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[ERROR] No.2067986 [Reply] [Original]

Who are the big names at the forefront of analytical philosophy today? And how is language viewed right now since Wittgenstein's ordinary language revolution?

>> No.2067988
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inb4 big dick swinging, inb4 pic related

>> No.2067991

Tao Lin.

>> No.2067995
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>> No.2068000

George Boolos, Kit Fine, Timothy Williamson, Christine Korsgaard, T. M. Scanlon, Bernard Williams, C. L. Stevenson, Peter Geach, Simon Blackburn, Allan Gibbard, Huw Price, Mark Schroeder, Frank Jackson, Jamie Dreier, Gideon Rosen, Stanley Cavell

>> No.2068001

Deep and Edgy.

>> No.2068004

Deep isn't either. He just takes whatever side will produce the most trollworthy.

>> No.2068016
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There is no such thing as a modern analytic philosophy in todays post-modern word. If you're still following some other guys interpretation of the 'fundemental problems' then you're doing everything wrong.

>> No.2068024

>modern analytic philosophy
These words twist my original request to something it never really was and also reveal a lack of understanding of what analytical philosophy is all about.

If it's some sort of tacit plea that I'm careful of what I read and how I read, it's patronizing and a little ignorant. You should know I've got myself a reasonable perspective on the continental side of things and what to expand my knowledge of how analytical philosophers respond to problems and not with what they respond them with.

0/10, lrn2philosophie you filthy knave

>> No.2068026

anti sage, for more response

>> No.2068032

don't you have any friends to talk about this with? or are they just interested in the continental stuff? do you get into heated debates about philosophy in real life? I'm asking because I don't meet alot of people

>> No.2068044
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Not as of yet, although I might do at University with second or third year philosophy students (although I've known philosophy students to graduate with firsts on the back of some skimpy argument over a hodgepodge of rubbishy theologians like Thomas More, etc. etc.; even if that's not the case where I'm headed and it probably won't be, they tell Berkely philosophy students to avoid Heidegger like the plague).

Most people find continental philosophers more interesting and are taught them more often I guess. I have a school friend at my college who's doing Physics and philosophy double honours so I guess there, things might turn out a little different, but the majority are staunch humanities students in their make-up and aren't a little averse to the scientific bent of the analytical school. We had a banterous discussion of Wittgenstein at a Burger King once, but we weren't sober; people were looking impressed but maybe for the wrong reasons.

>> No.2068045

>mfw ackackalla doesn't know any eastern phil or mystics

hows choking on my dust going for you bro

>> No.2068046

riddled with typahs. apologies

>> No.2068051
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>yfw hakas has given me a nice introduction to them and I'm getting on just fine with Sufism, my personal area of Eastern mysticism.

you know your ibn arabi bitch?

>> No.2068056


Following a religion of mystical mumbo jumbo invented by violent savages. The same desert savages with which are nation is currently at war.

You pseudo intellectual hipsters are fucking disgusting.

>> No.2068055

>personal favourite

goddamn do i need to know how to proof-read

>> No.2068063

not big on arab phil

>> No.2068065
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>with which are nation is currently at war

fucking straight, brah. If you read sand-nigger writers you hate America and you are a TRAITOR.

>> No.2068068

>mystical mumbo jumbo
Substantiate. I'll cite me some Heraclitus, some Eckhart and some Heidegger in response to anything you come up with and you'll be left with nappy rash and an arse full of hurt.

>violent savages
>desert savages
That's a little racist, don't you think. You're a despicable person

>You pseudo intellectual hipsters are fucking disgusting.
Don't flaunt your ignorance and lack of judgemental clarity.

>> No.2068069


Isn't Arab phil just "kill all infidels and convert world to Sharia law"

>> No.2068071
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pic related. it's Arab Phil. Drives a cab, drinks in my boozer. nice bloke, once you stop shitting yourself everytime he walks in with a backpack.

>> No.2068072
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>> No.2068075


You think because you use big words like "judgemental clarity" that makes you smart? That's a buzz word the twisted, biased education system teaches you so you can bow to your fake religion of "political correctness."

This is exactly the kind of self entitlement spoiled children have because they get a free ride to college.

>> No.2068079

>convert world to Sharia law
All subalterns conquered in the 7th and 8th centuries in the original arab conquests were allowed to practise their own religion in return for a small dhimmi tax. Most people converted for tax benefits as a result.

>kill all infidels
The only example of Christian persecution in those early stages of Islam is under the mad Fatimid Caliph Hakim who rescinded a far few of those measures subsequently. Violent conversion happened in the ridda wars (640s?) but was intraracial, between arab tribes and was more a sort of fiscal thing than anything else (most of the tribesman were converted muslims but refused to pay taxes or fielty to Medina and the Hijaz)

>> No.2068080


>> No.2068092
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>"judgemental clarity"
This was a clunky bit of verbiage I put to paper out of fecklessness. But are you really worth my eloquence?

>self entitlement spoiled children have because they get a free ride to college
I'm in Britain doofus. I've got a student loan I'll pay off pretty nice and easy.

>your fake religion of "political correctness."
Oh there's justification and lots of it, for my pan-humanistic, anti-misanthropic worldviews. Here's a taster >>2068079. I've studied under the best for Arab history so today you're particularly fucked.

Is he just good for his Wittgenstein stuff? What are his crown achievements?

>> No.2068100


>> No.2068165
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>> No.2068183

Sufis are the most bro-tier sect from the muslim branch of the abrahamic family. Good on you for not throwing out the mystical side of faith like protestants, counterreformational catholics, and modern muslims have.

>> No.2068198
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mysticism is just the best thing about religion. Have a free internet and this cool ass gif for agreeing with me.