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20638519 No.20638519 [Reply] [Original]

Was he right?

>> No.20638522

What does his early life section on Wikipedia say?

>> No.20638538

Yeah, most people are superfluous. His ideas are still embarrassingly naive
>The concept “museum of care” was coined by Graeber and Dubrovsky in their article “The Museum of Care: imagining the world after the pandemic”, originally published in “Arts Of The Working Class” in April 2020. [6] In the article, Graeber and Dubrovsky imagine a post-pandemic future, where vast surfaces of office spaces and conservative institutions are turned into “free city universities, social centers and hotels for those in need of shelter”. “We could call them ‘Museums of Care' - precisely because they are spaces that do not celebrate production of any sort but rather provide the space and means for the creation of social relationships and the imagining of entirely new forms of social relations.” [7]

>> No.20638541

this is always my favorite early life entry on Wikipedia:
>___ served as an officer on the Eastern Front in 1943. He was decorated with an Iron cross, and attained the rank of lieutenant.
but for philosophers who work in american universities in their later lives. being jewish is probably the second best

>> No.20638572

Why the fuck would he think a corporate driven economy would make any attempt to care about people? That directly affects the bottom line.

>> No.20638596

You already know

>> No.20638687

Excellent idea

Post-corporate economy. You want to save culture, society, civilization, w/e, kill the beast that prevents it.

>> No.20638828

there was some empirical study that claimed to "debunk" it. haven't looked into it though

>> No.20638939

But most of my friends have bullshit jobs where they pretend to do work all day from home, then hop on zoom meetings and recite word for word information they found on Google 10 minutes prior, then maybe slightly alter some excel spreadsheet and call it a day. These jobs are protected by fancy corporate titles and a ladder climbing system that, although being extremely expendable, inflates employee self worth. We are going to school for years do work office jobs that a high school dropout can preform, getting into heavy debt just to prop up a corporate caste system

>> No.20638949

Graeber is such a massive faggot. Imagine being such a loser that you have to self-proclaim “academic exile” over in some mediocre English universities because Yale denied him tenure for being a retarded academic with annarkiddie beliefs. Played the victim his entire life

>> No.20638952

Name 10 bullshit jobs right now, because I would love nothing more then to be paid a fat salary by doing only 2 hours of work.

>> No.20638965

Just go into HR, m8. I left the legal field to work in HR and my life is amazing. I do about 4 hours of real work a day, then I just spend the rest of the day reading academic articles thanks to Sci-Hub

>> No.20638969

Anything with “analyst” in the title

>> No.20638970

The whole Occupy movement was incredibly impotent

>> No.20638975

What a stupid post. Why even make it?
Go back to your vidya Biden-baby

>> No.20638988
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>> No.20638992
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Cope. I am reading actual literature — not some retarded Anarkiddies who played the victim like his parents. Imagine being over the age of majority and still call yourself an anarkiddie

>> No.20638993

4chan janny lol

>> No.20639001

Oy vey you be saying all these people all over the world telepathically telling everyone they're all victims after getting kicked out of their host country?

>> No.20639009
File: 223 KB, 728x426, 42F1C3D6-E15A-46B9-9490-E20A6BABD128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would love nothing more. Why the fuck would anyone destroy themselves being a tradie when jobs like this exist?

>> No.20639011

>I do read books. The edgiest I can find!
I see. But your characterization of Graeber and the mere facts of his career are ridiculous conjecture. You act as though he kicked your puppy and dropped cigarette ash in your drink.
You’re a moron for not knowing what the man’s about. Stop talking about a legit political philosophy as if you knew anything about it.

>> No.20639021

I have read Graeber and his fellow anarkiddies. They're all retarded pseudo-intellectuals. At least there are some anarkiddies worth reading that are not moronic academic hacks who LARP as revolutionaries while hiding in the ivory tower: Renzo Novatore, Benjamin Tucker, Bruno Filippi, and Alexei Borovoi among others

>> No.20639024

Bullshit jobs aren’t much better than shit jobs, which is what I have. I think the greater point is that we waste our lives on this contract that says we need to spend the majority of the best years of our lives chained to some job, being “productive” in order to earn our living. The contract sucks. The jobs aren’t there, so they’ve resorted to making shit up so we can afford the Walmart crap and low nutrient foods. You think this burgerpunk world order comfy

>> No.20639027

You're a dullard.

>> No.20639035

>Unlike me! I am a real intellectual! [Market individualist parasite]


>> No.20639042

>any of those anarchists
>market individual
Did you just become a leftist this week? You truly are stupid. No wonder you're reading Graeber.

>> No.20639077
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I’m just defending anarchism in general. Not interested in Novatore or Tucker, never heard of the others. Are they even mentioned in Avrich’s book? Haven’t read it yet

>> No.20639086

>The author contends that more than half of societal work is pointless, both large parts of some jobs and, as he describes, five types of entirely pointless jobs:

>flunkies, who serve to make their superiors feel important, e.g., receptionists, administrative assistants, door attendants, store greeters, makers of websites whose sites neglect ease of use and speed for looks;

Kek all of these jobs do something. Some people need receptionists to take calls because they GET A LOT OF CALLS. Admin assistants also do things that are real and take up time that a boss simply doesn't have enough time in the day to do. Door attendants/greeters also do things - they make the building seem higher class, thus improving the experience for customers. People who make websites obviously contribute as well lol, they're literally making a product

>goons, who act to harm or deceive others on behalf of their employer, e.g., lobbyists, corporate lawyers, telemarketers, public relations specialists, community managers;
This one is even more comically out of touch. He clearly has no idea what a lawyer even is if he thinks their whole job is to "harm or deceive others". Lobbyists also have real jobs - they get paid to shill things to politicians. You might not like this job, but it is very much a real job that creates real profits for companies

>duct tapers, who temporarily fix problems that could be fixed permanently, e.g., programmers repairing bloated code, airline desk staff who calm passengers whose bags do not arrive;
There could potentially be some legitimacy to this one, however if airlines didn't have these wagies customers might like break windows or something

>box tickers, who create the appearance that something useful is being done when it is not, e.g., survey administrators, in-house magazine journalists, corporate compliance officers, quality service managers;
This one is too vague to really be evaluated

>taskmasters, who create extra work for those who do not need it, e.g., middle management, leadership professionals.
Probably some validity to this

Overall I would rate this book as somewhat gay, and probably just the musings of some hack fraud who never had an actual job. I will not read it and don't need to read it. The author is also apparently dead, which is pretty embarrassing considering that he was only born in 1961.

>> No.20639093

yeah i suspect the study itself is bullshit. i think a feeling of work being pointless is pretty pervasive in capitalism, in fact necessarily so as marx points out

>> No.20639101


>> No.20639102

HR department head
Public speaker
Image consultant

>> No.20639108

I still don’t understand know why this is the case, instead why can’t this work style be expanded upon?
> think the greater point is that we waste our lives on this contract that says we need to spend the majority of the best years of our lives chained to some job, being “productive” in order to earn our living.
productivity is a good thing, that fact these jobs exist should be gift due to efficiency, which causes server hourly cuts. However, some people just NEED to be doing accomplishing when they could be doing that at home. Work needs to be done no matter what, but for jobs like HR and data analysis, we could strike labor reforms that could cut working hours on top of this new development. People are paid because the current contract says you are owed the companies time, not in terms of production. So when HR does say 3 hours or 4 hours of actual work, employees should be able to leave unless they wish to clock in overtime. In other words: We need a quota based system.
> The jobs aren’t there
The jobs are there, dipshit, it just doesn’t require a 10 hour work schedule if work
can be done in a 4 hour time period. This is a good thing.
> so they’ve resorted to making shit up so we can afford the Walmart crap and low nutrient foods.
Literally just buy better food, lol. stop shopping at walmart.

>> No.20639110

>You should be a wagie because it makes you a productive members of society
>You don't feel like your job makes you a productive member of society? Who cares, why are you complaining?
capitalism apologists are so disingenuous

>> No.20639122

>Strawmans like a boss
I guess you would despise being a business owner then. Even though everyone wants to be one.

>> No.20639125

The "employed" kind of work sucks giga cock in general. I have no problem walking 1 hour to the place I volunteer at, do physical labour for the day and walk back at home at night for an 1 hour. I like the stuff I do there, I'm around friends of similar mindset and we achieve actual results and make other people happy. Meanwhile, I can't even do a 4 hour shift at the office without just straight up leaving before my time is over. Fuck employement and fuck offices.

>> No.20639129

I haven't read the book, but I think the idea is that they're doing busywork, not just nothing, which is soul-crushing.

>> No.20639174

>why can’t this work style be expanded upon?
It is, and it shouldn’t, because it’s not doing anything but taking up our time. It drives people batty. Ever see that film Office Space?
The productive jobs are mostly shipped overseas to keep costs down. The money is sucked right out of the country into a rich guy’s account. We’re left dependent upon foreign trade and are much poorer for it. Smaller scale version of this is a Walmart stuck in a small town results in all the town’s cash leaving. There’s nothing “efficient” about it from most people’s perspective. Massive amounts of paperwork do not need to be done. So many jobs are just there to support the inadequacies of the capitalist system (shit jobs). I wish we would just wipe them all away. We should go back to cobbling, tailoring, and small subsistence farming. We’d have tons more free time on our hands.

>the jobs are there dipshit
The labor market is drying up. There’s a labor surplus, since the 1970s, due to several factors. This is why they’re making up bullshit jobs. If we can do them in four hours from home, why don’t we get a shortened work week? Iceland did it.
A new book on Bullshit Management could easily follow
Don’t call me a dipshit while being such an obvious dipshit yourself.

>> No.20639183

>Soul crushing
It’s only “soul crushing” if either; a) your career preferences are different, which is arbitrary, in this case get a new career, don’t shit on work just because you personal don’t like it. Or b) you have no life outside of work. Balance is the key.

>> No.20639225

Going to prison for half the day of your whole life is actually soul crushing. Please stop being such an obedient robot to Mammon

>> No.20639324

>It is, and it shouldn’t, because it’s not doing anything but taking up our time. It drives people batty.
Completely arbitrary.
> The money is sucked right out of the country into a rich guy’s
that’s Crapitalism.
>We’re left dependent upon foreign trade and are much poorer for it.
Like what? your not explaining why.
> Massive amounts of paperwork do not need to be done. So many jobs are just there to support the inadequacies of the capitalist system (shit jobs).
First off, large companies that look to export markets for much of their growth, a shift of work to factories or contractors offshore still creates lots of new jobs in engineering, design, marketing and finance back home. That’s because their export sales are growing so quickly, most of these aren’t “bullshit” jobs, sure they take less effort and aren’t labor intensive, so that’s le bad? Look man, why don’t you be garbage and break your back for 10 hours a day then.
> The labor market is drying up.
jobs are always being created, just because your experiencing competition for the first time doesn’t mean anything. It was always like this.
> This is why they’re making up bullshit jobs. If we can do them in four hours from home, why don’t we get a shortened work week? Iceland did it
I agree, why don’t we? I literally talking about a labor reform and constructing a quota base system for certain sectors of industries, kek. Outsourcing isn’t going to stop anytime soon, so why not give workers here more time off?

>> No.20639531

>I agree, why don’t we?
Hey, that’s capitalism. Don’t ask.
> Outsourcing isn’t going to stop anytime soon, so why not give workers here more time off?
Just in time for the inflation. The homeless crisis is about the triple.