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20661916 No.20661916 [Reply] [Original]

We'd love to hear your thoughts anon.

prev >>20658072

>> No.20661927

first but with no witty comments

>> No.20661928 [DELETED] 
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God bless everyone below.

>> No.20661933

As a queer person, I feel uncomfortable when Christians are allowed in LGBTQ+ safe spaces.

Christianity is fundamentally anti-queer. It is both historically and over different denominations one of its most consistent values. Christianity is the main (if not the only) reason we had so much anti-queer bigotry in the west for hundreds of years.

My point being, Christianity is an anti-queer hate group. And I don't want such a group in a space that is supposed to be save for me.

Also, in my experience queer Christians don't address this issue and rather try to seperate the bigotry inherent to Christianity (and other bad parts of Christianity) from Christianity, without having any actual evidence or reason on why we should think of Christianity that way. Which not only makes no sense, but as someone with religious trauma it feels like an attempt to invalidate my experience and trauma.

>> No.20661937


>> No.20661946

I interviewed for a job last week that I was pretty sure I was going to get, now it's been a week and I haven't heard anything. The issue is I've done fuck all at work expecting I'd be out of here soon, and I've even made a couple of large fuck ups that will be discovered soon (I have a fairly high ranking job.) The good news is worst case I just get fired and given unemployment.

>> No.20661949

>As a queer person
Stopped reading. That's for prefacing your post with this. Please do this more often.

>> No.20661958

I can feel that something has changed. It’s as if God himself has blessed me today. I feel stronger and faster. My brain processes events at a superhuman rate. Bullets can’t graze me, knives can’t scratch me, bombs can’t destroy me. Compared to normal humans, I am invincible.
But I am no hero. Years of imageboards has turned me into a spiteful man. I will not use this power for humanity, but for my own sake. I will do as I please. Who’s going to stop me?
First, I’ll kill the fags…

>> No.20661969


>> No.20661977


>> No.20661990

The three wishes question is a litmus test for boring people desu

>> No.20662023

>Christianity is fundamentally anti-queer.
Deeper in denial than Ted Haggard was in that meth addicted rentboy.

>> No.20662032

What would Nietzsche say about current time?

>> No.20662044

She would be a tranny like pic related 100%

>> No.20662045

It's about quarter to four.

>> No.20662050
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>> No.20662055

Can I get my Chris knife now?

>> No.20662057

how many of them are there?

>> No.20662149

We need to SMASH the PATRIARCHY! Who's with me?!

>> No.20662155

smash this

>> No.20662158

Do do do do do do do do do do...


>> No.20662193

I had one jerk me off and lead me on for like 4 fucking interviews totaling 5 hours. (I work in a field that tends to have extensive interview process.) They had me thinking an offer was a given right until the last minute only to tell me they'd go with someone with 5 minutes more experience than me.
Fuckers. I deserve a gift card or something .

Remember, nobody is your friend. We live in a pitiless system where everyone must fend for is in it for themselves and clawing at each others throats over an ever shrinking slice of the pie. Fuck capitalism.

>> No.20662282

I hate the phrase "human condition" so darn much. Such a gay thing to say. I just roll my eyes whenever it comes up. So gay, so pretentious.

>> No.20662288

What a melancholy thing to say..

>> No.20662301
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>> No.20662307

I dont get it

>> No.20662314

>attracted to a coworker
>infatuated by her
>she's new to the job and will be for a few days before she changes places
Any tips? She's so pretty it's unreal, and she feels like an interesting person.

>> No.20662315

I just finished The Sailor Who Fell From Grace with the Sea and it's hard to interpret it as anything other than a warning about nihilism and the pursuit of ideals not grounded in reality. Honestly I wish it was just a less dramatized romance about Ryuji struggling to adapt to shore life, I found that much more interesting than the roaming band of nihilist children who remind me of the joke nihilists from The Big Lebowski:

>> No.20662321

Looks like the Last Supper in here! Haha

>> No.20662326

All doubling privileges revoked.

>> No.20662496

My brother in Christ, you are ugly and have nothing to offer to this woman.

>> No.20662505

Meme privileges retroactively revoked.

>> No.20662638


>> No.20662694

I'm reading a doomguy/vega fanfiic right now and none of you can stop me.

>> No.20662695
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>> No.20662696

I used to have a siberian husky. When I would I walk him through the park all the little mexican kids would shriek "lobo lobo!" and run away.
His name was Wolf, which he would respond to. When the occasional English speaker would pass by he or she would say "Look, a wolf!"
Upon hearing his name, Wolf would look directly at whomever was addressing him. This spooked a lot of people.

>> No.20662700
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>> No.20662705

>space that is supposed to be save for me.
Why is the space yours? According to who?

>> No.20662714

This is ableist against sterile people

>> No.20662717
File: 132 KB, 1600x1068, Bullmastiff-Colors-A-Handy-Guide-To-Bullmastiff-Coat-Colors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why must I feel like that?
Why must I chase the cat?
Nothin but the dog in me...

>> No.20662718
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I’m starting to run out of money, but I almost would rather kill myself than get mildly bullied for 8-12 hours a day again, so I keep half heartedly applying for a handful of jobs with an un-reviewed resume every 1-2 weeks and then waiting for the rejections before I send more.

>> No.20662722

Thats the guy who quotes your post with a soijack

>> No.20662729

this is sensible.

>> No.20662736

ironically only the most low-paying and least respected jobs are vital to the function of society.

>> No.20662740

what is ableist ?

>> No.20662741


>> No.20662861

Prejudice against the differently abled

>> No.20662871

Mods ban the bot posts they keep spamming the board with senseless spam

>> No.20662872

What if, perhaps, by chance, everything actually works out ok?

>> No.20662878

It won’t
At this point there probably is a god and he hates me just due to the statistical unlikelihood of things going this badly by pure coincidence

>> No.20662895

Something always goes wrong, factor that in.

>> No.20662901

thats ok

>> No.20662908

I reject the notion that a writer should be a massive degenerate. I want to be like haruki murakami except not boring.

>> No.20662918

I’m more like hikki mamakillme

>> No.20662974

on thursday i met my dealer (22yo) in a pub, bought 1g coke & he gave me a sample of ketamine to do off my hand in full view of everyone at his tables (mostly girls), it's about 9pm i'm fully sober and still a bit awkward. i take like 2 sips of my drink he bought me and leave asap.

later a girl walks up to me on my own in the smoking area, says she was at the table. she's his ex & she's on her own as well. 'are you doing coke' 'yeah' 'do you want help.' we do keys, then in the bar we find a sofa and sit shoulder to shoulder talking, i mention homer and she asks if i can read greek, she shows her greek tattoos (her ex girlfriend was greek). also turns out she's a teacher at a primary school & her ex bf (my dealer) isn't very nice to her.

we run into some people she knew, she asks if i'll go home with her, i tell her to wait with her friends for 15 minutes & i'll brb. i get a taxi to her exes house for a top up (obv i didn't tell her this -- and obv i didn't tell HIM). long story there but i get back to the bar too late & miss her. it's been on my mind a bit.

>> No.20662978

Today was not the day i broke the news to my employer.
Perhaps tomorrow.

>> No.20663017
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Yeah, amphetamines are amazing to be on. The spirit feels finally free

>> No.20663024

there's masterminds in the shadows that pride themselves off making sure it will, with spiteful glee, not work out ok.

>> No.20663033

another day wishing I was dead

>> No.20663035


>> No.20663047

see what looking pretty cool will get you

>> No.20663053

always suspected this will be the case

>> No.20663084

i find myself looking at all the posts here about niggers and hating women and finding i cant relate to any of it. why do i even come here anymore, these are the opinions of selfish children that havent really thought about life

>> No.20663088

>mildly bullied for 8-12 hours a day
this is a perfect description of low tier jobs and why I refuse to seek them out. That, and having to deal with being coerced into getting the clotshot.

>> No.20663089

At the beginning, the deceiver looked on the face of the waters of the primordial earth with the intent to distort creation for its own ends, knowing that from the time after the expulsion from the garden that conscious living things would have the potential to be swayed, its figure walked above the molten surface of the young earth and saw its reflection in it and vanished to bide its time, and in the garden it fulfilled the role allowed it, knowing that this too was a design of the Designer but reasoning that to allow the race who inherited the Earth the ability to choose was a folly on the part of he who planted that tree from which the fruit proceeded, that the possibility now existed for some other ending to its existence beyond that which it knew at the moment of its creation-turning-betrayal, the same moment from which creation begin and in which it ended, time being a singular thing without limits or lines outside the glowing bars outlining the garden the Designer had made for his children, the ending which bit the tail of that first moment and cast it which pondered the possibility found in the design into darkness where there is wailing and gnashing of teeth and fire unquenched, and this other ending was a turning, a folding, a bending, the bright lines and shining strings of moments which were the bones on which the skin of the design was hung distorted into a thing against their ordering principle, a shape searing to the eye, a sign, a sigil, a hand closing on the design and wresting it from its Designer, and the frail small things which walked it and who were pitifully cast from the garden, these simple things who understood not from whence they came, these were to be the instruments by which it warped the shape of history to its own devices, and from there it proceeded, there began the whispering, the flashes of insight from elsewhere, the inventions, the connections, the slowly increasing revolutions of a machine as wide as the world...

>> No.20663093

I have no idea how I'm going to finish this college

>> No.20663103

You should go to reddit

>> No.20663166

You learn to ignore them eventually.

>> No.20663193

Nigger whore bitch

>> No.20663265

>started lifting 2 months ago
>already probably injured my shoulder
Kill me

>> No.20663284

I’m not even talking about those. Even proper stemlord office jobs are like this, just in different ways.

>> No.20663291

What city should I move to?

>> No.20663295

If you don’t hate women, you haven’t truly thought about them at all.

>> No.20663296


>> No.20663311


>> No.20663360

Minot, North Dakota

>> No.20663371

Every day is a blessing.

>> No.20663377

Fuck you for repeating your shit in every thread
You're not cute, retard

>> No.20663387

Balkanized hero sandwhiches are blessings every day for big tiddy goth gfs

>> No.20663421

What spaces do you speak of? You want some faggot-ethnostate?

>> No.20663432

>Doesn't live near nigs
>Doesn't deal with females
lucky bastard

>> No.20663439


>> No.20663450

I think i am falling in love and i am fucking scared. I don't think i've ever read any book that has prepared me for this. I don't think books can help me now. I am doomed.

>> No.20663495

The most important thing is this: time spent pining is full of suffering no matter what you do. The only relief is to be with them.

>> No.20663502

They think they can keep anything from this dream? when you wake up it will all be gone. Even your sense of self. Cling to your worldly items, they wont follow you, they aren't yours.

>> No.20663507

Did this make any sense, Anons? or am I tripping?

>> No.20663527

He's saying that this life is a dream and it will pass along with all of the things in it.

>> No.20663538

I was replying to myself. I'm glad you can understand it.

>> No.20663561

Have you tried to do anything to gain His favor?

>> No.20663655

this song gets better when you listen to it from the perspective of a moth

>> No.20663755

I have accomplished many difficult things in different areas of life. I am an outlier.

>> No.20663773

What about Korean music?

>> No.20663779
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TIT FOR TAT is the only thing you'll ever need to learn

>> No.20663790
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imagine the smell when she’s bulking

>> No.20663791

Deboonked by Based Matthew
>“You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I say to you, Do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if anyone would sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. And if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. Give to the one who begs from you, and do not refuse the one who would borrow from you.

>> No.20663797

>When you catch your tradwife cucking you, stroke the bull’s balls

>> No.20663822
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It's a guide on how to get crucified by Jews though

>> No.20663874

>someone at work talking and talking to me
>manage to get a word into the ""conversation""
>they reply with a non-sequitur and continue talking nonstop
why are so many people like this

>> No.20663893


>> No.20663894

Don't be afraid and don't care about other people so much.

Also, deus vult!

>> No.20663906

can't believe lummox's channel got nuked yet again

>> No.20663926

Nothing to be worried about. It don't matter.

>> No.20663932

What do you put on a resume when you have no job experience?

>> No.20663939


>> No.20663946

Penis size, bodycount, Insta followers

>> No.20663952

does that really matter for a would-be wagie though?

>> No.20663954

education, certifications, projects, demonstrations of relevant skills.

>> No.20663979

I try to make up experience no matter how inconsequential.

>> No.20664007

CV is boomer shit; only BDE, clout and bitches matter now

>> No.20664014
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You guys are all my brothers

>> No.20664017

dude i can virtually guarantee you vatican 3 will be pro-gay

>> No.20664089

i wanted to write a short essay related to dawkins' view on genes and memes, more specifically how genes (and likewise memes) are more 'interested' in their own survival than that of their hosts

my essay would argue that 'memes' that put their own self-propagation over the well-being of their hosts are a major threat to mankind

the more research i do though, the more it feels like this area has been explored a lot already. is this something worth exploring or are smarter people than me already all over this?

>> No.20664097

same honestly

>> No.20664107

memes that are bad for their hosts? communism? veganism?

>> No.20664128

Just hit me that I will be a filthy degenerate for the rest of my life. I will never be able to live up to the non-coomer image of myself.

>> No.20664133

You have to believe there's a way out or you'll never make it.

>> No.20664134

GF just broke up with me. MGTOW seems more enticing

>> No.20664163

Crippling social anxiety has ruined my life

>> No.20664169

is Hannibal the cannibal the ubermensch?

>> No.20664178

me too. I tend to ignore them, troll them with replies, or engage earnestly in good faith (in that order)

>> No.20664196 [DELETED] 

yeah, similar happened to me and now i feel kind of free. retiring will be so much easier because i will need less money and i can just move somewhere cheap without her bitching about it. i'm still trying to get mad about it to maybe squeeze some motivation out of it, but i'm mostly like ok cool now i can do whatever i want. very anticlimactic.

>> No.20664199

l think eating people might be seen as degenerate and not fitting for an ubermensch

>> No.20664203

>it's another liberal trying to dissuade illiberals from posting things he doesn't like by condescending to them impotently
I remember this being annoying a decade ago when it seemed like liberal milquetoast "let's all be friends"-ism was in the ascendant. Now it just seems like grandpa whining that nobody's a Reagan Republican anymore.

>> No.20664247
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>> No.20664255

fact: there is no life anywhere in this image
the universe was too young and too hot

>> No.20664288


>> No.20664290
File: 1.62 MB, 3092x2844, 95557502(66249790)_Yui's Despair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the point of this? What's the allure? It's just a riot of giant bonfires
Sometimes I just feel like a different species

>> No.20664328

>assuming all life has to be similar to earth life

>> No.20664329

I'm lonely and bored

>> No.20664332

I watched The Black Phone today. It was really good.

>> No.20664340

i have a ton of things to do and I don't want to do any of them

>> No.20664349

>friend asked what the "wojaks and pepes" folder is
reality check

>> No.20664350

I'm compelled by the increasingly desperate search for life in the universe. Not more than 75 years ago they thought Venus might be a lush paradise. In their worst estimates Mars would be inhabited only by lichen and mold. Now we understand how truly alone we are—even in our wildest theories there's only single-celled organisms bouncing about the under-seas of the Jovian moons. The universe is more hostile to what we call life than was ever predicted, and it seems more fragile now than it did before.

>> No.20664359

There's trillions of planets and moons in the image. Imagine all the bizarre ones that formed out there, the paradise planets, nightmare planets, etc., and maybe there's even many different lifeforms. Use your imagination.

>> No.20664380

i felt that pang of depression too when i saw all those galaxies knowing they are just full of solar systems of empty barren planets. then i remember that means we can colonize them without any guilt for displacing anything. we're very early in history. there's 6,000 years of written history. just imagine when there's 60,000. we're at the very beginning.

>> No.20664396

>8 billion people on this earth
>we're completely alone

>> No.20664397

We can still hold onto things for as long as we are alive though and there most certainly are things in this life worth that effort.

>> No.20664398

There might be some self sustaining gas thing feeding off Higgs particles on Mars, you'll never know
These things are pretty pointless with the current state of physics
The fact that you have an imagination independent of mine is more fascinating than some random rocks desu

>> No.20664408

>Villain is evil because...THEY JUST ARE OK

>> No.20664435

>these are OUR spaces
>we must remove those categories from them that cause kulturkampf, even if they're on our side!
That sounds an awful lot like bigotry to me.

>> No.20664445

Maybe you should try actually addressing your trauma instead of expecting people to conform to your will. Maybe the fact that you make demands of everyone because of your trauma is what actually invalidates your trauma.

>> No.20664457

Feel like my life is getting compressed between jobs, hobbies, and future jobs.

Some small projects I was doing for fun have spiraled badly out of control.

>> No.20664477

succesful bait

>> No.20664514


>> No.20664579
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Not a good idea.
What you smash may be replaced with something far more inimical to your interests.

>> No.20664606


>> No.20664625

Hannibal spends over 95% of his time NOT eating people.
He's mostly peaceful.

>> No.20664639


>> No.20664641

What is your experience with buck breaking

>> No.20664650

Literally me irl

>> No.20664714

Firey but mostly peaceful cannabilsm

>> No.20664731
File: 33 KB, 600x800, it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When we look back we see only ruined societies. All the great civilizations have failed, what makes us think we are any different from them? The most depressing thing is that those societies were the highest point of development and adaptation we have reached. Today we are trapped in a kind of macro-scale Skinner box, we are slaves to our own impulses.

>> No.20664734

I forgot which episode of Boruto I was on. Anyone remember?

>> No.20664745

Nigga, you gay?

>> No.20664757

>the main (if not the only) reason we had so much anti-queer bigotry in the west for hundreds of years.
Unlike in the non-Christian parts of the world where LGBTQ+ has been widely accepted for centuries

>> No.20664783
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>> No.20664791

About this time last year a deep unhappiness settled on me when I realized how quickly the year had passed and how I soon going to be yet another year older.
I got hit with a pretty deep depression and I spent the whole month of december binge drinking. I made a resolution in februrary to be more active and take every opportunity granted. It was nice for a few months. But the passion I tried to force myself into waned in June and now I feel the depression of another ending year weigh on me again.

>> No.20664815

Who you are by 30 is who you're always going to be, isn't it?

>> No.20664826

literally me every year since my 25th birthday

>> No.20664827 [DELETED] 

>After living nearly a decade of his life as a transgender woman named Brianna, Brian Wagoner ultimately came to realize his transition had been a mistake. In February, the 31-year-old made the decision to detransition back to his biological gender and live once again as a man.

oh what do you know, guy turns 30 decides he doesn't want to be a woman anymore. ciswomen don't get to decide to not be women.

>> No.20664835

Every day seems to bring a new, worse internal or external conflict with no desirable solution; I generally take the more passive option, which makes me miserable, and when I choose the more active option, I am equally miserable when it fails. I truly hate living.

>> No.20664837

Does it ever get better

>> No.20664842

it hasn't but i think it is possible

>> No.20664859

>Sir, you have an 11am conference with the big tiddy goth girl from accounting. You'll be discussing NIN album sales in the balkans. I ordered hero sandwiches for the meeting.

>> No.20664862
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>sheboon waddles over to the register with an armful of malt liquor, sunflower seeds, beef jerky and funyuns
>"Mmm lemme get one a dem sandwiches den whaaaat how the fuck you gon charge seven dollars for a sandwich da fuck you say just gimme da turkey sub den say whaaaat mhm nigga swipe dat shit again mmm how much for da swishers den TWO DOLLAS OHH HELLL NAAAAHHH"
>EBT card gets declined
>this woman in her 30s cannot muster with all her powers $2.00 for the dignity of walking out with at least some cheap cigars
>leaves all her shit on the counter with the smell of skunk weed in her path

I don't understand how these people are real. We don't even treat them like they're real. We can't tolerate their nature so we look away awkwardly. Why doesn't she have any money? What is the thought process, nay, is there a thought process behind loading up on snacks when you don't even have $10 on your free-govt-money card? As an adult, how does this happen? What's the lifestyle here? Just get your welfare card and then spend without thinking, TRULY without thinking until you get declined so you can yell at the clerk and be angry like a toddler until you get your magic money again? Why are we enabling this? Where is the wise-and-thrifty welfare beneficiary? Have you ever seen one?

I know there must be an answer somewhere between "because she's a victim of racism" and "she's a nigger". Even if your answer was "nigger" --fine-- but why are they like that?

>> No.20664870 [DELETED] 

i'm debating deleting cs:go, i'm too old to every be competitively good at it and i'm not paying $15 a month just track my fucking k/d ratio or whatever, but it's the only game that's still fun. there's no hades 2 or grim dawn 2 announced and those are the only games i enjoyed in the last like 5 years. borderlands 3 was playable but enjoyed prob overstating it. the problem is if i delete cs:go i'll just waste the extra time browsing here or some other chudsite.

>> No.20664877 [DELETED] 

did u see that guy in nyc who got stabbed to death trying to beat up a bodega cashier when his gf's ebt card got declined for a bag of chips?

>> No.20664883 [DELETED] 

i see old hindu men using ebt cards at the dollar store all the time, they never get declined or fight the cashier

>> No.20664940

to black people, money is white people magic.

>> No.20664970

same situation and it's awful. tried L-Theanine today because I heard it can lower your anxiety and it did nothing. I'm not sure what to do now

>> No.20665005

There is an explanation that is put in the language of the mysteries, that we men are in a kind of prison, and one must not free oneself or run away.

>> No.20665009

How confusing,
there is no end to it all!
Joyful are the masses,
as though feasting after the great sacrifice of oxen, or mounting a terrace in spring.
Motionless am I, without any sign, as a baby that has yet to gurgle.
How dejected! as though having nowhere to return.
The masses all have more than enough;
I alone am bereft.
I have the heart of a fool.
How muddled!
The ordinary man is luminously clear, I alone seem confused.
The ordinary man is searchingly exact, I alone am vague and uncertain.
How nebulous! as the ocean;
How blurred! as though without boundary.
The masses all have a purpose, I alone am stubborn and uncouth.

>> No.20665012

It’s never too late anon

>> No.20665023

this world rejected me

>> No.20665053

You want me to assassinate the 46th sitting president Joe Biden of the United States of America?

>> No.20665059

>and one must not free oneself or run away
But why

>> No.20665067

>getting older
>still alone
>biological urge to raise a couple cute daughters and dote on them 24/7 is getting stronger every day

>> No.20665068

it's called a mystery

>> No.20665072

“Queer” as an identity shouldn’t exist. It’s grotesque that you feel the need to construct your entire identity and lifestyle around being a depraved, pathetic, sexual deviant. Anyone who refers to themself as queer is a narcissist who wants to feel special, play the victim, and get attention. Why do you feel as though your hurt feelings and the (completely contrived and absurd) concept of ‘queerness’ are more valid than Christianity, a 2000yr old religion that is the wellspring of all great Western art and culture? Your arrogance and ignorance disgusts me. Stop choosing to engage in sexual degeneracy and then perhaps you’ll actually be able to make something of your life.

>> No.20665085

Quitting drinking is remarkably difficult but I’m rounding up on a month now and have already lost a noticeable amount of weight. I still have a massive urge to drink.

>> No.20665087

Why the FUCK is the irish language not written phonetically? Why do they slap together a string of random letters that dont make the sounds the word is supposed to be pronounced as

>> No.20665089

to filter you

>> No.20665093

based and Christpilled

>> No.20665103

I guess gaelic filtered itself out of existence

>> No.20665112

I understand what you mean, I actually thought it was pretty mid. Its one big allegory about post world war two Japan which was obvious. The major characters each represent a sentiment, the mother westernized and modernized Japan, the kids the old japanese values and costume, the sailor is stuck in between.

>> No.20665143

Defeatist attitude, you are what you think you are, change this little by little by developing better thoughts and habits, you'll improve

>> No.20665156

damn, im really not doing so hot. gotta get out of this rut

>> No.20665162

lel i guess that didnt work out

>> No.20665188

Ive been thinking about quitting alcohol to lose weight. Only problem is that I have no idea what i would do on friday and Saturday night without it

>> No.20665195


>> No.20665197

Why am I so sleepless? I sleep 2 hours per day. Don't use screens much, workout, read, go for walks. I eat very little could that be it? It's so frustrating, I miss dreaming bros

>> No.20665203

Buddhism is killing my gains
Smoking weed is the opposite.

>> No.20665208

I hate that I can't read that fast nor enjoy it as much as many others do. I love writing (mainly building my fantasy world), but reading anything that is too long won't keep my attention.
I would say maybe it is an attention problem, but I go on long walks, no music, no outside stimulus other than the nature and will stare at natural phenomenon for thirty minutes straight, content. What is wrong with me?

>> No.20665210

a lean and meatless diet has been known by ascetics throughout history to reduce the amount of sleep needed. 2 hours is extreme though so either you're lying or you're a genetic freak

>> No.20665217

imagine getting this mad about same sex attraction lol have sex nigger

>> No.20665220

its actually crazy how much getting a gf has improved my life.
i barely drink anymore, i smoke like 3 cigarettes a week, i wake up earlier, sleep better, eat healthier, started meditating again and started doing yoga, gained more confidence in my ideas and creative pursuits, way more organized and productive.
im just overall a way happier person.

you guys should make finding a partner your priority or at least prioritize the steps that would lead to that. i really think it would help a lot of you out and i hope you can experience it someday.

>> No.20665230 [DELETED] 

i couldn't help but noticed you didn't say anything about reading. why the fuck do you use /lit/ as your personal blog? too ugly for instagram or what?

>> No.20665232

the amount of work i put into not working far exceeds the amount of work i would have to do if i just worked. i have turned being unemployed into a full-time job

>> No.20665235

I reject the world

>> No.20665237

No, drugs are bad

>> No.20665240
File: 65 KB, 600x516, Absolutely Haram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Christianity is the main (if not only) reason we had so much anti-queer bigotry in the west for hundreds of years.

>> No.20665241

Imagine the crash when she dumps you

>> No.20665247

i'm gay and my dick is small

>> No.20665282

I wish I was lying

>> No.20665294

Don't go outside... maybe your local pastor will be waiting at your door...

>> No.20665335
File: 4 KB, 1323x44, gr8 b8 m8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is exaggerated for bait purposes but you're basically right about Christianity

>> No.20665340

Stop filming it in cock-cages and slicing it into the BBC split-screen PMVs, ‘kay?
No one wants to see that shit.

>> No.20665364

*splicing, is the term

>> No.20665420

I wish I could stop hating myself so much. The tension of it is so bad lately I wonder if I'm going to snap in some way.

>> No.20665434

i don't do any of that...

>> No.20665440

You wont snap. You'll just slowly rot away until theres nothing left

>> No.20665538

it's only 2 PM and it's the third bottle of wine for me. cheers

>> No.20665543

baby numbers, are you even trying?

>> No.20665548

No shit faggotry is gross

>> No.20665564

One thing that troubles me about niggers (not black persons but niggers, there is a big difference) is they all seem to have the same personality, especially the women. How is that possible? Also, what exactly is their accent, this weird and very recognizable niggerblabber? It's not like they just migrated from some African country and were speaking créole before, they've been here for generations. Why don't they speak normal English? Do they force themselves to speak like that because they think it's part of the nigger culture and that they have to?

>> No.20665582

What about drugs that are legal?

>> No.20665610

>cut the fat
But fatty meat is delicious!

>> No.20665625

Sorry I meant Precure

>> No.20665634

Thats back to alcohol

>> No.20665637
File: 106 KB, 983x902, dariwng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel myself getting better at writing the more I write. its been a while since I improved at something this fast with such profoundly huge results between attempts and practice.

>> No.20665654

I like when cute girls make little noises. Squeaks, squeals, breaths. Do they do it on purpose?

>> No.20665669

I realized the other day that I hate that shit
God I hope I'm not gay

>> No.20665735

>just find gf xD

>> No.20665739

I just saw a UFO

>> No.20665743

what'd it look like

>> No.20665750

oh just wait fren. just wait till you are around other men. wait until she stops replying. wait until the drama starts up. the pain and disruption to any 'pursuit' you have will be tenfold. Not saying you shouldn't do this. im just saying a sweet plum may turn sour in the coming months. good luck and call her a bitch from time to time.

>> No.20665753

None of this ever happened to me with my girlfriends.
Sounds to me like you surround yourself with shitty people, you should stop doing that.

>> No.20665758

what are you 19? you're telling me none of this has happened to you in your relationships with women? you must be ugly (as well as stupid) and subsequently so where your girlfriends. if this is the case, consider your self lucky because beautiful smart people are cruel and vindictive.

>> No.20665759

credit is literally free money

>> No.20665764

goddamn, zoomer incels are just the worse.

>> No.20665780

i puked ten times before i got out of bed this morning

>> No.20665798

A white light, like a star or plane or something, only it looked like it was bouncing or jittering around as it flew by. Not quite stopping in place and moving again, but instead of flying in a straight line it randokly jerked off course at odd intervals. It was really high up, too.

>> No.20665825

Incredibly based.

>> No.20665844

i am off the mother fucking goop

>> No.20665856

I cant make peace with death.

>> No.20665857

based, Christian's shouldn't be anywhere near homos and vice versa

>> No.20665858

and yet, you'll die

>> No.20665861

Why concern yourself with death? You won't be here to experience it.

>> No.20665863

I can never shake the thought that people who I have been close friends with for years, if not decades, actually despise me or see me as some kind of impediment or burden, even there is probably no real evidence to indicate this. I've run into these friends unexpectedly on the street and almost jumped out of my skin with shock or run away from them because I don't want to disturb them. I get more nervous about seeing them than strangers.

>> No.20665872

you mean the vagina candles?

>> No.20665874


>> No.20665876

Im not suited for living.

>> No.20665881

i miss my ex girlfriend

>> No.20665882
File: 149 KB, 1262x796, 94786338(66249790)_Kino Shoots You 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An ice cube doesn't concern itself with water

>> No.20665889

Thinking about her again.

>> No.20665920
File: 2.13 MB, 2128x1114, Screenshot 2022-07-12 at 09.40.34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are double monasteries legit? Especially when the majority are nuns, how can you take it seriously?

>> No.20666034
File: 681 KB, 534x718, 1636568547440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a turbo brainlet. Thus I wonder if, because there a more idiots than smart people in the world, normative philosophies are more useful to humankind than metaphysics?
Knowing the abstract response about Hume's problem won't advance most humans like ethics would. Or am I wrong and one philosophy cannot exist without the other?
The only useful thought would be in my retarded opinion, the Wille des Lebens.

>> No.20666045

You ponder the usefulness of philosophy and metaphysics in a world where social medias exist.

>> No.20666061
File: 139 KB, 659x656, science.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe it will always be useful even if lurking in the shadows. Our social media era of absence of thoughts might simply be a response to the previous years of overthinking and we will hopefully bounce back to a stance in between. Once proof of philosophy still being subconsciously wanted, is the rise of a Jordan Peterson ( a thread about him is ongoing on /lit/ right now). He might not be a great philosopher but he tapped into the needs of our egocentric current world with his self help book.
Knowing this, shouldn't we need more thoughts on ethics and normative philosophy more than ever?

>> No.20666066

>Our social media era of absence of thoughts might simply be a response to the previous years of overthinking and we will hopefully bounce back to a stance in between.
I want to believe that but I really don't see how it will ever subside on its own.

>> No.20666085
File: 889 KB, 1920x1447, 1637793949898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would we now be exempt, of what has been going on throughout our history? The ebb and flow of human thought. I'm going to be shut down on this example but let's take it for the sake of explaining: were the middle ages not preceded by the roman empire and followed by the renaissance? (yes it's overly simplistic but you get my point).

>> No.20666136

what if the demiurge is the good guy?

>> No.20666137

My mom is probably not going to wake up anymore

>> No.20666157

he's a good goy alright

>> No.20666205

Anon, what have you done...

>> No.20666329

sounds suspiciously like something the demiurge would say...

>> No.20666468

Power is inherently sexual. It's also the intrinsic language of death. A man who desires power over another man is homosexual and/or murderous. Sex and killing are the only two penultimate actions, which are the highest any man can take. Sex steals a packet of nothingness from the only eternal, Death. Killing returns what was stolen to It.

>> No.20666559

I feel like things are about to go badly soon. I'm worried about a recession and then to a lesser degree I am worried about global conflict.

>> No.20666564

Meds. NOW.

>> No.20666578

I feel like I have read all the posts on this thread before. I feel like I have read this exact thread before. The other day, on a different board, I found a reply that was word for word a reply I had read before. But it wasn't anything that could be described as 'copy pasta'. If I hadn't seen it in the archive earlier while searching for something else I would have thought it was a normal, unremarkable reply. Am I going crazy? Is this website filled with bots reposting the same threads with the same replies over and over again? Am I the only real poster here?

>> No.20666595

I started noticing this with almost all modern English prose. Feels like I'm just reading the same things over and over and going insane. I even prefer meticulously crafted 19th century English dialect just to escape what feels like literary claustrophobia.

>> No.20666611
File: 3.00 MB, 540x240, 1636612226542.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was laying down to sleep last night I recalled a painful memory. I had lost my I.D. and went back to the bar the next day to see if I had left it there. I had sat at the bar and asked the bartender to check, and while he swiped through a pile of I.D.s a girl sat down next to me. She asked, "Are you, Mark?" I glanced over at the gorgeous girl and quickly replied "No." She says "Oh, because I'm here for a blind date and I was hoping you were him." Again I quickly reply "Oh, nah." We sit in silence for a minute until the bartender returns and tells me he didn't find my I.D. I thank him for checking and about halfway on my drive home it hits me that the pretty girl was hitting on me and I completely fucked it.

>> No.20666645

I am an empty vessel with holes. Whatever gets poured in stays for only a short term me, before it fades and nothingness returns. Is this hell?

>> No.20666657

>troll them with replies
If it's anything like "I post le chud face" we don't feel trolled. We feel you're mad.

>> No.20666667

who would've thought that people need to go through certain ideas to be able to advance to the next ones. For example, we all had our more socialist phases in life or whatever belief or stance it might have been. Either you are noticing shizos that never change their rhetoric or you are simply noticing the basic ideas and beliefs people generally have or go through.
But that's just my opinion.

>> No.20666673

Serious question bros.
Where did you meet your gfs?
I broke up with mine today, just couldn't stand it anymore. Being alone sucks too though. I'm not bad looking, not fat, not too stupid, so not a huge problem in that department. I just don't know where to meet people anymore that isn't school or uni and I hate clubs. And since I believe you have to be a certain kind of autist to be on this board, I wonder where you met your significant others. Maybe it will give me some inspiration.

>> No.20666677

many such cases. The sadness of having encountered women with whom I've could've had an amazing romance but didn't seize the chance is beautiful in a way. I don't know if it's maximum cope, but I feel like there is something poetic about these relationships that could have been.

>> No.20666678

if you need any proof this board is filled with dumb newfags, look no further than the replies to this post. unbelievable how such basic bait results in so many (You)s

>> No.20666688

I just think you're the retard.

>> No.20666693

Sad answer is that it's mostly through school or work. I did date one or two girls who where friends of friends but that's mostly it.
I also noticed that if you actively look for a girlfriend you come off as creepy and a negative aura surrounds you. I got the most female interaction when I did not care about getting in their pants but just talked to them as were they some dude.

>> No.20666699


>> No.20666702

Sounds like anxiety that wont shut off your brain to sleep

>> No.20666703

new Viagra Boys album is great.

>> No.20666716


>> No.20666717

I get what you're saying anon but my point was very literal. I feel like I'm seeing the EXACT same posts over and over.

>> No.20666723

How's your family history like anon?

>> No.20666739
File: 661 KB, 1282x718, Capture d’écran 2020-04-20 à 01.27.13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would a debate between Machiavelli and Marx look like?

>> No.20666803

some of them, you are. some anons post the same thing over and over again. but if you feel this way about every post, that's a bit psychotic.

>> No.20666816

I feel depressed yet again. Do I really have to be hooked on meds just to experience world as a normal person?

>> No.20666822

Yeah that's my experience as well, talking to them like normal human being up to a point when you make your intentions known without coming off as needy.
Well, guess I have to join a few clubs and go to bars more often.

>> No.20666844

>go to bars
I understand you are lonely but don't get yourself the first obese roastie you can find. It sounds stupid but get to be confortable with yourself first, appreciate being alone. Then you can and will find someone who is interesting enough to spend your time with.

>> No.20666859

man im am digging the new album so much. i have had it on repeat for like 2 days.

>> No.20666880

Just noticed the last song is called return to monke. They def browse /mu/

>> No.20666881


>> No.20666896

I would love for us to study Spinoza and further his ideas. Turning our beliefs into a geocentric religion where God would be the planet earth itself.

>> No.20666940

yeah I just watched an interview the front man did with Fantano. He is very online.

>> No.20667080

It is written phonetically. Just h is an accent and vowels are racist against each other and need mediators.

>> No.20667179

I see that lit is still shit

>> No.20667208

>coffee makes me insane fulminating depressive george is getting upset
>i'm already insane fulminating depressive george is getting upset
>sitting down to drink a coffee
It begins

>> No.20667232

I always read that lit is shit, but never how it is shit or what even the definition of non shit is.

>> No.20667260

Just got out of jail. Man my day is off to a rough start. I'm going to drink cheap malt liquor and read Thomas Browne at the park until my mistress starts her shift at the restaurant so I can borrow her credit card and cop some weed and crack.

>> No.20667281

You should read Rousseau's Confessions, I'm reading it right now and man bumbling around France and Italy from one older mistress to the next seems comfy even though Rousseau is probably making every other thing up

>> No.20667282

what does a nigg- fine upstanding man like you do on /lit/?

>> No.20667288

It has happened to me a number of times, sometimes it took many years between the encounter and my realization of what had happened. Or friends would tell me the next day "what about that girl that was all over you" and I just had no idea until I thought about the night before and then felt like a goose. It's terrible because I might very well have missed HER and will never have the occasion again.

>> No.20667297

>He is very online.
What manner of zoomerspeech is that«6
What does it mean to be "online"?

>> No.20667299
File: 8 KB, 237x213, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new young girl at work (her first job) talks loud, smiles
>after a few days when she talks with you or you're around she speaks quietly, doesn't smile at all, turns shy, doesn't even want to look at you, even though you still talk
What the hell did I do to her? I just asked her a few times how she likes it here, gave some tips she asked for, explained some work stuff. We spent one break together.
I didn't say anything to offend her. I'm always smiling, speaking kindly. Just fucking kill me.

>> No.20667301

I'm stuck, there is no way out

>> No.20667317

She probably likes you, or she discovered you browse 4chins. Either or.

>> No.20667320

Tapped in, on the pulse, hip, with it, he knows memes, he spends multiple hours a day on the internet. It's not hard to understand. You are on 4chan for fucks sake

>> No.20667337

>her first job
Is she 13 years old?
That might be your problem.
If not, maybe body odor, bad breath, profuse sweating, mouth breathing, staring right at her chest, spilling your spaghetti, having a visible erection in her presence, talking about MLP or Jordan Peterson, being a trans woman, wearing a MAGA hat, wearing any hat at all, having dried food on your shirt, having dried saliva in the corners of your mouth, licking your lips when talking to her, adding her on Facebook right away, not making eye contact at all, making too much eye contact, touching her, rubbing your pelvis against her back at the coffee machine, being a ponce, a faggot, a homo lala man.

>> No.20667421

What's wrong with wearing just a regular hat?

>> No.20667447

I love poetry and literature. You're not the first person to remark on the incongruity of my lifestyle.

>> No.20667465

Not him but it hasn't been normal since cars became normal. Driving gloves are also a red flag.

>> No.20667470

Nothing from your list fits.

>> No.20667480

Then I have no idea.
This is a checklist that I do every time I speak to a girl based on past personal experiences.

>> No.20667481

Sounds like she went full femoid and sent vague hints at being interested in you and logically you didn't respond to the them. At best she thinks you rejected her at worst she thinks you're a fag.

>> No.20667498

Who gives a fuck?

>I work at a horse farm and there are tons of big horses who run around and shit everywhere. On my first day there a big brown horse with a black spot kept coming up to me but after day 17 it seems to ignore me!
Put horse on one end of the spectrum, and sexy woman on the other end of the spectrum. How close to Sexy Woman does something have to be before you're willing to waste time and energy thinking about why it doesn't like you?

There are only two ways to live a dignified life as a man. Either don't care what either a horse or a woman thinks of you, or only care what horses think of you, because you like horses. The only time you should care what the woman side of the spectrum thinks about you is if she's your wife. And even then, not that much.

Imagine being someone cool in a past era, a real man with important things to do, who lives a vibrant life and sees all sorts of new and different people regularly, including attractive and unattractive women. Now imagine you're sitting around the fire with the lads and going "This woman, one of the several I see occasionally, doesn't smile at me as much anymore! I just don't understand, lads!" And the lads are looking at you like you're insane. Why don't you talk about something else? Like horses?

>> No.20667506

I accidentally grabbed my coworkers nice ass and she just looked shocked and never brought it up again. She was actually nicer to me afterwards which was funny. Thought I was going to get questioned by some hr drone.

>> No.20667553

I wonder what drives the contrarian thinking on 4chan , are we the anti-thesis for modern society ?

>> No.20667569

Don't include me in your degenerate thinking ever again, dumb phoneposter.

>> No.20667578

Autism but without public consequences. You can sperg out and say the wildest shit that comes toind without needing to square up.

>> No.20667587
File: 116 KB, 960x1200, z2vk7slzksg61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shithole only appears contrarian because its the only place left on the internet where dissenting opinions aren't moderated.

>> No.20667644

That’s some of it, but honestly this >>20667578 is what he’s referring to.
The contrarians you speak of aren’t all on failchan

>> No.20667667

That isn't a bad thing though. Normies can't even think straight because their mind is 98% composed of strictures and insane paranoia that they will be "weird." They are self-beheaded, they were exposed to terror at being ostracized at such an early stage that they removed all conscious, deliberate, and creative thought and taught themselves to ONLY obey whatever thought comes "naturally" as habit, by flowing into them directly from the surrounding social milieu and forming them around itself.

It used to be more 50/50 back when real humans existed, but the "rebellion of the masses" (Gasset), and the total dominance of the mass-mentality via entertainment media and social media, has caused average well-adjusted people to default to mass-mentality. The only two options in modern society are to be an out and out eccentric or to be a bovine slave, and the "well-adjusted" instinct of well-adjusted people will always make them pick slavery in the absence of extraordinary incentives to the contrary.

Being normal, average, socially acceptable etc., isn't inherently bad, but it is inherently bad relative to our era, when it just means slavery. Doesn't mean being a complete schizophrenic eccentric is good either, but I'll take flirting with mental illness over being a normie any day.

>> No.20667967

I'm as 'contrarian' here as I am irl.
Why wouldn't you be? It's very entertaining to me that some people get shocked or sperg out about my unironic views. I don't present them in a spergy way either.

>> No.20667992

I grew up in the country and was a very lonely kid. I would daydream about my dog turning human and becoming my friend sometimes.

>> No.20668025

Don't get me wrong I shitpost irl all the time but obviously most people think twice about doing that because the threat of violence is real.

>> No.20668032

True, you'd have to disregard social norms to do it but it's worth it so far.

>> No.20668036

I grew up in a major metropolitan area. I was also lonely. One time in english class we had to write about who our best friend is. I wrote about my dog. To my horror the teacher then told us we had to present on our best friend. I had to tell the entire class that my dog is my best friend. Worst part was the teacher would not drop it. She fucking interrogated me, asking me to explain exactly how and why my dog is my friend.
I hated school so much

>> No.20668037
File: 138 KB, 1920x1080, 7DD0B96E-927C-4E3E-B5BA-4404074991E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should have got up out of your chair sooner.
No time like the present.

>> No.20668049
File: 107 KB, 768x1024, 80A57069-0939-45A8-ACF3-A9705C734FD3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next thread

>> No.20668377

You might be manic or hypomanic.

>> No.20668415

Bots, dingus. Even before the age of GPT3, there were tons of bots here just scraping posts and recreating threads word-for-word, reply-for-reply.

>> No.20670346

I do, thanks:


>> No.20670349
File: 224 KB, 1080x1350, 042F3AEC-0975-4D97-991A-F6BC9BC5B27F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20670354
File: 269 KB, 1024x1365, 71D2BD42-A23F-4609-BBF1-924F1822833A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20670359
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>> No.20670361
File: 2.38 MB, 1196x1800, F9C85BA1-8308-44AA-9601-9D982575217A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20670365
File: 332 KB, 1005x1489, 8A81E9DF-5D4C-43A1-BE2D-A5FC3F665BC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20670370
File: 319 KB, 1005x1494, 65A7745C-4BB1-45E6-B188-FDE1CE8B0933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20670376
File: 145 KB, 1080x1350, D6C2584B-2180-4635-A680-192F11DD84C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20670378
File: 514 KB, 757x1200, 6E90D6CB-0D94-4BB8-B209-AB0B2D62FD8B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20670385
File: 389 KB, 762x1200, 583C5DF3-99E8-49D3-B69A-255C2422E5A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20670387
File: 289 KB, 521x1200, 24D5EAA8-9193-4CEB-9880-A9957283E0B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20670393
File: 534 KB, 617x1200, 12F1A325-8DCB-4B25-862E-B009C4D21B8D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20670399
File: 78 KB, 850x638, 247A450E-EB4F-44A2-BAAA-E2BA8765B77B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]