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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 147 KB, 1200x1200, 5760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20641934 No.20641934 [Reply] [Original]

>literal :) smiley face emoticons in his footnotes
What the FUCK is his endgame?

>> No.20641937

can this hack be forgotten already

>> No.20641939
File: 382 KB, 709x1280, Screenshot_20220707-132233_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any books that favor prostitution?

>> No.20641940

juden peterstein

>> No.20641943

banned on twitter for dead-naming. goodbye fascist chud. love wins in the end :)))

>> No.20641964

he got what he deserved

>> No.20641970

Not as long as 80% of the board is made up of pseuds.

>> No.20642076
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>> No.20642288
File: 125 KB, 1000x667, jordan-peterson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really want to know?

>> No.20642292

stupid frogposter

>> No.20642296


>> No.20642347

Didnt this guy already leave Twitter? He came back only to get banned? Is this guy crazy?

>> No.20642357

>>literal :) smiley face emoticons in his footnotes
it's a postmodern thing, you wouldn't understand

>> No.20642379
File: 948 KB, 2048x1365, peterpunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know

>> No.20642385

I took his use of "prosties" to mean prostate orgasms LMAO

>> No.20642393

wtf am I looking at, whats he doing

>> No.20642400
File: 1.15 MB, 2048x1365, jordan-peterson2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean "whats he doing"???
You should know what they're into by now.

>> No.20642469

same. what's wrong with us anon

>> No.20642476

Honestly, I think he just wants to get paid big dollars for railing against communists.

>> No.20642484
File: 27 KB, 686x677, FQEbR-nWYAMnvn8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's the Bill Buckley of our age, except less charismatic, lamer accent and voice, and lamer arguments.

>> No.20642534

up yours, woke moralist

>> No.20642547

Another man taken down by the FAT MAFIA
we must defeat the porky menace

>> No.20642656
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>> No.20643162
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>> No.20643376

>What the FUCK is his endgame?
destruction of the white race.

>> No.20643412

Literally what is this?

>> No.20643430

Don't we all.

>> No.20643438

Making trannies seethe by telling them to wash their dicks.

>> No.20643848

He whined about quitting when people called him out on some bullshit he spewed into a tweet, but continued tweeting within a couple of hours like every other e-crack obsessed twitter whore who can't manage a reasonable amount of social media in their life.

>> No.20643851

he said he was going to quit in one tweet and then just kept tweeting after as if he never said he was going to quit

>> No.20643855

wtf lol

>> No.20643902

Can I get a fucking explanation? Why is the lobster pope dressed up like a secret video game boss in a communism shrine?

>> No.20643933
File: 41 KB, 500x500, artworks-zfQLKaxa6u0DyvHd-2xVi7g-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro what the fuck is he doing

>> No.20643954

Lmfao how have I never seen this

>> No.20643976

Communism shrine is unironically his home.

>> No.20644004
File: 110 KB, 1384x488, peterson visits prison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get a psychologist buddy to show me around the prison he works at
>mentally call it a "reconnaisance"
>think that refers to a time period, dress appropriately
>psych bro disappears, I wonder why he left me
>the cell block's local rape and murder squad starts looking at me weirdly, probably on account of my genetic attractiveness
>one looked pretty hot tho ngl
>wanted him to step on me
>where was I going with this story again?

>> No.20644022

Walking near prisoners in a fucking cape is a power move

>> No.20644036
File: 720 KB, 719x683, sith lord patarsin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think you can understand the dark twisted thoughts going on inside the mind of a fucking psycopath? Or as society likes to call us, gamers?

>> No.20644051

And people say Peterson isn't /lit/

>> No.20644115

>trade deal beginning at the bottom of pic
WTF, is Peterson legitimately autistic? Like the kind that significantly impairs day-to-day functioning?

>> No.20644136

Isn't this dudes main thing posting like, a troonjak an hour? He's basically just a /pol/ock who does pseud aesthetics, which has been done a lot better by others.

>> No.20644139

His daughter. If you don't know the answer it's usually "his daughter". Why is Jordan Peterson misquoting philosophers that he's never read? His daughter. Why is Jordan Peterson convinced that postmodernism and marxism are related? His daughter. Why did Jordan Peterson write a dadrock song about sheeple not waking up? His daughter. Why did Jordan Peterson suck down steak after steak and go into a coma to cure his addiction? Why is Jordan Peterson wearing a gas mask and standing in front of a Lenin mural? Daughter, daughter, daughter.

>> No.20644151

stop making /lit/ an extension of twitter redditfag

>> No.20644158

>nooo you don't understand, he's not a retarded hack fraud, he's just being satanically influenced by his dumb slut daughter who he raised from birth!

>> No.20644159

He is a retarded hack fraud, but that doesn't mean he hasn't been influenced by his batshit insane spawnchild

>> No.20644186

that's a kino passage

>> No.20644242

Goes hard ngl

>> No.20644265

lol. Lmao, even.

>> No.20644289


>> No.20644717

Did you have a point to make here?

>> No.20644748

That the obtuseness of that argument, whilst indeed retarded and based upon willful blindness, misinterpretation and subversion, is nonetheless humorous.

>> No.20644752

I was really not expecting to be blown away by this thread and here I am.

>> No.20644782

So you admit that Peterson uses a go-to boogeyman term which is inherently nonsensical and signals his anti-intellectualism, but you find it funny that people laugh at it?

>> No.20644787

>So you're saying [complete ass pull]
they just keep going jpbros, why do they do it?

>> No.20644792
File: 2.01 MB, 1200x1209, Meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am le tired

>> No.20644795

Then I don't know what you're saying, and since it was only a minor part of anon's post I've decided I don't care. Thank you for reading my petty last words, seethe and mald.

>> No.20644801

>lobsters on his tie
Oh, the grift is intentional then?

>> No.20644817

Okay take a nap, then fire the missiles

>> No.20644847

he is an attention whore , the last tweet was just for attention , there was no reason to spoke/mention page (he/she/it/they i dont care) about it, he knew what would have happend but did it anyway , some of his " stuff " most probably conviced him to find a way to stay relevant

>> No.20644885
File: 19 KB, 474x266, justsayngoldberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this needs some more context

>> No.20644888

>hides mediocre opinions and limited knowledge behind walls of gibberish
>uses fluffy jungian ideas that are about as interesting as a woman talking about her dreams
>attacks the right wing because the lefties kept calling him a nazi
>drug addict
>cucked by his own daughter
What a travesty.

>> No.20644914

He's just recounting one of his dreams.

>> No.20644945

Up yours, hypocrite weasel

>> No.20645134
File: 68 KB, 750x741, images (1605).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

!!Trade Offer!!
You recieve: an antique Portuguese wool cape
I recieve: a fatal axe wound
I implore you to accept, dear stranger.

>> No.20645275

Peterson is the best comedian of the past decade

>> No.20645336
File: 16 KB, 460x423, 1657158670451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you want to understand something you need to experience it, instead of simply being told by a superior or authority figure that you understand it as a consequence of regurgitating their opinions on the matter.

Try it sometime.

>> No.20645341

You're more of a pseud than Peterson.

>> No.20645347
File: 428 KB, 525x679, 1656577622406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably, I'm not a world renowned expert on antisocial behavioral.

I'm a terribly unconscious person, full of evil.

I don't think I'd have the courage to reveal that to the world.

>> No.20645430

i wrote a lot of words but deleted them
tl;dr - desperate "outrage advertising"

>> No.20645461
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>> No.20645515


>> No.20645607

I wish I was trans and famous so I could mindbreak alt-right snake oil merchants this easily.

>> No.20645634
File: 62 KB, 813x1024, 1656621331663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well you aren't famous.

>> No.20645646

Yeah that was part of my post, genius.

>> No.20646211

He's making the trannies seeth so fucking hard now. I love this man.


>> No.20646289

If by seeth you mean lolling while editing him into Command & Conquer videos


>> No.20646292

ok, lobsterdick

>> No.20646310

If you weren't seething you wouldn't be replying. Imagine how many of your ilk are going to be an heroes when societies bridge too far came down to have to call you pronouns for the sake of your own selfish headcanon.

>> No.20646325

>If you weren't seething you wouldn't be replying.
It's because Jordan Peterson is a giant meme now. Don't take everything so seriously.

>Imagine how many of your ilk are going to be an heroes when societies bridge too far came down to have to call you pronouns for the sake of your own selfish headcanon.
I have no idea what these words mean.

>> No.20646332

Conservatives creating their own media ecosystem where all the content has the same sort of vibe as mainstream content but completely misses the mark on everything other than a general aesthetic will never stop being funny. It makes Peterson look like an absolute doofus with a melted brain from years of benzo abuse come across as even sillier when he does his thing with professional lighting and audio and cinematography.

See also: the girl they have who records reaction videos and acts like she is livestreaming and talking to chat in her prerecorded videos


>> No.20646357


>> No.20646369

if you take Peterson seriously I find it hard to believe that you aren't the one seething over the past 5 years, considering the amount of ridicule he and by extension his fanbase (You) have incurred

>> No.20646524
File: 385 KB, 1536x2048, 1656741215680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He probably had transexuals by the balls circa 2016, he seemed like serious pushback.

Now he has done trans people the greatest favour by making their enemy the faggiest lamest clown.

Is he even cool now by the low conservative bar?

>> No.20647410

You're already a tranny.

>> No.20647830
File: 28 KB, 1052x208, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if mis-gendering, or mis-naming, or dead-naming Ellen "Roid Rage" Page is a hatecrime why is Wikipedia still able to refer to Elliot Page as "formerly Ellen Page"? Surely this is actionable as well and somebody needs to adress these injustices.

>> No.20647863

>what's wrong with us anon
Nothing, you're just gay

>> No.20647872
File: 58 KB, 640x736, bvw5l039ese51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's understood that that is just shorthand for "This person used to be called Ellen. That was wrong and anyone who calls him Ellen is also wrong, due to the fact that he is *formerly* Ellen, but no longer Ellen. We need to show people that deadnaming is wrong. If it listed only "Eliot", people might think that he was assigned male at birth. That isn't the case. By listing Wikipedia articles in this way we can get people to start considering it acceptable to refer to those assigned female at birth by male pronouns, which will obviously lead to greater understanding on other trans issues eg. Even though he had a uterus, gender reassignment surgery has changed his sex and he is now a man. (as opposed to just "calling" him a man. No. He *is* a man.)

>> No.20647916

Seems to be a lot more tranny posters now

>> No.20647928

>why is Wikipedia still able to refer to Elliot Page as "formerly Ellen Page"?
Because it's a fact? I don't think he is denying it himself. Being trans doesn't mean you change or erase the past.

>> No.20648138

>We need to show people that deadnaming is wrong.
So just the fact that the original name exists is deadnaming? Surely we should eradicate all existence of a prior life, personality, identity, et al. I mean to actually have a factually based deadname displayed on Wikipedia is a hate crime. They should at least censor it or block it out with a spoiler/trigger warning. The point is how does Wikipedia not get punished for this?

>> No.20648161

Agreed. What would Eliot think if he went to his Wikipedia page and was reminded of a past he never wanted? It's sickening, really.

>> No.20648189

>Surely we should eradicate all existence of a prior life, personality, identity, et al.
Yes, to the degree that that is possible and practical. But as I already explained, having the deadname on the wiki article is useful in re-educating people how to think about trans folks.

>> No.20648205
File: 22 KB, 682x515, 13416272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread

>> No.20648215

Its a disorder of the mind induced through exposure to a hypersexual environment (MTV, Grooming and sex positivity), hypersexual behavior and continued sexual escalation (porn, hookups), or the experience of sexual abuse.

>> No.20648281

Have sex incel <3

>> No.20648300

I live a normal life. You should try it.

>> No.20648343

We'll see who cancels who

>> No.20648382

>banned on twitter for dead-naming
imagine if you tried to explain this to someone in the early 2000s, why is wokism accelerating this fast?

>> No.20648401
File: 377 KB, 2040x1150, Screen_Shot_2022-05-16_at_4.18.51_PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did he do it bros? surely he isn't that big of a homo

>> No.20648410

Careful. You'll get lined on borb for this kind of crow-monarchism.

>> No.20648413

why did u crop out her fupa?

>> No.20648422
File: 1.13 MB, 920x1200, FS5WHzyXoAAb5B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was the first results that popped up on google so I didn't bother, or are you going to argue pic related is not good looking?

>> No.20648736

JP is obviously just low test.

>> No.20648747

>going to visit a prison
>think I'll wear my cape and boots

>> No.20648766
File: 27 KB, 474x564, 1630469621860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flat faced landwhale

>> No.20648790

Jordan Peterson is a race realist, he stated on multiple accounts that ethnicities heavily vary at IQ scores yet he is against ethnic collectivism. He says we may confuse IQ with value, while also talking about the economic necessity and advantage of IQ and productivity. Except for one ethnic group, suddenly justifying it by asking
>what do you want, fewer geniuses?
While ignoring the fact that said group has a lower average visual-spatial IQ score than europeans and east asians (so their collectivism could be justified as well).
That should give you enough of an idea about this guy.

>> No.20648838

>Why is Jordan Peterson convinced that postmodernism and marxism are related
Why are communists so goddamn fucking worthless and moronic
Modern leftism is heavily influenced by postmodernism and marxism
You stupid god damn fuck
(I hope you shoot yourself)

>> No.20648863

the sadder part is there is no one one the left worth listening to even half as much as ben shapiro or juden peterstein

>> No.20648874

take your meds, your points don't connect at all

>> No.20648916

How come?

>> No.20648969

Obesity shouldn't be prevented as an ideal. You would fuck that woman. I would FUCK that woman. That doesn't mean she's beautiful.

>> No.20648982

How many layers of bullshit did it take you to get to this conclusion? Ellen is still small and effeminate, looking like a 12 year old boy. Whatever attempts at cloaking oneself in the garb of the opposite sex almost always fails miserably lest one has money. People know this and I’m an attempt to coddle the already mentally deranged we go along with the delusions so they do t lull themselves or lash out at others. How was this achieved? Through forcing these ideals using academic and business channels in an attempt to normalize the issue and attaching the deviant tag to those who oppose the goal. You are watching in real time the switching of roles and pretty soon anyone who doesn’t comply to this behavior much less accept it will be treated in a similar manner as any other gay or trans movement or ideal in the prior decades.

Maxim Gorky was right about the fags. They’re tyrants in sheep clothing, waiting to live out their fantasy and deluding themselves into thinking they are liberators. These people or whatever the fuck is the term will never take a step back and acknowledge this since doing so would mean they would have to face that morality and this issue at hand isn’t black and white. And capital goes along with it since there is much more money to be made off of this than anything deemed heteronormative. Congrats, you are the beast that will release mammon from its prison, you worship the physical over all else and neglect the spiritual. You externalize your internal struggle and force the issue on everyone else. And if it weren’t for capital creating and supporting the environment needed for this to flourish you would probably have killed yourself by now.

>> No.20648995

I get why he tweeted that and yes there is an agenda for body positivity etc but damn he is annoying sometimes with his belief in objective quality and sometimes disregard for valid multiple perspectives.. but since he's obsessed with intrinsic meaning of symbols it's clear why he thinks that way.. organized openness, and he's agreeable too.. not the best tools for detaching but good ones for getting BAITED

>> No.20649029

That’s the thing, these people don’t view any of those as negative. They embrace it all and make it the face of what they identify as. They are vessels and receptacles for bodily fluids and nothing more. They see hyper sexual used images and want to be what propaganda puts in their face at all times, and the only way to achieve the goal is through investing hundreds of thousands of dollars into the procedures and lifetime supplies of hormones needed to achieve said goal. Right now we are witnessing stagnation in economic growth with returns on investment shrinking. Markets demand more capital return on investment, and since this industry is just getting started it’s being pushed and celebrated. It’s amazing how the right deludes themselves into thinking capitalism is good, this is a logical continuation of the system. Likewise it’s amazing to me that lefty troons still identify as leftists. What type of work will a troon do in an industrial society? Bureaucratic? I highly doubt they’ll be able to do anything physical. The only way they can exist is through this new world of fintech, where money isn’t real and the economy is a lie we all tell ourselves to believe in. This will blow up in our faces soon I pray, because this is what we deserve for what we’ve done to the world and our fellow man.

>> No.20649050

chudbros? anyone redpill me on this shit please

>> No.20649076

Peterson’s a hack who shouldn’t be listened to outside of his lectures on Jung. He made good initial points calling out the trans bullshit but he’s a social moron with a harpy for a daughter and a serial liar. Troons have taken advantage of this and use the power structures that help reinforce their social power to take the dude out. You can actively not like both, which seems hard for people here to grasp.

>> No.20649094

Not sure what this post is supposed to mean.

>> No.20649107


>> No.20649173

He isn't a very good writer.

>> No.20649290

Nobody cared what was going on in his home until he put on the mask.

>> No.20649567

and picked up by The Daily Wire who produced the most excellent documentary "What is a Woman?" exposing transgender as the evil that it is. We keep winning.

>> No.20649867

made me lol thanks

>> No.20649878

what the actual fuck lmao, is this some niche cosplay or is he loosing it?

>> No.20650091


He's a big guy.

>> No.20650396

This man turned out to be the most divisive philosopher in maybe the last 20 years. Probably 50 really. Never read any of his shit but it's clear he's just having fun now that he's reached greatness. Will pick up maps of meaning to appreciate this man's work while he still lives.

>> No.20650403

He speaks from both ends of a topic at the same time. It's what makes him so intelligible as well as controversial, yet hard to pick apart. His detractors just get angry at him and he waits for them to engage with reason. Rarely happens, from what I've seen.

>> No.20650651


>> No.20650791

Peterson isn't a philosopher but he's philosophically informed by way of studying psychology. He's a clinical psychologist/academic/research scientist/tenured professor who accidentally got famous and became a media figure. The vast majority of what he says and does is based but libtards/pseuds/trannies/racists seethe and continuously slide into ad homs (e.g. characterizing extreme withdrawal from a prescribed medication as drug addiction) and semantical arguments that disingenuously ignore the central point of what he's saying (e.g. Marxism/Post Modernism are unrelated while ignoring he's speaking of the evolution and combination of their (conceptual) influence over academia and their subsequent spread into other institutions). If you call them out on this they'll side by calling you a fanboy.