die.

>> No.20684790


>> No.20684806

The cute bank teller tried to chat me up today and it took a lot of strength to resist

>> No.20684808

>grown-ass man
>still agonize over how to send that first text to a girl

>> No.20684822

The sum of all my personal experiences have suggested that the less I deal with other people outside of work or in a business context, the better the natural state of things would be. This is important for to restate to myself, because over and over again I fall into this optimistic trap that if only I can learn how to better communicate with other people or how to better express this or that, the better the outcome would be.

But that's just it. People don't necessarily care about the outcome, they care about their feelings or attitudes presented, as I have now again learned. Again. Why do I bother with other people? The secret to true inner peace must truly be in the solace of isolation, not further meddling in the affairs of material people and this material world. Fuck Madonna.

>> No.20684828

I just dont know if i should turn away from video games or not. I love the medium but i know it keeps me away from activities that are more meaningful to me. Yet if i keep going back to video games, maybe i only want these other activities in limited dosages?

>> No.20684834

had a dream i was facefucking my ex gf while making out with a large black guy
what's the significance of this, in Jungian terms?

>> No.20684930

sounds like a bbc hotwife fantasy

>> No.20684976

but i'm the one kissing the black man and he's not touching my ex
my ex is also black

>> No.20684982

Sounds like you just like niggers, no matter what gender they are. Are you French or American by any chance?

>> No.20684990

why yes i am american, how could you tell?

>> No.20684995

its not his problem why would a women he was fucking suddenly wanting to kill herself somehow his responsibility

>> No.20685014

i do not remember that lol go touch grass

>> No.20685024

I only wish things would at least work once, neither to straight fail nor to look like it's going on only for me to realize later that everything is broken

>> No.20685055

i fucking reek and i'm ugly and i look disabled and i've drank more in the last 3 years than most people drink in their lives

>> No.20685065

Anon, age 2X, passed away last Saturday in X City, XX, of an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound.
Anon's coworkers at his McJob described him as "mostly okay" and "able to complete simple tasks with some supervision." His boss, Mr. X, remembered Anon as "a tireless and hardworking individual who will be dearly missed," though he had to be reminded of who Anon was after making his statement.
Anon was an avid collector of useless shit and books he would read ten percent of before shelving indefinitely. He was a passionate 4chan user, whose proudest moment was derailing a yurifag thread on /a/ with a post containing the phrase "lol benis," which got sextuples. Other users remember him as vaguely annoying and as possessing particularly shit taste.
He is survived by his siblings and parents, who were not available for comment. He will be buried on Friday of this week without a funeral.

>> No.20685068

If The Beatles' White Album 30 songs were cut in half to 15, this is what I'd keep:
Back in the USSR
Dear Prudence
While My Guitar Gently Weeps
Happiness is a Warm gun
I'm So Tired
Rocky Raccoon
Yer Blues
Helter Skelter
Long, Long, Long
Revolution 1
Cry Baby Cry
Revolution 9 (fuck you)
Good Night

>> No.20685079

>Anon died today. Or yesterday maybe, I don't know.

>> No.20685080

I wish I was aborted and thrown deep inside of a thrash can

>> No.20685100

throbbing gristle produced only a few decent songs, despite the importance it had

>> No.20685104
File: 44 KB, 680x740, 1635992904322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really should have improved my life when I had the chance. I guess I should have believed in myself.

>> No.20685113

Throbbing Gristle is massively overrated desu. All the interesting noise music then and now has come from Europe, Japan, and America; the vastly superior English noise and industrial artists were Coil and Cabaret Voltaire.

>> No.20685129

I have no respect for any of you let alone the greater literary public, and yet I can't get myself to produce any kind of writing that I'm happy about
how do i become less self-aware and crawl up my ass like you all seem to have I need that confidence back my career depends on it

>> No.20685142

Its not too late

>> No.20685150

I've never read a less self-aware post

>> No.20685154


>> No.20685158

yeah that's pretty much all the good ones
i'd keep obla dee just for shits and giggles
good post

>> No.20685160

Definitely not.

>> No.20685164

because you cant its meaningless drivel

>> No.20685166

I wouldn't consider them noise music, although they made some of it

>> No.20685171

It's okay anon, we were all 19 years old at one time.

>> No.20685179

Tell me how one can have a meaningful career in literary criticism when anything worthwhile has already been said and anything new-to-be-said is just the latest combination of buzzwords. If you actually see genuine potential in 19th century literary criticism you're delusional. Tell me what's worthwhile about it.

>> No.20685193

>his internet history was not deleted and is now bein reviewed by his mother

>> No.20685205

Wine is a mood-lifting booze, as opposed to the bloaty somberness of beer or chemical disgruntlement of spirits

>> No.20685207

Easy, stop streaming.

>> No.20685211

Speak for yourself

>> No.20685216


>> No.20685220

Hey Gayboy John, what's up.

>> No.20685228

I want to be happy but everything else drags me down

>> No.20685233

I don't want to sleep because I don't want to wake up

>> No.20685236
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>> No.20685241

wine is fine for drinking with dinner, but actually getting drunk on wine is terribly unpleasant. hell of a headache. that said i will drink gallons of it if that's all that's available

>> No.20685243

I am on my second plate of food, Should I go for a third? Can't decide.

>> No.20685248

Most of my remorses come from the things I didn't do when I had to. If I had slapped one or two people back in the days, I'd be in a totally different situation now. I already slapped people in my life and they deserved it but I really should've smacked some more asses.

Back then I thought that as long as I wasn't physically hurt it was fine and I didn't need to defend myself. It's still somehow valid, I relatively don't really give a shit if anyone insults me, but I think of people insulting the people I loved and I'm boiling at how stupid I was for not doing anything. There wasn't anything to be scared of. If I just beat the shit out of people for the right reasons back then I wouldn't have gotten anything back from anyone. Even beating the shit out of 'friends' would have been the right move.

I can't die with all of those regrets and remorses. One day I hope I will atone to the people I did wrong by immediately smacking some asses regardless of who's in front of me. I'm tired of being a coward.

>> No.20685252

Go to bed, Matt

>> No.20685266

yes who cares enjoy food while youre still alive

>> No.20685267

matt used to be my boss and he taught me how to reupholster chairs

>> No.20685271

You've convinced me

>> No.20685276

can you describe the pleasure you derive from it in detail i want to feel again

>> No.20685292 [DELETED] 
File: 390 KB, 799x755, E1boXl1WYAMVbcA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was playing cs earlier and this dude named "goonin" joined and he was using the terrorist model with the pantyhose over his head i was lmao still am actually

>> No.20685295

i've reached the point where i have no idea what to do in my life. I wasted 2 years on a pointless community college degree and now in the fall I'm going to a university I didn't want to go to for a major I don't want anymore. the actual (superior) college that offers a major I would rather have rejected me and my only hope is to skip a semester and try applying again in the spring which everyone around me said is a stupid idea. i'm fucked

>> No.20685305

I don't think I even have a real human self. I think my autism makes me just a really smart animal. When I interact with people, it's like I'm not even doing anything. I act completely differently around different people, yet none of them feels any more or less my real self. I don't even consciously choose to act the ways I do. I think I have no human self and I'm just an animal or a robot

>> No.20685307

wine is happy juice

>> No.20685312

now i want a Drive jacket but with a shrimp on a boat

>> No.20685313

just get higher ed over with. it's better to have a degree in anything than no degree. just bang it out and move on with life.

>> No.20685317

Jesus Christ looks like me

>> No.20685321

I want to align my mind, heart and soul to Love but also want to commit a raging genocide. The duality of man. Will yin overcome yang? Find out next time on the next episode of my shitty fucking life

>> No.20685337

I could write an American Gothic novel about all you NEETs...if you weren't so boring.

>> No.20685340

wish i hadn't been born, but i'm trying to make the best of a bad situation

>> No.20685354

whenever i think about working on game development i suddenly get real tired and start thinking about a nap first, absolutely absurd cope i don't even fool myself with.

>> No.20685355

What's in the Zone of Avoidance?

>> No.20685356


>> No.20685384

A good author can make a boring subject entertaining

>> No.20685385

The Intergalactic NEET.
Legend is that he smells so bad, the odor passes through the vacuum of space and nauseates sentient beings millions of light-years away.

>> No.20685387


>> No.20685392

I'm not so sure of that.
I see "In Search Of Lost Time" by Proust as a story of a Victorian NEET.
Despite being rich and comfortable, all he did was whine about how terrible his life was.
And that book...was NOT entertaining.

>> No.20685437

nick cave can't catch a fucking break

>> No.20685438
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I wonder what Hindus think of SMITE. All the gods in the game are from ancient myths (Greek, Egyptian, Mayan, etc.), but they also have Hindu gods that are still worshipped.

>> No.20685498

I don't really understand. Wouldn't this image imply that the beginning of the universe is growing? Since the universe is expanding and the black Big Bang started as a planck length and this shows that that beginning is what surrounds everything.

>> No.20685555

I was thinkin the saame thing man.

>> No.20685582

The Great Attractor

>> No.20685584

what happened?
did his other kid kill himself?
did he lose his big titty goth wife?

>> No.20685601

Do they have Brahman?

>> No.20685607


>> No.20685616

I started a thread and its been two hours at least and no replies

>> No.20685633
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Does anyone by chance that that funny image parody of GRRM's world map? The one that has shit like "The Land of Sometimes Summer" etc

I would reaaaally appreciate it if one of ya boys could.. sling it my way..... i'd be much obliged...

>> No.20685638

So far Ganesha, Agni, Kali, Ravana, Bakasura, Kumbhakarna, Vamana, and Rama. They plan to add more in the future.

>> No.20685664

whiskey and rum shits on all other alcoholic drinks

>> No.20685665

nick cave has quite a lot of children but another one died very suddenly
much like the first one, it was impossible to anticipate or prevent
truly this man would have been happier if he'd never reproduced

>> No.20685684

that was like in May, dude

>> No.20685691


This is news to me.

>> No.20685694

that doesn't diminish the fact that this guys life fucking sucks

>> No.20685698

How to stop regretting past mistakes and failures?
This shit is so difficult for me

>> No.20685743

i'm awfully hungry but there;s nothing i feel like fixing

>> No.20685747

Fleetwood Mac's music now has a whole new meaning for me

>> No.20685760

When can I read something without reading the background? I want to read "The Society of the Spectacle" but I haven't read much of Marxist work. I've read
>Wage, Labor, Capital
>The Manifesto
And some work by Lenin and Mao which doesn't seem relevant. Is that good enough? Or do I need to read all of Marx before starting with what I am trying to read?

>> No.20685823

there's nothing left for me

>> No.20685864

The greatest living writer died last week; they found him caught up in a bunch of machinery, hands all mangled like. Thailand. Never wrote a thing, hadn't had the time. Wife puts him in a jar next to the Buddha, next to a photo, prays he's born again white.

>> No.20685867
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because society is collapsing

>> No.20685869

I remember streaming a couple of times. It was like 5 minutes of silence interrupted by my saying a word or two. 0 viewers just kill any interest to continue.

>> No.20685882
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you mean this thing?

you could have looked it up yourself, worm

>> No.20685883

A man with only a single working kidney. And a long time in renal failure, so he lives only from rain drops of rare commodity called blood. I don’t think he even uses his gloves.

>> No.20685885

What, if some day or night a demon were to steal after you into your loneliest loneliness and say to you: 'This life as you now live it and have lived it, you will have to live once more and innumerable times more; and there will be nothing new in it, but every pain and every joy and every thought and sigh and everything unutterably small or great in your life will have to return to you, all in the same succession and sequence—even this spider and this moonlight between the trees, and even this moment and I myself. The eternal hourglass of existence is turned upside down again and again, and you with it, speck of dust!'
Would you not throw yourself down and gnash your teeth and curse the demon who spoke thus? Or have you once experienced a tremendous moment when you would have answered him: 'You are a god and never have I heard anything more divine.'

>> No.20685890

I don't know what it's called

>> No.20685915

I would thank him for the knowledge and ask him if there is a way to break the cycle. If he tells me no, I would say then my mission is then to dedicate my life towards one.

>> No.20685926

l'm high as fuck

>> No.20685934

i wish i had a way of knowing the volume of cum that's come out my body in my life
it must be something crazy
you know those big ass water jugs they use for water coolers? it must be at least ten of those

>> No.20685935

now imagine if you hadn't wasted it

>> No.20685941

i'd literally be full of cum, cum would be 90% of my body mass

>> No.20685944

cum is already made of (You), so yes you have wasted yourself

>> No.20685951

so i'd be morbidly obese were i not cumming

>> No.20685953

>admitting you're made of lard
sounds like a you problem

>> No.20685956

it's not my fault my body makes so much cum

>> No.20685958
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>> No.20685966


>> No.20685971

actually I'm no so convinced that all people are capable of losing weight, due to chemical imbalances in certain bodies.

>> No.20685977

>Also keep in mind that legends like Viking shield maidens are unsubstantiated myths.

tell that to literally ANY woman. this fact alone tells me all I need to know about the female mind and how it works. they just can't be told "NO"

>> No.20685993
File: 37 KB, 500x430, 81a0f2996579a900112004a7b3e550ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an incurable lust for fat girls and gluttonous girls. I dream of meeting a girl who's got a pig in her heart, and nurturing her until she's an immese, obese woman, who can eat an entire cake and still want more, more, more.

Why couldn't I have had another fetish? Something that couldn't actually exist in the real world? Because I can actually make this happen and that makes it vastly more dangerous for me long-term. I'm going to hit it off with a girl and convince her to make herself immense, and I'll love and hate every second of it.

>> No.20686028

what percentage of 4channers would you say that also use discord?

>> No.20686036
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My online memories are so powerful, it almost makes me cry when I look back at all these years, the ideologies that I supported, the enthusiasm with which I found new ideas, the people from 4chan, discord, telegram, etc. that I interacted with, the times when we used to talk on discord vc, all of the shitpost that we made, staying up all night, listening to music in vc while drunk, everytime I went somewhere with my family I used to send them images and felt like they were real friends next to me. I remember when I was at my grandmother's house from the countryside and we were arguing on telegram over how our byzantine revivalist knightly esoteric order should look like while some other guys were shitposting with black sun edits of bonbibonkers in the background. All of this and I am left with nothing, all of these people don't talk with eachother anymore, they seem to have grown up, I recently texted one of these guys of which I had the phone number and he told me that he is going to become a christian monk. Do you think that I should also try to fix my real life and grow out of this? My mind thinks so but my heart keeps coming back to these good old days wasted online. I know that you may probably laugh of me because I am a zoomer and so forth but my emotions are nevertheless real.

>> No.20686063
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Are these titles too corny?
>Remember: Your Death
>Remember: You Will Die
>Remember: 365 Days

>> No.20686160

next >>20686155