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/lit/ - Literature

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20683020 No.20683020 [Reply] [Original]

Post the hardest book that needs months if not years of preparatory literature to even begin to understand it.

>> No.20683187

my diary desu

>> No.20683200

Phenomenology of spirit

>> No.20683429

Your question in the title and your command in the comment are not at all the same thing.

>> No.20683454


>> No.20683463
File: 555 KB, 2560x1822, DC631BC4-C95C-494D-92D9-6E7502AF40CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Softer books can’t compete

>> No.20683472

Serge Lang's Basic Mathematics

>> No.20683473

When i graduated from high school my parents offered to buy me a holiday abroad. I declined and asked for a copy of "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho instead. Somehow it all makes sense: Years of rough studies and training behind me, I was now ready to embrace the real thing. When I got the book I spent several days avoiding the enormousness of it all. At some point I did start reading it and still remember the feeling I got: The world would never be the same again, the naive childhood days of pre-alchemist era were over.
When I read the opening chapter I recognized that I'm entering the deep end of human psyche. Even the tiniest, most trivial elements seem to be filled with some alien quality. It's impossible to get a grip of it all but somehow feelings of both some foreign horror or unease and ecstatic bliss seem to co-exist peacefully. The words still manage to sink in like the most heartbreaking and life-pulsating piece of prose ever written.

>> No.20683476

Finnegan's Jest.

>> No.20683657

The Making of Recognitions.

>> No.20683664

Gravity’s Lunch.

>> No.20683680

I think that Science of Logic would be the actual answer to this.

>> No.20684327

filtered the fuck out of me

>> No.20686328

The Bible, but that was because I was a child and didn’t want to read it.

>> No.20686645
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book of disquiet
i read it in portuguese though its probably really easy to read translated

>> No.20686672

any foreign language book

>> No.20688021

The hardcover editions I have.

>> No.20689415

Not really difficult if you know the language.

>> No.20690212

50 shades of grey, you have to binge drink wine for 20+ years to be addled enough to enjoy it and understand how anyone can fethisize bdsm so wrong and hit all the wrong notes

>> No.20691187

>hit all the wrong notes
in one of the movies the main heroine took it in the ass
if the books persuade women to get sodomized that's one good note minimum

>> No.20691234

Book of the new sun is the hardest book I have read. It doesn't take years to prepare or anything I just haven't read anything harder.

>> No.20692510

Was at the university library, and browsing books as usual. Saw a book about poetry. Modern poetry I think; analyses of it. Cool. I enjoyed Robert Frost and the critical essays about him. Went downstairs to check it out, and back up to the third floor. Opened it up, and entered hell. Not a single fucking word in any of the analyses did I recognize. Not a single fucking meaning could I make out. Only things familiar were the prepositions and articles. Everything was fucking obscure, and arcane. Only words I seemed to know were phallus, and dyonisis or however you spell his faggot name. I was an ape and too embarassed to return the book that same day, so I waited a week. I got filtered hard.

>> No.20692532

Anything in the LGBTQ+ and Social sciences section at Barnes and Noble

>> No.20692765

Gapped Boundary Phases of Topological Insulators via Weak Coupling by Edward Witten

>> No.20692779 [DELETED] 

Chinese edition of Gravity’s Rainbow as an anglophone

>> No.20693192

derived algebraic geometry by lurie

>> No.20693497

The Trivium: The Liberal Arts of Logic, Grammar, and Rhetoric sister Miriam Joseph