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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 183 KB, 1200x570, The Ice Bandit Market.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20680777 No.20680777 [Reply] [Original]

The Ice Bandit Market Edition

Previous Thread:>>20669720

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>> No.20680789
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>> No.20680803

Did Rhaegar prophecize fatman never finishing the series?

>> No.20680810 [SPOILER] 
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>At least Rhaegar died at the peak of his life instead of degenerating like Robert

>> No.20680816

>Eddard and Robert die
>Series turns to shit

>> No.20680914
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Books like pic related?

>Usage of magic is hidden behind secret techniques, literally anyone can use it
>Authoritarian regulation of said magic and the knowledge of how to use it, magic glowies go around mindwiping or killing mages who break strict regulations or any muggles who figure out the truth
>Only resistance left against the establishment are radical mages with forbidden maigc who are insane/powerful enough to evade the glowies
>Protagonist is influenced by both schools of thought and constantly has their loyalties tested, is forced to pick a side or find a middle ground

>> No.20680919

Bros I hate egwene and gawyn too much to finish wheel of time. What do i do?

>> No.20680938

read something good instead

>> No.20680991

What's the essential litrpg book?

>> No.20681012

I think something like 'Paranoid Mage' is what you're looking for.

>> No.20681022

Why is Bakker so good, bros? I can’t put it into words.

>> No.20681033

You can put it in your mouth. Just like he does

>> No.20681038
File: 42 KB, 313x500, dungeon crawler carl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's the essential litrpg book?
I think many people would say 'Mother of Learning' as a knee jerk reaction, despite it not being LitRPG as it has everything but the hard numbers and game-like world. But that's because most of the readers don't differentiate between LitRPG and Power Progression stories, most are one and the same.

Now, if you want LitRPG you need to ask yourself that question, you want Power Progression fantasy? You want intelligent exploration of what it'd would mean to exist in a world with a system? A good story that only has LitRPG elements?

I recommend to start with Dungeon Crawler Carl, good progression, strong theme, solid story and characters. Widely considered to be one of the best LitRPGs. If you want something that's more like a classical epic fantasy story, with LitRPG elements present but progress not being the focus, then try The Wandering Inn.
If you want something finished, comedic and of satisfying quality, try Vainqueur the Dragon, which is also one of the bigger works in the genre. Dragon as one of the main protagonists is also a big plus.

>> No.20681051

Based sucker of grandmother's eggs

>> No.20681053
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>Is there anything you would recommend? I've only found one book I finder decent. Any erotica eludes me
Few good erotica books that I've read were:
- Good Intentions (the best I've read)
- Fostering Faust
- Saving Supervillains
- Dragon's Justice
- Blue Core

>> No.20681056

You would know.

>> No.20681072 [DELETED] 


>> No.20681073 [DELETED] 

>Good Intentions
Couldn't make it past half point of book one. What a simp bitch ass MC. Book chokefull of globohomo "free love" bullshit. Open promotion of cuckoldry.

>> No.20681083

just jerk off before you read, losers

>> No.20681092

Noldor, blood is on your hands!

>> No.20681094 [DELETED] 

>we wuz lordz and shiet

>> No.20681224

That one part in RoW where Dalinar goes off on a sidequest to get bodied by Ishar actually felt like I was reading something written by a good author, how was the other 99% of the book such bloated generic trash?

>> No.20681289

Sandy boy needs a good editor.

>> No.20681294

Any good Indian sci fi or fantasy, sirs? I’ll do the thankful and praise you if you have the recommendation.

>> No.20681299

Any fiction that takes place in the contemporary first world.

>> No.20681329

Any post 2010 film or tv adaptation of a white western fantasy or scifi

>> No.20681380

What is the most memorable death /sffg/?

>> No.20681400

For me, it is unequivocally Baslim the Cripple.
Probably because of how little catharsis the book as a whole affords the characters death.

>> No.20681464

Skafloc and Valgard’s simultaneous death

>> No.20681480
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The death of the author

>> No.20681566

Raven and Silent's

>> No.20681647
File: 167 KB, 1000x1660, 8F6C1076-2337-4DCB-9C8F-DB809618B878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you reading and what are you planning to read?

>> No.20681656

Forrest Gump, later I will read Flowers for Algernon. I am reading retardcore these days.

>> No.20681657

Reading two arms one head

Planning to read time machine

>> No.20681669

Does anyone remember a sci fi book where Saturn or Jupiter spits out a new planat and things go totally hairwire in the solar system, with multiple near misses, nes orbits and a firey new planat causing tidal forces to rip up the surface of the earth, rain fire, change continents? There is a small group of scientists on a space station who survive but on earth people change, even their genetics. Evolution becomes super-rapid but on earth humans regress to stone age.

I'd like to reread it but I can't remember the name.

>> No.20681672

Dungeon Crawler Carl
Book 5
>skips ~50 hours pre-party time
This finale better be some wild fucking shit. So far, I believe book 4 has been my favorite. I do have a question though: Aren't they all still on the 6th Floor, the Hunting Grounds? That scene in the Desperado Club with them 'illegally' ascending floors or some such, along with some strange wording, has left me confused. Did they get to a lower floor for a short time to talk to the changelings or what the fuck was that deal about?

Next, I think I may read Marrow by Robert Reed. Or finally reread Radix.

>> No.20681674

what is the book in question?

>> No.20681732

NTA, but I'm 99% sure he means Red RIsing. Kino Space Greeks, It's weird how much the first book points towards Hunger Games while turning out to be much better.

>> No.20681745

thanks anon

>> No.20681772
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Then he fled from them like the wind, and they were amazed, wondering what madness had seized him; and they followed after him. But Túrin far out-ran them; and he came to Cabed-en-Aras, and heard the roaring of the water, and saw that all the leaves fell sere from the trees, as though winter had come. There he drew forth his sword, that now alone remained to him of all his possessions, and he said: ‘Hail Gurthang! No lord or loyalty dost thou know, save the hand that wieldeth thee. From no blood wilt thou shrink. Wilt thou therefore take Túrin Turambar, wilt thou slay me swiftly?’

And from the blade rang a cold voice in answer: ‘Yea, I will drink thy blood gladly, that so I may forget the blood of Beleg my master, and the blood of Brandir slain unjustly. I will slay thee swiftly.’

Then Túrin set the hilts upon the ground, and cast himself upon the point of Gurthang, and the black blade took his life. But Mablung and the Elves came and looked on the shape of Glaurung lying dead, and upon the body of Túrin, and they grieved; and when Men of Brethil came thither, and they learned the reasons of Túrin’s madness and death, they were aghast; and Mablung said bitterly: ‘I also have been meshed in the doom of the Children of Húrin, and thus with my tidings have slain one that I loved.’

Then they lifted up Túrin, and found that Gurthang had broken asunder. But Elves and Men gathered there great store of wood, and they made a mighty burning, and the Dragon was consumed to ashes. Túrin they laid in a high mound where he had fallen, and the shards of Gurthang were laid beside him. And when all was done, the Elves sang a lament for the Children of Húrin, and a great grey stone was set upon the mound, and thereon was carven in runes of Doriath:


>> No.20681803

What series has the coolest space ships

>> No.20681823

I kinda liked the first book but I dropped it when the succubus insisted on being allowed to fuck other men in book 2 because that's just her nature despite the whole redemption nonsense in the first book.

>> No.20681825

Book of the New Sun

>> No.20681832
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So I'm half way through the first book and I find it funny. There are 11 more books though and I'm wondering if it gets old after a while. Has anybody else read them?

>> No.20681858

NPCs going down a floor go to the next 'set' floor, which are 3/6/9, etc. Those floors all have permanent links to the Club/Guild until they're finished by the Crawlers so the NPCs can talk to the Crawlers in the club, though can't leave to the floor the Crawlers are on if they didn't come in on that one.
Also, yeah, book 5 does a lot of the "skips showing the plan to surprise the audience with the plan" thing. It's a little irritating.

>> No.20681868

Kaladin basically stops registering Shallan entirely and Shallan reconciles that while she's ATTRACTED to Kaladin, she actually LOVES Adolin. It's a resolution, but it feels weird after the relatively charming interaction they had during that storm for them to just kinda be entirely distant.

>> No.20681885

Shallans is a literal schitzo
It's silly to try to rationalise her feelings so simply

>> No.20681890

Yeah I understand that much. I'm rereading parts of the chapter (58) now and Carl was asking Clarabelle how to get to the Hunting Grounds level of the club but if the entirety of the book takes place on Floor 6, The Hunting Grounds, then this makes no sense.
I don't mind the hidden plans so much. They're fun and I'm used to them. I think I enjoyed the plot of the previous book more as well as the biome. I also enjoyed that entire scene involving Loita's death

>> No.20681899

>I kinda liked the first book but I dropped it when the succubus insisted on being allowed to fuck other men in book 2 because that's just her nature despite the whole redemption nonsense in the first book.
Admittedly, I haven't read the book three because of opinions like these, I don't think 'cuck' shit would be that important to me considering the protagonist fucks multiple women, but in the first and second books there aren't any cuck shit, so they are 'safe' if you are sensitive to stuff like this.

>> No.20681921

There's a standard 'all-floors' room for the Club, and the floor 6 room that the NPCs can freely go to, but Crawlers can only use on floor 6.

>> No.20681932

But the crawlers ARE on floor 6! And Carl, Donut, Elle, and some others were not allowed to enter the floor 6 HUNTING GROUNDS room to talk to the changelings.
I don't know, dude. Maybe this was some huge overlooked discrepancy.

>> No.20681951

I remember that I went and read spoilers back then that said the succubus fucks that one FBI agent or whatever in book 2 and gives him her number afterwards.

>> No.20681954
File: 464 KB, 1080x1620, 8887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun books with Christian theme. It takes place 500(?) years after a flood.

>> No.20681956

Maybe I misremembered, maybe it's there's just that floor 6 room that's always off-limits to Crawlers no matter what.

>> No.20681991

The worst feeling is getting most of the way through a series and not wanting to complete it. I don't anon. Keep reading, I guess? Suffer more. Or live with not finishing the series.

>> No.20682016

>I remember that I went and read spoilers back then that said the succubus fucks that one FBI agent or whatever in book 2 and gives him her number afterwards.
That one particular instance is a bit weird because it happens around 90% of the book when succubuss in inprisoned and she on purpose seduces and fucks the fbi agent to get out, it wasn't just a hookup. It does let to conversation at the end where the protagonist talks about with the girl, though, and says they will discuss how they proceed forward with her fucking people as a succbuss. As far as I know there's cuck stuff in Book 3, but I wasn't interested in that so I just didn't read past book 2.

>> No.20682024
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I'm on The Crippled God. Then I'm planning on reading sci-fi. The Forever War, Old Man's War, A Fire Upon The Deep. We'll see. I don't want to get to far ahead of myself because I don't sleep much these days.

>> No.20682028

The only good part of The Crippled God was when that dog pissed on Hood's foot.

>> No.20682059

Children of Hurin is so fucking painful. I wish it was more popular so maybe less people would say dumb shit about Tolkien not being able to write or being 'dry' or only talking about fucking trees.

>> No.20682106

That's more than cucky enough for my taste.

>> No.20682195

The wandering inn book 2: 1700 pages


>> No.20682217
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>> No.20682313
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Looking back in hindsight, was Sad Puppies on the right side of history?



>> No.20682320
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I only read books with happy endings and make sure to spoil the endings of any book before reading it to make sure I'm not disappointed.

>> No.20682336

Finished Black company. Now onto Permutation City. Later Shadows linger, or Swords Against Death.

>> No.20682360
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Any other novels where you could tell the author just discovered anime?

>> No.20682371

Iron Prince.

>> No.20682420

Reading "The Spirit Ring" by Lois McMaster Bujold. It's set in Renaissance Italy circa 1480 or thereabouts complete with all the Medici/Borgia/Papal/Machiavelli politicking but also with the very real and commonplace usage and appearance of magic (both good white Christian magic and evil unnatural black devil magic) and magical creatures (gnomes and fairies and golems and suchlike) administered by the Vatican; setting-wise it's sort of a cross between the Van Helsing movie with Hugh Jackman and the 1948 novel The Prince of Foxes by Samuel Shellabarger. However the main plot is actually about the daughter of a Da Vinci-esque mage and her emerging talent for magic as it pertains to this cutthroat backdrop, as well as her accidentally finding her one true love in the form of a magically inclined Swiss mercenary, and their allegiance with the Catholic church to combat a Satanic condottiere.
It's really quite a lovely read so far, even though I'm only about 1/3 of the way into it.

I plan on reading afterwards a novel from Ignatius Press called "This Thing of Darkness" which appears to be a quasi-horror story regarding a fantastical mythification of the life of Bela Lugosi, famed actor typecast as Dracula.

>> No.20682455

Maybe it's his Mormon traditionalism showing here, but he seems obsessed with the Christian notion that chemical attraction is superficial and fleeting and that true love is built through decades of hardship. And so the rightful thing to do is to repress your desires in some kind of delayed gratification and marry the guy youre less attracted to so you can have a more stable relationship with the boring guy in the long term. It's an incredibly female way of thinking. Basically what happened with catpiss and peeta, so i imagine Sanderson must have an over evolved anima in Jungian terms. He tried pulling that shit with Vin and Zane, and it backfired. Then he did it with dalinar and Navani, now he's doing it with shallan and kalladin.

>> No.20682468

I just want you to know that I didn't read your post but the name bujold reminded me of "cuckold". Just wanted to share that detail with you and anyone else who happened to read this post. Thank you for your time.

>> No.20682481

>psychological and biological fact
>christian notion
you what?

>> No.20682510

I'm reading Elric book 2 (del Rey).

If it wasn't spoiled (my fault but it's also ome of the series' main point, kinda hard to find it and go in without being spoiled) it would have blown my mind when he finds the other Heroes.

>> No.20682520

Endorsed by people who have years invested into a single mmo game.

>> No.20682558

I'd honestly rather read that 1.6 million page Mario bros fanfiction on AO3

>> No.20682566

Why do you consider sci-fi and fantasy to be the superior genres of literature?

>> No.20682594

He was doing weeb shit at least 8 years before that in the last two Garrett PI books, but he could have been sitting on that story for a while.

>> No.20682603

Cuckoldry is the least of that book's problems. The author basically tries to shove down his liberal urban american values on sex down the reader's throat

>> No.20682624
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What kind of mental illness is this?

>> No.20682630
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No, biology would be getting impregnated by chad and finding some nice, reliable cuck to take care of you and your baby afterwards. But with Sanderson the girl stays a virgin until marriage. Christianity is a religion invented by beta males as a form of keeping women in line because the biological fact of "one alpha gets to mate with all the women" is too painful to bear. The social contract between woman and beta is that if she lowers her standards and settles down with you, you will get to continue your bloodline. Of course the feminazis are trying to change all that and send us back to the dark ages of caveman competition. I'm not particularly worried since I'm 6'2" and reasonably good looking and well read. But the rest of this board should be.

>> No.20682647

I've only read the first black company book but it didn't seem particularly weeby to me, at least compared to Sanderson. What am I missing here? How is anime writing even defined? Overly descriptive prose? Preference of plot heavy scenes over patient character development?

>> No.20682649

>biology would be getting impregnated by chad and finding some nice, reliable cuck to take care of you and your baby afterwards.
...yes? And when the fuck did we start talking about virginity.
Bro... you made one specific claim, I responded to that one specific claim
Literally every word of cope you just wrote is completely irrelevant to the claim you made.

Love, affection, and attraction are three different emotions.

>> No.20682659

Stop talking like are redditor. Either make a statement or ask a question. It's not my fault you can't read worth a damn and proceed to make nonsensical objections based on misconceptions. Stay mad tradlarper.

>> No.20682663

>makes a statement
Kill yourself

>> No.20682664

*like a

>> No.20682666
File: 158 KB, 920x490, they are all equal now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can look up lists, but are there any flintlock fantasy books a real /sffg/ poster, not a bot, would call good, or am I better off with historical novels for that?

>> No.20682677

Honestly you're better off writing your own novel for that.

>> No.20682681

I wasn't referring to the entirety of the Black Company series just Port of Shadows. And you'll understand what I mean if you ever read Port of Shadows.

>> No.20682741 [DELETED] 

yes they were
fantasy is a dead genre now

>> No.20682752

Boring stories written by women? Yea there's a lot of those.

>> No.20682866

When you turn one of your MC's love interest into a goth loli for the lulz and put the last episodes of Excel Saga and Gunslinger Girl in a blender and call it a series closer.

>> No.20682879

They were the best characters except Tyrion who's cool but there's only so much misery porn a guy can read before he gets bored.

>> No.20682903

nah, tyrion sucks, typical midwit self-insert

>> No.20682957

I don't know. What do you call it when someone obsesses over an anon's question and then proceeds to trawl the archive to make a collage to "own" said anon?

>> No.20683055

>trawl the archive
it takes like 10 seconds to search a repeated key phrase for its usage on 4chan, you're not doing yourself any favors defending your autistic avatarfagging spamposts by pretending (?) to be stupid

>> No.20683064
File: 420 KB, 1422x976, gandalf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How often do you reread books anons? This thought has been bothering me as I get older. I stare at my dogeared copy of LotR and wonder if it's worth reading it again. Time is running out.

>> No.20683067
File: 161 KB, 517x773, screenshot-2021-11-30-230447-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit pic rel is so comfy. any more books that have a similar vibe?
Also nice trips

>> No.20683082
File: 373 KB, 533x800, china_mieville.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK he is good.

>> No.20683097 [DELETED] 

he's a hack
i would love to smash his skull in

>> No.20683105
File: 345 KB, 440x578, King.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK he is good.

>> No.20683108

how is he a hack? and no offense my dude but I do think he would fuck you up if you tried

>> No.20683109



>> No.20683110
File: 181 KB, 1478x581, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhhh bakkuck bros??

>> No.20683111

Looks like a faggot.

>> No.20683117

>trust fund london communist with a seething hatred of the working class and white people

par for course

>> No.20683120
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FUCK he is good.

>> No.20683126

lol so jelly cuz he publishes and is jacked

>> No.20683129
File: 21 KB, 250x372, whorl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized the Inhuma are a brilliant metaphor for Jews.

>> No.20683131

>writes his own wikipedia page in the form of a resume
Why is bakker like this? I bet he lurks on 4chan too.

>> No.20683136

decent? definitely. great? maybe. brilliant? not so much.

>> No.20683144

>Smarmy Tribesman #9812364

[ ] Need It
[x] Keep It

>> No.20683157

MievilleChads crush impressionable stinky libarts college girl pussy on the reg.

BakkerCels play GURPS in the philosophy stacks.

>> No.20683186

It doesn't matter how strong you are if you get struck with a hammer to the back of your head.

>> No.20683190

I'll be finishing Seveneves this weekend and then starting House of Suns. Seveneves has been a fucking slog.

>> No.20683195
File: 723 KB, 1000x563, semiconductors1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice.. enjoy that Egan. How is Black Company and which book(s) did you read? There appear to be a lot

>> No.20683197


>> No.20683202
File: 267 KB, 315x475, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone read this? It's an isekai thats meant to be a big homage to tolkien.

>> No.20683206

surely we can do both. tho god.. I haven't been laid in what? like seven months now.

>> No.20683217
File: 51 KB, 524x468, no thanks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You already know the answer.

>> No.20683226

How about answering his question, instead of just avatarfagging?

>> No.20683234
File: 23 KB, 360x360, battletoads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How is Black Company

Cheesy and Reddit as fuck. The often repeated gimmick is "What if the villainous underlings were the protagonists and we got to see things from their eyes?" but it's revealed pretty quickly that "Wow, we were secretly the good guys all along, and we're gonna save the world from the actual villains!" Main character is a humongous simp, and he hooks up pretty fast with the villain's ex-wife (who turns out to be a virgin for some reason, so the MC can pop her cherry and won't get sloppy seconds). The true antagonist of the story is revealed to be her ex-husband.

It's all pretty gay, but Myth was based on it and was actually a much better story overall, so you should just play Myth instead and masturbate to the image I posted.

>> No.20683239 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 215x234, heh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how about answering his question, instead of just avatarfagging

>> No.20683254

I never reread anything, what would be the point?

>> No.20683266

better to read a good book twice than read two shitty books once

before you reply, you should know that i actively deny the holocaust and dislike indians

>> No.20683274
File: 313 KB, 1050x1523, GRUNTS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what if the villainous underlings were the protagonists and we got to see things from their eyes?

>> No.20683283

He helped Christopher edit The Silmarillion. I'll have to check out his work. I've seen Tigana listed as an inspiration in a D&D manual.

>> No.20683289

By reading trash I glimpse the negative image of perfection through it's flaws. The darkest lens is best suited to viewing the brightest light, through the sins and failings of mortal men the light of divinity is revealed.

>> No.20683292

you dont have to fuck manbutt to find out you arent gay

>> No.20683307

The duality of man.

>> No.20683319 [DELETED] 

i'm 6'2 and 17 stone of muscle you thick cunt i would destroy him and you in a scrap

>> No.20683325

you will be reciting the manifesto while i poz your fucking neghole chud

>> No.20683336
File: 37 KB, 412x416, 1630525491514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It doesn't matter how strong you are if you get struck with a hammer to the back of your head.
>i'm 6'2 and 17 stone of muscle you thick cunt i would destroy him and you in a scrap
>hating women
i never drew the connection between gay macho shit and fantasy readers until this general...

>> No.20683341

Christ, you really lack all self-awareness. Huh

>> No.20683344


I've read it several times in my life and each time I do it gets worse and worse. I fucking hate the Fionavir Tapestry. I hate every single character. It's not an homage to Tolkien, Kaye takes every Anglo-Saxon fantasy and throws it into a blender and shit comes out.

>> No.20683361

It astounds me that people honestly just come here for the sole purpose to shit up and spam in here.

>> No.20683371

Post body

>> No.20683382

Christ, just ignore him already.

>> No.20683383

That sucks. I thought editing The Silmarillion would make him a good worldbuilder. I guess editing someone else's work is just a different skill.

>> No.20683384


>> No.20683409

>reading is gay sex
Thesis, antithesis, synthesis.

>> No.20683428

/lit/ has pisspoor moderation, people here seem against in reporting spammers and other shitters for some reason, and few people here actually read. Overall, you get why /sffg/bus such a shit general.

>> No.20683451

The last thread was good though. I don't know why this one is so shit.

>> No.20683458

Those threads are outliers and rare. They’re not the norm.

>> No.20683466

Wish we got those more, they're comfy as fuck.

>> No.20683471

With the type of people posting in this general? Never going to happen.

>> No.20683478

Still, though, nothing wrong with wanting those type of threads more often.

>> No.20683483

And again, it’s never going to happen, just hope that the next thread is better than this thread.

>> No.20683491

Are you new or something?

>> No.20683502
File: 159 KB, 1129x893, mental illness 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't make a collage, I just typed in the words and it comes up. Maybe stop defending your autistic avatarfagging spamposts by pretending (?) to be stupid. There's no need for you to keep repeating the same shit in every thread.

>> No.20683509

Why even repeat the question ver and over again?

>> No.20683518
File: 1.97 MB, 1668x2224, 8yjwubqo8di61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read cradle

>> No.20683522

I don't read garbage.

>> No.20683533


>> No.20683545

He's autistic and accusing others of being autistic. What irony

>> No.20683547

Hey. One of those was not mine's

>> No.20683555

Whatever you say.

>> No.20683560

I would have understood if he repeated twice, but seven times, with one of them being a thread? This shit goes beyond autism.

>> No.20683637

The question isn’t even good to begin with. I’ll never understand the mind of an autist.

>> No.20683667 [DELETED] 
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>Post body

>> No.20683725


>> No.20683747

>he’s resorted to samefagging

>> No.20683758

Nice Pajeet tattoo

>> No.20683788
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>> No.20683844

>How often do you reread books anons?
All the time. I've had to buy Book of the New Sun two times so far because I wore out my older editions, the latest ones are hardcovers.

>> No.20683900

Not often. I think the only books I've reread in my life are Enders Game, Lord of the Rings, and Song of Ice and Fire but all three were a blast to reread, especially Lord of the Rings.
If I manage to make it to old age I plan to do a lot of rereading. First half of life for finding the gems, second half to contemplate them.

>> No.20683907

Why are you replying twice?

>> No.20683935

I've reread a Discworld book I forgot I read but realised I had about 10% through and just said "fuck it it's still good to read", and one trilogy of books I read when I was younger that I wanted to read again to see how it really holds up. Otherwise never, I don't really see the point. If something doesn't stick in your mind that well I I don't really wanna read it again because it clearly wasn't that engrossing the first time.

>> No.20683968

Is the leviathan sci fi series any good. Heard good things about it from that slim incel looking youtuber faggot. But 12 books seems a bit daunting

>> No.20684014

Read it and find out.

>> No.20684042

for me it's-

>> No.20684044

where the fuck he goin'?

>> No.20684061

Are you asking where a fictional character that’s drawn by an artist where he’s going?

>> No.20684082
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>> No.20684092

That's a you problem.

>> No.20684096

>complaints about shitposts take up more space than the shitposts themselves
Many such tragedies.

>> No.20684122

What thread are you on? It can’t be here.

>> No.20684124


>> No.20684133


>> No.20684135

>come to thread
>buncha newfags who weren't even here before /lit/ existed bitching amongst themselves and crying about how bad 4chan has been 'recently'

>> No.20684145

What's some good asian fantasy? And by asian I don't mean Ken Liu """asian""" stuff, I mean asian from people who were born, grew up and live in asia, and have other influences than american soft power

>> No.20684146

Nobody here reads do they.

>> No.20684153

You might want to ask in the next thread. For whatever reason, people here just want to shitpost.

>> No.20684160

I'm hoping I can restore some discussion

>> No.20684161

No, this thread is beyond that now.

>> No.20684171

Going to have to agree with >>20684153

>> No.20684181

Reverend Insanity.

>> No.20684188

The City in the Autumn Stars by Moorcock. It's a kind of sequel of the The Warhound and The World's Pain that is set in Thirty Years War's Germany,. Instead the aformentioned is set in the Jacobin France, initially at least. I still have to read Susanna Clarke but she wrote a fantasy set in the napoleonic era: Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell.

>> No.20684191

He said good.

>> No.20684193

Journey to the West

>> No.20684199

discover here and actually read: A Canticle for Lebowitz

>> No.20684205

What thread are you reading?

>> No.20684206

is that really sfff?

>> No.20684214

is this related to that Denzel Washington movie?

>> No.20684216

it's one of the great East Asian classics and it basically is the inspiration for all the xianxia wuxia genre, even Dragon Ball Z
It is basically the most famous East Asian fantasy

>> No.20684225

yep, and why is he always in a hurry. can't just sit and sip some tea?

>> No.20684226

Did I stutter?

>> No.20684233

>Time is running out.
what you mean fren?

>> No.20684242

This thread.

>> No.20684246

You know he’s fake right?

>> No.20684259


>> No.20684268

Yeah, you did.

>> No.20684278

>Renaissance Italy
you have my attention

>> No.20684281

>What kind of mental illness is this?
computer science

>> No.20684289

Don't read >>20684181 its hot garbage, read Lord of Mysteries.

>> No.20684297
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I'm enjoying it.
You can tell the translation was done by an esl though. There's a small error every ten or so pages. Could have benefited from having a few native English speakers review/correct it.

>> No.20684305
File: 296 KB, 325x503, 1651866628205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've bee reading this shit, currently at book 4, anyone else read it?

>> No.20684336

Computer science at least have variants.

>> No.20684346

dropped The wandering Inn after the tranny shit

>> No.20684356
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>> No.20684359

I never fap to these, they're just romance-lite books for me mostly

>> No.20684364

What a terrible webnovel, not even worth reading.

>> No.20684373

friendly reminder that "post i dont like" =/= "shitpost"

>> No.20684380
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>> No.20684387

I think he's referring to the global collapse of 2034.

>> No.20684388

Isn't that how its always been?

>> No.20684403

They sound good. I actually have Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell already, I totally forgot about it. I'll read it and then see if I can find myself some more cock. Thanks anon.

>> No.20684409

np lad have fun
>more cock

>> No.20684415

The specific city-state in the novel, Montefoglia, is fictional, but it appears to be within relatively short distance of the Swiss border, sort of in the region of Lombardy between Milan and Venice. The premise is that Master Prospero Beneforte is an artist who uses White Magic, sanctioned by the Catholic Church, to produce works of art for rich patrons that are also useful, for example a beautiful golden saltcellar that, when salt is put into it, turns that salt into a defense against poisoned food. His daughter Fiametta is his apprentice but she has difficulty actually tapping her magical talent until she creates a True Love Ring (not the ring of the title) that "fails" to work on her intended; only for it to work on the oafish brother of the man she was hot for. The conflict begins when Machiavellian power politics happens in the middle of a banquet and assassinations with horrific satanic import occur.

>> No.20684436

>His daughter
Stopped reading there.

>> No.20684439

Is robert kurvitz a good writer?
I've never read anything that isn't tolkien

>> No.20684444

then you didn't read my first post either because I spoke about it there too you homo

>> No.20684454

Anon, there’s no point in replying to them. They don’t read and just seethe whenever someone is discussing women in books.

>> No.20684462


>> No.20684507
File: 1.79 MB, 4096x2058, 315715888176156551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Red Rising actually good? Everyone I see talks about how good it is but the back of the book seems like a YA Battle Royale which I fucking despise.

This first book felt so samey throughout most of its length and then the last two chapters felt rushed and predictable.

>> No.20684512

>Is Red Rising actually good?
You have to read it and find out, anon.

>> No.20684514

I've heard that the first book is basically not-Hunger Games except it swerves into something else entirely after.

>> No.20684532

You mean the post from the previous thread?

>> No.20684534

In general, but including that yes.

>> No.20684543

Check the archive, there’s an autist that talks about it in-depth.

>> No.20684673

I want a good litRPG that I can learn to write litRPGs from. I tried writing one but presenting the SYSTEM aspects felt really awkward.

>> No.20684684

Then you need to ask the writing general.

>> No.20684704
File: 87 KB, 976x850, _.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you see?

>> No.20684706

>Is Red Rising actually good?
Not like really it's mediocre all things considered. The follow up, Golden Sun however is great.

>> No.20684715

I'm not asking for writing advice I'm asking for reading advice

>> No.20684716

A stupid frogposter.

>> No.20684719

You read with your eyes.

>> No.20684726


>> No.20684791

Why don’t you read him?

>> No.20684795

I really need to crack open my copy. It's been calling me for a year now, but Malazan Book of the Fallen kind of took over my reading time.

>> No.20684805

Drop Malazan, it's not worth it and instead just read Book of the New Sun

>> No.20684833

Ender's Game is a contender for my most reread novel at this point. I'm due for another read. Speaker for the Dead really disappointed me though.
> First half of life for finding the gems, second half to contemplate them.
I'm pretty sure the first half of my life I mostly just read complete garbage and didn't find very many gems.
I kind of feel like some books are too big to stick in your mind well. Others are more like movies. I don't rewatch too many movies, but there's a few I keep coming back to like The Terminator, Heat, or Once Upon A Time In The West.

>> No.20684842

The logos is without beginning or end.

>> No.20684846

Maybe it's just my desire to read as many different stories as possible that makes me not wanna waste time rereading, so to speak. Even novels I love I never really reread. I did consider rereading a series I half-finished when I was young and forgot about picking up the later ones for, but I don't typically want to reread something I already know.

>> No.20684857

And a Christian larper, frogposters really are stupid.

>> No.20684871

Because I don't wanna turn gay

>> No.20684873

Jin Yong, Gu Long and Ni Kuang are the big 3 of 20th century sff in China.
Chinese people I've spoke to said that basically everyone reads them.

Classics like Jttw, water margin and the Mahabharata are obviously popular reads too.
Mahabharata especially has a modern fandom around it that mirrors western style "could superman beat goku" silly arguments

>> No.20684885

That’s not how it works, and it’s obvious you don’t read.

>> No.20684887

Isn't the Mahabharata absurdly long?

>> No.20684895

You can just google the answer instead of asking here.

>> No.20684927

Yeah but it's better to think of it as a series than one book. For example the Bhagavad Gita is just half of one of the books of it

The length is the reason we're only just getting a proper full English translation but

>> No.20684935
File: 138 KB, 536x810, golden_son_by_pierce_brown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is Red Rising actually good
Book 1 is hit or miss, but I liked it enough
Book 2 is probably my favorite book of the decade
Book 3 is great
Book 4 is alright or meh depending on taste
Book 5 is about as good as book 2 if not better

>> No.20684946

kek is this one of you?

>> No.20684955

Go back to /v/.

>> No.20685000

I woke up one night with that in my head. I look around me and everything is dying or dead. Time is running out.

>> No.20685013

Book of the new sun was boring as fuck

>> No.20685037

I'm on the last book. Malazan's great, but that's a lot of reading and sometimes I wonder how many other books I could have read if I skipped it.

>> No.20685106

Ummm, hello!? Based Department!/

>> No.20685145

You could just learn to have a conversation

>> No.20685188

Sounds cool, bumping because I want to know too

>> No.20685194

Why would he want to have a conversation if he wants an answer to his question?

>> No.20685199

There are harem-based societies among humans, retard, and look at the "civilizations" they formed.

>> No.20685212

Who should I read next if I want grandiose that makes my brain tingle when read. Already read Tolkien and Bakker, who, I would say best achieve this.

>> No.20685214

*grandiose prose*

>> No.20685250

It's not SFF but my favorite work of prose is Housekeeping by Marilynne Robinson. Absolutely terrible story and characters but I frequently remember fragments of prose from it.

>> No.20685256

To TRUTH SHINES posters I say:
>So does a pig's teeth.

>> No.20685328

Just ignore them, christ.

>> No.20685333

It was a little surreal when he suddenly had thugs throwing shuriken without any Asian influence in the setting for the past dozen books.

>> No.20685335

christ, you are fucking annoying

>> No.20685348

He’s right though. If he cares about an answer, he could just search it up, no need for a conversation

>> No.20685428

This picture does not make me want to read dreidel

>> No.20685436
File: 3.43 MB, 498x277, tpolsip.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have read and liked
Glenn Cook (black company)
Gene Wolfe (everything)
Jack Vance (everything)
Poal Anderson (broken sword)

Now what? I don't go for weeb stuff or modern cuck shit

>> No.20685439

>Now what?
You decide on your own on what to read next, anon.

>> No.20685442

funny how whenever he is criticized you come to his defense and viceversa

>> No.20685444

Okay, but who asked, anon? Why are you telling us this?

>> No.20685446

I'm incapable of that

>> No.20685448

Then I don't know what to say, since I don't know what you were expecting.

>> No.20685451

a recommendation it's pretty clear

>> No.20685456

There are several charts in the mega linked in the OP, why don't you see them and see what you like.

>> No.20685458
File: 208 KB, 918x450, gondolin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burroughs (Barsoom)
Howard (Solomon Kane in particular)
Steven Erickson (Malazan -- Especially if you liked Cook)

>> No.20685464

>just google it
no niggers, I want to know what's good but you niggers are obtuse
A chart can't tell me why something is good or that I'll like something based on something else I like
Just say something useful or don't reply

>> No.20685465

Why don't you newfags ever read the rec charts in every single OP? No, your tastes are nothing beyond the relative mean here and do not require special consideration.

>> No.20685469

Also I've read the charts plenty
It's clear that being a regular on /lit/ breeds an insufferable race of poster

>> No.20685473

Yeah I saw it you dumb nigger.
Other people have read those exact books and made charts and suggestions based off those same exact books. Newfags don't understand regular recommendations or FAQs and expect everything to be specially tailored to their narcissism.
>believes in race
Go back to whatever social-aggregate you came from.

>> No.20685477

>doesn't believe in race
what are you blind and deaf?

>> No.20685487

>an insufferable race of poster
yeah, we have two of those constantly filling 1/4 of the thread with snarky shit comments

>> No.20685517

>Jack Vance (everything)
Schuyler Hernstrom

>> No.20685534

I would genuinely be amazed if more than 2 (extremely autistic) people on this website actually care about that fag canadian lolbert

>> No.20685578

Ok writer
Terrible gamedev

>> No.20685628

Anon, whenever they get ban, the spam the posts stops.

>> No.20685646

Use the charts.

>> No.20685658

Because TRUTH shines! (idk havent read any of his books)

>> No.20685668

You know you can just report them if they spam, right? Pretty sure the jannies are on-point on that.

>> No.20685685

Anon, what's good for us, could be bad for you, you have to read to books yourself to know if you would like them.

>> No.20685709

Is the Terry Pratchett Rincewind Omnibus any good?
I want to start reading Terry Pratchett and it was being sold for $3 so I picked it up
Should I start somewhere else?

>> No.20685712

Then just read the omnibus.

>> No.20685719

>Should I start somewhere else?
Start with the Rincewind Trilogy.

>> No.20685723


>> No.20685724

Should I try to get The Colour of Magic and The Light Fantastic first?

>> No.20685742

The Colour of Magic its literally the first book of the series.

>> No.20685764

The Colour of Magic, how is this even a question.

>> No.20685793

>A chart can't tell me why something is good
The charts were made so people like you who ask for vague recommendations, don’t shit up the thread with multiple posts.

>> No.20685811

Nah, its too late for that. Pretty sure you have to catch it early on for that to it, now, the mods will just delete the thread.

>> No.20685817

Well anons said I should just read what I have now and not get the first books

>> No.20685826

That's why you ignore what people here say and decide on your own.

>> No.20685830

You trust people here?

>> No.20685832

I trust you anon

>> No.20685833


>> No.20685837


>> No.20685848

That’s stupid.

>> No.20685866

if you hover your mouse over it for a while it play music

>> No.20685870

I hope this doesn't give an anon a seizure

>> No.20685874

Why even post this here?

>> No.20685879

ayylmao = sci-fi

>> No.20685889

So for no reason, got it.

>> No.20685891

That’s stupid as fuck.

>> No.20685898

It's been proven that its either one or two.

>> No.20685899

People jerk off to books?

>> No.20685901

Yes, its really sad.

>> No.20685903

Keep reading.

>> No.20685904

probably some form of autism

>> No.20685945

why is yerin a.... you know....

>> No.20685949
File: 93 KB, 700x875, yerrin and eithan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yerrin is cute!

>> No.20685952

A w%man?

>> No.20685962

You misspelled woman.

>> No.20686165

why would you read erotica instead of good literature if you're not using it to fuel your libido?

>> No.20686179
File: 29 KB, 318x500, 9781857231793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is so much better than Consider Phlebas, why in the world is it not nearly as famous?

>> No.20686287


The same reason no one discusses The Algebraist or even The Culture's 'Inversions,' because Iain M Banks fans are for some reason allergic to his best works. I think if he had done a sequel to 'Transition' he could have retroactively made that setting an absolute killer, as well.

>> No.20686353

Hammer's Slammers is pretty much the only military scifi I've enjoyed. What else is there written in the same tone? Ie. not steeped in vietnam era anti-war greenpeace-tier propaganda.

>> No.20686354
File: 476 KB, 1600x902, c1ae4073446ad548fafc756a7e238465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mervyn Peake's Gormenghast trilogy

>> No.20686356

How the shit can you like Jack Vance and Gene Wolfe, but also like Poul Anderson. The writing styles are literally the opposite. Poul Anderson has this really obnoxious superiority complex over the concepts and aesthetics of fantasy that sees him insisting on inserting modern americanisms into it, while Gene Wolfe and Jack Vance are very humble and treat the settings they write with a lot of respect.

>> No.20686359

You know you can enjoy different styles, right? Not that complex.

>> No.20686366

I would think anyone with enough taste to read all of GW and JV would have too much taste to sully themselves with PA is what I mean

>> No.20686370

I think you need to stop being a pseudo-intellectual, especially when it comes to genre fiction.

>> No.20686376

Sorry anon, you wont me able to use vague insults to shame me out of speaking the TRUTH

>> No.20686392

New thread

>> No.20686409

It always surprises me how quick people to ruin the new threads.

>> No.20686509

>*insults everybody*
>bawww why does nobody give my inbred newfag ass any recommendations?????

>> No.20686705

>more good books than one could read in a lifetime
>re-read books
get out of your bubble anon