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/lit/ - Literature

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20632304 No.20632304 [Reply] [Original]

First book: masterpiece
It just gets worse from there, what the fuck was Herbert thinking?

>> No.20632307

>First book: YA
>The rest of the books: not YA

>> No.20632317

If it’s a YA, it’s pretty fucking hard to read. There’s almost no flow to the writing

>> No.20632777
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>first book: alright
>second book: kino
>third book: it worked alright
>fourth book: i was baited by /lit/
>the rest: honestly no clue but i own them

>> No.20633045

There's only six novels. Imagine not reading them all.

>> No.20633219

I don't have to imagine

>> No.20633526
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The same thing most authors do when they have something they write become successful: Write more shit for the diehard fans and make lots of money from the publisher and gullible idiots. YA series are particularly infamous for this, as are fantasy and sci-fi series. They make a good novel, it works, and then they can't let the series stand alone.

What makes Dune worse is that Herbert's kids got in on it and didn't have the obsessive attention to detail Frank did. At least, it seems to come out in their works, they are just really expanding on the universe. So when Frank died things got weird.

At least Robert Jordan was able to finish most of his series before he croaked, and he partnered with one person and left copious notes and details to ensure the end was mostly good.

>> No.20633543


>> No.20634089

On what sense does it get worse?
Maybe literary quality of his work went downhill, but in terms of lore, world building, weirdness and other genre stuff it only gets more interesting.

>> No.20634744

I gave up halfway through Children of Dune but Messiah was great, better than Dune imo.

>> No.20634774

I feel like the only reason I "like" the first book is because everybody told me I'm supposed to. It really wasn't that great. The world-building is neat. The story is boring and the end of the first book is mediocre. Never reading another book in the series. I will reread the first book to see if I change my opinion at some point.

>> No.20634796
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It's worth getting through for God Emperor.

>> No.20634876

Dune was good, the next two were a slog that really only built up to God Emperor which had the most interesting ideas. I didn't really feel compelled to read beyond it.

>> No.20634930

>bought pic related years ago
>Read it and didn't really click
>Dad reads it and absolutely loves it
>Decide to reread it a few months later
>Ask if parents can send me the copy
>They can't find it anywhere must've given it to charity
>too autistic to buy the shitty movie tie in cover, or the one with "now a major motion picture" sticker editions
>Going to spend 54$ on the deluxe version

>> No.20635017

dune messiah is not kino. everyone says it's the deconstruction of the chosen one hero archetype even though you're still rooting for Paul and he really isn't a bad guy since all the terrible shit is out of his control. he still sets up the golden path which saves humanity. the harkonnens are crushed, the atreides green flies high throughout the galaxy and the bene gesserit are stripped from their meddling power. it's an interesting political thriller with some light commentary on theocratic governments littered with terrible dialogue and a terribly written chani who's used as the plot device to set up and end the story.