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20642326 No.20642326 [Reply] [Original]

What books can help me understand cultural marxism and lgbt ideology how it came to be pushed do hard and so fast and is such a virulent a fashion? Is a new totalitarian religious movement based on ritualized pedophilia an a cult of victimhood?
I mean if these people are going to call you a fascist for the crime of reading old books, not wanting children to be molested, not wanting to be a second class citizen in your own country or having thoughts unapproved by the corporate media, can fascism probably be all that bad?

>> No.20642335


Just read about the anti-deutsche movement. Then replace deutsche with straightand white. Congrats now you understand western politics in 2022.

>> No.20642340
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Read Marx. Trannies will tell you there's a difference between marxism and neo-marxism but there isn't any substantial difference: they're both satanism.

>> No.20642358

Its about empathy and basic human decency the mild discomfort you feel from having to acknowledge your privilege is not even one millionth of the terror and humilliation marginalized queer folx feel from constant microagressions living under a heteronormative fascist white supremacist society were

>> No.20642359

Probably better off reading crackpot blogs or something if you want to "understand cultural marxism" considering it's just a bullshit conspiracy theory cooked up by morons.

>> No.20642366

The collected pentagon memos that invented it all.

>> No.20642368

"cultural marxism" is a bogeyman, just read these digits

>> No.20642374

every reason to trust progressive bourgeoisie and managerial strata over fascist white settlers who want them dead.we have every right to deplaatform fascists and reactionaries and class reductionists and science deniers and ensure safety for marginalized and vulnerable members of our communities. We are not afraid to call them out for what they are: white supremacist domestic terrorists! We have every right to demand the destigmatization and normalization of sex work, mental health, fat positivity, pornography, drug use, decolonization prison abolition police abolition family abolition the sexual enmancipation of children and an end to white supremacy and the gender binary and the abolition of a white supremacist culture based on the tyranny of the written word.

Instead of pandering to the most backward secrors of the working class we should lead the way along with the most advanced ones, black and indigenous people, and queer/ trans sex workers. Sex workers not the straight male labour aristokkkracy who are at the vanguard of the proletarian movement, women and queer people taking the means of production into their own hands by refusing to perform unpaid sexual and emotional labor for white men.

The real class struggle is not in factories but in womens bodies. Sexwork is a threat to patriarchy the capitalist system itself it is radically queer because it goes against the idea that sex is for the reproduction of the nuclear family and the patriarchal ideology of romantic love. Its a means for workers to take the means of production into their own hands here and now to abolish the distinction between the private sphere and the public, between work and pleasure and self expression. To break down the walls of lily white christian suburbia into a brave new world of pleasure rebellion and freedom. Yes it is true what they say about us queer postmodern neomarxists We are gonna groom all your daughters to be whores and your sons to be nympho trans sex workers.

>> No.20642376

Gottfried, The strange death of Marxism

>> No.20642382

I like the term cultural marxismits like calling them bioleninists or grommers you know you hit into something because you piss all the right people off.

>> No.20642384

Did you have a stroke while writing this comment?

>> No.20642397

Its about empathy and basic human decency fascism is about cruelty about scapegoating vulnerable and marginalized communities like trans people and sex workers is about denying science. Even if you think you are not racist you are racist when you are used to privilege equality feels like oppression. The racist personality based on white ideas like individualism and colorblindness should be demolished to make way for a sex work affirming queer positive anti racist personality.

>> No.20642408

Trans genoicide isnt happening but it would be a good thing if it were

>> No.20642422
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>Gramsci and the Frankfurt school is just a boogeyman bro

>> No.20642429


>> No.20642432

the transgender leftazoid's politics amount to locking up helpless children up in a room and scolding them for having white privilege and the importance of normalizing sex work in between false flag mass shootings and mandatory drag shows sponsored by mastercard and lockheeed martin, i can hardly think of a more detestable group of people

>> No.20642437

Famously Marxist organisations, Mastercard and Lockheed Martin.

>> No.20642448

These people will support capitalism when it suits them because they are not motivated by a desire for a better world but by two things the desire to rape children with impunity and thinking you have it too good as a working class white male too well and you should be dragged down to their level and indoctrinated into NPC ideology

>> No.20642460

>this comment
Go back

>> No.20642461

It's a simple story really. Both the KGB and the FBI funded the Frankfurt school throughout the twentieth century, undermining western tradition through a subversive psyop encompassing all aspects of life and culture. This spawned cultural marxism, critical race theory, intersectionality etc. French theory finished the job in the 70s. They effectively managed to annihilate religion and usher in degeneracy at a large scale, promoting unhealthy living, multiculturalism, liberal democracy and atheism. You live through the consequences today : an atomized postmodern hellscape devoid of community and meaning. All of this by design, of course.

>> No.20642465
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I know this chart

>> No.20642466

Or you know, these companies pander to trannies because they want more money, because they are capitalists. That's it.

>> No.20642473
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I wonder why pandering to trannies results in more money. I wonder who funds all these NGOs supporting LGBT like Stonewall in the UK. I wonder where the LGBT idea was born and who gave birth to it. I wonder why marxists always stop at le evil capitalists but never go further. Oh wait, I don't have to wonder because everyone already knows.

>> No.20642490

Trannies are purpose engineered biopolitical clientele for the corporate state. Its a program to mass produce NPCs who will do everything they are told. How these agendas like queer theory or critical race theory are being pushed by these powerful actors through compulsory schooling and mass propaganda even if they are massively unpopular If you are a tranny i see you as subhuman you are a mere instrument being used to lower the biological level of human life for the sake of state control and corporate profits.

>> No.20642497

cultural marxism is just passive acceptance for capitalism without really doing anything

>> No.20642522

Woah yaas kween slay! Such science! Such victimhood! Such love!

>> No.20642530


>> No.20642594

Start by understanding that therre is no such thing as cultural marxism, opressed groups band together on a surface level because they have a common problem (generally the centre-right political party and community violence). But the truth is that women feminists are biphobic, gay men are sexist and black people are homophobic. There is no "ideology" to pick apart, just a desperate struggle to be able to live free of political persecution and violence - all of the "queer" and "intersectional" theories are just void-screeching around this.
>how it came to be pushed do hard and so fast and is such a virulent a fashion
Since the 60s? The answer to why it's sped up recently is the internet, social media and mass communication networks that arne't filtered through the walled garden of print media and TV execs, ideas propogate faster and the whole "manufacturing consent" thing just can't happen in the same way any more. To clarify - there are no more LGBT people than there were in 1940, they'renjust not imprisoned any more so they can come out and live free, expect trans women I suppose but YMMV.
>Is a new totalitarian religious movement based on ritualized pedophilia an a cult of victimhood?
Catholicism has been around ffor quite some time now, I wouldn't call it new.
>I mean if these people are going to call you a fascist for the crime of reading old books, not wanting children to be molested, not wanting to be a second class citizen in your own country or having thoughts unapproved by the corporate media, can fascism probably be all that bad?
Straw man and clearly schizophrenic. Turn off the internet, make friends, have sex and grow up. You think this sort of stuff is funny and cool because you're young but it will poison your soul - find a 30+year old alt righter / 4chan troll and tell me you wouldn't rather be burned alive than end up like them.

>> No.20642600

>rightoid graphic design
loving every laugh

>> No.20642601
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Read Ellul.

>> No.20642611

Has this fag written about every damn topic?

>> No.20642614

4/10. Was believable until you used fat posivity and let your 4chan porn addled brain instantly go to child porn. Because you're a nonce.

>> No.20642618

>you know you hit into something because you piss all the right people off.
This is why the alt right hate being called short autistic incels then?

>> No.20642621

0/10 he forgot to ctrl+v the first few words of this copypasta

>> No.20642630

I mean at least catholics used to think child abuse was something shameful and wrong that wasnt supposed to happen and needed to be hidden but the new church of progressivism wants to normalize it. They actively believe it to be something good.

>> No.20642639

>I mean at least catholics used to think child abuse was something shameful and wrong that wasnt supposed to happen and needed to be hidden
This is a poor defence for institutional child rape cover ups.
>but the new church of progressivism wants to normalize it. They actively believe it to be something good.
According to a handful of chuds on 4chan. Go outside, turn off the internet and speak to some gay people - they're not pro child rape.

>> No.20642644

>manufacturing consent" thing just can't happen in the same way any more. To clarify - there are no more LGBT people than there were in 1940, they'renjust not imprisoned any more so they can come out and live free, expect trans women I suppose but YMMV.
>>Is a new totalitarian religious movement based on ritualized pedophilia an a cult of victimhood?
>Catholicism has been around ffor quite some time now, I wouldn't call it new.
Consent is manufactured with rainbows and white privilege seminars and mandatory lgbt indoctrination in schools sponsored by the porn industry. Lgbt are effectively the mascots of the regime and its holy cows.

>> No.20642649

I mean,bros,have you tried bringing up nietszche or any other western philosopher for that matter around your local lgbtsjwtfnpc marxist cattle? In no time you will see their beady stupid cowlike eyes light up in panic. Soon enough they will start with the usual subhuman bleating, screeching and snivelling hysterically as if begging to be put out of their misery"wasnt he sexist? Arent you being dangerously eurocentric? Hasnt it been deboonked as fake news russian bot pseudoscience?Why read books by dead white men when you could have been watching CNN reading the NYT streaming the latest diverse and inclusive workplace comedies at netflix hulu and disneyplus? your daily mandatory dose of ''ethically sourced'' child pornography? Didnt you know reading antything beyond YA literature is ableist towards people who are too retarded to read? How does this further the short term electoral goals of the democratic party? Are you saying child sex workers arent real sex workers?Have you been taking your daily recomended dose of high fructuouse corn syrup your SSRIs and HRT? it is very important that you take the medication dr goldstein prescribed otherwise we will report you to corporate for mandatory sensitivity training as per the domestic terrorism act of 2021"

>> No.20642659

Secular clergy can get away with raping children with impunity. Christianity is openly mocked but even the slightest dissent for cultural marxist dogma is likely to get you branded a thought criminal

>> No.20642661
File: 343 KB, 1200x1600, anglo soy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read about the sociocultural aspects of medieval and modern England, then do the same with colonial, modern and contemporary United States

you should read stuff about the cold war (sociocultural and political), that´s where the "acktually cultural marxism" started, but the incubator of these stupid ideas started in England

it´s funny how the dissident left and right in the Anglosaxon World try to delude themselves by creating scapegoats such as the joos, globohomo, the patriarchy, the frankurt school, the french philosophers of the post war, etc...

they have too much cowardness to admit that their elites (on a intergenerational level) are at fault here

>> No.20642681

Such a funny and clever post, even for the 3,824,778th time in a row. 2016 is the year that just keeps on giving!

>> No.20642682

>Consent is manufactured with rainbows and white privilege seminars and mandatory lgbt indoctrination in schools sponsored by the porn industry. Lgbt are effectively the mascots of the regime and its holy cows.
That's not how manufacturing consent works, does anyone on the board even reading fucking books any more, if anything manufacturing consent works in the opposite way. I hate to recommend him but Chomsky's book on the subject is a great summation of how this shit worked befor twitter and facebook.
>I mean,bros,have you tried bringing up nietszche or any other western philosopher for that matter around your local lgbtsjwtfnpc marxist cattle?
Every LGBT person I know has a generally positive view on N. Even the socialists for some reason.
>oon enough they will start with the usual subhuman bleating, screeching and snivelling hysterically as if begging to be put out of their misery"wasnt he sexist?
Ask me how I know you don't leave the house and speak to real humans.
>Secular clergy can get away with raping children with impunity. Christianity is openly mocked but even the slightest dissent for cultural marxist dogma is likely to get you branded a thought criminal
It isn't. You'll be called a cunt if you're being a cunt. Challenging narratives and engaging is discussion are fine - being racist, sexist homophobic etc aren't IRL. Anyone who isn't autistic understands that without it needing to be explained to them.

>> No.20642686
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>> No.20642697

I mean the definition of being racist sexist or homophobic just means daring to have thoughts unnaproved by NGOs and the democratic party and the corporate monoculture

>> No.20642704

Obviously, there are a lot more public school empoyees than catholic priests - of which there are less than 36000. Stretch this out over 20 years and you get 4020 - more than 10%.
If someone said 1 in 9 teachers was a child raist there'd be blood in the streets but it'ss ok because it's priests?

>> No.20642708

yeah I know about Gramsci and Frankfurt school, I'm just not sure that's what OP was referring to when he said 'cultural marxism and lgbt ideology' though. are people really deploying theories related to Gramsci and the Frankfurt school when they cobble together vague critiques of heteropatriarchal dogma, white supremacy and state violence etc etc under the very broad banner of SJW style 'praxis'?

>> No.20642709

But that is what lgbt actually believes they havent gone away and are still a threat to our children and our freedoms. 2016 was just a taste of whats to come

>> No.20642712

>I mean the definition of being racist sexist or homophobic just means daring to have thoughts unnaproved by NGOs and the democratic party and the corporate monoculture
It in't, but you're fully aware of that. If you're not then you need help.

>> No.20642719

It isn't what they believe at all though.

>> No.20642728

Im not a catholic we need a new reformation to reaffirm the value of independent thought against the child raping cultural marxist clergy in our public schools and universities.

>> No.20642746

I want you to understand - not just know but actually understand - that you'll go through life thinking that everyone hates you becuse they're brainwashed / you're short / you're autistic. That's not the case, it's becuase you are a deeply unpleasant person and it will cause you to die alone and unloved. I'm not talking to the troll here, i'm talking to the person pretending to harbour these beliefs. I'm out. Get help.

>> No.20642760

Lgbtsjwtfnpc is a product of marxism but of the civil rights act and soros rockefeller funded NGOs. Basically they want to keep corporate capitalism liquidate the independent middle classes but massively expand managerial biomedical psychiatric states power over the individual in what amounts to a totalitarian technocracy based on identity politics

>> No.20642823
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>implying that is in any way a bad thing

>> No.20642875

Reminder that it’s the filthy frogs that push wokeness

>> No.20643029


>> No.20643209
File: 53 KB, 554x554, 1648772519093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This.There is literally nothing wrong with this picture only a fascist reactionary chud would think so . I for one think it would be beautiful if this little girl could be inspired to grow up to be queer or a sex worker. After all BDSM is a perfectly valid identity based on the self evident principles of science and love just like being gay trans a sex worker or a minor attracted person

>> No.20643234

Didnt white supremacist terrorists try to take the capitol less than a year ago? Isnt the fact that they were allowed to do so proof of the existance of structural racism? Arent thinkers like agamben and ellul actually christian fundamentalists undermining progressive movements and abetting the conservative denial of science and ecpert authority? Which in a pandemic is a literal mather of life and death. For marginalized folks representation in media and the democratic process is not to be dismissed as propaganda but is a matter of survival. i suggest you try reading women of color instead of crypto christian eurocentric writers like agamben or ellul.

>> No.20643241

If you're a shitlib seeking pleasant answers (ie. other than jews), read Cynical Theories

>> No.20643256
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There's no such thing as cultural marxism. What you claim is cultural marxism is just progressive neoliberal capitalism. Liberalism itself has always been the ideology that says any degeneracy goes as long as people consent to it. Actual Marxists would put homosexuals in labor camps.

>> No.20643283

I tried to think this way for a long time, but the more actual self-proclaimed Marxists I talk to, the more they all started saying the same shit. None of them seem to see anything even slightly wrong with progressivism, at best they don't like when it's coopted by corporations, but they all seem to still want borderless mutt brazilification for all in the end.

>> No.20643284

if you think "cultural marxism" is a real concept and you use stupid Ben Shapiro tier buzzwords like "culture of victimhood" you're already too far gone. People with such attitudes don't read books, so don't bother trying to seek any out. Just continue to watch youtube videos and hang out with your emotional support group (your 4chan buddies) until you inevitably lose all sense of reality and become a spree killer. or try to read books about something else and rehabilitate yourself. those are realistically your two options.

>> No.20643307

(((Ben shapiro))) sure. If anything people like him or petersin are controlled opposition and radically underestimate the totalitarian and pedophilic tendencies of bioleninism qnd the queer ideology.

>> No.20643320

>the more they all started saying the same shit

Of course, they do that today. But that's because Marxism is a dead ideology. It died in 1991. So all the people who use the word today actually just mean progressive lib, e.g the most important thing to them politically is that faggots can get married and not that workers are being exploited.

>> No.20643321
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>antisemite brackets
wow anon you're even further down the pipeline than i thought! i guess the best we can hope for at this point is that you just quietly kill yourself instead of shooting up a mosque or something.

>> No.20643325

It was the left wing who told me reading books was white supremacy and i should read only diverse YAandkultmarx identitarian propaganda.anyone who loves books and culture cant be but filled with hate for itsenemy the cult of victimhood that is offended by culture

>> No.20643372
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refute this

>> No.20643708

I'm pretty sure this is a bait post, but if you think Ellul is in any way a fundamentalist you are very mistaken. He was "undermining" progressive movements like the 68ers the same way he did to conservative causes like Algeria. And Ellul wrote this in 1976, far before any of the American political events you discuss.

>> No.20644143

The Frankfurt School pretty much had only one unifying element, which was deconstructivist critical liberationism. exactly the same is happening today

>> No.20644155

You're a pseud retard.

>> No.20644156

I think it boils down to self interest and greed. Look at things like affirmative action as a way for one group to gain easier to power and resources.

>> No.20644177

>Didnt white supremacist terrorists try to take the capitol less than a year ago?

No? You couldn't be more yikes if you tried.

>> No.20644212

2/10 not believable

>> No.20644219

>self-proclaimed Marxists
If they don't own a gun they're not Marxists.

>> No.20644259

Also, on this note, I would have to say that more interesting question is why white liberals in america are supportive of this if they stand to lose out on at least of that power and wealth. Don't they understand that they undermine their own position?

>> No.20644311

If by "white supremacist" you mean those with an inkling of aversion to their own dispossession then yes.

>> No.20644327

Gramsci did not advocate for films to have token gay characters in them you quotemining charlatan. the frankfurt school were known for rejecting marxism.

>> No.20644329

so what does this have to do with gramsci?

>> No.20644337

i cannot believe these posts are made by an human being

>> No.20644343

they rejected marxism in line with the dialectics started by Marx. They rejected Marx because he wasn't marxist enough.

>> No.20644347

woke, much like jesus christ essentially works as a trick on niggers. from the elite shitlibs perspective middle class white people are just uppitty niggers

>> No.20644376

it is shockingly apparent that you have read nothing from the frankfurt school or Marx and are just throwing around a word you learned on /lit/ ('dialectics'). Dialectics are the developmental course of ideas in HEGEL, not in Marx. Marx's dialectics are the developmental course of social relationships. It is a process that encompasses things like strikes, revolutions, slavery, changes in land ownership, e.t.c. So no, a bunch of academics rejecting Marx is not a continuation of 'in line with the dialectics started by Marx.' Stop posturing please.

>> No.20644399

First and foremost
Cultural marxism and marxism are not the same thing
Friendly reminder that Satan means enemy
Who said "love thy enemy", again?
Christianity is Satanism
Marxism tells you to fight your enemies

>> No.20644413

It says love your enemy referring to humans not to demons and Lucifer. Atheists can't read the bible to save their lives.

>> No.20644432


>> No.20644437

I never claimed that Marx invented dialectics, anon, i referenced the fact that some of the ideas of Marx were rejected by the folks from the frankfurt school, because they considered these to not be ideal in the process of achieving a communist utopia.
They share the same goal of Marx, but they reject his methods, Marx is the thesis, they are the antithesis, this is dialectics. Since they share the same goal, they are in line. Do you understand now?

>> No.20644484

>It says love your enemy referring to humans not to demons and Lucifer.
Said who? (You)?
> Atheists can't read the bible to save their lives.

Flammas eius Lúcifer matutínus invéniat:
ille, inquam, Lúcifer, qui nescit occásum.
Christus Fílius tuus,
qui, regréssus ab ínferis, humáno géneri serénus illúxit,
et vivit et regnat in sæcula sæculórum.

May this flame be found still burning
by the Morning Star:
the one Morning Star who never sets,
Christ your Son,
who, coming back from death's domain,
has shed his peaceful light on humanity,
and lives and reigns for ever and ever.

>> No.20644494

My bad, I just copypasted and didn't immediately notice that this version forgets the "tecum" bit

>> No.20644509

>thesis, antithesis, synthesis
another pseud flag.
>they considered these to not be ideal in the process of achieving a communist utopia.
why conjecture random nonsense about books you have never read?
Adorno: “Philosophy, which once seemed outmoded, remains alive because the moment of its realization was missed. The summary judgement that it had merely interpreted the world is itself crippled by resignation before reality, and becomes a defeatism of reason after the transformation of the world failed." (he is very clearly arguing that the possibility of a 'communist utopia' has already passed)

Marcuse: "Today any form of the concrete world, of human life, any transformation of the technical and natural environment is a possibility, and the locus of this possibility is historical. Today we have the capacity to turn the world into hell, and we are well on the way to doing so. We also have the capacity to turn it into the opposite of hell. This would mean the end of utopia, that is, the refutation of those ideas and theories that use the concept of utopia to denounce certain socio-historical possibilities."

>> No.20644543

you are a retard if you don't understand that what he is implying is that the so called "utopia" is a desirable goal for them, this very fact makes them marxists

>> No.20644559

I wholeheartedly pity you. I recognize a contemptibly deficient individual. Grasping at straws.

>> No.20644561

Christ destroys His enemies in Revelation, and Adam was to strike down the snake. The entire Bible is about rejecting Satan so that you take is the exact opposite from it shows your own satanic intentions or thinking.

>> No.20644564

You've already backpedalled from saying that they were trying to actively achieve utopia in your previous post. And no, Marcuse is clearly saying that utopianism (thinking in terms of utopia) is undesireable. Adorno (if you bother to read the rest of the book) thinks that utopianism was only a pleasant illusion, and that the real knowledge we can achieve is more like 'knowledge of limitations'. you may have to start paying me if you want your free tutoring on books you didn't read to continue.

>> No.20644701

"wokeism" is just liberalism you fucking morons fuck off

>> No.20644707

its the new state religion, cultural marxism! its not just liberalism, these people oppenly oppose free speech, openly hate western literate culture, they demand the abolition of the family and a totalitarian regime, these people are enemies, if you have listen to them screech foam at the mouth, these are not human beings but NPCas that have been programmed to serce s attack doggs for the total state

>> No.20644722

what are trans children if not marxist bacha bazi?

>> No.20644734

i have read more books than you on the subject, you are a midwit

>> No.20644898

Seems like there are no books for this made up term. Coincidence?

>> No.20644950

lmao exactly. OP maybe try /pol/ and stop shitting up the literature board with yet another "i'm a schizo schoolshooter" blogpost thinly veiled as a book rec thread. a thread discussing literature died for this.

>> No.20644985

>What books can help me understand cultural marxism
Adorno - Negative Dialectics
Horkeimer - Eclipse of Reason
Marcuse - One dimentional man
Gramsci - Selections from the Prison Notebooks
Lefebvre - Critique of everyday life

After having read these you will have a solid understanding of cultural marxism OP

>> No.20645030

no they rejected the idea that communism was possible, they shared his theoretical outlook but thought that the time for realising communism was past. you're a fucking retard and should kill yourself. 'thesis, antithesis' blow your fucking brains out

>> No.20645037

Jordan Peterson doesn't count lol

>> No.20645106

Do Ellen Page films count?

>> No.20645219


Based Greek. I'm from İzmir bro. Come sometimes let's drink Efes Pilsen

>> No.20645256

Reading this thread and seeing leftypol trannies try their very hardest to obfuscate the discussion by arguing semantics and begging the question makes me all the more convinced that leftism is a mental illness.

>> No.20645284

Based Gottfried enjoyer. Paleoconservatism and the realist school of international relations are the only common sense political ideologies today. They'll never effect policy but it's nice to read someone get things right.

>> No.20645327

>the liberal state is marxist now
I loathe every single fucking one of you retards stop posting on this board

>> No.20645339

Goddammit. Thanks for ruining Cara Delevingne for me. Can't unseen that.

>> No.20645368

Cultural Marxism is an exonym used by the political right that describes both Western Marxism and Progressivism simultaneously. This isn't really an issue because Marxism is dead and every self-described socialist or Marxist is just a shitlib today and it's been this way for like 50 years.
Cultural Marxism, historically, was tied to the Communist movement though. Basically Cultural Marxists decided that historical materialism was wrong and that the tools of psychology, cultural criticism, community organizing etc. would be needed for Communism to triumph. When Marxism-Communism died as a historical force though all of these Left culture warriors were left without an object; undermining "tradition" and "The West" was no longer part of a plan towards the implementation of Communism, so it had to be retrofitted as an end in itself.
That's how you end up with a curious contradiction: the ideas that compose "Cultural Marxism" are now utterly ascendant in academia and mostly ascendant in the broader culture, so where is the Communism? Cultural Marxism failed in its original task but succeeded fabulously as a free-floating toolkit for cultural criticism. I suspect that resentful Lefties harp on this point for their claims of the nonexistence of Cultural Marxism. If everyone is a Cultural Marxist, then why is there no Communism? Checkmate you schizo Chuds. They're about half right on this point.
Also side note, the CIA funded Western Marxism because they likely knew that the ideas therein wouldn't overthrow Capitalism. Just a funny historical tidbit, Leftards being psyopped by the same guys that propped up South American Fascists and such. Hahhaah

>> No.20645370

Both Liberal's and Marxist's share a progressive view of politics.

>> No.20645530

>Actual Marxists would put homosexuals in labor camps.
Explain, if you don't mind.

>> No.20645816
File: 37 KB, 498x283, 7169b6b2dbbb849bf75c9cda5e80a9f537e79f7c61f1dd9e5ea7029c6f031683_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that pic
Remember, not everywhere is America

>> No.20645854

This is actually almost how I became right wing. I was a good anti racist until I saw the hoops you have to jump through to believe all races are equal and it is all the white man’s fault that black people just can’t stop killing whites for hundreds of years.

>> No.20645867

>The phrase "exterminate all homosexuals and fascism will vanish" is often attributed to him
>He was actually quoting a popular saying, writing in Pravda on 23 May 1934, Gorky said: "There is already a sarcastic saying: Destroy homosexuality and fascism will disappear."

Close enough, I guess