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[ERROR] No.2063272 [Reply] [Original]

>"Hodor," said Hodor.

>> No.2063283

Fear cuts deeper than swords.

>> No.2063287

But swords cut deeper than words

>> No.2063292

Words are win.

>> No.2063295

The pen is mightier than the sword.

>> No.2063296

Man, this guy CANNOT write.

>> No.2063304


>> No.2063307


>> No.2063309

"I like to kill Starks,so I made 8 of them"

>> No.2063310

"I 'll never kill Sansa though"

>> No.2063317
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"The famous man looked at the red cup."

>> No.2063334

I get it, you kill people because it makes the story exciting and realistic, you never know who is going to die and that creates a real sense of suspense and fear for these character's lives

the problem is, you killed off so many people now, that i just don't care anymore
it's a completely different series than the one i started

>> No.2063337

Personally, I never cared

>> No.2063350

'I'm Doctor Kashmir!' said Doctor Kashmir

>> No.2063362

This is what most say who I've talked to. They feel that the series has lost its original focus on the Stark children and has instead just been a killing of the interesting characters.

>> No.2063366

Yeah... Although I am enjoying the series, and we get to hear "Hodor," said Hodor throughout, I couldn't get over that there was an entire Hodor chapter in CoC that was littered with the phrase... Completely unnecessary.

>> No.2063383


>and has instead just been a killing of the interesting characters.

What the fuck?

Out of the ~20 god tier characters in the series maybe around 3-4 have been killed by GRRM.

I think you just have shit taste and wouldn't know a good character if it hit you on the balls.

>> No.2063392


And the series is all the better for it because the Starks are some of the most boring characters in the series.

Bran - most boring chapters in the series
Rickon - annoying brat
Sansa - annoying, spoilt brat, boring chapters made interesting only through Littlefinger
Arya - her chapters are good
Jon - generic good guy with issues
Ned - dead
Robb - dead
Catelyn - should have stayed dead

There are still loads of great characters, the Lannisters, Dany, Varys, Littlefinger, Stannis, Melisandre, Dolorous Edd, Jorah, Barristan, Davos, Victarion, I could go on.

>> No.2063394

But there aren't any interesting characters

>> No.2063419

I'll pay for his books again if he kills Dany.

That bitch has no redeeming qualities.

But nope, he goes and kills Jon instead.

>> No.2063449

/lit/'s opinion is about as useful as nipples on a breastplate.

>> No.2063452

"the problem is, you killed off so many people now, that i just don't care anymore"

Agree 100%, to begin with the mention that some characters might be dead really hit me, but in dance with dragons that was only 1 death that I cared about.

>> No.2063462

You know what my problem with Martin's books is ? Repeatability.

I've read the first two books and the two patterns : One with a dreary boring spoiled character becoming more weathered and experienced through "forced drama" hardship and the other of hypocritical goody two shoes characters meeting their untimely death ... they just kinda made me bored with the books.

I think this could've been a much better series if he just concentrated on telling a story and disregarded most of the characters.

>> No.2063469
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>I think this could've been a much better series if he just concentrated on telling a story and disregarded most of the characters.

The full-fledged, interesting characters are the only great thing about this series.

>> No.2063492
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>> No.2063511

I laughed...just so fucking hard. Well done.

>> No.2063514

What do you mean by 'great'?

>> No.2063522


>wonderful; first-rate; very good: "We had a great time." "That's great!"

>> No.2064810

Ah but if the pen is mightier then the sword why do actions speak louder then words.

Ya he might have killed Jon, but it's obvious what happens now. Melisandre Will bring him back to life, and because he died, he will now be freed from his oath to the wall, allowing him to escape and actually be important.

>> No.2064920
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I don't share, but can understand most of the hate directed at aDwD, particularly in regards to pic related.

>"First he was a man, then a wolf, then a man again."

He's going to be FitzRhaegar by the seventh book, having spent most of Winds of Winter witted into Nighteyes... I mean, warged into Ghost.

>> No.2064926

Please explain, and wheres that quote from anyways. I don't think he'll live as a wolf, supposedly, wargs can only go on so long without their actual body or else their consciousness starts to vanish. Many have speculated that he'll go on as ghost but I just don't see it happening that way do to how other wargs have suffered once they lost their bodies.

>> No.2064966

>Please explain

I'm sardonically suggesting that Martin is going to "homage" one of his favourite fantasy series, 'The Farseer Trilogy' by Robin Hobb.

In those books, the main character is a royal bastard of a beloved but dead prince named Chivalry. He is nicknamed 'Fitz' ('son', or 'boy') by the man that mostly raises him, and eventually assumes the name 'FitzChivalry Farseer'.

There comes a point where Fitz is killed, but uses a publically despised magic called the Wit to transfer his oul into his bonded wolf, 'Nighteyes'. He remains in the wolf for quite a while before eventually his body is exhumed, his corpse revived and his soul returns to his body.

It's assumed by many of the fanbase that this is pretty much what's going to happen to Jon.

>wheres that quote from anyways

It's from Melisandre's single POV chapter. While she looks into the fires for prophetic images of Azor Ahai (whom she believes is Stannis), she is distressed that "all it showed her was Snow... First he was a man, then a wolf, then a man again."

>> No.2064975

It's worth keeping her around, if only to see Littlefinger being awesome.

>> No.2064989

Fucking learn how to type, you sub-human mongrel. Your posts damage my superior brain.

>> No.2064994

I'm on 4chan and therefore I will not exert the effort to spell check any of my posts. To do so would be inefficient

>> No.2065000

ghost is a direwolf greenseer...

>> No.2065081

GRRM writes perfectly fine young adult novels:
>He was walking back to the tower to give himself up to sleep at last when Sandor Clegane and his riders came pounding through the castle gate, back from their hunt.


>> No.2065132



>> No.2065162

I actually have no problem with deaths. My problem is with fake deaths. You quickly learn not to buy into them, but the problem comes when someone ACTUALLY dies and I don't believe it.

Really, is it worth it fake killing Davos, fucking Davos of all people, half a dozen times and then having nobody buy it when you kill Jon? Even if there weren't a pocket priest right there I wouldn't believe it.

>> No.2065163

agreed, i love davos but come on, hes a throwaway character.

>> No.2065165
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One does not simply walk into Hodor.

>> No.2065167

>i love davos but come on, hes a throwaway character.

Perhaps so, but I'd have ten straight Davos chapters ending with cliffhangers if it meant avoiding going back to fucking Meereen.

>> No.2065169

"The lamps were being lit along the streets as they set out."

Nice anachronism fucknuts. Lighting only came to London in the mid 19th century, it is an artefact of advanced industrial capitalism.

>> No.2065184

holy fucking shit batman I hate mereen. I hate everything about it. I wish GRRM would move on. Nobody gives a rats ass about mereen.

>> No.2065186
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>Nice anachronism fucknuts.

But no issue with Winterfell having an elaborate geothermal heating system built into its walls?

>> No.2065196
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>I wish GRRM would move on. Nobody gives a rats ass about mereen.

>GRRM: "But it's CRUCIAL to Dany's development tha-"

I don't fucking care anymore! Get her whitehaired ass to Westeros by the next book or I'll be in my fucking forties by the time Brandon Sanderson is writing the tenth and final book based on your notes.

>> No.2065200

I'm giving GRRM shit from which ever 4 page "chapter" I'm up to at the moment.

This pisses me off more than Gravity's Rainbow which at least had an attempt to inquire into the nature of the bourgeois soul (pro-tip: blackguys are going to shit fuck you).

>> No.2065237

>implying this takes place in London

>> No.2065238

>reading a book series with 20 characters

How the FUCK do you enjoy a book series with more then one protagonist? It doesn't make any sense! Modern fantasy authors are so godawful, and their readers are pretentious faggots who suck their dick for being "epic" for having 60 different points of view.

>> No.2065243

I like GRRM. His different POV provide many story telling opportunities. Like victarion for instance. He's a relatively insignificant character but hes fun to read.

>> No.2065244

yes but don't you find that you only like one character and only want to read about that one character? And then you skip all the other sections which don't have him in it?

>> No.2065245

Yes actually, yes. It is a bleedingly obvious filk of British History, which you would know if you'd reached second year in an undergraduate degree that was /lit/ related.

>> No.2065250

No one had told him the Night’s Watch would be like this; no one except Tyrion Lannister. The dwarf had given him the truth on the road north, but by then it had been too late. Jon wondered why his mancunt ached so hard for Impcock. "Yes," he said, "Yes."

"Hodor," said Hodor.

>> No.2065251

Jon snow is my favorite character to read. Bran is close second. But at the moment they aren't doing much. So the different POV provide more story telling opportunities.

>> No.2065252

> as he cut his meat with fork and dagger

This isn't the mid 17th century, this is the mid 15th century. NICE FAIL. Just like when you had them eating off pewter plates at the lowest table instead of stale trenchers.

>> No.2065262

>Jon stood up. “I’ll break the other one for you if you ask nicely.” Grenn was sixteen and a head taller than Jon. All four of them were bigger than he was, but they did not scare him. He’d beaten every one of them in the yard.

>“Maybe we’ll break you,” one of the rapers said.

>“Try.” Jon reached for his cock, but one of them rapers grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back.

>> No.2065264

Oh boy. Here we go.

Look, pal, they call it "fantasy" for a reason; that term has specific meanings. They didn't have fucking DRAGONS in medieval England, either. They didn't have shadow assassins that magically came out of the vaginas of sorceresses. They didn't communicate via raven. They didn't worship The Seven. They didn't have alchemists who made green glowing fire. They didn't have dire wolves. They didn't have decades-long winters.

It's all fucking made up. There are similarities to historical events, in some cases, sure. That doesn't mean it's striving for real-world accuracy. You'd have to be a complete fucking retard to suggest that Martin intends a binary 1=1 correlary with medieval England.

Fucking idiot.

>> No.2065270

Obviously its not worth speaking with someone who thinks that vaginas are credible.

>> No.2065297
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>No one had told him the Night’s Watch would be like this; no one except Tyrion Lannister. The dwarf had given him the truth on the road north, but by then it had been too late. Jon wondered why his mancunt ached so hard for Impcock. "Yes," he said, "Yes."

>"Hodor," said Hodor.

Can't. Stop. Lauging.

>> No.2065305
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>> No.2065335

“It is known,” Jhiqui agreed.
“It is known,” agreed Jhiqui.

>> No.2065339

>There is no privacy in the heart of the khalasar. Dany felt the eyes on her as she undressed him, heard the soft voices as she did the things that Doreah had told her to do. It was nothing to her. Was she not khaleesi? His were the only eyes that mattered, and when she mounted him she saw something there that she had never seen before. She rode him as fiercely as ever she had ridden her silver, and when the moment of his pleasure came, Khal Drogo called out her name.

>They were on the far side of the Dothraki sea when Jhiqui brushed the soft swell of Dany’s stomach with her fingers and said, “Khaleesi, you are with child.”

>“I know,” Dany told her.

>It was her fourteenth name day.

>"Hodor," said Hodor.

>> No.2065363
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>“I know,” Dany told her.

>It was her fourteenth name day.

>"Hodor," said Hodor.

Should not laugh...

>> No.2065378

>“Now these were the days before the Andals came, and long before the women fled across the narrow sea from the cities of the Rhoyne, and the hundred kingdoms of those times were the kingdoms of the First Men, who had taken these lands from the children of the forest. Yet here and there in the fastness of the woods the children still lived in their wooden cities and hollow hills, and the faces in the trees kept watch. So as cold and death filled the earth, the last hero determined to seek out the children, in the hopes that their ancient magics could win back what the armies of men had lost. He set out into the dead lands with a sword, a horse, a dog, and a dozen companions. For years he searched, until he despaired of ever finding the children of the forest in their secret cities. One by one his friends died, and his horse, and finally even his dog, and his sword froze so hard the blade snapped when he tried to use it. And the Others smelled the hot blood in him, and came silent on his trail, stalking him with packs of pale white spiders big as hounds—”

>The door opened with a bang, and Bran’s heart leapt up into his mouth in sudden fear, but it was only Maester Luwin, with Hodor looming in the stairway behind him.

>“Hodor!” the stableboy announced, as was his custom, smiling hugely at them all.

>> No.2065383

>And the Others smelled the hot blood in him, and came silent on his trail, stalking him with packs of pale white spiders big as hounds—”

>The door opened with a bang, and Bran’s heart leapt up into his mouth in sudden fear, but it was only Maester Luwin, with Hodor looming in the stairway behind him.

>“Hodor!” the stableboy announced


>> No.2065391

I'm 1/3rd of the way through feast for crows and I just can't read any more...it's got so dull and all the best characters except jon snow are dead, and I am seeing nothing of Daenerys.

>> No.2065392


>I am seeing nothing of Daenerys


>> No.2065393

Not nearly as dull as ADWD

>> No.2065395

>and I am seeing nothing of Daenerys.
When you get to ADWD, you'll realize that's a blessing. She's awesome in ASOS but then GRRM decided he wanted to shit on her for a book or two.

>> No.2065468
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>> No.2065605

GRRM is the oldest hipster I've ever seen

>> No.2065621
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>all the best characters except jon snow are dead

Kill yourself.

>> No.2065623
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Jon Snow, you ain't know shit.

>> No.2065904

>all the best characters except jon snow are dead,

Not to spoil anything, but at that point in Feast, the following are all alive:

Dolorous Edd
Strong Belwas
The Sandsnakes
The Blackfish

And that's not even to mention Hodor!

>and I am seeing nothing of Daenerys

Then you'll looooove aDwD. You'll love it until you're sick.

>> No.2067138

push through it i am on page 728 of feast for crows it gets better.

>> No.2067147


Hodor II is my favorite Hodor II.

>> No.2067163

This is why I read Wheel of time

>> No.2067190


>> No.2067194
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many viewpoints help in world building

in an epic fantasy it's almost mandatory to give the sense of an entire world

>> No.2067196

I don't get where all the bitching about GRRM killing characters off comes from. He killed off four main POV characters (and Catelyn has been resurrected while Jon is undoubtedly going to be resurrected in Winds) and a bunch of secondary non-POV characters in the span of about 5000 pages, in a series about war, politics and scheming assholes. The death toll sounds reasonable to me.

>> No.2067219

Imagine the angst and whining when they finally kill off "Hodor," said Hodor.

>> No.2067229

Protip: Sansa chapters are the only ones where the text displays the narrative POV, rather than just being an impartial eye sitting behind them. Sansa chapters read like Sansa's own mentality.

Yes, I said it, Sansa is the best character.

>> No.2067234

Theon's POVs in ADWD were like that too.

I do think Sansa is the most well developed character though.

>> No.2067238

>“Who cares about your stupid dancing master?” Sansa flared. “Father, I only just now remembered, I can’t go away, I’m to marry Prince Joffrey.” She tried to smile bravely for him. “I love him, Father, I truly truly do, I love him as much as Queen Naerys loved Prince Aemon the Dragonknight, as much as Jonquil loved Ser Florian. I want to be his queen and have his babies.”
>"Hodor," said Hodor.

>> No.2067239

i'm pretty sure most, if not all, of the POVs do that. it's just that most of the time it's not as notable as it is with Sansa, because Sansa has the biggest divergence between her view of the world and reality. Tyrion, for instance, is much more realistic.

>> No.2067241

Sansa is a young Cersei. It is actually quite sad. Like watching raped boys grow up to be pedophiles.

>> No.2067247

>“It won’t be so bad, Sansa,” Arya said. “We’re going to sail on a galley. It will be an adventure, and then we’ll be with Bran and Robb again, and Old Nan and Hodor and the rest.” She touched her on the arm.

>“Hodor!” Sansa yelled. “You ought to marry Hodor, you’re just like him, stupid and hairy and ugly!” She wrenched away from her sister’s hand, stormed into her bedchamber, and barred the door behind her.

>"Hodor!" said Hodor.

>> No.2067258

>Once Dondarrion lops the summit off our Mountain, the Clegane lands and incomes will pass to Sandor, but I wouldn’t hold my water waiting for his thanks, not that one.

GRRM doesn't understand attainder.


>> No.2067260

I don't think that's a fair way to look at her yet. Cersei had her fair chance to be a good ruler, while Sansa was kind-of just shit on for a while and now she's fighting for survival. Time will tell what she does when she gets into a better position.

>> No.2067261

Is this the actual prose? Is it really this banal and idiotic?

Why do all you faggots read this garbage?

>> No.2067269

Yes, this is actual prose. The television series is much better than the text.

>> No.2067276

Before aDwD I actually liked both Dany and Tyrone, but this book kind of ruined it.

If people liked Dany before, doesn't mean they'll love aDwD.

>> No.2067280

>The procession waited on the grassy shore as Dany stripped and let her soiled clothing fall to the ground. Naked, she stepped gingerly into the water. Irri said the lake had no bottom, but Dany felt soft mud squishing between her toes as she pushed through the tall reeds. The moon floated on the still black waters, shattering and re-forming as her ripples washed over it. Goose pimples rose on her pale skin as the coldness crept up her thighs and kissed her lower lips. The stallion’s blood had dried on her hands and around her mouth. Dany cupped her fingers and lifted the sacred waters over her head, cleansing herself and the child inside her while the khal and the others looked on. She heard the old women of the dosh khaleen muttering to each other as they watched, and wondered what they were saying.

>When she emerged from the lake, shivering and dripping, her handmaid Doreah hurried to her with a robe of painted sandsilk, but Khal Drogo waved her away. He was looking on her swollen breasts and the curve of her belly with approval, and Dany could see the shape of his manhood pressing through his horsehide trousers, below the heavy gold medallions of his belt. She went to him and helped him unlace. Then her huge khal took her by the hips and lifted her into the air, as he might lift a child. The bells in his hair rang softly.

>Dany wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pressed her face against his neck as he thrust himself inside her. Three quick strokes and it was done. “The stallion who mounts the world,” Drogo whispered hoarsely. His hands still smelled of horse blood. He bit at her throat, hard, in the moment of his pleasure, and when he lifted her off, his seed filled her and trickled down the inside of her thighs.

>"Hodor," said Hodor.

>> No.2067281

you all read into a book like this to much its meant to be for fun not a literary master piece. also the only cool character he killed off was ned the rest kind of sucked. It may be a novel but his general thesis is that life isn't fair good people die and neds honorable actions are what led him to his death like many others.

also if you think Jon is really dead your dumb

>> No.2067283


>dialogue between pre-teen girls isn't very enlightening or eloquent

Splendid job, Sherlock.

>> No.2067290


Tyrion was in a bit of a rut for most of the book, being a fugitive who killed his father and not having any real power over things anymore and all. I think he'll get back into things, though. The end of ADWD was looking more promising for him.

I think Dany was already as good as she'd ever be as a character and she'll just go downhill from here, though. She hasn't had an interesting chapter in a while.

>> No.2067293

What makes it bad is that it doesn't sound like pubescent and pre-pubescent sisters.

>> No.2067295

>“Hodor!” Sansa yelled. “You ought to marry Hodor, you’re just like him, stupid and hairy and ugly!”

Sounds like a pubescent girl to me.

>> No.2067299

>not one mention of slut skag whore hussy strumpet
>pubescent girls

yeah right.

>> No.2067306


Sansa would NEVER use such dirty words.

>> No.2067307

100th post

>> No.2067313


>> No.2067314

Nice contribution there broski.

Be glad I didn't call Dany, Kelly C.

Tbh I'm only 60%through adwd, I hope you're right.

>> No.2067316

Wow, you guys.

100 posts on a /lit/ thread that isn't even literature. This is amazing.

Truly, it is a milestone achievement for pop garbage fantasy with horrendous prose written by a fat neckbeard.

>> No.2067326

GRRM is really good at describing food, and at providing horrific male fantasies about repressed women having sexual fantasies.

>> No.2067333

Brian Jacques was better at describing food.

>> No.2067336

I always wanted deeper 'n ever pie. And everything else.

Though I was always confused as to how they milked their cows, and where they even kept them.

>> No.2067337
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>Jon was taken aback. It was true, Lord Eddard had often made Robb part of his councils back at Winterfell. Could Sam be right? Even a bastard could rise high in the Night’s Watch, they said. “I never asked for this,” he said stubbornly.

>"Hodor," said Hodor.

>> No.2067391
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Oh god my sides.

>> No.2067450

>“He must march soon, or not at all,” Maester Luwin said. “The winter town is full to bursting, and this army of his will eat the countryside clean if it camps here much longer. Others are waiting to join him all along the kingsroad, barrow knights and crannogmen and the Lords Manderly and Flint. The fighting has begun in the riverlands, and your brother has many leagues to go.”

>“I know.” Bran felt as miserable as he sounded. He handed the bronze tube back to the maester, and noticed how thin Luwin’s hair had grown on top. He could see the pink of scalp showing through. It felt queer to look down on him this way, when he’d spent his whole life looking up at him, but when you sat on Hodor’s back you looked down on everyone. “I don’t want to watch anymore. Hodor, take me back to the keep.”

>“Hodor,” said Hodor.

>> No.2067461

>"Hodor," Bran agreed.

>> No.2067462

I'm weeping with laughter and seeping pee.

>> No.2067591

>dat feel when GRRM kills of Howland Reed in the prologue of TWOW.

>> No.2067710

>“Once,” the old man said. “Once. So you see, Jon, I do know . . . and knowing, I will not tell you stay or go. You must make that choice yourself, and live with it all the rest of your days. As I have.” His voice fell to a whisper. “As I have . . . ”

>"Hodor," said Hodor.

>> No.2067913

Please god, don't even suggest that.

>> No.2068207

"John Galt," said John Galt

>> No.2068501

"Hodor", said Ghost.

>> No.2068590
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"You know nothing, OP."

>> No.2068829

>And he knelt, and laid his sword at her son’s feet.

>“I’ll have peace on those terms,” Lord Karstark said. “They can keep their red castle and their iron chair as well.” He eased his longsword from its scabbard. “The King in the North!” he said, kneeling beside the Greatjon.

>Maege Mormont stood. “The King of Winter!” she declared, and laid her spiked mace beside the swords. And the river lords were rising too, Blackwood and Bracken and Mallister, houses who had never been ruled from Winterfell, yet Catelyn watched them rise and draw their blades, bending their knees and shouting the old words that had not been heard in the realm for more than three hundred years, since Aegon the Dragon had come to make the Seven Kingdoms one . . . yet now were heard again, ringing from the timbers of her father’s hall:

>“The King in the North!”

>“The King in the North!”


>"HODOR!" said Hodor.

>> No.2068851
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>> No.2068884
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>"Admit it, Imp. Given a choice between fucking Lollys and fighting the Mountain, you'd have your breeches down and your cock up before a man could blink."

>"Hodor," said Hodor.

>> No.2068892
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>"It's, kof, the pie, noth - kof, pie." Joff took another drink, or tried to, but all the wine came spewing back out when another spate of coughing doubled him over.
>His face was turning red. "I kof, I can't, kof kof kof kof..." The chalice slipped from his hand and dark red wine went running across the dias.
>"He's choking," Queen Margaery gasped.
>"Hodor," said Hodor.

>> No.2068980

Someone should do a word count of which appears more throughout the series:

"Hodor," said Hodor or "....mail and boiled leather"

My vote goes to the latter. Aside from all that, I am enjoying the books. I just finished A Clash of Kings and I'm starting A Storm of Swords in the morning.

>> No.2069004

>They were helping Prince Tommen mount his pony. If only Tommen were the elder instead of Joffrey, Sansa thought. I wouldn’t mind marrying Tommen.


>Yet Tommen put his spurs into his pony and galloped headlong across the yard, shouting with glee. One of the savages, a huge shambling man so hairy that his face was all but lost beneath his whiskers, scooped the boy out of his saddle, armor and all, and deposited him on the ground beside his uncle. Tommen’s breathless laughter echoed off the walls as Tyrion clapped him on the backplate, and Sansa was startled to see that the two were of a height.

>"Hodor," said Hodor.

>> No.2069016

Stannis almost starved out during a siege.

In a land where a winter can last for a decade.

I believe that.

>> No.2069022

>Grease ran down his/her chin.

>> No.2069038

>Implying words aren't wind

>> No.2069039

Tyrion is my fav. So witty.

>> No.2069044
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I am almost done with A Storm of Swords. God damn, these characters sure know how to make some shitty decisions.

I fucking hated Jon for two or three days. I couldn't even keep reading it. You know nothing Jon Snow. ;_;

>> No.2069047

That's because Tyrian is a modern's self-insert character. His actions are post-Enlightenment rationalist and his mentality is that of capitalism. You can't help but like Tyrian because you don't understand feudal mentalité.

Personally I like the Hound. He is the best worst man he can be: Tyrian stands as tall and straight as he may, the Hound stands with as little crookedness as he can summon, and with the least smallness a small man can muster. Tyrian would rather die than bend: he is the capitalist hero of grand realism. The Hound is a Brechtian hero to the extent that he is always and has always been broken, but does what best the broken can.

>> No.2069052


Yeah, it always bothers me when supposedly smart characters start making completely stupid decisions. It's like when "'Hodor,' said Hodor."

>> No.2069055
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Kill yourself.>>2069047

>> No.2069060

someone doesn't know that words are wind

>> No.2069063

I really don't care that much for a book half-written in a conlang. He can destrier all he wants with sellswords, but it doesn't mask the fact that he wants mercenaries on warhorses. And, to be honest, the Switzers of history are far more impressive than hearing the war of the roses and hundred years war retold by Hodor.

If you don't get why I'm malaproping, then maybe you need more Western canon?

>> No.2069064
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>Introduce bad ass character from Dorne, an area that has hardly any coverage in the books at this point
>Kill him off a few chapters later

Fuck you, George.

>> No.2069067

>Of late, he often dreamed of wolves. They are talking to me, brother to brother, he told himself when the direwolves howled. He could almost understand them . . . not quite, not truly, but almost . . . as if they were singing in a language he had once known and somehow forgotten. The Walders might be scared of them, but the Starks had wolf blood. Old Nan told him so. “Though it is stronger in some than in others,” she warned.

>"Hodor," said Shaggydog.

>> No.2069068
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>You will never hold Ygritte again.

>> No.2069077
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This was literally the last chapter I read today. I went from joyous to sad in one page.

>> No.2069082

There are plenty of anachronisms in ASOIAF, but I think all the anachronisms (when related to character traits and worldview) just let the reader better relate to the characters.

I always found it amusing how GRRM puts up a front about how Westerosi culture emulates the medieval attitude towards women, yet half of his female characters break that mold entirely and other characters still react in shock and awe whenever a woman does something that falls outside of her gender role. Most prominent anachronism for me.

>> No.2069085

Oberyn's death served a purpose. The Sand Snakes and most of the people of Dorne are riled up, and I'm pretty sure some heads at the Red Keep will be busted next book.

>> No.2069092

Amazing pic, bro. And yes, that chapter is a kick in the balls. GRRM tried to recapture Obyren's coolness in aFfC with Darkstar, but failed pretty fucking spectacularly.

>> No.2069096

I really strongly suggest you read Christine de Pizan.

Medieval chicks _ran_ the economy: the household of the manor was the economy in terms of the production of goods and the extraction of social surplus (in the form of direct goods extraction and corvee extraction).

Chicks were also armed, because you can't hold a manor unless you kill.

Now admittedly most of the time they were on their backs like good wombs, and about a quarter of the time there were men about. Also de Pizan doesn't discuss the freedom of women under monastic or bishopric manors (ie: peasants of cloistered orders or bishops), or the freedom of peasant women, or the freedom of cloistered women themselves. But we have excellent late medieval lay and religious order data on women—they were effectively self-governing orders of _proletarians_ acting as a collective petits-bourgeois by producing commodities.

Compare GRRM to Luther Blisset's /Q/ or Engel's /German Peasant's War/ and you see just how shitty GRRM is as a world builder. Compare his writings to de Pizan, and you see what a shit house writer he is.

>> No.2069103

Also the world is flooded with coin. Seriously flooded. Yes I know this is about building "reader rapport" but if I wanted to read tales about late capitalism, I'd look out my window and burn fucking London.

>> No.2069118

I never thought I'd see Pizan mentioned outside of my women's lit class. She's amazing. Thank you.

>> No.2069121

100 page of a feast for crows yes! i cant wait to read a dance with dragons

>> No.2069292

I find people that tell you not to trust them more trustworthy than people that ask me to trust them...

>> No.2069395

>Their dappled grey coursers were swift, strong, and beautifully trained. Side by side they charged the quintains. Both hit the shields cleanly and were well past before the padded butts came spinning around. Little Walder struck the harder blow, but Bran thought Big Walder sat his horse better. He would have given both his useless legs for the chance to ride against either.

>Little Walder cast his splintered lance aside, spied Bran, and reined up. “Now there’s an ugly horse,” he said of Hodor.

>“Hodor’s no horse,” Bran said.

>“Hodor,” said Hodor.

>> No.2069406

>“Fly or die!” cried the three-eyed crow as it pecked at him. He wept and pleaded but the crow had no pity. It put out his left eye and then his right, and when he was blind in the dark it pecked at his brow, driving its terrible sharp beak deep into his skull. He screamed until he was certain his lungs must burst. The pain was an axe splitting his head apart, but when the crow wrenched out its beak all slimy with bits of bone and brain, Bran could see again. What he saw made him gasp in fear. He was clinging to a tower miles high, and his fingers were slipping, nails scrabbling at the stone, his legs dragging him down, stupid useless dead legs. “Help me!” he cried. A golden man appeared in the sky above him and pulled him up. “The things I do for love,” he murmured softly.

>"Hodor," said Hodor.

>> No.2069463

>Such food Bran had never seen; course after course after course, so much that he could not manage more than a bite or two of each dish. There were great joints of aurochs roasted with leeks, venison pies chunky with carrots, bacon, and mushrooms, mutton chops sauced in honey and cloves, savory duck, peppered boar, goose, skewers of pigeon and capon, beef-and-barley stew, cold fruit soup. Lord Wyman had brought twenty casks of fish from White Harbor packed in salt and seaweed; whitefish and winkles, crabs and mussels, clams, herring, cod, salmon, lobster and lampreys. There was black bread and honeycakes and oaten biscuits; there were turnips and pease and beets, beans and squash and huge red onions; there were baked apples and berry tarts and pears poached in strongwine. Wheels of white cheese were set at every table, above and below the salt, and flagons of hot spice wine and chilled autumn ale were passed up and down the tables.

>"Hodor," said Hodor.

>> No.2069896

>Pale light filled the yard when Lord Tywin Lannister took his leave of Harrenhal. Arya watched from an arched window halfway up the Wailing Tower. His charger wore a blanket of enameled crimson scales and gilded crinet and chamfron, while Lord Tywin himself sported a thick ermine cloak. His brother Ser Kevan looked near as splendid. No less than four standard-bearers went before them, carrying huge crimson banners emblazoned with the golden lion. Behind the Lannisters came their great lords and captains. Their banners flared and flapped, a pageant of color: red ox and golden mountain, purple unicorn and bantam rooster, brindled boar and badger, a silver ferret and a juggler in motley, stars and sunbursts, peacock and panther, chevron and dagger, black hood, blue beetle, green arrow, and the goddamn batman.

>> No.2070824

But what did Hodor say?

>> No.2071005

>The bald man drove the point of his spear into the back of Mikken’s neck. Steel slid through flesh and came out his throat in a welter of blood. A woman screamed, and Meera wrapped her arms around Rickon. It’s blood he drowned on, Bran thought numbly. His own blood.

>“Who else has something to say?” asked Theon Greyjoy.

>"Hodor," said Hodor.

>> No.2072939

>He closed his third eye and opened the other two, the old two, the blind two. In the dark place all men were blind. But someone was holding him. He could feel arms around him, the warmth of a body snuggled close. He could hear Hodor singing.

>"Hodor," sang Hodor.

>> No.2072955

Yes, Catelyn should have stayed dead. And wahts up with being brought back to life? Seriously?
I felt gipped when Bran and Rickon 'died' but didn't. But its for the best, probably. Except I almost dont care about Bran, why should I care about Rickon?

>> No.2072978

>And wahts up with being brought back to life? Seriously?

Lady Stoneheart is more a shadow of Cat than the real deal.

>> No.2073082
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You really thought it were those two? It was pretty obvious Theon didn't found them and tried to put to fake bodies in their place.

Also anyone else think Osha will allready be dead by the next book having died of illness or some stupid robbers on her way, leaving Rickon to turn completely feral.

I mean she is a female experinced wildling soldier with a strong will and who has turned into a loyal servant of the Stark.
That makes her survival chances as good as those of a snowball in the sun.

>> No.2073120
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>more Sansa, Davos, Jaime/Brienne, and Cersei chapters in the next book

>> No.2073153

You see that as a bad thing right?

What's the best possible outcome for the whole Jaime/Brienne thing anyway?

I imagine, it would be Brienne not being able to hold her sinister thoughts and admitting she is leading Jaime into a trap and urging him to flee. He however isn't even mad at her and instead wants to face judgement by the Brotherhood and Lady Stoneheart. He tells her that if he dies she has make sure his end is noted in the white book. So he comes to the ambush, yields and demands a trail. In the end he somehow manages to survive, Catlyn is made dead again by Thoros and the brotherhood disbands with several of them, especialy the Stark members, joining Brienne in her search for Sansa.

>> No.2073154
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>> No.2073156

>bourgeois soul
>Gravity's Rainbow
>postmodernist philosophy

Yeah ok, you can shut up now.

>> No.2073159
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>> No.2073170
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>> No.2073286
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Sansa's a necessary evil in order to see what Littlefinger is up to.

Jaime and Brienne's story looks like it's coming to a head. I doubt we'll see any more of Brienne after Winds of Winter. And Davos is a fascinating character. He's the closest thing we get to a commoner's pov.

>> No.2073307

Okay, I lol'd.

Also, MOAR.

>> No.2074915

>What's the best possible outcome for the whole Jaime/Brienne thing anyway?

Brienne nearly dies, Jaime is redeemed, Lady Stoneheart dies for real.

Happy ending.

>> No.2075712

"George," said George.