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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 315 KB, 2000x1406, 974BEC0F-1397-4BA8-81B4-E7BD18383D51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20662204 No.20662204 [Reply] [Original]

What are some essential pseud literature?

>> No.20662206

your diary desu

>> No.20662209

old meme, that guy would have been banned from R*ddit circa 2020

>> No.20662215



>> No.20662221

Stop with the Qanon propaganda, please

>> No.20662254

start with the greeks

>> No.20662263

On the Road

>> No.20662279


Two-step go further

>> No.20662478

Nietzsche, Camus and Sartre.

>> No.20662486

Come on, Archer is pretty funny

>> No.20662491

anything by modern bloggers like JBP, johann hari, sam harris

>> No.20662941

So what does the authentic re**it intellectual chart look like?

>> No.20662953

WTF I love redditors now?

>> No.20663115

Anglos rule tho

>> No.20663126

>look all this gay shit you hate
>also hehehe epstein meme is pseud too btw
Such a glowie meme

>> No.20663140

People will talk about Epstein but neglect to mention the Kabbalah worshipping Freemasons trying to turn men into porn addicts and autogynephiles and the women into nigger lovers.

>> No.20663145


>> No.20663156
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>She has been fine ever since >she discovered that >she could make friends who valued >her on >>discord

>> No.20663173

>she has a dick

>> No.20663175

Is that u?

>> No.20663179

>she jerks off with that feminine genital five times a day

>> No.20663180

dude is probably in africa rn, not 4chins

>> No.20663259

>politically incorrect
What a shit meme

>> No.20663260

harari. everything about him and his work.

>> No.20663982

we get it you don't like the nsa

get a job

>> No.20663994

Harari is such a caricature of a perverse repulsive Jew that I barely notice he is a pseud on top of that.

>> No.20664016

That pedophile that larped as a Muslim (I don't remember the name, wrote a lot of dumb shit about wanting to fuck boys and how RAVES were epic anarchist shit).
Pretty much every public intellectual post 1970
Anyone who has ever mentioned blacks in any of their published works.

>> No.20664033

anything by ayn rand

>> No.20664034
File: 3.86 MB, 1276x3200, A novella.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone who has ever mentioned blacks in any of their published works.
*blocks your path*

>> No.20664053

>from either of these countries
>6 countries
a pseud made this

>> No.20664173

>From either of these countries
also schopenhaur is not pseudo-intellectual

>> No.20664216
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Did he ever publish that? I still have that image saved.

>> No.20664230

My dad is a reddit user and he used to have based although incorrect opinions. Now he just regurgitates whatever is the popular opinion on r/australia or whatever and it's really upsetting because I remember when he used to post larp threads on /b/.

>> No.20664242

Wtf there’s no way a pseud would read anything by Schopenhauer other than his essay on woman.

>> No.20664284
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Why is Archer on there? First 6 seasons were funny and based. Its kinda gone to shit and only been getting worse since he went into a coma but it was top tier tv to drink to up until maybe season 7.

It never tries to be pseud it just has wacky characters and gimmicks that went from funny to dumb in a funny way, though now its pretty much worn itself out. I've seen some Bojack and R&M Archer's nothing like them. I've rewatched it a few times while drunk and don't recognize any political messaging up until the latest seasons.

>> No.20664306
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For the record my favorite series to drink to are
>Cobra Kai
>Avatar the Last Airbender
>Full Metal Panic
>My Bride is a Mermaid

>> No.20664312

favorite books?

>> No.20664331
File: 55 KB, 297x500, 52560F28-1823-4228-BF3B-480E9BD31D3A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Flash for Freedom
>Storm of Steel
>The Iliad
>Spring Snow
I haven’t read much philosophy but I also enjoyed the couple Plato books I read.
Any recs?

>> No.20664339

if you’re interested in philosophy, read a new history of western philosophy by kenny. it’s by far the best place to start.

>> No.20664356

Thats exactly why archer is reddit. The le whacky and crude humor.

>> No.20664365

Vapid and meaningless. Simply riding on the coattails of contemporary shock value.

>> No.20664366
File: 1.69 MB, 3024x4032, 87516956-F708-4F82-AD51-3E9749B42549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really that into philosophy, not against it I’ll probably read more eventually but it’s not what I’m focused on. If I did read more philosophy it’d probably be Aristotle to counterbalance Plato or maybe just skipping all the way to Nietzche.

Really I’m more interested in a certain kind of adventure book the sort that can’t get made today. Flashman, Storm of Steel, and even The Iliad all had some absolutely hilarious little anecdotes here and there. They’re like fun adventure stories composed of sequences of fun adventures, many of which involve drinking and a sort of exaltation of masculinity. I though Jack London’s might be up my alley I haven’t checked him out since I read Call of the Wild in grade school.

>> No.20664373
File: 57 KB, 786x719, 882BA7E0-4552-419E-8ADC-44547C4D289E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whacky and crude humor is Reddit
4chan is entirely built off whacky and crude humor you utter retard

>> No.20664376 [DELETED] 

Ok and what does "pseudo-intellectual" mean? For these people, YOU are the pseudo-intellectual, you the salty triggered man.

Except the Epstein sweater, the Yang cap and cannabis, there is nothing "pseudo-intellectual" on your pic. You are just angry against Reddit, you don't have rational arguments. I confirm redditfags, you are the pseudo-intellectual.

Now the real question is: why does Reddit live rent-free in your head every day?

>> No.20664379

4chan is reddit as fuck

>> No.20664384

Ok and what does "pseudo-intellectual" mean? For these people, YOU are the pseudo-intellectual, you the salty triggered man.

Except the Epstein sweater, the Yang cap and cannabis, there is nothing "pseudo-intellectual" on your pic. You are just angry against Reddit, you don't have rational arguments. I confirm, you are the pseudo-intellectual.

Now the real question is: why does Reddit live rent-free in your head every day?

>> No.20664385

ive yet to read them yet, but the aeneid and the metamorphoses might be up your alley. which translation is this iliad?

>> No.20664399

Robert Fagles. Everyone says to read the Lattimore one but I read the first page of each of the Iliad translations online and Fagles was my favorite.

>> No.20664417

That makes you reddit

>> No.20664440

the different translations depend on what you want out of the text. lattimore has the most exact translation, but other translations may flow better when reading them. i know fagles translated the aeneid, so that would be worth looking into.

>> No.20664466

This is a shit thread and I demand that it be shut-down forthwith.

>> No.20664472
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>> No.20664886

epstein was murdered glownigger stop posting this shit

>> No.20665613

I don't browse Reddit except the front page to see cute animal videos so I couldn't tell you if most of this is true, but Schopenhauer was a pessimist who misunderstood Hegel so yeah he seems pretty Reddit.

>> No.20665658

>That pedophile that larped as a Muslim

>> No.20665675

I think he means rushdie

>> No.20665692

I want to meet Christian Bale in real life so I can tell him about the digit gets and how his character is the primary meme for dubs and trips and whatnot. I would intentionally be super autistic about it, but also clear and concise so that I'll make sure he understands, after merely a minute or so of conversation that there are posts on each board and they all end in numbers and there are always pictures of bateman appreciating repeating digits becuase, even though it's essentially random, it's considered meme magic to get gets. He'll walk away a little perplexed, as it will be a fan interaction where I didn't ask for a selfie or anything, but he'll look a little more into it afterwards and he'll get it. Maybe he'll even make a post on 4chan and get dubs and he'll be like "I get it now"

>> No.20665822

>Schopenhauer was a pessimist who misunderstood Hegel
Huh? His essays on women and noise alone makes him r*ddit repellent

>> No.20665840

Remember that was a thing

>> No.20665843

most modernist poetry?

>> No.20665846

that's a real polite way of saying jews

>> No.20665854

epstein didn't kill herself, it's an apparent truth for literally everyone that doesn't write for the washington post, on both sides of politics. sure, wearing a sweater proclaiming it is cringe, but if that pic is suggesting that the truth of the statement is reddit, they should kill themselves

>> No.20665859

that's cause epstein thing is real while the other thing is schizophrenia

>> No.20665871


>> No.20665912
File: 107 KB, 354x500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one's an essential classic for all the midwits and pseuds.

>> No.20665947

have you read it?

>> No.20665984

Important extracts, yes. The entire thing? Of course not.

>> No.20666000

Reddit + Netflix + freedom of speech?

>> No.20666011


>> No.20666026

The double-satanic-trips of truth. This thread is blessed.

>> No.20666112

why is sartre bad again?

>> No.20666120

>heavily opinionated
very pseud behaviour

>> No.20666148

He simped the USSR.

>> No.20666160

He's hideous

>> No.20666421

Third Worldist

>> No.20667079

he wrote a giant book building on heidegger’s philosophy, and heidegger said it was so bad he couldn’t finish it. sartre is peak pseud.

>> No.20667092
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>> No.20668582

Where did Hei-tan say that? I've just about finished him up and was literally just adding Being & nothingness to my purchase list.

>> No.20668622

it was in some interview he did or something, id have to track it down though

>> No.20668637

Anyone on /lit/ who namedrops the Bible is a guaranteed pseud, no exceptions, though it is a fine choice for normal people

>> No.20668808

Kek I want this book so bad

>> No.20668818

epstein didn't kill himself though

>> No.20668884
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>> No.20668918

Epstein shit does not belong there you glowie
Bell Curve does not belong there you glowie

>> No.20668944
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Underrated. Now CHECK EM

>> No.20669001

Meditations deserves better

>> No.20669007

Das Kapital

>> No.20669015

replace alan watts with carl jung and we're good

>> No.20669022

His googly eyes freak me out.

>> No.20669201

Filtered pretty hard

>> No.20669222

I sat in on a PhD defense from an Italian on Schopenhauer. He's much more sophisticated than anything I've seen written here, if a bit circuitous, and not for the lazy.

>> No.20669251
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This. They also don't mention the Molochian death cult trying to bring about an inter-spacial merge with hell.

>> No.20669309

Machiavelli and Aurelius have shitty followers yes but are still great reads

>> No.20669380

No it does not. Stoics are peak midwits

>> No.20669535

Peak midwit, apparently, is to do anything more than sit back and snigger at anybody who says they like anything. Liking anything makes you much more vulnerable to criticism, whilst staying back and masking yourself in irony means you don't have to suffer an attack on the ego.

>> No.20669552

this clears in part bc there’s genuinely no bias

>> No.20669567


>> No.20669572


>> No.20669582


>> No.20669589

No, it's not funny at all. Are you insane?

>> No.20669603

No one who posts on this board fucking reads anything other than posts or meme pictures

>> No.20669611

I can't ever figure out what's a troll post or a serious post anymore. It's fucking disturbing.

>> No.20669628


>> No.20669648
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>> No.20669672

its kinda funny

>> No.20669708

I've never met a pseud who understood Jung

>> No.20669958
File: 190 KB, 561x632, 1656818470738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kabbalah worshipping Freemasons
What a pathetically kosher thing to say.

>> No.20669970

Fucken oath

>> No.20669974

Oh come on Joseph Campbell and Machiavelli deserve better treatment than that!

>> No.20669984

Popular = bad
This is reddit +1

>> No.20670282

I think you're the insane one not to find it funny, buddy.

>> No.20670317


>> No.20670448


>> No.20670486

Sadly I'm Scottish and this is all too pervasive among our kind

>> No.20670490

Fuck off

>> No.20670519

No books are specifically pseud. It’s the reader who is a pseud. They will pick books that they feel make them look smart and sophisticated

>> No.20670549

>implying any of you faggots have read let alone understood based schop

>> No.20670555

read more comparative mythology and stop reading meme americans

>> No.20670576

there’s plenty of political demagogues publishing pseud crap.

true. read guénon (pbuh)

>> No.20670622

I don’t read political books so I wouldn’t know. What I’m trying to say is that a it’s the reader who is a pseud. Not a book. For example, someone who’s read hundreds of books and reads Ulysses isn’t a pseud. But the 18 year old who has a 10 book bookcase reads Ulysses is public is probably a pseud.

>> No.20670637

>eternal anglo

>> No.20670638

To add on to my post, I think a pseud is someone who postures. They use books as an aesthetic

>> No.20670647

Damn dude. I can tell you're different. You're not like the others

>> No.20670650


>> No.20670674

Hakim Bey

>> No.20670719

>influenced by d’annunzio
imma have to look into him more

>> No.20670730

dear lord I have two books of his. lord help us.

>> No.20670841

>I have two books of his
the good lord is already with you, my son

>> No.20670853

Hey guys, remember Ren & Stimpy? I loved that show.

>> No.20670870


>> No.20670989

Then what do you recommend as an alternative?

>> No.20671001

not him but anything else lol. start with the greeks.

>> No.20671226

surprised no one mentioned that he's a literal pedophile

>> No.20671476

Joker is actually underrated and I'm tired of pretending it's not, normies and women will never understand

>> No.20671530

This, especially Nietzsche.

>> No.20671539

Pseuds don't read Schopenhauer, except maybe that essay on women. Also the countries are wrong. France, Germany, and Sweden are filled with pseuds. Australia hardly has any.

>> No.20671549

Can't really disagree with that image. Nevertheless I still like Alan Watts.

>> No.20671569

48 laws of power is good, considering the fac that the same principles it talks about can be found in Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, the prince and the Art of war and yet your more likely than not going to skim over those concepts in those books unless you're looking for.them specifically. That said the wanna be try hard pajeets and other youtube types who talk about it are inzufferable. If you openly about manipulation and deception and try to make out like your some big alpha male then you missed the point of the book.

>> No.20671803

Fucking based. Even more based because the two seething fags who also replied to the post

>> No.20671824

Why doesn't this get brought up more? Not poking the bear just morbidly curious.

>> No.20671831

Recommend some then

>> No.20671837

Wanted to add, does Rene Girard qualify or is he just regular anthropology?

>> No.20672878

wrong rene

>> No.20672952

U r all so up ur own ass y'all shud disrappear

>> No.20672975

Most of this is stuff they give you in high school. Why does someone talking about any given famous book trigger pseuds so hard?

>> No.20673037
File: 31 KB, 300x400, B53F032A-672B-4190-BAFA-6729245ECF91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hakim Bay, unironically based kike for taking the original WE WUZ religon of the moorish science temple and making it some hedonist shit for hippies.

>> No.20673105

pretty sure he isn’t jewish? his actual name is peter lamborn wilson.

>> No.20673139

If he wasn’t a Jew, he sure acted like one, same with the other Wilson, Robert Anton (an even better contender for being psuedbait since he’s obscure enough that most normies don’t know about him but popular enough that people who are in counterculture run into him fairly early on)

>> No.20673171

>your brain on /pol/

>> No.20673985

The holy quaran

>> No.20674050

There are 0 people in the world who are like this

>> No.20674069

He was one of the oakland county child murderers too

>> No.20674216

The image gives off major Chuck Palahniuk and Thomas Pynchon vibes, but I wouldn't call it truly pseud as much as just underachieving midwit.

>> No.20674224

>Subtly inserting "Epstein didn't kill himself"
4chan intellectuals aren't into your 3d lolis fed

>> No.20674257

go outside virgin

>> No.20674787

>4chan intellectuals aren't into your 3d lolis fed
expect for lo! lola! lolita!

>> No.20674858
File: 434 KB, 1135x1910, 1654174489208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do people STILL fall for this sort of bait. It's been like 2 decades of this shit, anons.
In all fields, lads.

>> No.20674905

>Sing, goddess, the rage of Achilles

Why I chose the Fagles translation as well

>> No.20674908

non profits literally run the world

>> No.20674927

Oh come on, people know them, but they’re great

>> No.20674951

Materialist metaphysics + life denying ethics

“Well my wife may be fucking niggers, but we’re all just atoms anyway, what does it matter, we’re all going to die and become nothing”

Thanks Zeno

>> No.20675013

Trips of truth, he's the ultimate pleb filter. World as Will is one of the biggest brained books written by mankind. /lit/ calls him a pseud because they only read about him on school of life youtube and read his prolegomena to feel like they've read him.

>> No.20675562

Check out Thus Spoke Zarathustra. It will probably change your mind on philosophy.

>> No.20675564

Cover-judgingly based

>> No.20675573

Weak bait. No one has ever read bell curve. Meditations is based. GEB deserves better. No idea who the negress is. John Oliver(?) is not relevant. Stirner is based. Chomsky is kinda midwit tier but also has some good work. Everything else is accurate I guess.

>> No.20675578

Anon, didn't you use /v/ when you were 15? Any image that as a bunch of different works on it and is aggressively titled to provoke the audience is bait.

>> No.20675688

the first passage accurately describes my feelings when around no whites

>> No.20675692


>> No.20675776

Ummmmmm FYI redditors are smarter than you average human being, just a heads up

>> No.20675806
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>> No.20675905
