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/lit/ - Literature

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20662211 No.20662211 [Reply] [Original]

what are some /lit/-approved, essential psychology/sociology books besides Freud and Jung?

>> No.20662305
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>> No.20662320


>> No.20662345

I dunno about /lit/ approved since they're never talked about here, but you might check out weber and durkheim. Marx is also quite influential in sociology.

>> No.20663249

>Freud and Jung
Neither of these is sociology, both are magical pseudoscientific grifters

>> No.20663314

the myth of mental illness - szasz

>> No.20663346
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A book written by a PhD for other PhD’s, but it’s accessible for everyone.

Gives you a very clear, almost crash course into the whole field. It’s really good.

>> No.20663856

i absolutely stay away from the books on psychology that attempt to use psychology as vehicle for ontological meaning. jung is a mild exception just because he has a strong understanding of universal symbols, but I pretty much assume anyone that takes jung, Freud, lacan seriously as a retard
I also stay away from the therapy meme
the best psychology books are purely about the materialistic heuristics and biases that we have. influence by cialdini is a must read, as is “thinking fast/slow” (although it is so boring that you may be turned off reading trying to finish it). sex and character is also a good one that is an exception to my rule above, but only because weininger lays out his path so thoughtfully

>> No.20663865

Rene Girard

>> No.20663871

>both are magical pseudoscientific grifters
In other words--they actually hold literary and spiritual merit, unlike the rest.

>> No.20663877

Freud isn't /lit/-approved.

>> No.20663878

>be scammer literally making shit up
>some retarded goy on /x/-lite praises me to high heavens
feels good man

>> No.20663948

This is a problem with hylics.
Good luck quantifying the workings of the soul with your materialist philosophy. Seriously.
To answer OP's question, which I forgot to; Kazimierz Dabrowski's model of human growth is very much comforting. Read Positive Disintegration, his key work, and the sister writings where he expands on his theory.

>> No.20664100

I have some magical candles to sell you. They cleanse your karma and open all of your 7 vaginas

>> No.20664748

Psych, Wm. James
Soc, Weber, Durkheim

>> No.20664766

Lucky for Freud

>> No.20664769
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is this allen dulles?

>> No.20664776

Wasn't thinking this, precisely, but I too would axe Jung.

>> No.20665421
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Let's start with tossing out Freud and Jung because their ideas are pretty much bullshit storytelling that people love to cite but it has no actual weight in the field. At least Freud (as shit as his stuff is) made some contributions. Jung basically is horoscopes. I know this is all very negative and they both ushered in new ages of psychology but we can at least accept nowadays that their major concepts were largely bullshit.

Anyway books. I'm not going to go through textbooks, because I'm hoping you're not asking for textbook reccomendations via 4chan. Go to a school for that and read it for a program, don't waste life reading textbooks for fun.
>Emotional First Aid (general guide to wellness from psychological "hurts"; one of the best guides on loneliness I have ever seen)
>Why Does He Do That (on abuse)
>The Gift of Fear (on violence)
>Suicide: The Forever Decision (not very analytical, pretty much just philosophical but worth a read, good to recommend to those feeling hopeless)
>Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy (arguably the best book for depression and a general first guide through cognitive behavioral therapy)
>Rewire Your Anxious Brain: How to Use the Neuroscience of Fear to End Anxiety, Panic, and Worry (there's a lot of books on anxiety, but this is the best overall review on the issue and the different forms of it)
>Flow (self explanatory, on flow states)
>The Erotic Mind (older but still very good book on sex and eroticism/desire)
>The Worry Trick (meme title but refreshing, not new stuff but more ACT and dbt focused approaches to anxiety)
>How to Be Yourself: Quiet Your Inner Critic and Rise Above Social Anxiety (good book on social anxiety, not very analytical though more self-help/anecdotal)
>How to Change Your Mind: What the New Science of Psychedelics Teaches Us About Consciousness, Dying, Addiction, Depression, and Transcendence (good walk through of the history of psychadelics (primarily mushrooms) and therapy, very anecdotal/historical lens)
>Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams
>Flirtology (meme title but it's a good walk through of how to flirt, not academic at all)
>The Velvet Rage (book about how being gay can be a traumatic experience)
>Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression - and the Unexpected Solutions (good analysis of the possible other factors that can influence depression)
>Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life
These are some general starting points, if there's a specific topic you're interested in I could give a more narrowed recommendation. Again these are all topic focused leisure reads and not textbooks. I'm going to reply to this with commonly recommended books to not waste time with.

>> No.20665470
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Books that are commonly recommended that I dislike/actively think are a waste of time:
>How to Win Friends and Influence People (extremely basic suggestions that help nobody)
>Man's Search for Meaning (it's a good book to read but if you get informed on cbt and psychology it's nothing new, still very moving good book, but for the topic of psychology it's nothing new)
>Thinking, Fast and Slow (largely self evident, nothing new)
>Most of Malcom Gladwell's books, the topics are good but they're more like news articles and interviews than actual substance
>Most of Brene Brown's books (her research is good, her work on shame is excellent and emotional granularity is excellent, but you could really just read one of her shame books and Atlas of the Heart and be good.)
>Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking (Hardcover) (circlejerk about introverts)
>7 Habits of Highly Effective People
>The 48 Laws of Power
>The 5 Love Languages
>Anything about attachment theory
>Never Split the Difference

>> No.20665473
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I approve of him

>> No.20665479

Elias Canetti

>> No.20665583
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>> No.20665605
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>> No.20666413

hey, all good stuff here--thank you for your time

>> No.20666433

Thanks buddy!

>> No.20666439
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>> No.20666499

>Let's start with tossing out Freud and Jung because their ideas are pretty much bullshit storytelling that people love to cite but it has no actual weight in the field.

Garbage-tier opinion. Rudolf Stiener summarized modern psychology best when he said, "Psychology is the science of the soul, but denies the existence of the very thing it studies". Jung was the only notably exception, which is why his insights hold so much depth. But I seriously doubt bugmen/NPCs actually have souls which is why they so vehemently deny one exists. And it's also why Jung filters them so hard

>> No.20667225

Really, he's neither, though I did enjoy Crowds and Power. Literature's far more wholesomely instructive anyway, so this hardly matters. Of all the authors listed here only Freud and Durkheim (and a long essay or two by Weber) are worth literary attention, chiefly because they've been so monumentally influential. Jung's for persons who want to become Jungian analysts; there's still a market for such things.

>> No.20667368
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I enjoyed The Mechanical Mind (cognitive psychology 101), Before You Know It (unconscious thoughts), See What I'm Saying (senses), Eye and Brain, The Wisdom of Psychopaths
On that note I'm looking for books about
- attention models
- neuroplasticity
- emotions
- randomness

>> No.20667450

what do you mean with the book of Viktor Frankl in the category of lack of meaning?
Means nothing that book?

>> No.20667482

Consider him more of an anthropologist.

How about Skinner?

>> No.20667491

Why did you list a bunch of glorified self-help books

>> No.20668904
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>> No.20668925
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Based Sakuraposter

>> No.20668927
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>> No.20668929

Where does Jung acknowledge the soul in a literal sense? He seems to just abstract everything and reduce everything to symbolism

>> No.20668935

He means Nihilism

>> No.20670167

The Righteous Mind, and anything else by Jonathan Haidt

>> No.20670843

szasz has to be at the top since the pitfalls of the eminent psychologists are so easily accepted. You personally can also learn best from those who are more instructive than purely descriptive (timid).

szasz - science of lies
angell - science's first mistake
fenelon - education of daughters
Adam Smith - The Theory of Moral Sentiments
swetnam the woman hater
Otto Weininger - Sex And Character (1906)
jerry mander four arguments for the elimination of television
spencer, hamann, spengler, weber, toynbee, burnham

>> No.20670852

was gonna say this

Girard IS an anthropologist, but highly influenced by psychoanalysis that his writing is practically psychoanalytic as well.

>> No.20670933
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>And it's also why Jung filters them so hard
I toss out Freud and Jung because I studied a science in college, learned about Freud and Jung after taking a psychology course, came to my own conclusions after looking at their work:
>"oh wow this is pseudoscience (especially Jung)"
like at least Freud has some developmental theories (that are bullshit) Jung is literally just straight up opinion and charlatanism. Did you know he was an alchemist and into the occult? This is sort of why his ideas are all more like unfalsifiable philosophies and "analytical psychology". Both of them are basically "ok we recognize these dudes influenced the development of our better science today but their theories were obviously bullshit". I cringe so hard when I see people talk about them seriously on here.
>"Psychology is the science of the soul, but denies the existence of the very thing it studies".
This is a very narrow view of a soul and diminishing view of psychology. Psychology is a science just like physics or botany, it's research into things that actually exist (thoughts, feelings, disorders, consciousness) on a biological basis but for whatever reason pseudointellectuals get heavily triggered by it because it touches on qualia.

>> No.20670946

nigga botany is real I can touch and eat plants
I can't eat psychology or your feelings

>> No.20671649
