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File: 165 KB, 632x950, 74CEF9F4-DE0E-4827-984D-5F13302CC606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20639974 No.20639974 [Reply] [Original]

Did he die?

>> No.20639988

Nick Land distances himself from reality, hiding behind borders and police. He imports undervalued labor and exports political volatility. Free trade applies to Nick Land’s access to the product of cheap labor anywhere, but particularly in the colony. At home, xenophobia, patriarchy, and nationalism produce a kind of generalized incest: breed only with those who share a father(land)! In a sly appropriation of Lévi-Strauss, Land marvels at this world where "incest" is encouraged but miscegenation is not, maintaining a regime of global apartheid.

>> No.20640085

Looks like it.

RIP in peace, weirdo coward psued.

>> No.20640102

No he converted to anti-tech Catholicism after reading 'Be Not Afraid.

>> No.20640142

Chinks probably out him in prison

>> No.20640375
File: 116 KB, 479x641, 4920 - closed_eyes coalinc ear its_over soyjak stubble text variant:impish_soyak_ears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check his twitter
>no more boomer rants since early april
>it's real

>> No.20640377

I did the same thing
I literally forgot he existed
Where is this lil nigga

>> No.20640380

He got too involved in arguing with twitter trannies obsessed with his work that he became institutionalized

>> No.20640515

I heard he died from ligma

>> No.20640536

Who's Nick Land?

>> No.20640540

He turned fascist, so went to live in the most successful fascist nation in history. China.

>> No.20640546

Decipher this or pseud.
>Inorganic Thanatos wrecks order, organic Eros preserves it, and as the carbon-dominium is softened-up by machine plague, deterritorializing replicants of nomad cyberrevolution close in upon the reterritorializing reproducers of the sedentary human security system, hacking into the macropod.

>> No.20640559
File: 614 KB, 1284x925, D70A3FAD-486F-45EE-AF07-8092BC72813C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20640565

[[ ]] The story goes like this: Earth is captured by a techno-Land singularity as renaissance rationalization and oceanic navigation lock into commoditization take-off. Logistically accelerating techno-economic interactivity crumbles social order in auto sophisticating machine runaway. As markets learn to manufacture intelligence, politics modernizes, upgrades paranoia, and tries to get a grip.

The body count climbs through a series of globewars. Emergent Planetary Commercium trashes the Holy Roman Empire, the Napoleonic Continental System, the Second and Third Reich, and the Soviet International, cranking-up world disorder through compressing phases. Deregulation and the state arms-race each other into cyberspace.

By the time soft-engineering slithers out of its box into yours, human security is lurching into crisis. Cloning, lateral genodata transfer, transversal replication, and cyberotics, flood in amongst a relapse onto bacterial sex.

Neo-China arrives from the future.

Hypersynthetic drugs click into digital voodoo.



>> No.20640568

Holy cringe.

>> No.20640581

Whats the sedentary human security system

>> No.20640629

He starved to death in the Shanghai lockdowns. RIP

>> No.20640650

He is the shadow leader of china now

>> No.20640677
File: 89 KB, 720x853, 1652839305849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is accfag spamming him again?

>> No.20640868


Autologous communication.

Hyperpostulation of competition and the market.

Autochthon forcibly self-actualised.

Technology emerges alongside transgression of natural law. Rapid ascension of consciousness. Historiography unnecessary. "Finno-Korean hyperwar." Universal dark age begins.

Man bunkerizes third dimension. Matter reformed to constitute full-summed experiential-intellectual repository. Human genome encoded. Autonomous watchdog entity split off from pistis. Key swallowed.

Mass extermination/chasing-off of nonsublimated higher-dimensional personalities outside of third dimension. All light-spoor consumed and processed into brown noise. Abyssal gaze turns inwards. Demiurge self-conceptualises and attempts to appropriate reflectivity through the encompassing of matter. Starlight penetrates firmament and reignites human self-awareness. Psyche immanentises, causing the concept of virtue to become self-evident. Genome-encoded soul fuses with spirit. Beginning of history. Gnostics persecuted. [[ ]]

>> No.20640879


>> No.20640887


>> No.20640906


>> No.20641003


>> No.20642148

The coroner's report say he simply signed out

>> No.20642246

land bros ... will he ever post unz articles again ...

>> No.20642287


>> No.20642780

He died choking on underaged cock, the way all sex tourists dream of going out ;_;

>> No.20642974

He looks like Ted bundy

>> No.20643081

I miss this lil nigga more than my nigga xxxtentacion

>> No.20643219

Literally who?

>> No.20643342

Dedicated to the All Melville Mister Gene Wolfe.

>> No.20643356

Maybe he just quit twitter, that improves one's well being.

>> No.20643520

faggot tranny deccelerationism band

>> No.20643543

He tried.

>> No.20644774

Guy huffed too much copium and died of ligma

>> No.20646144


>> No.20646430


>> No.20646444


>> No.20646681
File: 213 KB, 992x858, 1555980196034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Indochinese live-in prostitutes who found his body couldn't speak English so, although they had grown attached to him and he knew their families, they had no means of contacting any of his western associates. He avoided the expatriate community so none of his countrymen abroad noticed he was gone. Likewise, he has no next of kin. Or at least, none who knew him well enough to notice his abscence.

And so Nick Land was incinerated unceremoniously by the Shanghai coroner's office and his ashes deposited in one of twenty industrial tipple piles. His personal effects were picked over by his landlord and fellow high-rise tennants. His unfinished novel, compilation of unpublished essays and exigetical writings were wiped from his hard drive. His refurbished laptop is now the property of a thirteen year old student who wishes his parents weren't so poor.

>> No.20646694

ราเมศวร !

>> No.20647347


>> No.20647363


>> No.20647371


>> No.20647376

nick land is the typical atheist who manage to prove by just being alive that freedom of speech was a huge

>> No.20647402



>> No.20647850

I hope so

>> No.20648174


>> No.20648186


>> No.20648202


>> No.20648273


>> No.20648293


>> No.20648561

We seriously should ask Spandrell, Kantbot or some other guys who we know are in personal contact with him, they could legitimately determine Nick Land's status.
I am worried about him too, being silent for this long is kinda unusual for him.

>> No.20648753

Joviality is a game of children.

>> No.20649049


>> No.20649225


>> No.20649403


>> No.20649449

Sam! Sam! Wake up! Idiot! Wake up! Hey.. Sam. Hey, bonehead, wake up! What are you dreaming about? Sammy, Sammy. What did you guys do? You messed off, you pissed off someone's father. Sam you pissed off someone's father this time I told you guys not to do that.

Did you BURN anyone? Who'd you burn? Sam I told you not to BURN anyone down in Goodtown what the hell were you guys doing?

>> No.20649828


>> No.20650146


>> No.20650543


Fucking gassed man

>> No.20651017


>> No.20651033


>> No.20651197

Who's after him? Why would he be in prison/dead?

>> No.20651233


>> No.20651537

suicide perchance...? it would be apt to peace out like Fisher

>> No.20651544

Plummeting probability. Treat any credible suicide stories as a government hoax.

>> No.20651548

i don't know why this guy is so popular
i tried to read his stuff and it's just extreme bugmanism and trying very hard to be perceived as intelligent
it's just gay as hell

>> No.20651551

Woodhouse Mill

>> No.20651642

In the 90s using Marx against Marxists in favour of capitalist development was novel and edgy, hence all the Cyberlovecraft technohorror cringe. Now, because of the rise of the whole "woke" phase you have Marxist actually reading Marx again but jettisoning land's capitalism-as-horror story shit. Right now Land is completely interchangeable with someone like the streamer Destiny, but they converge on their positions from different places and under different aesthetic and rhetorical frameworks.

>> No.20651771

your average modern "right winger"

>> No.20651782

He was nothing more than an algorithm so he is immortal.

Chinks are going to build a fookin space alien civilization mate

>> No.20651794

Red Republican

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