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20642192 No.20642192 [Reply] [Original]

>I resisted the idea that sex is what makes everything in life worthwhile and claimed, in my despair, that sex was indeed important but that there were other satisfactions in life as well, and so on and so forth. It’s true, of course, that there are other satisfactions, but it is equally true that if one’s sex life is not in order then nothing else will be in order, either, and those other satisfactions just mentioned above will not be the least bit satisfying. But to admit this would have meant admitting that absolutely nothing in my life was in order, and I was determined to maintain, at any cost, the illusion that everything was just fine.

>> No.20642200

you should instead be asking yourself why you choose trolling virgins on 4chan as a pastime and possibly checking these digits as well also saged

>> No.20642208

So? Also, if you have sex, but don't have love, it still sucks.

>> No.20642214

the vapid considerations of the vulgar prole

>> No.20642221

Imagine wanting to fuck girls and not even wanting to be paid for it lol. Imagine putting women such a pedestal that you want to please and serve FOR FREE. Imagine that you are such cuck that you delude yourself you are alpha by living for women.


>> No.20642227

Yes exactly. This is why I fuck boys.

>> No.20642232

holy fuck the insecurity

>> No.20642235
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>but it is equally true that if one’s sex life is not in order then nothing else will be in order, either, and those other satisfactions just mentioned above will not be the least bit satisfying
"This is a damn good book I'm reading. The prose, the characters... everything about it is superb. But I should really be having sex right now instead. Curse this paper demon."

>> No.20642242

What retard wrote this? The satisfaction that comes from serving God supersedes all else.

>> No.20642245
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"(Sexual intercourse) is the friction of a piece of gut and, following a sort of convulsion, the expulsion of some mucus" - Marcus Aurelius

>> No.20642248

low iq, mongrel, pretic, infra-conscious

human candidates

>> No.20642249

Is this how he rationalized being cucked?

>it's only mucus bro. she doesn't love you like she loves me

>> No.20642257

He was happily married and an emperor, anon.

>> No.20642300

Pretty sure he killed his wife's gladiator bvll and fucked her on the spot

>> No.20642494

Incels are a product of modernity.

>> No.20642516
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you got it backwards fren: get your life in order and the sex comes to you, not the other way around.

>> No.20642525


>> No.20642548

That's just your evolutionary biology lying to you. It's basically NPC monkey mind trying to get you to reproduce and fit into the social order. Everyone knows having kids isn't meaningful, they're just going thru the motions. Or they subconsciously try to perpetuate the survival of their genes

>> No.20642557


>> No.20642565
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