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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 442 KB, 1250x2160, Literature Guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.2064930 [Reply] [Original]

What are some outstanding classics/good books that are short, such as The Stranger or Candide? Preferably a philosophical work wrapped in a novel and around 100-300 pages or so.

>> No.2064935

The Prince
Animal Farm
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich

>> No.2064939



>> No.2064948

the immoralist

>> No.2064949

>LOTR in shit tier

Fuck your shit too, faggot. At least to kill a mockingbird is in its proper place though.

>> No.2064950

Philosophy In The Bedroom
It's the most insightful book you'll ever masturbate to.

>> No.2064952

Why is Ulysses not Ulysses-tier?

>> No.2064955

this is why i hate going to /lit/ for actual book discussion. Bunch of edgy college teens that think pretending to like old russian books is hip.

>> No.2064959

this is a troll list by Quentin. I'm disappointed you guys didn't know this.

>> No.2064961

>Hamlet Low-Tier
>Atlas Shrugged Mid-Tier

>Ayn Rand's didactic half-baked philosophy vehicle ranked ahead of the most influential work in English after the bible, probably.

What the FUCK kind of list is this OP?

>> No.2064962

Shit I got trolled hard.

>> No.2064972

>the bible
>english work
>i don't know who's trolling anymore.jpg

>> No.2065002

The Crying of Lot 49

>> No.2065012


The King James translation is widely considered a landmark of English literature, if not the peak of it.

It is more to do with the expression and poetry of the translation than with origins of the texts.

>> No.2065014

Villa des Roses
Mrs Caliban
Confessions of Zeno
Doktor Glas

>> No.2065018

oh look at how edgy and atheist i am for hating the bible

faggots. Your pastor should have beat your ass as a child.

>> No.2065043

Too bad it was inaccurate as fuck. Translating both Hades and Sheol as Hell is not cool.

>> No.2065050

I found it acceptable. I have a leather Bible with my name engraved on it, a birthday gift from my father. I read it occasionally. I find the bible fascinating.

>> No.2065066


I know what you mean. I read harry potter for the same reason, you need to bond with commoners somehow, am I right?

>> No.2065067

that's great man. do you have any other interesting birthday gifts you'd like to share?

>> No.2065070
File: 8 KB, 183x251, 1239150246390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get madder hipsters

>> No.2065073

not mad just laughed weirdly at the bizarre comment, felt i'd put in my two cents.