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20648486 No.20648486 [Reply] [Original]

Today I came to the realization that the girl at work, whom I'm madly in love with, and whom I've been working closely with part time for 8 months, maybe only sees me as a mere "friend" (someone she can spend time with during working hours to make things more interesting) despite having giving me insane IOIs the whole time. I have no way to confirm definitively either way but this is my suspicion from todays day at work.

I can't sleep or eat well. I'm going on a two week trip to Greece next week and instead of feeling excited and joyous, I couldn't care less to be honest. After that, I'm going back to work and she and I will work together for the duration of the summer then we part our ways.

Book I can read on my two week travel for this feel to prepare me for going back to work to see her again?

>> No.20648493

Ask her out faggot holy shit

>> No.20648498


>> No.20648507

I'm going to but not until the last day of work. I thought of telling her on the last day that I want to continue seeing her and that we should meet up for drinks sometime

We work very closely together and I wouldn't want to ruin working relation when we have half the summer left to work together

>> No.20648513

I think you'd regret this. It's better to get rejected now so you move on, she might actually grow some feelings for you after that.

>> No.20648515

Based. Being madly in love is the peak of existence. It's in fact total hell but you love it.
What to read?
Byron of course!
Maybe some Burns if the dialect doesn't annoy you. I love these two:
"When I sleep I dream,
When I wauk I'm eerie;
Sleep I can get nane
For thinking on my dearie"
So true... here eerie just means melancholy/distracted

>> No.20648553

Problem is, we literally sit next to each other at work for 8 hours and talk most of the time. If I'm being completely honest, she should already know by now how I feel about her at some level and if she's not a manipulative person who gives me IOIs on purpose to play games, she should know that I know how she feels about me.

It is not normal to lock eyes for 4-5 sec with a smile multiple times a day with a co worker, but this has been my experience with her for as long as we've worked together.

>> No.20648583
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>I thought of telling her on the last day
>I wouldn't want to ruin working relation when we have half the summer left to work together
From the way that you are writing I am convinced that she is unattracted to you and that you are afraid to ask her out because deep down inside you know this along with the strong likelihood that once she rejects you and you realize that your hand is weak, that YOU are the one whose work performance would suffer for the remainder of the summer left together and that you'd probably spiral into being an insufferable prick being around a woman that sees you as the dope that you are. So just give it up dude. If you are really so neurotic about not asking a girl out because 'muh workplace relashanship bruh!' then I am convinced that there are deeper, more underlying reasons that you should not ask her out from that alone. But if you want to grow as a person, I'd recommend that you ask her out and see how YOU feel about it and assess your emotional development from your response to that. But imo, you are troubled bro.

>> No.20648649

>From the way that you are writing I am convinced that she is unattracted to you and that you are afraid to ask her out because deep down inside you know this along with the strong likelihood that once she rejects you and you realize that your hand is weak
My honest intuition is that she's not deeply attracted to me, but this is solely based on my own self perception, not anything she has said or done to validate my intuition. My trouble is that the IOIs she gives invalidates my intuition I have about how attractive she thinks I am. Again, the deep eye contact with smiles, we have touched each other in teasing manners many times (she initiated the first teasing touch), we share food with each other, we have talked about everything under the sun, she asked me once how big my bed was out of the blue, things like this makes me conflicted. I have never had a female friend, maybe this is the way females behave with their male "friends" (this is a level of cuckolding/beta orbiting I would never engage if she ever made it clear that she only wants me as a friend).

>But imo, you are troubled bro.
I'm genuinely in need of help, I realize this

>> No.20648731
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holy shit dude
I think you're literally gay
She probably thinks you're gay now too
>imagining having this many thoughts about a pretty girl that you want to stick your pp in
While you're in Greece, be sure to bring enough money to bang multiple prostitutes if they have any legal zones for prostitution there
My prescription for you is simple buddy: sex. Just have some. It'll help with your neuroticism.

>> No.20649224

Then don’t bother asking her out at all, she will lose all interest knowing you are a massive pussy

>> No.20649632

Ask her out, you dumb homo. She either digs you or she's leading you on, only one way to find out. Just in case she rejects you: The Sorrows of Young Werther by Goethe