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/lit/ - Literature

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20658373 No.20658373 [Reply] [Original]

What books do you like to read during the summer?

>> No.20658392 [DELETED] 

My dick doesn't work anymore

>> No.20658396 [DELETED] 

Cringe. Impotency is the greatest sin man can commit.

>> No.20658398

Do you read different books in summer than in winter? I'm reading a book right now and it takes place around New Year.

>> No.20658404 [DELETED] 

Call of the Crocodile

>> No.20658409

my diary desu

>> No.20658414

The Book of >>>/f/uck off and On Why You Gotta Go >>>/b/ack

>> No.20658421 [DELETED] 

Its out of anyone's control though. So there's so "committing" Per se

>> No.20658428 [DELETED] 
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It may be out of one's control but it is still a sin. Like the sin of being ugly, short, or gay.

>> No.20658442 [DELETED] 

When did being ugly or short become a sin. (Homosexuality is 100% a choice)

>> No.20658446 [DELETED] 

Ugly and short people are pariahs. It's a sin in the eyes of society.

>> No.20658459 [DELETED] 

Who cares about society. The only true arbitrar of sin is god

>> No.20658674 [DELETED] 

Iktf, I know I'm *supposed to be aroused but nothing happens. this is a fucking curse

>> No.20658713 [DELETED] 

She’s not that hot.
She’s like what, a college student in her 20s?
The entire appeal of anime is impossibly hot high school girls

>> No.20658723 [DELETED] 

Came here to say the same thing. Stop posting adult anime women.

>> No.20658741 [DELETED] 


When the false veil of society falls and the hard truth of steel blood and fire reigns again, being ugly or short won't matter, just being strong, have guts and be ferocious.

The only true sin there is is fragility and weakness, which have nothing to do with being short or ugly.

>> No.20658755 [DELETED] 
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>I love underage anime gir-

>> No.20658828 [DELETED] 

Same, not even Viagra is helping Depression and anxiety have completely killed everything.

>> No.20658841 [DELETED] 

Most people in history married before the age of 18.

>> No.20658842
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American Civil War memoirs and such.

>> No.20658910 [DELETED] 

I’m 24, what’s wrong with being attracted to 16 year old high school students?
Women my age are just about to hit the wall.

>> No.20658931

I like reading books set in Arabia or Africa or the Caribbean

>> No.20658937
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Forgot pictdydh

>> No.20658941

Democracy in America- Tocqueville

>> No.20658945 [DELETED] 


"For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart." Samuel 16:7

Folks like >>20658442 need to stop appropriating religious terminology to spread their cringe atheist opinions.

>> No.20659022 [DELETED] 
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Try this

>> No.20659034 [DELETED] 

Call of the Crocodile

>> No.20659267 [DELETED] 

That’s literally a tranny

>> No.20659306 [DELETED] 


The choice to live in reality is one of non-commitment.
The sweetest of fantasy is nothing against the black olives of reality.

In short, the sight of anime depictions is nothing against the warmth of another living being.

>> No.20659351 [DELETED] 

I want to suck in Poison’s feminine penis and balls!

>> No.20659365 [DELETED] 


Neck yourself, you pathetic waste of skin.

>> No.20659485 [DELETED] 
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puffy vulva?

>> No.20659818 [DELETED] 
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god damn I wish I could have passionate sex with a hot girl... why was I cursed to be an ugly virgin. why? WHY? I was given crippling self esteem issues and social anxiety on top of that. Most people can get in a relationship, they can have sex, and they do it as young as 14, but I'm the fucking exception here, I only grow older but never give nor receive love. Just by chance, I was chosen to be an incel. Out of my control. I was not asked. ANd I know that everyone else my age is having fun with their partner, they are having sex and socializing, but my mind and body has imprisoned me to an anonymous imageboard, where I can't even fit in anymore because every other fucking poster is now a normalfag that has had sex. I would like to believe that maybe I am being punished for something I did in a past life, but then I could bear this suffering as righteous penance, but I know that's not true because the world is not that merciful to give reason to suffering. I just am. Someone please shoot me in the head.

>> No.20659843

Read it one Summer, great choice. The Old Regime and The French Revolution's swell Summer reading as well.

>> No.20659989

anything's good during summer.

do you just have a tab open on /lit/ all the time Gardner?

>> No.20660035 [DELETED] 

It’s her absorbent diaper filled with piss

Skin yourself, you pathetic waste of neck.

>> No.20660046

Usually this time of year I crave history books

>> No.20660056 [DELETED] 

Same, that's just the faustian bargain of reading

>> No.20660117 [DELETED] 


>> No.20660877 [DELETED] 

sounds like you're on the right website!

>> No.20660883

The Magic Mountain.

>> No.20661253

American Civil War memoirs and such