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20639338 No.20639338 [Reply] [Original]

How did a nation of soulless bugmen produce this?

>> No.20639389

I think the Gita might have contributed to creating soulless bugmen with its teaching of "do your duty even when it's obviously wrong, because the priests, I mean God wants you to"

>> No.20639580

The Gita was written for warrior kings to support them in war, not for low caste bugmen who wouldn't understand shit, like you.

>> No.20639594

Probably written by Greeks (unironically)

>> No.20639675

>just do your duty, bro
>kill your family because… bhakti or some shit
It’s soulless

>> No.20639790
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>> No.20640014

The Devi Mahatmya is far superior.

>> No.20640053

more like spiritless

>> No.20640238
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>gets invaded by Aryans with a thousands year long poetical tradition of sophisticated conceptual and literary practice
>produces a great text
What a mystery.

>> No.20640379

this is actually a pretty good point

>> No.20640917

>when it’s obviously wrong
It only seems so at first take because he is overtaken by compassion for the other side, hence the entire point of the dialogue that follows. His duty was also not merely to kill but to lead not just a battle but a kingdom, he would abandon everything to chaos and pillaging if he just up and surrendered or as he wanted to do himself run away from the whole thing. Keep in mind he did not intend to reconcile things of make peace he wanted to flee and essentially give up his station in life.

>> No.20640959

You smell like fish

>> No.20641121
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because they didnt, and werent.
remember it was super long time ago.
and u know who was there before the bugmen of now.

>> No.20641526

indians only became bugmen after the end of vijayanagara.

>> No.20641682

>Aryan invasion theory
People still believe that a nomadic illiterate tribe invaded the Indus civilization, one of the most advanced and most populated societies of that era? Shit was debunked like 150 years ago

>> No.20641687

indian hands typed this

>> No.20641688

Why not happened too Rome.....

>> No.20641717

>Greeks avoid eye contact nervously.

>> No.20641799

>They weren't invaded, they just replaced their own language with theirs, took on their gods, and took their wheels and chariots and horses but it wasn't by force
...so Indus Valley was a civilization of cucks? Or at least Henry Youngmans, "take my wife, PLEASE!"

>> No.20641800

The indo-europeans who lived there a while until they went back west again

Not the same people as today’s Indians

>> No.20641822

> be White dimwit

> still not able to cope with the fact that they are not special and were not the only ones who came up with literary civilization(something that almost always succeeds stable agriculture)

>tries to appropriate other culture's achievements with "they wuz white n sheeeit"

Ancient civilizations do not care about your 17th century race pseudoscience.


>> No.20641833

Not an argument. Why did the people of the subcontinent all take on an Indo-European language, why is India's symbol to this day the wheel - a artifact invented in the steppes north of the Indus (which being a river civilization wouldn't exactly have need for wheels and roads since they had a perfectly good alluvial transport system)?

>> No.20641842

damn that's crazy. can I have my uber eats now, please

>> No.20641844

>leaps of logic in history.

Its funny how people come up with these grand historical narratives with no backing. The wheel is "white" now lol

>> No.20641887

I never once said "white", it looks bad for you when you project your victim complex. I asked you two questions that clearly you can't provide plausible counterarguments for, that the Indus Valley was not the origin of the wheel, and that whatever language they spoke in the Subcontinent (probably related to the Dravidian language group) was supplanted in the north by a foreign language that evolved into Sanskrit. Why else could this happen? What is the specific chain of events that could explain otherwise? What is the viable and plausible alternative to the Kurgan hypothesis? Why is it plausible? But you're just going to ignore these questions because you're just a burthurt retard who assumes everyone else is a moronic jingoist like him. Sad.

>> No.20641921


>> No.20641922

>Ancient civilizations do not care about your 17th century race pseudoscience.
You dont know anything about the subject of racial science.

>> No.20641923
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You we wuzzing niggers. For one, the Harappan civilization wasn't the only civilization in the Indian subcontinent at that time. Go look up Sinauli. And the Vedic civilization is far older than 1500 BC that the Christkikes and their kike overlords want you to believe, because for them history starts 6000 BC. Nothing can be older than that. While most of Europe was still shitting in woods and living in mudhuts until even late stage Roman Empire, India had already had a civilization for millennia.

>> No.20641928

Hinduism is fucking lame

>> No.20641930

>While most of Europe was still shitting in woods and living in mudhuts
Almost all of the oldest structures are either from Europe or the Mediterranean region, this is a fact. These predate Egypt and Babylon, so does written language, see the Vinca people.

>> No.20641948

How retarded are you where you can't answer two simple questions? If all Indians are as retarded as you, then of course their civilizations were cucked by invaders: and I base that on your posts, if it weren't for you inability to answer simple questions about the wheel and Indo European languages directly, instead of ranting incoherently about Christians instead of answering two simple questions... I might have been willing to believe on the great provenance of India. But since you're Indian: clearly it's a nation of retards just like you.

>> No.20641960

Cope and seethe. Also, I'm not that guy.

>> No.20641961

Don't even try that "you are misrepresenting" bullshit cope with me. The epistemological conception a white person is a pretty modern preindustrial construct that evolved out of Europeans sailing across the seas and coming in contact with non-white natives in host continents.

The Greeks did not see themselves as "white" , let alone the middle eastern mesopotamians who invented the wheel or the "Indo-European" from steppes who supplanted the culture in Northern India. But people who want to extrapolate their biases back into history don't understand that. This not even touching the 2000 year old dravidian literary tradition

Even if the aryan settlement theories had some weight, it would still remain that vedic culture propped up in a later time and had minor to zero equivalents elsewhere. Thus debunking the idea that it was a foreign intellectual invention brought about by an outsider peoples. Not to say that the idea that the same peoples do not occupy Northern India now also has no logical backing or argument.

Trying to impose your own biased narrative structures on history and calling others jingoistic lmao. If you have an agenda to push atleast man up and be honest about it instead of acting like a pussy

>> No.20641991

you went to all that effort to avoid answering those questions. sad. You're a disgrace to Indians.

>> No.20642016

I never said anything about being an Indian. And your questions are pointless given the context of my original post, the people whom I was replying to and my previous replies. Its not that I completely deny "Aryan" invasion.

If you are too midwitted to see how my recent reply btfos whatever race narrative you were trying to throw at me with those questions (in your own personal aha! moment) , then its not my problem.

>> No.20642029

absolutely seething poo

>> No.20642056

>we wuz Indians n sheeeit

What does that say about someone who's trying to be a poo