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20631905 No.20631905 [Reply] [Original]

Draconis Combine Sunder Edition

Previous Thread:>>20626357

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>> No.20631919 [DELETED] 

Ya, I wish Ron had put more Xenu and vulcanos in a revised or "secret" edition

>> No.20631925

Ya, I wish Ron had put more Xenu and vulcanos in a revised or "secret" edition

>> No.20631948
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This general is such a shithole. Let's turn it around! What does /lit/ think of Silverberg?

>> No.20631959
File: 410 KB, 850x1100, CC-Battle-of-Tukayyid-Cover-ART_1200x1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me guess. Tukayyid was an inside job?

>> No.20631972
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>dude fuck your sister lmao

>> No.20631978
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It amuses me how one schizo tries to make people resent The Wanderin Inn by spamming 'try The Wanderin Inn.' As if he could change anything. But this is what happens when sperging out is the only line of attack left after you have nothing to attack the book for.

>> No.20632006

LitRPG, cultivation, webnovel shit need their own general. I'm fucking sick of these ultra-low quality pieces of garbage shitting up this thread.

>> No.20632015
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>> No.20632044

another tragic and sudden death, at least he got a good 4 normal years with his wife and son

>> No.20632047

Well that’s what a lot of Norse stuff was like anyway. And the incest isn’t the morally worst part of the books anyway.

>> No.20632104

Where can I download dreadgod for free

>> No.20632105

gotta ask... what the fuck do you people contribute to the thread that makes litRPG, cultivation and webnovels lesser? none of you encourage conversation or discussion except for the litRPG fags, with the exception of the Bakkerfag who actually tries to discuss the characters. someone asks a question on a series and the best they get is 'wow you're too dumb to use google...?' discussion and reviews get piss poor engagement. if this shithole was actually conducive towards a discussion i'd understand your point, but it ain't.

>> No.20632117

Don’t let it bother you, anon. The people who read the least try to appear the smartest.

>> No.20632131

Mobilism, you have to make an account though

>> No.20632136
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TWI 5.43
I'm over this whole Liscor dungeon/Raskghar arc, I'm having a hard time finding it interesting past possible Calruz redemption and the ancient city and I'm basically just trying to power through it.
They just keep going in and out, narrative progress is extremely slow, chapters feel bloated, people keep making stupid mistakes and overlooking obvious stuff, even Erin's schtick with the cave goblins feels like a rerun and not very genuine.
Next stage of the story can't come soon enough.

>> No.20632163
File: 1.21 MB, 4032x3024, cradle legos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read whatever you want!

As long as you're having fun

>> No.20632170

Zero results wtf?

>> No.20632176
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>TWI 5.43
Huh, you might be the first person I saw not to like the Raskghar arc. No matter, it will end soon, and the story goes back to Goblins

>> No.20632185

I looked up "cradle 11" on zlib and all I got was japanese porn.

>> No.20632189
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Not completely sure, if this correct place to ask, but I want to get some xianxia recommendations.
I am currently reading 'A Record of a Mortal’s Journey to Immortality' and loving it. Almost every character acts with a purpose, own motivation and stuff. Every bit of progress protagonist makes feels deserved an fought for. Some people in the comments whine about slow pace or protagonist being weak, but I don't mind.
The only problems I have with it is: protagonist sometimes pulls new techniques and items out of his ass, so I don't have an understanding of his capabilities; and also, combat depicted in very way, with no clear way to identify relative strength of combatants.
And so I am interested in a novel with more defined systems and abilities, where I as an observer would be able to try and predict the flow of combat and have clear grasp on main character's arsenal.

>> No.20632195

Huh, I just checked and you're right. I downloaded it about 9 hours ago but it's gone now.

>> No.20632226

nvm, found it

>> No.20632250

>I looked up "cradle 11" on zlib and all I got was japanese porn.
Anon gave a link in the last thread and it works

>> No.20632253

>And so I am interested in a novel with more defined systems and abilities, where I as an observer would be able to try and predict the flow of combat and have clear grasp on main character's arsenal.
Sounds like you'd want to read Cradle.

>> No.20632262

Lord of the Mysteries or Reverend Insanity.
They're the best(Re: most shilled itt) xiaxias and also both have very specific cultivation systems so you always know what everyone is capable of barring deliberate deception or concealment.

>> No.20632270

I love how his book reads distinctly differently. Out of body experience being the backbone.

>> No.20632277

One thing I appreciate about Cradle while reading ISSTH is Wight understands that too many special abilities sours the pot. Each character in Cradle only needs 5 abilities at most that they can refine and develop.

>> No.20632283

Brainlet here. Is there a British/English equivalent of the Norse sagas - is it just Arthurian stuff?

>> No.20632284

I tried Cradle before, but after 1.5 books was not hooked up.
All hero does is scheming and scumming everyone around him to rush forward. And when he starts to make some progress he gets into outer world where everybody even more powerful and hero is even more weak in comparison, despite his progress.
It's just doesn't feel satisfying at all.

>> No.20632299
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Is Shadows of the Apt any good? The premise really interests me. I'm kind of sick of Middle Ages Europe fantasy at the moment.

>> No.20632300

Yes, there's also the Irish stuff, although the problem with that is it was largely reconstructed by Christian monks trying to track down old Irish mythology

>> No.20632313

I've been recommended a few titles along the same lines as Mortal's Journey, though I can't say that I've picked any of them up yet. Give these a look and see if any catch your interest:
>The World After the Fall by Sing-Shong
>The Second Coming of Gluttony by Ro Yu-jin
>Grand Master of Demonic Cultivation by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
>Scum Villain’s Self Saving System also by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu

I also highly recommend Lord of the Mysteries by Cuttlefish. Less xianxia and more progression fantasy/cultivation but it follows a very thorough system with the MC earning everything he gets (with a few exceptions, considering his situation).

>> No.20632340

The first two books Lindon is very weak and needs to scheme and trick people to win fights, he starts actually becoming a fighter in the third book. I would say read book three, and if you don't like it at that point you probably never will.

>> No.20632514

>I tried Cradle before, but after 1.5 books was not hooked up.
First book of Cradle was honestly just bad to me and I hated the character basically cheating, the second started getting better, the third was good, the fourth book is the second worst in the story after the first but bad per se, just boring, and starting from the fifth, Ghostwater, the series hits its stride and becomes great. Basically the true Cradle starts in the book 5 and everything since then is the reason why the series is shilled so much. In my opinion, it was worth reading it and it's one of the best stories in the xianxia and progression fantasy genres.

I recommend to read fully the first three books to check whether you cannot find yourself rating it at least 5-6/10, if you can't, drop it, if you still derive enjoyment, continue to Ghostwater and enjoy an incredibly entertaining story that starts there.
And don't read Reverend Insanity, only Lord of the Mysteries. RI is just trash, the best trash around, but still trash.

>> No.20632526

It's not bad bad, but I feel like the whole thing could have easily been half the length and we wouldn't have really msised much

>> No.20632540

The irony is palpable.

>> No.20632557

Reverend Insanity is number one xanxia. Everything else kind of follows the same chinese template. Try Martial world, its alot more predictable but still not bad.
Avoid anything written by IET

>> No.20632580

Yeh, I think it was really well done how all the annalists have such a different tone.
I didn't like sleepy's at all at first but then it grew on me, along with how she would constantly point out how flawed all the other annalists were with their writing.

>> No.20632618

all of you deserve to be kneecapped

>> No.20632628

Kill yourself, faggot.

>> No.20632629

Murgens pov threw me for a while until I got what was going on with the flashbacks and the out of body stuff

>> No.20632636

Fantasy books that are like Berserk?

>> No.20632641
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Sleepy's death

>> No.20632648


>> No.20632651
File: 182 KB, 1341x732, trademark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BAWWWWW I've been here TWO whole weeks and this thread won't stop discussing somebody my narcissistic ass hasn't heard of

>> No.20632655
File: 3.11 MB, 4032x3024, 9575E7AA-5C68-4484-BF1F-05A42996551D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve read Scarlet Citadel which was a fav as well as Tower of the Elephant (very good too). Is Hour of the Dragon the next to go to? His prose is simply stunning but I would like some more dark atmosphere, like the final battle in Scarlet Citadel being on this scale (pic related).

>> No.20632665

search term contains: apolog
apolog/y/ize/ies/etic etc
Wintersteel: 69
Reaper: 51
Bloodline: 44
Underlord: 28
Uncrowned: 22
Soulsmith: 17
Skysworn: 14
Blackflame: 14
Unsouled: 13
Ghostwater: 12
Dreadgod: 8

Unsouled: 7
Soulsmith: 7
Blackflame: 1
Skysworn: 1
Ghostwater: 4
Underlord: 16
Uncrowned: 15
Wintersteel: 48
Bloodline: 27
Repaer: 39
Dreadgod: 39

>> No.20632674

If you want some proto-grim dark that inspired Berserk, try >>20631972.

>> No.20632693

I'm writing it just wait a couple of years

>> No.20632698

Post an excerpt.

>> No.20632703

Finished Dreadgod it was really good. Not quite at the peak of Ghostwater or Wintersteel but if those are 10s this is like 9 or an 8.5 at worst. Next book is called Waybound. I just hope Pride makes it out okay. I feel like he had some death flags popping up here and there.

>> No.20632726

I don't get it

>> No.20632755

They main character says "apologies" instead of "sorry." It's kind of a reddit character trait but this guy is especially bothered about it. He still seems to like/read Cradle though so whatever.

>> No.20632756

You messed up with Dreadgod on the first list since it should be 39+8. I should've just included Dreadgod on there so that you wouldn't have had to do anything other than copypaste. Maybe I should do another one for "gratitude" and similar.

>> No.20632759 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 

Truth Shines

>> No.20632762

Seems like all this general ever talks about is Bakker, Gene Wolf, TWI, Cradle and shitty Chinese web novels

>> No.20632763

The Dragon Advances

>> No.20632765

As the anon who made the list in the last thread, I don't care at at all, I just think it's funny hlthat others do. The statement at the end wasn't copied over either.

>> No.20632773

That's because the unreasonable dominate. We live in the general our site culture has created.

>> No.20632778

Honestly, I'm the one who did the individual searches for Dreadgod to begin with and I don't know where the two missing halfwords are coming from, since it's 48 'apolog' - '39 apologies' + 7 'apologize' = 2 x.

>> No.20632790

Water Sleeps

>> No.20632805
File: 1.97 MB, 1668x2224, 8yjwubqo8di61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read cradle

>> No.20632810

Yeah The Broken Sword is my fav fantasy novel actually. I will have to re-read it if there’s not much else.

>> No.20632820

Just finished the Unholy Consult. Fuck me I hated Kelmomas to begin with and the thought of Kellhus jobbing to him after 7 books made me sick . It didn't really happen like that, r-right bakkerbros? It all went according to some kind of plan aha?

>> No.20632825

They'll never admit it

>> No.20632845

Why do 14 year olds "racebend" characters? I don't get it. What's the appeal? Like you can't even say it's for diversity since she's already clearly asian.

>> No.20632866

Just downloaded and converted Eric Brighteyes for my Kindle. Also got all the Kane books by Wager. Gonna be a nice winter for me, boys. Why don't I hear those books as discussed much though?

>> No.20632905

wtf is this take
the first book has the some issues, but its pretty solid
and books 2/3/4 are the best of the series
ghostwater is the worst in the series by far and started a bad trend for the series
uncrowned was solid
wintersteel was half shit half good, its really slow and drags on a lot before hitting its stride and having another slow patch or so later in it
bloodlines is fairly decent, its a big payoff you have been waiting for for a long time, but its just feels so tedious to read, I think thats intentional and I think its solid, but well, yeah that can still be an issue

haven't read the rest yet

>> No.20632918

>Book 4 is one of the best
How? Almost nothing happens after the duel. It's literally just "the protagonists dick about for a couple hundred pages and then the problem is resolved by Malice".

>> No.20632936

>wtf is this take

>ghostwater is the worst
>uncrowned was solid
>bloodline is [...] decent, [...] big payoff you have been waiting for [...]

>> No.20632943

Asians aren't diverse.

>> No.20632954

Uncrowned was solid
Bloodlines finished strong but otherwise was pretty boring.
Don't know what they hell he's talking about with Ghostwater though.

>> No.20632993

that seems to be the ending, bakker's brother seemed to hint that if he released another book it would be some kind of prequel

>> No.20632999

This thread is worthless. If you want to discuss a genre book just make a thread about it.

>> No.20633010

The Wanderin Inn is filler shit.

>> No.20633039

Reading Lord of the Mysteries and by God is it slow moving. Right now they're buying an apartment and the author just keeps writing lists of things and talking about mundane everyday errands the characters run. Does the whole story feel like this? Even once he gets super powers will there be this weird myopic attention to details that don't matter? Everyone who reads it seems to praise LotM but I just can't see the appeal unless the story completely reinvents itself later. Can any anons weigh in?

>> No.20633227

by virtue of being better way better than 5/8 and about as good as 6/7 while on a good run of books
I can describe ghostwater in the same way

>> No.20633256

lotm is really slow at the start because he covers basically fucking everything about everything
once it gets going and you already know all this shit, its very easy for the author to just mention a thing/place/whatever and because he has already built up this huge part of the world you just instantly have all the information you already associate with it and it moves fast
this groundwork can seem really slow, but you end up feeling like you just "know" the world and the dialogue between characters doesn't require any stopping to explain shit to you once it gets going because you already know it

idk a lot of it to me felt like a character exploring a world rather than just exposition and setup
iv definitely heard people complain about klein talking about food for what they say is a whole chapter when its just a paragraph on local foods hes eaten
but the story speeds up and keeps going faster and faster, the last 60% feels like back to back to back either fighting, planning, scheming, dealing, or some type intrigue, and a lot of fighting

there is a lot of payoff for stuff, its the kind of series that feels greater than the sum of its parts imo

>> No.20633306
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What are you reading and what are you planning to read?

>> No.20633316

>iv definitely heard people complain about klein talking about food for what they say is a whole chapter when its just a paragraph on local foods hes eaten
It's not so much the amount of time spent on it as it is the prose. When he just dryly lists off foods, or the price of various pieces of furniture in order I can feel my brain start to numb. I suppose that's the fault of the translator more than the author, I'm pretty sure the translator is an ESL.

>> No.20633321

I made a link on the previous link and uploaded it to Z-Lib as well, look harder

>> No.20633328

*previous thread*

>> No.20633340

Listening to the Dreadgod audiobook. First time I've experienced Cradle in an audio format. Lindon kind of sounds like Robin Atkin Downes kek.

>> No.20633365

Yeah the translation is rough
there is a point where a character we have been meeting on and off for literally hundreds of chapters and working with, Maric, suddenly gets referred too as Marie for literally the rest of the series
I was honestly so fucking confused when this happened, as it was clearly just the translator fucking up Maric with everything being literally exactly the same, still a dude, still acts the same, just middle of the story the translator started referring to him by a different name

Never fixed or acknowledged, I see shit like that, and I have to question the quality of the rest of the translation, so many the awkward parts I just chalk up to a very rough translation because the core of the story is so good, its honestly such a shame

there are also sequence names that this happens to, not one some sequence we only have a handful of characters on the path and only ever meet one at that sequence, but sequence names of major characters
even fucking klein has TWO of his sequences change name in the middle of the story off the top of my head
Nimblewright master becomes Marionettest
and Arcane Sorcerer becomes Bizzaro Sorcerer
I don't think they are worse names (they are better imo), but fuck do the translation right the first time? go back and fix the translation as well?
and its not like these are alternate names, its straight up wonky translation

>> No.20633392
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Just finished The Chronicles of the Unhewn Throne, book one had some promise, then the series devolved into a massive shitfest where all the POV characters became unlikable assholes and had their IQ drop by 50%. By the end is was extremely unsatisfying to read.
Might try the Dandelion Dynasty next but I think I'm getting tired of third person POV stories.

>> No.20633418

Just started the final book of the powder mage series it's been fun

>> No.20633422

Travis Baldree should be killed with a hammer. Refund that shit and then flush the money down the toilet so it's better spent.

>> No.20633424

Are there decent scifi/fantasy magazine/webzine ?
I only know The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction and it became terrible

>> No.20633430

who do you think is good anon?

>> No.20633442

Honestly in hindsight Cradle as a series overall is pretty boring, it really peaks at Uncrowned and Wintersteel. It's basically Cradles version of the last half of the Chūnin exams in Naruto.
You finally see Lindon and co become relevant power wise on the world stage, and his relationship with Yerin gets progress.

>> No.20633459

I thought Skullsworn was pretty good and standalone basically. I haven't read the first book in the next series of that.

If you're tired of third person, then onwards to first person then? I assume not second person.

>> No.20633469

Quite a few still exist, and are even free, but whether any of them are still decent isn't something I know.

>> No.20633474

>Honestly in hindsight Cradle as a series overall is pretty boring
Can't really agree tbdesu. I enjoyed the early parts, Skysworn excepted. Unsouled was kind of amatuerish but it wasn't bad per say. Bools 2 and 3 were short enough and well paced enough that I was willing to power through Skysworn. The biggest issue with early Cradle is that it isn't structured and felt "self publishy" because of that. I think going forward the best way to read Cradel will be those collections. 3 Cradle books is basically the length of an average Brando Sando or Bakker novel anyways.

>> No.20633495

Maybe I need a fresh reread but for me the appeal and charm of Cradle was the subversion or modification of Xianxia tropes for comedy or just the humor in general. One example that comes to mind is the "young master" that Yerin and Lindon encounter when they go out for dinner. The action was kinda just meh.

>> No.20633517

It could just be a matter of personal taste. I'm not super familiar with xianxia or cultivation so I can't comment to much on what's subverting tropes and what's just the story. Cradle was actually my first xianxia and I've mainly read western xianxia afterwards. I certainly enjoyed the action scenes but the interpersonal scenes and humor is equally important to me. If it was solely focused on making number go up powerlevel autism the story would be completely souless, in the non 4chan sense.

>> No.20633616

It's still in planning state anon

>> No.20633632

I don't think there's as much of that as you think. There's a few send-ups of the xianxia tropes, but it's more using the trappings of xianxia to tell another story that's not quite xianxia. Like, Ozriel's whole backstory is basically just a xianxia protagonist, sure. But I don't think it's meant to be a parodic take on xianxia/cultivation as a whole.

>> No.20633657
File: 494 KB, 621x1000, TtH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently still working through Malazan. On Toll the Hounds currently. I really want to move on to some sci-fi like A Fire Upon The Deep by Verner Vinge. I don't know if it's just depression talking, but I'm getting really sick of massive fantasy doorstoppers. I want more variety in my reading. I did WoT, Stormlight, and now Malazan. I feel like puking a little.

>> No.20633668

It's unfortunate you saved the best and also the longest till last.

>> No.20633693
File: 166 KB, 667x1012, gwyhw45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fell for the "Le epic fantasy" meme
Only read what you like or what entertains you. I'd rate shit like the Red Rising series over Stormlight any day

>> No.20633708

Get Wolfe's Book of the New Sun and level up, while getting elements of both SF and F.

>> No.20633748

Here's Dreadgod epub + audiobooks if anyone wants it

https://book4you.org/book/21882752/36c035 (Z-Lib mirror)

https://mega.nz/folder/bfJwAaQC#YZKh14TMbVLu8M_CtoLhTw (audiobook)

>> No.20633770

I assumed he was not attacking the book but mocking you for inappropriately wedging it in to every request for a recommendation.

>> No.20633821

Thanks anon, much appreciated.

>> No.20633837

>newfag book day
>three separate posts in one thread of how to attain said book

>> No.20633923
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>I assumed he was not attacking the book but mocking you for inappropriately wedging it in to every request for a recommendation.
Honestly, I might have recommended it a bit too often to people, but I am working from assumption that most people would enjoy TWI because it's simply a good story that they would enjoy, so in the overall picture it's not a loss for people to read it. But yeah, I probably should lean back a little, too much is too much.

>> No.20633942
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I agree.
I really did fall for it. I'm not sure why I chose epic fantasy when I got back into reading a few years ago.
It's currently sitting on my shelf. I wish I could read faster, so I could get to it quicker.

>> No.20633977

if it involves comstar, its always an inside job

>> No.20633979

that guy is so retarded its insane

>> No.20633982 [DELETED] 

Kill. All. Bakkerfags. Simple as.

>> No.20634013

/sffg/ belongs to Cradle posters for the time being. They're better than the Bakkerites so far. No poetry, no cuck fetishes, no schizoposting. Well... minimal schizoposting anyway.

>> No.20634020
File: 181 KB, 750x1000, Fang Yuan Bai Ning Bing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you go on a journey with your genderbent enemy? Would you share a comfy ride down the yellow river?

>> No.20634030

How does RI handle it's female characters btw? I assumed they're all just demure houswives and innocent maidens who don't do shit all because it's Chinese.

>> No.20634053

It's not exactly an easy story to get into, going by your own recommendations that it takes wading through several relatively mediocre volumes to get to the good stuff. "It gets good" is a pretty terrible way to recommend something.

>> No.20634054

First female side character is not innocent at all, rather there to try to destroy him.

Many of the other females are very cunning and powerful. Main opponent in later parts is a woman whose power is in scheming, which makes her a perfect counterpart since main character's strength is also that.

There are a lot of other cunning women that goes against him in various ways. You have one innocent maiden, but this book is not about romance at all so that's going nowhere.

>> No.20634068
File: 807 KB, 840x1200, 80a5bb26-6061-485e-85cd-8b742b90c5f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"female characters" and Chinese media don't go hand in hand. you have to look really hard to find shit beyond the jade beauty and cunning villainess stereotypes

>> No.20634071

>females rule supreme over men
into the trash it goes

>> No.20634078

I didn't say that at all. Learn to read.

>> No.20634081
File: 511 KB, 590x885, 0D17E1EB-EFA8-4F78-BB90-14FA4B55CDE3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's get a real discussion going. What's your favorite sci fi/fantasy work from each decade? 50s-current, or whenever you like
>"Light novels"

>> No.20634098

60s got to be Robert Heinlein for me.

>> No.20634100

>"female characters" and Chinese media don't go hand in hand. you have to look really hard to find shit beyond the jade beauty and cunning villainess stereotypes
Why would I want to even look for additional female stereotypes? Having jade beauties and villainesses is already bad enough.

>> No.20634103

>you have to look really hard to find shit beyond the jade beauty and cunning villainess stereotypes
Basically what I figured. The other poster said pretty much the same thing too.

>> No.20634111

90s is Neal Stephenson for me. Luv me cyberpunk, no matter how poorly aged.

>> No.20634112

I'll take that over bakkercuckery. At least they have a reason to talk, a new book being out. The last bakkercuck book came out in what, 2017?

Talk about pathetic lmfao.

>> No.20634128

>Takes Wight at most like half a year to push out a new Cradle book

Proof of shallow, childbrained YA shit.

>> No.20634133

My wife is a big Sanderson fan and she’s just about finished with his work. What’s a good author or series you would recommend she read next? No: LOTR, Eragon or GRRM

>> No.20634140

Tell her to wait 2 months for a new Sanderson novel to come out.

>> No.20634144

>filed for his trademark under his real name and address, and not a PO box or an LLC address
wew lad no wonder he got doxxed so fast

>> No.20634149

Something other than serialized fantasy shit, then again, we're talking about a stupid femoid so I'm not expecting much from your stupid cunt woman honestly

>> No.20634171

She has shit taste, so just keep her contained like suggested here >>20634140

>> No.20634177

Lies of Locke Lamora

>> No.20634182

Ancillary Justice, Murderbot Diaries, Blacktongue Thief, A Memory Called Empire, Sun Eater series

>> No.20634221
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>> No.20634231

She will NEVER rule supreme

>> No.20634237

200 pages into Three Body Problem is that other anon still reading it?

>> No.20634247

So what do you guys think sex is like for Lindon and Yerin? You think they have to worry about collateral damage?

>> No.20634282

What can I read if I want some wizard-esque fighting action with lots of cool magic and some interesting plotting & planning, either in how to win these encounters, or some other sort of scheming, such as assassinations, military campaigns, or the like
I am not interested in reading 3 books of the character being a bitch complaining about their feelings to get 1 or 2 poorly conceived and hastily written fights that are 2 pages before 5 more books of limp wristed complaining.
no shit thats just a thinly veiled video game concept either, even if its actually nude and doesn't try to hide it at all.

I don't really know what I want, but damn can I complain about it.

>> No.20634334

Mother of Learning I guess, the nature of it being a time loop story allows the main character to plan and plot his way around encounters. Zorian does bitch a lot but it's kept to a minimum once the plot starts moving

Avoid Mage Errant at all costs

>> No.20634352
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Dying Earth. Very close second to The Lord of the Rings, third is The Broken Sword.
The Eyes of the Overworld
Elric of Melnibonè
Lyonesse: Suldrun's Garden

I'll post the newer stuff later.

>> No.20634428

Finished Dreadgod

Pouring one out for Red Faith

I was more upset about him than Jai Long kek.

>> No.20634455
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I am autistic and I plan to make this for every book I remotely care about.

>> No.20634470
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>> No.20634494

Read the first 35 chapters of mother of learning, reading it on again off again right now
its fine, but ehh it kind feels like its lost a lot of focus where im up to, I am hoping it picks back up and can hook me again
I also did read the first book of mage errant, and it should be avoided

any other recs?

>> No.20634537

the only good parts of MoL were the setting and the magic
Just about everything else was average at best, often mediocre

>> No.20634542

MoL was basically written as a 'test drive' of a setting the author was creating, so it's kinda... Weird.

>> No.20634548

I hope you do anon. I love these.

>> No.20634571

The Fellowship of the Ring
A Spell for Chameleon
Sudanna, Sudanna
Crown of Shadows
A Storm of Swords
The Poppy War
Iron Widow

>> No.20634575

>any other recs?
I don't read a lot of mage/wizard works but if you want military campaigns try Powder Mage, First Law, A Practical Guide to Evil,
Try Red Rising, too many people get filtered by the first book seeming like a Hunger Games rip-off when it's completely different. Second book of the series transitions the focus of the story into a space opera and galactic war.

>> No.20634592

>Iron Widow
I'm surprised that someone here has actually read this lol

>> No.20634593

Thank you, anon. Not all of them will be for /sffg/, of course.

>> No.20634603

A few at least have

>> No.20634607

that makes sense lol

tried powder mage, not a big fan of the coked up mages or the setting really, it just felt a bit bland from what I read, only read a chunk of the first book tho
wasn't really an interesting take on the gun-based magic and the regular noble mages (I forget their name) were kinda ehhh
first law is great, but already read the trilogy, I should go read the standalones but... yeah
il check a practical guide to evil & red rising

>> No.20634644

Yeah I dropped Powder Mage after the first book lol, but some people here seemed to like it so I recommended it.
Red Rising is great though, Golden Son is probably the best sequal to a book I've ever read since Words of Radiance.

>> No.20634661

50s, Flowers For Algernon
60s, Dune
70s, The Dispossessed
80s, God Emperor
90s, Permutation City
00s, Spin
10s, Station Eleven
20s, Elder Race

>> No.20634729

Saved. Well done.

>> No.20634738

This is the first and probably only edition of:
and that's what has been said about /sffg/ on /lit/ so far this month.

and one of the first things ever said about /sffg/ outside the general:

What about outside of /lit/?
Take your pick

Well, huh

>> No.20634743

eh, i'm liking it. things could go faster but i tend to enjoy seeing multiple perspectives, as long as they're relevant perspectives.

also i have to say, did pisces SERIOUSLY take azkerash as his master? really? i can't fucking believe it. i've been almost delusional in hoping he was talking about cognita instead but i'm not sure anymore.

>> No.20634762

Literally why do you give two shits what others think?

>> No.20634792

i will admit that the niers interlude after this chapter feels incredibly scatterbrained and filler-ish though.

>> No.20634801
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Yeah I also didn't want to believe it to be true but I can still hope and see some positive ending down the line, basically Pisces killing him and proving that necromancy can be used for good etc
But there's 100% gonna be a "betrayal" arc when everyone ends up finding out and I'm not ready for it, my boy Pisces deservers better (this is totally not me in full cope mode hoping that all his interactions save the ones with Ceria are just straight up manipulation to advance his and Az'kerash's plans)

>> No.20634889

Good idea

>> No.20634984

Lords of Dyscrasia.

>> No.20635058

>/sffg/ that spazzes when it's done early.
dumb newfag

>> No.20635114

No one should be upset about Long, he was a dick

>> No.20635153

is the wandering inn author male or female or both

>> No.20635175

They haven't said what their gender is, but a dude probably wouldn't devote an entire chapter to explaining how a pre-industrial fantasy society deals with menstruation.

>> No.20635177

Women should be punched on a regular basis.

>> No.20635180

Isn’t this done so the thread can die naturally with minimal time because the thread is made as late as possible? A virtuous death.

>> No.20635198

Sometimes I think it's written by an AI

>> No.20635205

>a dude probably wouldn't devote an entire chapter to explaining how a pre-industrial fantasy society deals with menstruation
Funny you mention that as the first book in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Council_Wars deals with that at one point, among a whole lot of other "how do they survive?"s within a pre-industrial fantasy society. Just reminded me of the book.

>> No.20635210

Why does that matter?

>> No.20635219
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Are there any other authors that livestream their writing process?

>> No.20635225

the wandering inn shills are fucking annoying.

>> No.20635233

I don't like reading anything written by women.

>> No.20635236

Seems like it would be extremely boring to watch this.

>> No.20635238

Ah, you're that autistic incel sperg. Never mind.

>> No.20635242


>> No.20635245

actually idk if it's ever live but he has videos up

>> No.20635255

All incels should be assraped, at least once.

>> No.20635273

have u seen how bad her male characters are? a man wouldn't write better women than men

>> No.20635302

>but a dude probably wouldn't devote an entire chapter to explaining how a pre-industrial fantasy society deals with menstruation.
You don't read.

>> No.20635305

Why do you want to be assraped?

>> No.20635306

This is one triggered hole.

>> No.20635307
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Here I pause. If you wish to walk no further with me, anons, I cannot blame you. It's no easy road.

>> No.20635312 [DELETED] 

wegs are supposed to be 1 image per frame. For some reason I've been banned for saying this before but I'll do it again.

>> No.20635317
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>Unreleased book
>hundreds of early reviews, unanimous praise
>hundreds of ARC epubs given out
>not a single leaked copy to be found

>> No.20635332
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What are some cool secondary abilities that you've seen that can go with time manipulation powers or magic beyond speeding time up, slowing it down, stopping it, rewinding it, travelling through it, or using it to halt aging?

What about Space related powers beyond Gravity, pocket dimensions, teleportation/portal making, and manipulating distance to keep a foe in place no matter how fast they go or cut down on travel time?

>> No.20635333

Lots of Self-publish prepped authors also go in-depth on how characters/people survive in a post-apocalyptic world. The autism that goes into it makes me enjoy the story.

>> No.20635336

You already asked this, fuck off.

>> No.20635341

What're these way too broad questions about nothing, anyway?

>> No.20635353

Let me rephrase. A writer as poor as Pirateaba wouldn't write about menstruation if it wasn't something they had personal experience with.

>> No.20635361

Bend over and I'll show you.

>> No.20635403

30s: Last and First Men
40s: Triplanetary
50s: Foundation
60s: Dune
70s: The Stand
80s: Neuromancer
90s: Doomsday Book
00s: Evolution

30s: Conan
50s: Lord of the Rings
60s: Eyes of the Overworld
70s: Chronicles of Thomas Covenant
80s: Lyonesse
90s: GURM
00s: Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

Would probably be different on a different day. I don't know what to put for recent years. The stuff I read now aims low.

>> No.20635425

You do know an author can just search up a subject online if it pertains to their story, right?

>> No.20635461

>You do know an author can
Yes of course. There's a lot of things that CAN happen. Just because they can doesn't mean they have. But from reading this post I can tell you've neither read the webnovel nor do you actually care about this beyond argument for the sake of argument. So I'm not gonna bother with it anymore. I'll leave you with the final word, if you wish.

>> No.20635475 [DELETED] 

A fem-envy troon or troon adjacent dude would. They love that shit.

>> No.20635488

There's a lot of things that tinCAN

>> No.20635513

The dread empire has wizards plotting, assassinations, military campaigns and interesting uses of magic

>> No.20635624

Several people have criticized the story you often shill and you ignore them or can’t refute them.

>> No.20635630

In its mind it just recasts all objections to TWI as the Bakker troll. Or possibly Putin.

>> No.20635645

Don't forget he often sidesteps them as well.

>> No.20635712

I just think he can’t defend the series for it’s shit flaws that people bring ups.

>> No.20635738

Dread empire has pretty good bromance if I remember correctly

>> No.20635746

It's okay to be a fangirl, but to lack any self awareness and to think you're looking on a masterwork rather than something that pushes your button just right is tedious.

I'm not a hater. I still listen when an audiobook drops but it's a very niche offering and you need to forgive a lot and overlook a lot.

>> No.20635776

I hate bashing him for being a fan, I just think trying to insist it’s a masterpiece or something more is just misleading

>> No.20635855

Anyone trying to force anything gets annoying.

>> No.20635907
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Had an interesting question fellow anons. Have you ever reread a book immediately after finishing it? I found myself doing this with Three Hearts and Three Lions by Poul Anderson. I just wanted to relive it immediate after. I think I probably did this more when I was a kid. The Hobbit and Dragon's of Autumn Twilight being two books I think I reread immediately. Not that I would recommend Dragonlance books these days.

>> No.20635981

There's lot of women in the story and all of them are wildly different from magic steroid abusers to the crafty schemer type.
Also I think a much larger than average number of men forcibly turned into women, I think the writer may have a fetish or something.

The important thing is that EVERYONE is a crafty schemer in RI, literally every single character. And as the story goes on the new characters are differentiated by being EVEN CRAFTIER and having BIGGER SCHEMES.
Huge sections of the story are basically elaborate heist plots, and it's hard to name a single person or group not involved in at least 2 or 3 concurrent underhanded plots.

>> No.20635986

Unironically Reverend Insanity. The MC is a sociopath who spends 100% of his time stealing, killing, or plotting to steal and kill.

>> No.20636005 [DELETED] 

Any recent sci-fi that isn't woke? I don't know how to filter that shit out when I'm searching

>> No.20636133
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What should I read next, gentlemen?
>Lyonesse Vol. II
>Gardens of the Moon
>Dostoevsky's Devils aka The Possessed
>The Sagas of the Icelanders

>> No.20636139

That's why you see so much chink/self-published stuff here. Self publishing got easier right around the time publishers started abusing their power.

>> No.20636200

Lyonesse 2 if you've read 1 imo

>> No.20636202
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Hour of the Dragon is great but I don’t think you’ll get that sort of dark atmosphere from any Conan story. The grimmest ones I can think of are Queen of the Black Coast and The Women of the Lost Vale but neither of those are Berserk levels. Kane by Karl Edward Wagner might be more up your alley.
I got the first Bizarchives. Most of the stories were pretty low quality, but there were two or three decent ones in there.
Book of the New Sun would be 80s but you said no Wolfe so;
-The Fellowship of the Ring
-The Silmarillion
-The Gunslinger
-Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire
-The Dark Tower
-Beowulf: A Translation and Commentary
Excellent taste anon with the LotR, Dune, and Conan.

>> No.20636205

I’m changing my 2010’s one from Beowulf to The Dwarf King’s Quest.

>> No.20636212

chink sci-fi is unironically the next manga desu

>> No.20636218

Honestly, most contemporary mags aren't worth the time.
There exists so much amazing fantasy now, you'd be better to spend your time reading a classic you've not read.

>> No.20636229

Simple, stop reading western sci-fi.

>> No.20636252

Good for you. I never reread books because I always want to move on to the next one.

>> No.20636264
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Also changing my 2000s one to Savred Flesh.

>> No.20636270

The dread empire ticks all this well and it isn't weeby chinkshit

>> No.20636274

I know this question is more /co/ related but I think it fits here.
Iv read all the cosmere stuff except the sand comics, or whatever that series is called.
Is it any good? Does it have much tie in with the rest?

>> No.20636360

Very new to sci fi, recently read do androids dream of electric sheep
Is altered carbon any good? It's cheap at my local bookstore and I wanna pick it up

>> No.20636370

I really liked the series and everyone's said the books are better, but that could be general adaptation nostalgia

>> No.20636379

Mmm, I liked the series but yes I will agree that some characters, Adare specifically, became down right unlikeable and irritating to have to persist with, I don't know whether I was supposed to feel sympathy for her but was unable to because of how annoying she was. Also didn't appreciate Valyn doing dumb shit non stop in the 2nd book which felt out of character. But I generally enjoyed the series as a whole. There is supposed to be the first book of a sequel series out but I haven't gotten around to it yet.

>> No.20636385

The hotel in the books was Jimi Hendrix themed instead of Poe. Bizarre.

>> No.20636409

In space, no one can hear you meme.

>> No.20636495
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I keep hearing the praise for Brandon Sanderson but I don't find the premise of any of his books intriguing enough for me to pick them up.

>> No.20636504

So don't
Read glen cook instead

>> No.20636528

>I keep hearing the praise for Brandon Sanderson
??? From who

>> No.20636531

from normies and youtubers.

>> No.20636536

Just read The Way of Kings followed by Words of Radiance, and if you don't like it, never touch Sandersoni works ever again.
People rate Stormlight so high due to how good of a sequel WoR is, after that Stormlight goes downhill.

>> No.20636550

I guess probably from people like me 6/7 years ago, Stormlight Archive was the first fanatasy book I ever read so you could imagine at the time I was very impressed. But now having read so much fantasy my perspective on it is definitely changed. As the other poster here says TwoK and WoR are pretty great to read in sequence, especially if you compared them to the most reconts onese which are literally 90% autistic boring filler with one or two good moments at the end.

>> No.20636567
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Not really a western fantasy but I am currently absolutely in love with Way of Choices by Mao Ni.
The MC is probably one of my favorite MCs of all time.
His personality is not all that interesting, but it is just so fun to see him interacting with other characters, and see everyone being thrown off by his extremely honest personality.
It has a really good romance as well.

>> No.20636574

>see everyone being thrown off by his extremely honest personality.
sounds like boring drivel that you couldn't pay me to read

>> No.20636595

'50s The Demolished Man
'60s The Last Unicorn
'70s Nine Princes in Amber
'80s Neuromancer
'90s Vurt
'00s Set This House In Order
'10s The Night Circus
'20s (I think I've only read one book from the'20s)

>> No.20636600

>it has an anime
>looks like the most generic wuxia I've ever seen
>all the positive reviews say "I dropped it at xxx chapter
yeah that's a no from me

>> No.20636615
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The Wandering Inn's author is a man. He tries very hard to push 'it's the work that matters, not who was its author,' but basically everything he writes is screaming '25-30 american white male that spent his childhood playing games and reading fantasy'.

The majority of characters are women and are better written than men because the author has a fetish of strong women, just not in that retarded mainstream meaning, but just strong characters that can do more than just swing a sword, like powerful Ladies, Queens, strong-willed princesses etc. As far as fetishes go this one is mild and can be overlooked as its only consequence is small amount of male characters, Noah simply prefers to write women.

Yes, his name is most likely Noah. Just look at the off-shot comic in wandering Inn universe that he writes, Amazon and other sites that sell it have 'Noah 'Pirateaba' James' as the author. Want more? People that worked with Pirateaba on the comic reffered to the author as 'he.'

>> No.20636620

Fair enough, but I still really enjoy it, he started out as an underdog with no power too, so that's a plus for me.
I am a simpleton.
Chinese anime sucks, man.
I heard they changed the story a lot too.
What I love about this author is the world-building, it just feels so alive.
When there's a big fight going down, he always describes how a normal citizen reaction to the events as well.
I also really enjoy MC's power/skillset.

>> No.20636629

Steampunk > Cyberpunk

>> No.20636653
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>> No.20636657

Only good response so far. Haven't heard of that one from the 00s, how is it?

>> No.20636669

i read the first one, did not continue as i do not want to read panels, as for the relevance, it is relevant to the larger cosmere plot, the shard there is supposed to be into fuss and fuckery throughout the known worlds

>> No.20636694
File: 55 KB, 353x523, the-emperor-s-soul-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try these:
the emperor's soul
>Shai is a Forger, a foreigner who can flawlessly copy and re-create any item by rewriting its history with skillful magic. Condemned to death after trying to steal the emperor’s scepter, she is given one opportunity to save herself. Though her skill as a Forger is considered an abomination by her captors, Shai will attempt to create a new soul for the emperor, who is almost dead.

>> No.20636698

What's this little guy's deal? I checked out a few of his book reviews and they're all lukewarm takes at best, or he's reading modern hugo award winning shit which is garbage. He seems to have some sort of 'presence' but I can't determine where or HOW.

>> No.20636701
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shadows for silence in the forest of hell
>When the familiar and seemingly safe turns lethal, therein danger lies. Amid a forest where the shades of the dead linger all around, every homesteader knows to follow the Simple Rules: "Don't kindle flame, don't shed the blood of another, don't run at night. These things draw shades."

Silence Montane has broken all three rules on more than one occasion. And to protect her family from a murderous gang with high bounties on their heads, Silence will break every rule again, at the risk of becoming a shade herself.

these 2 are his best works yet

>> No.20636721
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>> No.20636732

my review of Gardens Of The Moon
>Rake is a cool badass character
>Kruppe is the most well written character in the book beside Crokus
>Steven Erikson tried too hard to create an impression of depth in Malazan's universe but ended up with an obtuse world without clear distinction of the cultural groups. This got even worse because of the names his characters had, their names had nothing to do with each other even if the characters where from a "pure" ethnic group.

>> No.20636757

>Steven Erikson tried too hard to create an impression of depth in Malazan's universe but ended up with an obtuse world without clear distinction of the cultural groups. This got even worse because of the names his characters had, their names had nothing to do with each other even if the characters where from a "pure" ethnic group.

I think he and esselmount have succeeded in this desu, but it takes a few more of their books to understand the world better. I think its a fair criticism, I really liked gotm but a lot of the grander stuff went over my head the first read, lots of stuff introduced that I didn't really understand until a few books in.

>> No.20636793

Which cultural groups are your reffering to?
At the time of gotm, the Malazan empire controlled a lot of lands that were mostly already ethnically diverse before they were brought into the empire. Quan Tali (Asians), falari (Scotts?), Dal hon (blacks), napan (bluemen), untan (some kind of euro whites)

>> No.20636846

not just cultural groups but races and locations too. for example Darujhistan, it's obviously a megapolis with indian/persian/arabic influences, but all the characters who live there (Kruppe's group) don't sound at all like they were from the same city. which makes the story difficult to follow if you are trying to group people based on names (like how LoTR works). and if you aren't doing that, the city design and characters' potential is lost, since you now have unconnected things and makes you think that Eriksen just put any name he could think of without forethought. A vaguely linguistically connected world would make a much better story. obviously no one will be get close to Tolkien who was a linguist, but Erikon sounds like he was just lazy when it came to names. maybe this isn't a big issue in his other novels.

>> No.20636878
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I just finished Mother of Learning and I liked it. Anyone have recommendations for other things to read?

I thought the setting was cool. I thought it was a nice balance between western inspired magic vs "just grind to infinitely increase your powerlevel number" like in wuxia stuff.

>> No.20636882

I see
The locations are not so isolated though, even in the prequels which are set a century prior, there's plenty of trade from genbakis on Quan Tali, along with total knowledge of darujistan.

>> No.20636887

something else very reddit like wheel of time or malazan

>> No.20636890

Yeah it's good.

>> No.20636896

yeah it doesn't have a lot of depth.

>> No.20636917
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If you want to stick with webnovels, try out the usual recs like Worm, A Practical Guide to Evil, TWI, etc
If you want more progression fantasy(How MOL is usually classified), try Cradle. There's not a largue quality pool in this (sub?)genere, so everything will be downhill in terms of quality once you get through the "good stuff"

A personal rec would be Red Rising(not really similar to MOL at at), Darrow is the MC I wish Zorian was in terms of character

>> No.20637004
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I fail to see what people get out of Nine Princes in Amber. I found the characters unlikable - rival brothers done a lot better in something like The Broken Sword. I also found it dull that the characters didn't use different language/dialects between the worlds. I could hardly get into the setting when the characters were speaking casually, using modern language and huffing cigarettes while in the courtrooms of Amber itself. I purchased the whole series omnibus after seeing it mentioned here a lot as many posters' personal favourite fantasy novel. Will probably give it to a friend if they enjoy the first one more than I did.
pic untelated

>> No.20637044

I remember there was a novel which involves some guy with homemade nuke trying to negotiate his rent or something.

>> No.20637138
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I finished Dreadgod, I thought it was too short and some things felt rushed
but the book was good i just expected more explanations

I finished Dreadgod, I thought it was too short and some things felt rushed
For example: Red Faith and Yerin fighting redmoon
Ziel killed the dragon off screen or off book whatever
Also Silent king reminded me of viego from lol, literally
I thought the 4 dreadgods would run in this book but only 1 ''died'''
The next book is supposed to be the last right? in my head there's still a lot to explain, Dreadgod should have had twice as many pages
Eithan lacked more focus, the whole book could be just about eithan and I wouldn't mind

>> No.20637145

I read it and the two sequels last month.
I liked them all, especially the 2nd book for some reason, not even sure why honestly.

the author likes describing boners

>> No.20637148

also I didn't expect the death of red faith or jai long, I thought they were going to do "redemption arc" with jai long

Wondering if I should start Duna or TWI now that I'm done with Dreadgod, i want to read something thats not related with cultivation

>> No.20637151

Assuming I'm not confusing it with anything the pace is glacial and the presentation is theatrical, the latter makes for a unique read if nothing else, but the former made me drop it because I just couldn't be arsed to continue. The romance is so so to be honest it's to reliant on coincidences and misunderstandings to be genuinely good in my opinion but the work as a whole ain't bad.

If you end up looking for something similar to it the two novels I picked up after dropping that one and went looking for something similar but less offputting are My Wife Is A General Who Killed Tens Of Thousands On The Battlefield, which is a fun political comedy in a cultivation world with litrpg elements, but it falls off when in the last third it's focus shifts from politics to cultivation, which is weakest part of the work, and the author rushes the ending. Still worth a read if you have time to spare and enjoyed more political aspects of the Way. Another one is Joy of Life, which is just a very good cultivation novel with, I'd argue, better romance, tho it too relies a bit on coincidences but only in a very minor fashion. Meanwhile the actual narrative is much more interesting and well written, moves faster and maintains interest. I put it on pause cause it's rather huge but I'm gonna be getting back to it sometimes soon, I think, thanks for reminder, kek.

>> No.20637228

+1 for litrpg and other forms of manga-affine autism literature containment thread

>> No.20637230

Rake always struck me as yet another generic power elf trope. Kruppe is top-tier though. Toll the Hounds is a book you'll either love or hate based on how well you can tolerate him. I would be very surprised if your criticism of cultural groups holds up after a few more books. Midnight Tides is incredible for how it handles radically different cultures interacting with each other.

>> No.20637232

t. terminally online chanboy larper who also subs to twitch streamers

>> No.20637260


>> No.20637270

Malazan is deeper than middle earth and more fleshed out

Don't give me your memes about language, that doesn't make a world

>> No.20637273

Sperging about lack of xianxia/litrpg/webnovel/self-publish whatever general will not have any weight until you retards actually start discussing books you want to discuss. So far you just seethe and sperg.

>> No.20637278

Will Wight always does that shit, where he sets up a fight then resolves it offscreen. Atleast he didn't do it to the final big fight of the first novel like with Traveler's Gate. Can I ask what questions you still have? I have a few myself but I think most of them could be answered with one (long) final novel. Also rip in peace Red Faith. I think it's funny how much no one cares about Jai Long's death.

>> No.20637288

I liked Red Faith, Jai Long can get fucked, I'm glad he's dead

>> No.20637301

Charlie Stross, Iron Sunrise? he thought he was the reincarnation of Idi Amin IIRC

>> No.20637320

>Eithan lacked more focus, the whole book could be just about eithan and I wouldn't mind
I would. I skimmed most of the Abidan shit in the previous books and was disappointed that Eithan was actually Ozriel, I just find the whole thing so trite.

>> No.20637340

i just like eithan he could put him doing nothing but talkind and saying jokes and i would read, idk his character is just too likeable for me
how they gonna deal with the dreadgods?
how they gonna deal with every monarch?
looks like suriel is going to die and makiel is doing everything to get rid of oz, wtf is going to happen?
oz still have the scythe hidden, is he gonna summon at the end and just fuck the court of the seven if they try any shit?
or is oz gonna use the scythe to fuck the mad king?

i checked every book at the store to see how many pages they had and they never reached 600, if the next book is the last, will have less than 600 pages for him to deal with dreadgods > monarch > mad king > makiel > court of the seven

i can imagine the ending being something like: they deal with everything in cradle and reunite with eithan out of cradle, i cant see him exploring the universe or nothing else because 1 book with less than 600 pages is not enought IMO

>> No.20637341
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What /sffg/ books are you anticipating and waiting to release? For me it's R. F. Kuang's Babel and PB's Lightbringer

>> No.20637347

already looks like a "His Dark Materials" ripoff

>> No.20637352

>cradle newfag doesn't know what a spoiler tag is

>> No.20637360
File: 57 KB, 602x452, anomandaris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rake always struck me as yet another generic power elf trope
Well his origins is literally a lv20 drow from an old DnD campaign, but in Malazan he is purely a political schemer, who crosses swords maybe twice through the whole series.

>> No.20637369

spoiler tag on 2 posts but forgot on the last one, sleepy, it happens

>> No.20637381

>anon had op filled with spoiler tags
>forgot to use in one post
>uhh newfag doesnt know what a spoiler tag is sasuga durrr

Incel freak

>> No.20637384

I felt similarly about the Abidan at first but after a bit they kind of grew on me. Eithan/Ozriel thing had actually been setting itself up all the way back in book 1 so I really didn't mind it. Especially since his character is a whole subversion of the stereotypical xianxia protagonist.

If they get 2 or 3 of them to advance to Monarch+use weapons made from dead Dreadgod corpses they can beat them in a straight up fight. After that they'll probably be strong enough to force the other Monarchs to ascend or be destroyed, especially if they get Shen's hunger mcguffin.

Idk what Ozriel will do but I'm sure he's got it handled. If he can kill the mad king he'll be too useful to the Abidan for them to get rid of him. I also never expected this story to explore the whole Abidan side of the universe, that'll be in another series if it happens at all.

My biggest question is how are they gonna prevent future monarchs from taking over Cradle after they leave.

>> No.20637400

Nice to see another Redditor out here in the wild. :D

>> No.20637416

That the one with the talking bull?
Personally it went to shit after he actually got powers, it was really good up to that point though. Too bad that's only like ten chapters.

>> No.20637417

From what I understand in this book their plan is not to become a monarch but to reach a level of power that can rival monarchs/dreadgods without becoming a monarch, but I can't see that happening, especially with mercy/orthos/blue which isn't not archlord yet, unless they manage to put YEARS of time skip inside the pocket space while outside it's only been a few days, I know at least they will train against the monarchs using the analysis he got from the labyrinth, but even so I'm curious to see how this will happen, also I think they'll just have to fight malice > northstrider > lion shen, I'm pretty sure ninecloud will team up with emiris and the eightman apparently already teamed up with emiris, so there are only 3 monarchs left if I'm counting right

and idk why malice would waste timing saying lindo was now the empty ghost when hours before yerin had annouced the void sage had killed the silent king, she cant be expect people to be that dumb right?

>> No.20637434

>Purely political schemer
I don't think that's fair, hes hardly a schemer in the series

You understand him a lot more in the prequel books too

>> No.20637438

Lindon mentions to Orthos that they'll at least have several months of time in the pocket dimension, it could be years but idk. With Malice some people will believe her, some people won't. It will spread confusion and fear more than anything. Only the wealthy and powerful will have heard Yerin's broadcast. The entire Blackflame Empire for example will have only recieved that information second hand and probably warped by rumours as the information travels. It will make it harder for Lindon to move around/get people to work with him because they don't know if he's dangerous or not.

>> No.20637439

Lindon mentions to Orthos that they'll at least have several months of time in the pocket dimension, it could be years but idk. With Malice some people will believe her, some people won't. It will spread confusion and fear more than anything. Only the wealthy and powerful will have heard Yerin's broadcast. The entire Blackflame Empire for example will have only recieved that information second hand and probably warped by rumours as the information travels. It will make it harder for Lindon to move around/get people to work with him because they don't know if he's dangerous or not.

>> No.20637445

Is this a schizo who's copying my posts without spoiler tags or is 4chan just fucking up again?

>> No.20637449

Is there fantasy with good medieval power play, politics, and intrigue? I used to rate ASoIaF in high school 9 years ago, but it’s not that interesting to me now.

>> No.20637456

In a Worm thread earlier yesterday I had a post with 2 duplicates
First time that's happened

>> No.20637472

The fact that the post numbers are only one apart makes me think it's probably 4chan.

>> No.20637516
File: 1.45 MB, 320x180, TZwA7N.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reading Cradle
>It's a chapter without Eithan in it

>> No.20637523

The dread empire

>> No.20637538
File: 75 KB, 680x490, 287966261_4935233616586449_1204228585838497091_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reading Cradle
>It's a chapter without Eithan in it

>> No.20637544

Advancing is counterproductive, because more monarchs just empowers the Dreadgods more. Lindon's plan is to use his connection to the Wraith to hijack part of the empowerment the Dreadgods get when one of the others dies to boost himself up to monarch tier without actually being a Monarch. That, combined with creating weapons from the core bindings of the Dreadgods they kill is enough to allow them to wipe out the Dreadgods then force the Monarchs to ascend.

On a different note, I really enjoyed that Larian figured out what he was up to and was immediately on board with it simply because the Eight Man Empire isn't technically a real Monarch, which means if Lindon forces the Monarchs to ascend, then the Eight Man Empire wins by default.

>> No.20637545

Advancing is counterproductive, because more monarchs just empowers the Dreadgods more. Lindon's plan is to use his connection to the Wraith to hijack part of the empowerment the Dreadgods get when one of the others dies to boost himself up to monarch tier without actually being a Monarch. That, combined with creating weapons from the core bindings of the Dreadgods they kill is enough to allow them to wipe out the Dreadgods then force the Monarchs to ascend.

On a different note, I really enjoyed that Larian figured out what he was up to and was immediately on board with it simply because the Eight Man Empire isn't technically a real Monarch, which means if Lindon forces the Monarchs to ascend, then the Eight Man Empire wins by default.

>> No.20637550

>Family of 6 brothers and 1 sister called the storm kings steal a mystical artifact from a mythical old wizard that rides a unicorn then plan to use it to reclaim their ancient homeland
>Fat conartist on employ to help stop them attempts seduce the sister with his wit
>Another old wizard with his older wizard bff plan in their tower in their mountains for 400years how to seduce the same sister, as the old wizard did a divination hundreds of years before she was born that she would be his love
>Dangerous and secretive Chinese wizards of the east have their hand in things somehow
>Mercenaries double and triple crossing employers by playing both sides in order to get rich

I don't know why it's not recommended more often desu, even the first book alone is kino

>> No.20637557

>reading new Cradle
Maybe when I finish DCC but it will be hard to top that one.

>> No.20637582

Larian joking with the pew pew pew really made me laugh

and this book just got me more digusted with malice and northstrider, the ninecloud monarch is just a kid or a teenage, lion shen is literally scared of eithan, but malice and northstrider dont want to leave for dumb reasons, northstrider could just go search for new things but he refuses to leave because he knows he wont be at the top anymore and then he goes one being more retard thinking that he can come up with anything superior to the abidan while staying inside cradle, literally any judge could destroy him but he have this vision that if he stays inside cradle someday he wil have power or something that he can trust to ascend without being a "slave"

>> No.20637593

Larian joking with the pew pew pew really made me laugh

and this book just got me more digusted with malice and northstrider, the ninecloud monarch is just a kid or a teenage, lion shen is literally scared of eithan, but malice and northstrider dont want to leave for dumb reasons, northstrider could just go search for new things but he refuses to leave because he knows he wont be at the top anymore and then he goes one being more retard thinking that he can come up with anything superior to the abidan while staying inside cradle, literally any judge could destroy him but he have this vision that if he stays inside cradle someday he wil have power or something that he can trust to ascend without being a "slave"

>> No.20637596

also eithan was talking with suriel about executors being able to go inside iterations and resolving the problems without being bound by the rules, so after dealing with dreadgods and monarchs and leaving, if anyone becomes a monarch and start pulling shit, lindon and the gang can just come back and teach them a lesson

>> No.20637599
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Just finished this trilogy and the sequel trilogy.
Took my longer than expected to realise I was reading YA stuff.
It was good, okay maybe, but too predictable.

>> No.20637604

also eithan was talking with suriel about executors being able to go inside iterations and resolving the problems without being bound by the rules, so after dealing with dreadgods and monarchs and leaving, if anyone becomes a monarch and start pulling shit, lindon and the gang can just come back and teach them a lesson

>> No.20637610

I love how Malice and Northstrider both try to cope with "no you don't understand, wait till you're a Monarch THEN you'll understand." It's very much like when a parent is beaten in an argument by their kids resorting to "Wait till you're an adult" arguments because they have nothing else.

Also should we just stop with the spoiler tags since 4chan devs are incompetent amd they cause it to double post?

>> No.20637614

I'm pretty sure it's actually just some autist copy and pasting shit because he's butthurt about people actually talking about books.

>> No.20637615

I love how Malice and Northstrider both try to cope with "no you don't understand, wait till you're a Monarch THEN you'll understand." It's very much like when a parent is beaten in an argument by their kids resorting to "Wait till you're an adult" arguments because they have nothing else.

Also should we just stop with the spoiler tags since 4chan devs are incompetent amd they cause it to double post?

>> No.20637628

>That the one with the talking bull?
I don't think so....
I have read 3 works from Mao Ni and there wasn't any talking bull.

>> No.20637640

btw i dont know if it was only figurative but lindon saw 8 doors, im pretty sure it was the court seats, the number 8 being eithan scythe, lindon and the gang counts 7 total, could that happeng or nah? it would prob go against the whole executors idea but maybe they could get the same authority of each court seat? lindon maybe being the phoenix?

and i really dont care about the double post, im sure there some schizo behind doing it

>> No.20637647

AH, I think that's the Joy of Life.
Way of Choices is the Green Mountain Sect one right?
I dropped it when he started actually doing shit and all his fight scenes are shitty and uninteresting because he's too OP. He was unironically more interesting when he spent all his time asleep

>> No.20637651

The doors were the seats for the judges yeah. Lindon notes that the one for Ozriel is obviously much newer, and it had been carved out of the rock with pure Destruction
However the main gang becoming judges is counterproductive, since judges by definition are bound by the Eledari pact and therefore aren't allowed to cause too much deviation in fate. Executors need to be outside of the pact in order to act as kung fu superheroes inside dying iterations.

>> No.20637652

The doors were the seats for the judges yeah. Lindon notes that the one for Ozriel is obviously much newer, and it had been carved out of the rock with pure Destruction
However the main gang becoming judges is counterproductive, since judges by definition are bound by the Eledari pact and therefore aren't allowed to cause too much deviation in fate. Executors need to be outside of the pact in order to act as kung fu superheroes inside dying iterations.

>> No.20637654

I dropped it after the first book, it was awful
Something about the premise and the way it was written just made it feel soulless

>> No.20637671

The 8 doors in the labyrinth you mean? I'm pretty sure in Reaper they mention the labyrinth was originally used by the Abidan and possibly was brought from off world, although that last part I'm not too sure about. I do remember that Cradle was the homeworld of the original Abidan, which predate Ozriel and Suriel's generation. That being the case Ozriel would've made that eigth door before he became a judge, since he took over the labyrinth before he ascended.

>> No.20637672

The 8 doors in the labyrinth you mean? I'm pretty sure in Reaper they mention the labyrinth was originally used by the Abidan and possibly was brought from off world, although that last part I'm not too sure about. I do remember that Cradle was the homeworld of the original Abidan, which predate Ozriel and Suriel's generation. That being the case Ozriel would've made that eigth door before he became a judge, since he took over the labyrinth before he ascended.

>> No.20637673

Cradlefags are fucking annoying.

>> No.20637683 [DELETED] 

>spoiler tag autist calls out Cradle spammer for forgetting spoiler tags in one post
>gets called an incel
>spergs out and starts spamming Cradle discussion with spoilers removed

>> No.20637687

They truly are.

>> No.20637691

Now he's angry nobody's paying attention to him so he's making laughably terrible bait posts in hopes of derailing the thread. Do you think he'll ACK himself when that doesn't work?

>> No.20637699

>people talk about a book i dont like
>cradle spammer

whats the general for if they cant talk about a book that released yesterday? for you retards to spam bakker? i bet your fuckers dont even read anything, just come here to complain about some book or genre while you refuse to talk about what you lile, always the same shit

>> No.20637711

Was anybody else weirded out when Lindon used Ekeri's remnant to defend his parents? Remnants don't seem to normally have memories of their past so I guess she wouldn't be hard to negotiate with, but it still feels... unseemly to me.

>> No.20637714

Was anybody else weirded out when Lindon used Ekeri's remnant to defend his parents? Remnants don't seem to normally have memories of their past so I guess she wouldn't be hard to negotiate with, but it still feels... unseemly to me.

>> No.20637719

>Way of Choices is the Green Mountain Sect one right?
no, that's The Path Toward Heaven.
I didn't like it as well. It tried too hard to be mysterious, and the timeskips are too frequent and annoying.

Way of Choices is the one that started with gold dragon. The MC is sick and has only 20 years to live.

>> No.20637720

Yeah, it gets annoying whenever they have like 20 to 50 posts just going in circles. I can probably just go on Warosu copy and paste their posts and they won’t realize.

>> No.20637726

>I'm pretty sure in Reaper they mention the labyrinth was originally used by the Abidan and possibly was brought from off world
yep the abidan is from cradle that was also the reason why the mad king tried to destroy cradle because it was be a big hit for the abidan symbologic speaking

i know they cant be judges because of the whole executors purpose but i still hope they can get some authorit, and is there any way lindon can help eithan or will eithan deal with makiel and court alone or with suriel if she even survives? makiel is behing the whole shit but i dont see how eithan will deal with it if suriel dies, and where is the scythe?

>> No.20637730

>I'm pretty sure in Reaper they mention the labyrinth was originally used by the Abidan and possibly was brought from off world
yep the abidan is from cradle that was also the reason why the mad king tried to destroy cradle because it was be a big hit for the abidan symbologic speaking

i know they cant be judges because of the whole executors purpose but i still hope they can get some authorit, and is there any way lindon can help eithan or will eithan deal with makiel and court alone or with suriel if she even survives? makiel is behing the whole shit but i dont see how eithan will deal with it if suriel dies, and where is the scythe?

>> No.20637734

samefag lmao

>> No.20637739

My favorite part of Dreadgod was when Eithan said “It’s Reapin’ time” and Reaped all over those guys with his Reaper

>> No.20637743
File: 4 KB, 353x124, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try again.

>> No.20637747

My favorite part of Dreadgod was when Eithan said “It’s Reapin’ time” and Reaped all over those guys with his Reaper

>> No.20637754

yep the same for the herald black dragon acting like he was fucking alive

but then again, emiris is already known to be a remnant monarch so its pretty much possible

>> No.20637758

yep the same for the herald black dragon acting like he was fucking alive

but then again, emiris is already known to be a remnant monarch so its pretty much possible

>> No.20637764

We know Eithan hid the scythe but not where. I'm sure he's got some sort of contigency that will let him get a hold of it. Eithan bringing in a bunch of promising new recruits might buy him some favor with the abidan, especially if they can become executors but that's really all they'll do to help Eithan out of his situation I think.

>> No.20637768

We know Eithan hid the scythe but not where. I'm sure he's got some sort of contigency that will let him get a hold of it. Eithan bringing in a bunch of promising new recruits might buy him some favor with the abidan, especially if they can become executors but that's really all they'll do to help Eithan out of his situation I think.

>> No.20637773
File: 68 KB, 476x661, 274245155_503692871120012_1853293541639950323_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can probably just go on Warosu copy and paste their posts and they won’t realize.

anon going to the past to get information about a book that released yesterday

>> No.20637774 [DELETED] 

Cradle rules supreme
Sandy and Bakker rage and scream

>> No.20637780

No, I just find, you cradlefags, to be annoying. It’s not even about hating the book series itself.

>> No.20637788
File: 262 KB, 1080x1754, Screenshot_20220706-072309_Edge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for confirming to me that there actually is a Schizo poster, kek
If you got this triggered over being called an incel, it must be true

>> No.20637797

>people start having a discussion because a new book comes out
>autists have a meltdown
Knew this was gonna happen. Oh well...

>> No.20637804

makiel already saw that he would lose the judge seat / mantle and go back to being a mortal, so hes fucked, if eithan/suriel can prove that he tried to kill any of them, i think the situation is pretty much resolved, the same way that makiel thinks his secrets will vanish if ozriel dies, the same goes around if eithan can prove about makiel crimes, they cant lose both makiel and ozriel as makiel already said, the only reason makiel was judged and send back home as a mortal was because ozriel was around and ozriel is the strongest, if he dies they cant do shit about makiel but is the same thing to eithan

>> No.20637808

makiel already saw that he would lose the judge seat / mantle and go back to being a mortal, so hes fucked, if eithan/suriel can prove that he tried to kill any of them, i think the situation is pretty much resolved, the same way that makiel thinks his secrets will vanish if ozriel dies, the same goes around if eithan can prove about makiel crimes, they cant lose both makiel and ozriel as makiel already said, the only reason makiel was judged and send back home as a mortal was because ozriel was around and ozriel is the strongest, if he dies they cant do shit about makiel but is the same thing to eithan

>> No.20637824

Cradle would be better if the Abidan plot was significantly trimmed desu
It's been 11 books and I'm still unsure whether we are supposed to hate them as they are some sort of authoritarian government that stiffles other worlds, or cheer for them and their fight against Vrothir (who appear to just be coalition of anti-abidan folk).

Just look at Dreadgod, we had 2-3 chapters about the war and only now, 11 books in, we get someone from the other side planning his moves, which are likely to be executed instantly in the other book. It's akward plotting at its best, waste of time at worst.

No wonder so many people think this is just the first series, even though that's unlikely.

>> No.20637825

Yeah Eithan just has to survive and he'll be fine. I'm pretty sure the temporal desync that happened at the end of the book was so he can save the outcome of their fight for end of Waybound.

>> No.20637838

Why would somebody do this? What drives a man to this level of meltdown over people discussing a book in the book discussion thread?

>> No.20637842
File: 46 KB, 640x620, fcc433ccfb257ca760348cceeb561c03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He couldn't have started all this bullshit copying posts without spoilertag just because of this, this cannot be possible

>> No.20637848

Yeah Eithan just has to survive and he'll be fine. I'm pretty sure the temporal desync that happened at the end of the book was so he can save the outcome of their fight for end of Waybound.

>> No.20637859

I think he must have started crying when somebody called him an incel. That seems to be what really set him off.

>> No.20637879

That or he's just mad people are talking about a book, but it's not a book HE has approved.

>> No.20637880

I still think the books should be bigger and with more chapters about abidan or even to solve situations without rushing or fights happening offscreen like ziel and the dragon in this book

470 pages is very little, each book should be at least 800 pages, even if it doubled the time from 6 months to 1 year for release

>I'm pretty sure the temporal desync that happened at the end of the book was so he can save the outcome of their fight for end of Waybound.

i dont get it, what do you mean? like events happening only after lindon already dealt with everything inside cradle?

>> No.20637889

I still think the books should be bigger and with more chapters about abidan or even to solve situations without rushing or fights happening offscreen like ziel and the dragon in this book

470 pages is very little, each book should be at least 800 pages, even if it doubled the time from 6 months to 1 year for release

>I'm pretty sure the temporal desync that happened at the end of the book was so he can save the outcome of their fight for end of Waybound.

i dont get it, what do you mean? like events happening only after lindon already dealt with everything inside cradle?

>> No.20637892

>i dont get it, what do you mean? like events happening only after lindon already dealt with everything inside cradle?
Yeah pretty much.

>> No.20637896


Might not be his first time
>>20630906 #
>>20630898 #
>>20630504 #
>>20630908 #
>>20630912 #
>>20633047 #

>> No.20637907

He's probably ban evading then. This looks like advanced autism.

>> No.20637913

You're 9 posts behind, Schizo post faster

>> No.20637916

Stop spamming the thread about incels, tourist.

>> No.20637919


>> No.20637921

Why the fuck are you encouraging him, you stupid dopshit?

>> No.20637942

It's mildly entertaining, and I don't have a stake in this at all

>> No.20637948 [DELETED] 

>actual spammer soubles the lost count
>rage and scream about two posts saying incel

>> No.20637963

Joy of life got no talking bull as far as I remember. The only story that comes to mind that has one is Legend of the Great Sage, tho if it's the one I'd be curious to hear why you disliked it, I've ran out of translated chapters a while ago and hasn't picked it since but I remember that it was one of the best "traditional" xianxia novels I've had the pleasure of reading.

>> No.20638159
File: 78 KB, 933x1024, suffering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the series doesn't truly begin to shine until book 5, volume 7

>> No.20638171

The black company and The Dread Empire don't suffer from this
In fact their first books are some of the best

>> No.20638239

>the series is shit until sunk cost fallacy

>> No.20638252

Is the g in gnostic silent?

>> No.20638254

I think that Dross might manifest the Oracle Icon. next book.

>> No.20638400

Only retarded languages uses silent letters, and gnosis is a greek word.

>> No.20638411

>Only retarded languages uses silent letters

>> No.20638453
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>> No.20638471

/sffg/ - web serial stockholm syndrome

>> No.20638504
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>> No.20638720

That and survivorship bias.